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Egyptian Mummies: (embalming2)

-The Embalming Process 2-

After all of that the embalmers covered the body with powered natron (sodium bicarbonate), which absorbed all the moisture in the body. They also dried out the four organs and placed each one in its own canopic jar. Each jar had a lid sculpted to look like a god that they thought protected that organ.

After the Embalming was completed the mummy was put into a coffin. Until about 2000 BC, they were most often wooden boxes. After this date, though, the coffin started to look like humans and were made in sets so that one sat inside another. Some coffins were decorated with scenes of the gods or inscribed with hieroglyphs that said the name of the dead person.

On the funeral day, the mummy was put in the tomb where priests performed the Opening of the Mouth Ritual. Then the family put food, clothes, furniture, and dishes into the tomb.


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-egyptian beleifs-

-the embalming process-

-our studies-


-the first mummy (myth)-

-pyramids of the pharoahs-

-some facts on egypt-

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