<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> The Jaded Knights - A Star Wars Galaxies Player Association
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- Covert Tactical Operations -

The very existence of the CTO is a contentious debate. If the rumours are to be believed, than the CTO is a secret organisation within TJK that conducts specialist missions. These missions are carried out by elite Operatives chosen for single assignments. It is thought that these operatives never know the complete facts behind their actions, but complete them without question.
However, this information is all speculation as all Jaded Knight members and representatives deny that such an organisation even exists.

"I have no comment on anything regarding the CTO, sorry" says RoninBlade, Dragoon and Co-Founder of TJK.

"The CTO is a myth, an urban legend not to be taken seriously" says Osiris, Dragoon and Co-Founder.

For years there have been stories people tell; "of a friend of a friend of theirs, who once knew of someone who did a task for the CTO"

The actions of suspected CTO operatives has for a long time now, been monitored. All that has been concluded thus far is that any Jaded Knight could infact be working for the CTO, however the last few months has seen some success as a coded document was discovered baring the name of who is believed to be the CTO leader:- #!%@& The document is currently being worked on by experts."

- This insert was taken from an article that occurred in The Corellian Times.












The Jaded Knights 2003

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