<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> The Jaded Knights - A Star Wars Galaxies Player Association
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- The Commerce Faction -

The Commerce Faction was established to guide and assist the Artistic professions in The Jaded Knights.
These professions include the creature tamers, entertainers, artisans and medics. The Commerce faction will also be responsible for managing the TJK Shop that will be established.
As the Faction grows, it will seek to control of the trade actions of TJK and hope to effectively participate in all types of shipping that travels around the galaxy.

The Commerce Faction is lead by

The Jaded Knights Shop
The items, shopkeep and location for this store has yet to be decided.

The Commerce Faction Services
The various service of the members of TCF is yet to be advertised.












The Jaded Knights 2003

(Best Viewed at 1024x768)

All the custom images and comments made by The Jaded Knights are owned by its creator.
All Star Wars and Star Wars- Galaxies images, names, screenshots and references belong to LucasArts. The LucasArts logo are registered trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. Star Wars Galaxies is a trademark of Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. SOE and the SOE logo are registered trademarks of Sony Online Entertainment Inc. © 2003 Lucasfilm Entertainment Company Ltd. or Lucasfilm Ltd. & ® or TM as indicated. All rights reserved.