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Los Angeles
from 'On Continuity and The Fall of the Malakim ' 

So here's what happened, in Mile Higher Club continuity:


Some time in 1999 angels the world over heard Gabriel's trumpet...  Lots of people were worried about the year 2000 and so its significance was felt to have something to do with that.  So far anyway nothing has come of it.  The world didn't end.  The trumpet didn't sound again, and in retrospect folks are wondering if that's what they heard at all.  Maybe Gabriel has truly gone mad.

There was a Maximilian, a Malakite in Los Angeles.  The details however are the stuff of urban legend, the kind of thing you'd need a celestial Snopes to sort out.  Your characters will believe or disbelieve anything or everything regarding that story as it suits you.  The sex tape, the construct, the idea that David would put a Malakite in such a compromising position, the existence of any of the NPC's in that book--all akin to alligators in the sewer.  Could have happened, no one is sure, and most folks figure it was just a morality tale.

A couple of things though are fact (within MHC).  There was a purge.  In 1999 all angels in Los Angeles were systematically slaughtered--either celestially, or corporeally with enough Trauma to lose all sense of the past.  Demons claim it was only angels who were killed and not any Fallen, but demons lie.  They also claim that some mysterious power killed all the angels, but history suggests otherwise.

After Laurence's forces were driven from Los Angeles in the 1940's, the few angels to take up residence there had to make themselves known to the demons or face a gruesome death.  Demons in L.A. know a hundred ways to turn dissonance into soul-fatal feedback loops, or at least the older ones do.  So an angel is sent to LA and checks in with the local demon-in-charge, who then "initiated" him.  This "initiation"was designed to humiliate the angel and stick him with a dissonance or two, but it was also to help the demons keep track of him.  The purge of 1999 would have been very simple.  The angels were outnumbered and their locations on record.  Eli's Watts Tower tether was destroyed in the 1994 earthquake (though the Towers themselves were only damaged), the only refuge they might have had left in the city proper.  A little coordination from Baal's camp to synchronize the killings would be all that was necessary.


Since the year 2000 angels who reside in LA don't check in with demons in any formal way.  After a time, particularly if you use Songs, some of them will notice your presence but may be inclined to tolerate it for various reasons.  Maybe they don't think you're having much of an impact.  Maybe they think they can use you or corrupt you.  Maybe they just kind of like you, the way Michael likes Baal in a sense.  The point is no one person knows how many angels are in LA or who they are.  Rina-el, being the information central in this town, has a very good idea but she may have missed one.  The purge could not happen again unless there really is a mysterious power behind it.


Eli has quietly built a tether in a soul food restaurant in Watts.  It's fairly inconspicuous, not near any obvious Creation.  Marc attempted to build a tether in Pasadena at the Equator coffeehouse but was run out by Mammon.  He's made a couple of other tries, and word on the street is he is now operating out of an ice-cream truck.  Michael still hasDeath Valley but that's too far from the city to do much good. Novalis has been eyeing Griffith Park, but the recent fires have been a huge setback and she's now trying to interest Jordi in the Arboretum, though he is balking at the proximity to the Santa Anita horse racetrack. 


Laurence still chafes at his defeat.  Nybbas and Malphas, once godlike in this town, are somewhat diminished in recent years. 


Unfortunately I don't have L. Castellorum, which puts me at a disadvantage in keeping them in canon.  The following list is therefore not exhaustive--there are plenty of others in the world not listed here.  For Los Angeles (and Hawai'i, if you've read the spoilers) in MHC however, this is it.

Canon tethers in play:

Michael--Death Valley

A quiet escape in the desert the place has the privacy to practice fighting in corporeal form.  Still most of the time it enjoys the preternatural quiet and starry darkness of the mid-desert.  Janus and his servitors are fond of the place much for that reason, and Davidians have been known to stop by for recreation. 
Survived the Maximilian incident with almost no impact, being over four hours' drive from the city.

(pg 78, Fall of the Malakim.  Per MHC house rules, Elshakeh does not have non-choir attunements)

Eli--Watts Towers (broken)

The Northridge earthquake in 1994 put the last nail in the coffin for this tether of Eli (canon puts its decommissioning considerably earlier, in 1948 with the death of its Seneschal Zebedee)

(pg 42, inset)

Off-canon tethers in play

Eli--Soul Food restaurant

Its Seneschal, the Mercurian Elias, holds the Role of chef, restauranteur, and community activist. He has helped build this mostly secret tether in the heart of Watts.  He tightly controls who exits and enters its backroom, and in 14 years it has so far not been breached.

Janus--the redeye

What, you expected a tether of Janus to stand still?  Held in cooperation with Marc, the back section of a particular 767 is quietly his tether.  It only seems to operate when the plane is in flight, and for privacy reasons it only usually gets fully celestial on the red-eye.  Even so, when its Seneschal gives the signal it's perfectly okay to talk about anything.  He knows when you're being overheard, or not.
Its current route is Honolulu--Los Angeles--San Francisco--Denver--Seattle

Marc--Manny's Pizza, downtown Pasadena

With its proximity to Los Angeles, Marc has had to fight hard to keep a foothold in Pasadena.  Once he held the Equator coffeehouse but lost it to a slow encroachment by Nybbas, who convinced its owners to allow Beverly Hills 90210 to be filmed there.  It is now, suspiciously, an "Asian fusion" restaurant, no longer a funky cafe.
Marc's Seneschal moved their base to nearby Manny's, a comfortable Italian restaurant just down the street that is still reasonably priced and welcoming to people who want to linger and enjoy.
It is a constant battle with Mammon, as the city becomes gentrified and mall-ified.  There are unconfirmed rumors that Marc also has a roaming tether in an ice-cream truck in the rougher parts of Los Angeles.


