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How Big Pharma Has
Invaded Your Life

By Ted Twietmeyer, June 20, 2007

This is dedicated to readers who are NOT yet seriously ill or who do NOT serve as caregivers for the chronically ill. Hopefully it will instill some very sobering thoughts. If you are one of these fortunate people - live every day like it's your last. Not one of us will ever know when some nasty disease will strike us and wreak havoc on our lives, or the life of someone we love or care about. There are actually only a handful of different ways we can get our exit ticket punched on this Earth. We may never know when we'll meet the train conductor face to face.

As a caregiver, I can testify that serious illness around you (or in you) will drain you even while you're still relatively healthy, in countless ways which will test your patience with the medical and drug professions. Expenses will bombard you from all directions that will drain your wallet with insane, countless costs you never thought possible. On top of all this, every year these costs increase. There is a frustration doctors can create in your mind with their often frustrating behavior and "standard of care" which all doctors must follow.

We see more and more power being consolidated into fewer and fewer drug companies and government organizations. Now the FDA wants to suckle at big pharma nipples under the guise of "fees." I'll not delve into that black hole in depth here as others already have done so far more eloquently than I. But we will explore the medical and drug profession which is connected at the waist like Siamese twins. The core of this matter is the public's ignorant, blind trust in the FDA as their watchdog. People seldom can help themselves to believe otherwise, as they are unknowingly brainwashed to think that way by media. Is this a cultural thing perhaps?

There is also a well-known phenomenon that everyone in the medical profession knows about - the "white lab coat effect." This one is strange but true. Generic white lab coats were originally designed to protect street clothes from chemicals and spills in a laboratory. But it was discovered a long time ago that people blindly trust almost anyone wearing a white lab coat! This is why many doctors wear them, even though most doctors never step foot in a laboratory.

What a mistake it is to blindly trust the FDA - this is akin to trusting Jack the Ripper with a sharpened knife alone in a dark alley with a woman. But instead of a knife, today there are countless pills which are equally dangerous. At least you KNOW that the knife is a dangerous weapon. A pill is an innocent looking object, and stays that way - until you take it. It hides very complex chemistry. When you take any pill you roll the dice - will you get better or feel far worse? And what was in that pill you took? Too late now.

It's almost totally impossible to know which prescription meds will work right and which ones will not. Those reassuring voices speaking daily on the squawk box in your living room constantly tell you how wonderful these designer chemicals are, in spite of an actor casually downplaying dangerous side effects. Web research can be highly informative..


This corporate-FDA connection most certainly fits under the cliché "The tie that binds." Western medical profession is centered on treating A disease. (Emphasis placed on the letter "A" here.) We give a dog a treat for behaving as trained. Or a child is bribed with a treat for behaving themselves. Medical students trained to become doctors learn to ever avoid uttering the word "cure." They use "treatment" instead. To use the "cure" word is almost the career equivalent to a disk jockey using the "F" or "N" word on the air.

When you enter their office, many receptionists demand your co-pay up front or they may refuse to see you. They "treat" you to a whopping bill for just thirty seconds of a doctor's time. So much for the Hippocratic Oath.

When you are sick, there are basically only five things that will happen to you upon seeing your doctor:

1. NOTHING HAPPENS - You are sent home because it's actually a cold or flu. Translation: It's all in your head. This might result in a referral to a head doctor as it did for many thousands of Gulf War 1 vets suffering from Gulf War Disease.

2. YOU ARE MIS-DIAGNOSED - Not detecting a serious life-threatening illness is the worst. Nothing usually happens to the doctor because of his/her incompetence, because often the patient DIES before it ever goes to court. Few people think about the hazard of mis-diagnosis. DON'T schedule your appointment (if you think you are seriously ill) on the day your doctor plays golf!

3. OFF TO SURGERY - Into the hospital you'll go as an inpatient or outpatient, hopefully for a positive outcome. God willing you won't contract a drug-resistant bug or two during your stay there. (Hospitals are good at hiding infection statistics.) Hopefully, while you're there the surgeon will do the RIGHT surgery on you. Diligent surgeons will ask YOU who you are and what procedure you are there to have, BEFORE putting you under anesthetic. Be sure to tell them a ghost surgeon OR A STUDENT will not be allowed to work on you. Don't put it as a request - make it a demand. It's your life and in reality it's up to YOU to defend it, not them.

The cold truth is you are just raw material for doctors, not unlike a butcher working on a side of beef. Without the beef, the butcher would not have a job to do. No real difference, except that the beef can't sue the butcher. Never, ever lose track that being on the table is only a business arrangement and nothing more. There is no real charity in a commercial hospital. Don't think so? Try owing one of them any money and see what happens to your bank account and property.

