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Clear Prejudice Against Fat People

The stereotypical view of the overweight held by society is that they are unfeminine, antisocial, out of control, asexual, hostile and aggressive . Zimberg (1993) questions whether weight preoccupation would be a problem for women if it did not exist alongside society's clear prejudice against fat people. "Public derision and condemnation of fat people is one of the few remaining social prejudices... allowed against any group based solely on appearance". It is assumed that the obese willingly bring their condition on themselves through lack of will power and self control. The discriminatory implications of being overweight are well known and are often accepted as "truths" in western society. Fat oppression, the fear and hatred of fat is so commonplace in Western cultures that it is rendered invisible . Obesity is seen as a danger sign in moralistic terms that may imply personality faults, weak wills and laziness.


Health Risks of Obesity

The public is often less well informed about the health risks of dieting and other weight loss strategies such as liposuction or gastroplasty. Dieters have been known to experience a wide variety of health complications including cardiac disorders, gallbladder damage, and death . Diet-induced obesity has been considered a direct result of weight cycling due to the body regaining more and more weight after each diet attempt such that there is a resultant net gain. Therefore, the physical risks of obesity may be attributed to the repetitive pattern of dieting that created the obesity through a gradual net gain of weight after each diet attempt. It is believed that the physical health risk in people who repeatedly go through weight losses followed by weight gains is likely greater than if they were to stay the same weight "above" ideal



Make PEACE with Food

There is often the belief that if one can make "peace" with food, then the logical result will be that weight will then be lost. While it is important to look at one's relationship with food and have it become a less powerful influence in life, this will not necessarily lead to weight loss. Studies that have utilized a non-dieting approach resulting in food disempowerment have shown that weight remained approximately stable. 


It may be considered a positive result for a person to be able to resolve a distorted relationship with food and then be able to maintain a stable weight without the gains and losses that repeat dieters often undergo.

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