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*** 8/17/01 - 8/21/01 Movie Shoot -- The Rules of Attraction
*** 6/28/01 - 7/2/01 Whoser Con 4 got improv? Toronto, Canada
*** 3/24/01 Punchline Comedy Club -- Greg Proops
*** 1/5/01 Book Signing -- Orson Scott Card
*** 8/5/00 Show Taping -- Whose Line is it Anyway?
*** 7/30/00 Show Taping -- Whose Line is it Anyway?
*** 7/28/00 Show Taping -- Whose Line is it Anyway?
*** 6/21/00 - 6/23/00 Movie Shoot -- Slackers
*** 5/26/00 Show Taping -- The Wayne Brady Show
*** 4/27/00 Book Signing -- Michael Palin
*** 4/18/00 Concert -- Ani Difranco
*** 11/18/99 Theater -- Amadeus
*** 9/4/99 Book Signing -- Orson Scott Card
*** 4/20/99 Book Signing -- Ray Bradbury

8/17/01 - 8/21/01 Movie Shoot -- The Rules of Attraction


the summer of 2001 my friend laura and i were extras in the roger avery film adaptation of the brett easton ellis ('american psycho', 'less than zero') novel 'the rules of attraction'. i had my own scene actually where i just walk in front of my sister's dorm building (it had a sign over the real name with a fake movie name and that confused me no end) but the thing is, i was the only one doing anything when they said 'action'. crazy. anyway, the first day on set was misery cuz i had this weird stomach infection or something and i was violently ill. and half the crew thought i was a boy and the other half thought i was a girl. it was fun. and laura was there which was great. we were in one scene where we had to act sad that a fake body was being wheeled into an abulence. we had to do this one scene where i was like 300 feet from the camara and we had to just walk and it took like an hour and it was hot and they did like 20 takes. and they're gunna play it, among other shots, backwards in the film. i saw james van der beek for a second. that shannon sossymon or whatever girl up close cuz me and this guy were chilling in front of my sister's dorm during a shot cuz we weren't needed and she was there waiting for her action cue. and i saw eric stoltz for a second. not long enough. i love him. all in all i prefer my slackers experience. if only laura had been THERE. ah well. that's the short version.

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6/28/01 - 7/2/01 Whoser Con 4 got improv? Toronto, Canada


A beginning is a very delicate time. So in the winter of this year, my father was part of a multi-million dollar court settlement. My parents went nuts with the money, they got new cars, took a trip to Scotland, developed dad's office... and told me and my siblings that we could each have one special thing. Sam got a new video game, Dana still hasn't gotten anything, and I asked to go to WhoserCon. Of course my mother, being horribly embarrassing, decided she had to go too. I don't really mind, so I said I didn't. And I got really excited oh boy uh huh you bet I did!

So we flew out to Toronto the day before the Con started, so we had a while to settle down and stuff before heading over to Ryerson the next day. Which we did. Way too early of course, but eventually everyone else showed up. We had lunch at some pizza place which was... *ironical* as we had pizza for dinner I believe. Anyway, once everyone had showed up and we'd moved into our rooms, it was soooo much fun! Doorprizes! Welcome videos! Talking to fellow whosers! Oh my, I don't think I've felt more vindicated in my love of the show ever. It was really cool.

Some other things we did that weekend were just as cool. We went to dinner at Wayne Gretzky's which was quite an experience, eating at a hockey-themed restaurant. Then we went across the street to the show at Second City. I got a Second City t-shirt. Yay! So the show was GREAT. It was sooooo funny. I can't even go into it but it was wonderful, and after the show they did a little improv. That was great as well. That night Jesse and I stayed up til like 3 or 4 am watching videos in the video room. We watched the first episode of Blackfly, and if I didn't think I would die without sleep, I would have watched the whole tape.

We did a lot of improv at the con itself. We all played games, which was great fun! I played in dead bodies, superheroes, whose line, and questions only. I was signed up for quick change, but we never finished playing games, and I was too tired what with everything else anyway! Also, the director of theatersports

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1/5/01 Book Signing -- Orson Scott Card


yah to sally for driving me to this!!!!! i was sooooo stoked when i read that osc was doing another signing tour for shadow of the hegemon esp. when one of the proposed cities was the bay area and i was like UBER stoked when i found out one of the cities was san jose which is just right over the hill from santa cruz and i was uber-uber stoked to find that sally was going to san jose anyway to see her mom that day!!!!!! it was soooo great! we ate at arby's right before which really really made me happy and then we were there at the store early enough that i was well within the first 20 people in line and bought my book ahead of time... and then he was late so i thought 'oh goody i have my microcassette recorder' but then i thought this 'yaknow, the batteries are likely to run out now and i don't have any spares... i KNOW it's gunna die on me...' and, of course, it kept slowing down and stopping but i managed to keep it going for most of his talk... and he announced that this was his LAST ever signing tour... like, he'll still do signings, but this was his last tour... which makes me insanely happy that i was able to see him!!!! oh my god... and sally took our picture! and he said that i can make movies of his books whenever i want to!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! me so happy! i go now. that is all.

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This page last updated August 21, 2002

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