4. TESTS REQUIRED - Lots of these are often required to confirm a diagnosis. That's part of the "standard of care" all physicians must follow. A doctor's malpractice insurance requires them to follow the standard of care or risk being canceled. Again, lawyers really determine what a doctor's limits are. And you'll most likely be going back to the doctor (paying again) for a review of the results. If something is found in a test, count on MORE TESTS being prescribed. Too many prescribed tests can be a sign of incompetence. If the doctor finally says that he/she doesn't know what's wrong, ask a friend of relative for the name of a good proven doctor who is known to hopefully be more competent than your previous one.

5. PRESCRIPTIONS - You will most likely travel straight from the doctor's office to the pharmacy to get the latest drug pushed by big pharma reps. who visit your doctor regularly. This may happen even if tests are scheduled as a precaution, such as when you are in pain or have an infection. If you are lucky, you might even get free samples of big pharma's latest "designer drug" to make you better. Note the key word here is to get "better," not be cured.

Most doctors tend to focus on using number 1 or 5 above. Someone said it all perfectly many years ago: "A patient cured is a customer lost."

If they follow the standard and something goes wrong that isn't their fault and you are hurt or even die, the doctor probably cannot be successfully sued. I lost a relative 5 years ago to MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus, commonly known as a drug resistant Staph infection) that entered his body from an IV while still IN the operating room.

Methicillin is such a strong drug that it's one of the few intravenous drugs still stored and delivered to patients in a glass bottle. Yet even this drug couldn't stop the infection.

The hospital lied and said that this Staph germ is everywhere. In reality, tests established several years earlier that the MRSA version of Staph evolved in operating rooms. It is actually resistant to antiseptics used to sterilize operating rooms. In some cities, operating rooms were closed off and gasses to kill everything off. Yet no lawyer would touch the MRSA case, even though it was a clear case of incompetence. A simple alcohol swab would have easily sterilized the IV entry site on his neck.

There is a only a small distinction between illegal drug dealers in hidden locations cooking up powerful "designer drugs" to strongly addict people, and the latest "Designer drugs" from major pharmaceutical manufacturers. Did you see the difference? One is spelled with a "D" instead of a "d." Otherwise they are the same. Will future street drug pushers go the legal route, and just start their own big pharma companies? Who knows - one day even illegal Crack might become a prescription. Let's hope not, but only time will tell. Drugs being pushed on television today have so many side effects, that just 20 years ago they would never be allowed on the market.


But is there a machine behind all this to legally keep pushing these chemical cocktails into mainstream America? Could this be the barrage of drug commercials on radio, TV, newspapers and magazines?

There exists a well known, established method to control the human mind. It doesn't involve the MK-Ultra program. It doesn't requite electrodes, RF mind control, water boarding or hypnosis. It doesn't even employ forced drugging. What is it? Simple repetition. Television shows are carefully designed to have a cliff-hanger hit the viewer, and then WHAMMO on comes a drug commercial repeat, such as the smiling idiot holding a limp garden hose.

One thirty second non-prime time television ad costs several hundred thousand dollars, to over a million dollars during sporting events and prime time.

But drug companies don't mind paying high TV advertising prices for a reason.

Do these expensive TV drug ads pay for themselves? Drug companies see it purely as an investment and part of the cost of doing business. These companies know that they can brainwash a certain percentage of the people a given drug is targeted for. These people in turn go beg their physicians for these drugs, staying on them from several years to perhaps a lifetime. Or at least until the drug is taken off the market after enough patients die.

Even if a small number of patients are brainwashed, the commercial has just paid for itself many times over as we shall see. We can crunch some simple numbers to conservatively look at the payoff. Keep in mind that the raw materials to make almost ANY drug are a few pennies. Profit margins are measured in thousands of percent. It costs mere pennies to manufacture any given drug on today's high speed machinery.

Let's look at a typical health maintenance prescription drug we'll call drug "X." For simplicity we'll leave out the ever increasing cost of drug X each year and just use a flat price. Of course local and on-line pharmacies will some make money off re-selling drug X - but their profits is quite small compared with drug company profits as we shall see.

1. Drug X - Patient cost is typically $100.00 per month, which equates to $1200.00 per year.

2. If a patient is on drug X for 5 years before it's taken off the market because patients DIE from it, the total expenditure by a patient for those five years is a whopping $6,000.00. Of course, this total doesn't include numerous follow-up doctor visit costs and additional prescription drugs that might be needed to counter side effects of drug X.

3. If across the United States 200,000 patients take drug X (a conservative number to be sure,) the drug X manufacturer will have 240 MILLION DOLLARS in sales EACH YEAR. This results in conservative total drug sales over 5 years of 1.2 BILLION dollars. The TV ad has paid for itself in just one year more than 200 times over. But it won't be a mere 200,000 patients that take drug X for some common malady. If there won't be an estimated market measured in millions of patients, no drug company will be interested. Sadly, this is why numerous rare afflictions will probably never have a drug to cure or slow disease progress. It's all about profit, shareholders and greed and not medicine in the final analysis for every drug companies. Curing patients is an unwanted side effect drug companies don't want.

Many wiser patients become well again without taking any prescriptions at all.