(from the OOC thread #104)
The following is for our story, but in some (only some) ways reflects reality. I've taken creative liberties, so don't use this as a tour guide to LA anytime soon.
There are a handful of churches in the vicinity of LAX of varying degrees of orthodoxy. The most moderate and most accessible is the Church of the Visitation off 88th Street, quite close to the airport. It is led by a friendly Irish pastor from the old country, and its congregation is a colorful mix that reflects Los Angeles itself: polyglot, young and old, rich and poor. The church itself might remind you of a classic Italian style, with straight wooden pews, open beam high ceiling, and naves and alcoves dedicated to the various saints and Stations of the Cross. It is modern without being radical, comfortably traditional.
This is in stark contrast to the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Here is a church that literally has no right angles in its architecture, designed to pull the mind out of comfort and into jarring contemplation. It is at once stark and elaborate, simple and extravagant. It is without question controversial. It sits in the heart of downtown, one wall facing the parking lot that is the Hollywood Freeway 101. It replaced the much smaller and more traditional St. Vibiana's, damaged in the 1994 earthquake and considered unsalvageable by the Archdiocese. Narrowly saved from the wrecking ball by the city of Los Angeles, the cathedral's exterior was restored but its interior remodeled to accommodate an arts and entertainment venue (known simply as "Vibiana") as well as the Little Tokyo branch of the public library.
No, really


10-22-2007, 06:25 PM #108

MHC setting 2: Watts

(As with the churches setting, this is a heavily fictionalized account of a real area. It bears some resemblance to fact, sure, but it's more fiction than not.)

Watts. South Central Los Angeles. The places are legendary, and not in a good way. A few years ago South Central was redubbed simply South Los Angeles, which is not quite as absurd as it first seems.
This part of the city, call it what you will, has a long colorful history entwined with that of gangs. On a local level a gang is named for the area where its members live, its 'hood if you will, and changing names deprives those gangs of some claim. A gang named "9th Street Bloods" wouldn't be challenged on 19th street by anyone with half a brain, but change that street name to Oak Glen and somehow it doesn't belong to them quite so well, they can't rightfully beat you up for walking on 19th Street because it's sweet little Oak Glen. It's the reason the LA Kings changed their jerseys from black to purple, because no self-respecting gangster would be caught wearing purple, but plenty would refer to themselves as Kings. It's an arms race of symbols, and at this point the Raiders are losing.
Another important fact of gangs is their peculiar structure. Jerseys and symbols might represent a national or international organization, but this organization is usually a loose confederacy. Incarcerated men who are the leaders usually are not in a position to micromanage. The bulk of the gangs is cliques, cells, a handful of people holding down a block or two under a banner with a loose association to others of the larger gang. Sure, a Crip in a city half a continent away will find 'brothers'in a strange city, but he is at least as likely to find a fellow Crip two blocks away who would happily shoot him for some slight.
The thing with a neighborhood like this, the neighbors have been through a lot together. Gang violence, while deadly, tends to be within the gangs. Interracial murder is surprisingly rare, given that gangs are often divided along racial lines. So in the end, blue or black, Raiders or Kings, Crips or Bloods, even black or brown don't mean as much in this neighborhood as simple suburban neighborly ties.
But historically Watts has been settled by working people, first the rancheros, then railroad workers, and later an influx of African-Americans seeking a city where their color mattered less. Like the whites before them, many of these Americans worked hard, gathered a little savings, and moved out to the suburbs. A few hardy souls have stayed, people whose houses are paid off or who have ties to the community. Those ties are fierce, but not unbreakable.
In recent years a new type of gang has moved in. Known as the 'Mexican Mafia' what started out as a virulently racist prison gang moved outside its walls. It has a local branch in Watts known as Florencia 13 made up primarily of Latin American immigrants to the area. Neighborly ties prevailed, until the leadership of the Mexican Mafia declared that they were going to run the black people out of Watts. At first the locals quietly refused, but the young locos (crazy-angry people, a common gang moniker) trying to impress their bosses in prison killed anyone who shied from the fight. Why do they do it? Because in gang life, doing time is a when, not an if, and the gang leaders have long memories. Recently it has become a death sentence for a black man to walk anywhere in Watts, even the traditionally black parts of town, even when he clearly has no gang affiliation.
Yes of course there are celestials in gangs.

Welcome to L.A.


mentioned in PM only, referred to  
Lilim in Los Angeles and its unofficial demon queen, she arrived after the purge of 1999 and quickly built a web of influence.  She has spread the word that all celestials in town are in her debt but so far has not made that a reality.  Her numbers are high enough, however, to make working around her dangerously difficult. 

Dennis O'Shea
Djinn ?of Belial?, likely renegade
Inspirations: based loosely on "Lono Veccio" in the film Suicide Kings, played by Denis Leary

posts #1017  to #1129 intermittently
A chain-smoking nervous soul, he seems ready to quit Hell but unsure whether to join the other side. Like most demons he believes the party line about angelic society being totalitarian. Meanwhile he's having financial troubles stemming in part from this decision.
He is attuned to a guy named Bruce (post #1105) who he bullies into service.

Crazy Eddie
mentioned posts #1096 to # 1105, intermittently
If it's illegal, he can probably get it. He likes to sell worthless items to rubes, and rarely comes across anything of any real value.