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Egyptian Mummies: (pyramids)


Pyramids are great structures with four triangular sides that end in a point at the top. Over 100 were built by the Ancient Egyptians for their pharoahs and 80 still remain standing. These huge buildings acted as tombs for the dead Egyptian pharoahs and were built between 2630 BC and 1530 BC. They were made out of stone blocks that weighed up to two tons that are fit so close together that you wouldn't be able to fit a razor blade between them. To built these the Egyptians would have to have been experts in astrology, geometry, and architecture. The amazing thing is that no one knows exactly how they were built without modern machinary. Some people think that the blocks were pushed up mud slickend ramps that grew as the pyramid did. Some people even think that aleins flew down and helped the Egyptians. The great pyramid in Giza, tomb of King Kufu, is the only of the seven wonders of the Ancient World still standing. But why did the Ancient Egyptians stop building these? Well, the pyramids were like huge signs telling grave robbers "I am a tomb to a pharoah. I am filled with gold, why don't you come take it?" So eventually they came up with the idea of tombs.

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-egyptian beliefs-

-the embalming process-

-our studies-


-the first mummy (myth)-


-some facts on egypt-

-purpose of this site-





