<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> The Jaded Knights - A Star Wars Galaxies Player Association
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- The Jaded Data -

This is a brief summary for The Jaded Knights. TJK is a Rebel alligned PA and will be stationed on Corellia as the starting planet. We will be using the StartSider server and we are a relaxed RPG PA.
Please read on for a further detailed past.

We can be emailed at jadedknights@email.com and also contacted via our forums.
thanks for visiting our site, and hope you have a great time looking around.

A Jaded Past...

It began several years ago
when Count Dooku's Separatist movement arose during the waning days of the Republic, The planet of Corellia tried to remain neutral in the conflict. Not wanting to be involved in a decisive Military Creation Act vote that would determine the future of armed conflict in the galaxy, Senator Garm Bel Iblis withdrew Corellia from the vote, and sealed up its borders, hoping to wait out the coming conflagration. His attempt at isolation failed, and before long, Corellia too was dragged into the Clone Wars that followed.

With the rise of the Empire, Corellia once again bristled under the authority of Coruscant, but did not actively join the Rebellion. The shipyards of Corellia were controlled by the Imperial starfleet, and many Corellians were drafted into Imperial service. As the sector's native military forces were dispatched throughout the galaxy to deal with the growing Rebellion, piracy bled into Corellia's borders, disrupting the valuable trade that had kept Corellia independent for so long.

Senator Garm Bel Iblis disappeared from galactic politics, waging his own private war against the Empire, while many Corellians joined the nascent Alliance. As the Rebellion began scoring increasingly larger victories against the Empire, the Corellians enacted strict isolationist measures, restricting trade and ship traffic through the region. Under such hermetic conditions, the population of the sector fomented an almost xenophobic character, encouraging a paranoid resentment towards outsiders.

The conflict between the Empire and the Rebels was coming to its peak.
Darth Vader under the instructions of the evil Sith Emperor was sent to the planet of Corellia to enslave the population and crush the resistance there.
Imperial stormtroopers came in their masses as Vader took on the Resistance fighters, it was a losing battle for the people of Correlia and the few that were able to, managed to send a group of young ones away, stowed upon a fleet of escape pods.
Vader showed no mercy to the Rebels caught and they were all slayed, as a message to rebels everywhere.
Time went by and the lost children of Corellia grew up not aware of their past and oblivious of their future. Most transversed the universe searching for answers to their origins and it wasnt until chance brought 2 of them together that they began to unfold their history and understand the bond that existed between them.

The two former Coreallian children, RoninBlade and DigitalYoda, formed The Jaded Knights and searched the galaxy for the lost children of Corellia, their kindred.
After 3 weeks they came across 3 more kindred, Neo, Kalisarr and Wookieman. with the unity of these players, it became aware to them all that their destiny was to take on the Emperor and avenge those who had fallen before them.
However it wasnt until they found Korbulo that The Jaded Knights truly became a force in the galaxy.
Korbulo had grown up with 3 other friends who would join him in becoming a Jaded Knight. The Game, Edwin and Maud' Dib were the next to join and now that the Knights had more numbers they set forth plans to grow stronger, biding their time to reveal themselves once they were strong.
However, the union of so many force strong characters could not go by unnoticed and the Emperor sent a unit of troopers to investigate. The Knights disposed of the unit quickly and thus their plans to go by unnoticed failed.
Now the Emperor, furious with The Jaded Knights, are searching for their extermination. He has sent countless units after them, but all have failed thus far. It has been rumoured that he has ordered Darth Vader and Mara Jade upon the knights.
In the meantime, the knights have returned home to Correlia, they are in the process of building their guild and plan to have a city soon.
It is only a matter of time before the Empire finds them, and we await to see what the future holds for all involved....


Corellia is a fiercely independent world governing a fiercely independent sector that has traditionally been inward-looking, detached from seismic political events that have reshaped the galaxy time and again.

Corellia and four other planets orbit the star of Corell in the Corellian sector. The entire system is an astrophysical curiosity, an enigmatic relic possibly left behind by an incredibly advanced ancient culture. As unlikely as it seems, all five planets are habitable, and floating between the fifth and sixth planets -- Tralus and Talus, the Double Worlds -- is an immense artifact known as Centerpoint Station. It is an unimaginably ancient device floating at the gravitic balance point between both worlds. Some xenoarchaeologists posit that Centerpoint was employed by an ancient, incredibly powerful culture to move the planets of the Corellian system into place.

Corellia is known as the "Elder Brother" of the system, serving as the administrative center not only for its "Brother planets" Drall, Selonia, Talus and Tralus, but also the entire sector. The planet is governed by a Diktat, while the sector itself was represented in the Galactic Senate by a Senator.

Corellia is a beautiful world of fields, forests and seas. Despite its age and influence in Galactic affairs, it has not become a completely urbanized city planet like Coruscant. Corellians take pride in the open expanses of razor grass fields and unpolluted sandy beaches. Their solution to urban overgrowth was in moving shipbuilding facilities off-planet. The shipyards of such monolithic companies as the Corellian Engineering Corporation are immense, producing such famous vessels as Corellian CR90 corvettes, Republic cruisers and the ubiquitous YT-series freighters.

Corellia's cluster of continents are bracketed by two huge oceans, an eastern and western one. The capital city of Coronet lies on a coastal front along the Golden Beaches, with other cities such as Bela Vistal and Tyrena. Though the planetary population has fluctuated during the decades of the Galactic Civil War, it numbered over 15 billion, with Coronet being the largest single concentration of citizenry. Scattered inland are a number of small towns and farming hamlets.

Though Coronet was a bustling city, it was filled with parks, plazas and open-air trading stalls, indicative of the Corellian love of wide open spaces. One of the most popular locales was Treasure Ship Row, an garishly eclectic bazaar filled with a complex tapestry of alien cultures.

The native species of the Corellian system -- humans, Selonians and Drall -- could be found throughout Coronet. Selonians preferred to live beneath the surface of the planet, in complex warrens and tunnels that date back to pre-Republic times. Also located beneath Corellia's soil is an ancient planetary repulsor, further evidence of the planet having been relocated by an unknown alien force in the far distant past.

The Corellian system was wealthy enough to afford its own fleet and security forces. During the time of the Republic, it handled its own law enforcement free from the involvement of the galactic government. The Corellian Security Force, or CorSec, remained largely intact even after the rise of the Empire. Even Corellian Jedi were reputed to be non-traditionalists in that most ascetic of orders.

Corellians have a cultural wariness towards big galactic government. Though one of the founding worlds of the Republic, Corellia has fostered a tradition of independence, and has, during its long history, attempted to vie for separation from the union more than once.











The Jaded Knights 2003

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