<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> The Jaded Knights - A Star Wars Galaxies Player Association
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- Join The Jaded Knights -

The Jaded Knights are currently looking for players of all species, professions and genders to join.
We accept all players from every species, gender, profession and country.

As a member you will be asked to respect our rules and fellow members.
The Jaded Knights is a Democracy governed by The Jaded Council, however we believe that all members should be involved in TJK and so we fully encourage proactive roles by all Jaded Knights.
The Jaded Council will decide upon the major decisions that affect TJK as a whole and all decisions made will have TJK and its members best interest in mind.
The Council members are very friendly and approachable, they encourage all members to convey their ideas and concerns, and over time, we all hope to become good friends.

To become a Jaded Knight there are 3 steps you must take.

Step 1: Read the following questions:-

Real Name:
SWG Name:
SWG Species:
SWG Profession:
Your Email:
Are you a member of another SWG PA?:
How did you find out about us?
How may you benefit The Jaded knights?
How would you like to be notified of your application results? email/forum/both?
Have you read our precepts and accept its terms?

Step 2: click here to enter our forum and post your answers, it is quick and easy and the preferred method.

Alternatively you may email us the information at this address jadedknights@email.com

Once you have done one of the above please wait for a reply from us to indicate if you have been successful or not. This may take between 1-3 days.

Step 3: If you are sucessful we ask that you confirm your application and reply to the email/forum post. Once you have done this, please Register at our forums and you will have than become an official member of The Jaded Knights.












The Jaded Knights 2003

(Best Viewed at 1024x768)

All the custom images and comments made by The Jaded Knights are owned by its creator.
All Star Wars and Star Wars- Galaxies images, names, screenshots and references belong to LucasArts. The LucasArts logo are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. Star Wars Galaxies is a trademark of Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. SOE and the SOE logo are registered trademarks of Sony Online Entertainment Inc. © 2003 Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. or Lucasfilm Ltd. & ® or TM as indicated. All rights reserved.