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Egyptian Mummies: (our studies)

-Our Studies-

Mummies have always interested visitors to Egypt but over time the practice of mummification ended. After that many graves were robbed. The robbers took and even sold mummies to be used for train fuel when they had no use for them any more.

In fact, the only tomb that has been discovered undisturbed is the tomb of Pharoh Tutankhamun, found by Howard Carter in 1922. This was a very important discovery for egyptologists everywhere since this was the first undisturbed tomb they were able to look at. The discovery of two priestly tombs during the 19th century was very important also. It provided Egyptologists with lots of data about the preparations of mummies from higher classes.

In 1896 a British archaelogist named William Flinders Petrie started using x-rays to examine mummies without unwrapping them.

In the early 1970's scientists started using computed tomography, or CT scans, to study mummies. This technique gave scientists information about the wrapping and embalming process.

Where to???


-egyptian beliefs-

-the embalming process-

-our studies-


-the first mummy (myth)-

-tombs and pyramids-

-some facts on egypt-

-purpose of this site-





