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Light or Lite 

 These products may be packed with fat and calories. An example is potato chips. Check out those labels the next time you visit your grocery store and compare your favorite chip to its light counterpart and discover just how many calories and fat grams you are saving. Is it worth the slash? Will it help you stay within your daily calorie allotment? How does the light product taste in comparison with the full blown deal?

Everyone has different taste preferences, but these varieties are certainly worth checking into - if you haven't already. With 75 calories per serving, even if you slip into 'maniac-mode' and devour a large 5-serving bag, you won't do 'undoable' damage at 375 calories.

So Many Things That Cannot be Controlled

Most of us have heard about the 'good food gone bad' syndrome but it bears repeating. Garden salad. Sounds healthy and harmless doesn't it? But if you care to tank up that salad you may need to put away your abacus and drag out your calculator. Top those greens and tomatoes with grated cheese, low-calorie ranch dressing, croutons, bacon bits (imitation or real), sliced eggs - and the calories can really add up. And you don't even want to start frying things. It's a solid guarantee that fried mushrooms will make one's body mushroom. That's why they made spandex. Black seems to be the most popular color.  Overall, it takes such a short time to consume everything we eat in a day. If one overeats they may spend the rest of the day on a wild guilt trip. 


Need a Physician's Approval

Your weight gain could be attributed to something other than overeating, or a hidden problem could be the very thing that is causing you to overeat. So the one thing that you must do before beginning any diet is to see your family doctor.

What will happen at the doctor's office besides receiving a bill bigger than King Kong?

For one, pregnancy will be ruled out. Anyone who is pregnant (even men) should NEVER consider going on ANY type of diet without a physician's approval. Period! (or should that be 'no period'?)

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