Underneath Hanson's Clothes

Hey guys! Welcome to 'Underneath Hanson's Clothes', a Hanson fansite formerly known as 'The ABC's Of Hanson'. This site was recreated in the summer of 2002. 'UHC' is now a more humor-filled site. I hope you enjoy it and come back soon.

Disclaimer--PLEASE READ!


April 3, 2003: Wow. I haven't posted on the main page in a while! I have been adding stuff to the page every once in a while. But, to be completely honest, I've been kinda of preoccupied and distracted with this absolutely wonderful thing called Hanson.net. Ever heard of it, lol. Those forums are SO hard to pull away from. But today marks the beginning of spring break for me, so expect a lot soon. Love you, guys, and PLEASE come back soon!

December 26, 2002: Did everyone have a good Christmas? I hope so! I have added a lot of stuff, so check around. Oh, and guess what! I got into Trevecca Nazarene University. I will be starting school there in the Fall 2003. Yay! Come back soon!

Hanson Is Funny... or is it Hanson Are Funny?

.:.Pictures.:.Interviews.:.Quotes.:.How to Have Fun With a Hanson.:.Concert Signs.:.Signs Your Obsessed.:.Hanson Jokes.:.Huh?.:.Hanson Fan No-no's.:.

On A Serious Note

.:.About Me.:.Hanson Links.:.Taylor's Marriage.:.Taylor's Baby.:.Hanson's Music.:.

You have a deep and dark side to your personality but mostly use these traits when exploring yourself and life in general. You are constantly abraded by the mystery of life which tends to make you pretty mysterious yourself. It feels great to get your deep wordy messages across even if you have to throw a few eye catching images in the scene to draw attention. If all people could relate on your level then you would probably be open to expressing even more of your researched knowledge and unknowable beliefs. [www.taylorhanson.org]

what emo hanson lyric are you? find out.

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Porn Star/Stripper

Email: tayz1girl@hotmail.com