Think that drug X is expensive? Not compared to some other "designer" drugs for health maintenance which never cure any diseases. With cancer, you either get better or die. With MS, disease treatment can last the length of a normal lifetime and cost a staggering sum of money, just to try to live a somewhat normal life. Even then, a patient is never cured of it. No need to carry a wallet either.

Some drugs which are incredibly expensive are also highly successful. Since these drugs are pushed by doctors, many never need to advertise on television at all. They don't need to because of the staggering profits these drugs earn all year round.

Let's look at the details for just one of these phenomenally successful drugs - Copaxone.

Copaxone Pre-loaded syringe

Copaxone Pre-loaded syringe - one of the most popular drugs used to treat MS Felt-tip marker shown for size comparison. (Photo - author)

Copaxone comes as 30 pre-loaded syringes in a box, one injection for each day of the month. They are shipped monthly via overnight courier and are packed in a Styrofoam box with icepacks for temperature stabilization.

Cost for above syringe used for daily injection: $63.00

Minimum prescription order shipped: 30 syringes

Injections required per year: 365

Length of time patient takes this drug: Remainder of their life

Storage: Refrigeration

Country of origin: Israel

Number of patients cured: 0.

Effectiveness to slow MS progression according to data sheet: 7% average

Chemistry by which Copaxone works: Unknown according to manufacturer's data sheet.

Sales in 2003: $720,000,000.00

This drug approved only treatment of relapsing/remitting MS. It cures NOTHING and officially has an unknown mechanism according to the drug's data sheet, but was still FDA approved! How can this be possible? FDA Connections? Something to do with the Star of David?

I know from numerous experiences as a caregiver that many emergency room doctors don't have a clue what Copaxone is - although most MS patients know about it even if they aren't on it. Apparently homework for many doctors ends once they earn their MD degree.

Some foolishly think that a socialized public healthcare system will pay for Copaxone. Not so. The UK health system refuses to provide it to patients according to numerous on-line personal health histories posted on various MS websites. What do socialized medicine doctors in the UK give as a reason for this? "Too expensive" is what they are often told. Any patient that wants to obtain the drug must be able to pay for it themselves. This is equivalent to paying every month for a mortgage on a large home - a home they will never see or own.

In the UK, a local pharmacy is more commonly known as a Chemist. In the early days before formal drug treatments from big pharma companies, doctors prescribed drugs. These local pharmacists mixed up chemicals according to prescribed methods to cure various illnesses.

There is a cold truth about socialized medicine today. If you have a serious disease like MS, it's in the government's best interest if you just die. Many patients eventually become so disabled with MS that they can no longer work. Hence, they cannot pay taxes which go into the health system. Therefore, these patients become a negative cash flow drain to the government's health care system. With the scandal of vaccines in the UK now connected to Autism in school children, it's clear the government there has little regard for their people's future. What does any business (which government really is) do with a bad liability? Abolish it.

Logically, it's only a matter of time before government-assisted suicide becomes part of life, but probably not before more engineered diseases like MS are unleashed upon the unsuspecting public. There is already strong evidence the later is happening with West Nile, CJD, Anthrax and new bird flu strains to name a few.

Let's return to Copaxone, and check out the profit numbers for the Copaxone drug racket:

It might cost Teva Pharmaceuticals which manufactures Copaxone perhaps 50 cents for each filled syringe (if it costs that much.)

Typical monthly discount cost of Copaxone to a patient: $1,900.00.

Yearly cost: $22,800.00

Cost for a patient over 5 years: $114,000.00

Purpose: To slow disease progression by an average of just 7%.

Length of time patient takes this drug: Until they die or switch to another drug.

Let's assume for conservative comparative purposes that a mere 1,000,000 patients worldwide are on Copaxone. However, the number of people on Copaxone worldwide today must conservatively number at least several million patients. The drug has far less side effects than the other popular treatment, Beta-Interferon. It's been estimated that about 10 million people in the United States have MS, with thousands more unaware they have it. Teva Pharmaceuticals announced about 2 years ago that a THIRD automated plant built to produce the drug is now operational in Israel.

Did the new Copaxone factory lower the cost of the drug to patients? No - instead the company increased their prices. In fact, in just four years the drug's price has increased about $400.00 a month per patient. So much for mass production reducing patient costs. Greed begets more greed.

For sales over a 5 year period, total sales of Copaxone for just 1,000,000 patients worldwide (at US$1,900.00 per month) will result in the staggering sum of $114,000,000,000.00! Yes, that really is ONE HUNDRED FOURTEEN BILLION DOLLARS. Is this drug available generically? Not at all, and it's also covered by numerous patents. Surely more patents will be filed later to assure the drug company's on-going, tight fisted greed can continue. Or they will cook up another "maintenance drug" supposedly better than Copaxone.

It's very hard to imagine being able to patent anything without knowing how it works. If you were to try to patent any device and not fully explain in your patent filing how it works, it will be flatly rejected by a USA patent examiner. As a patent holder, I quickly learned from a patent lawyer that you cannot withhold any information as to how a patent works. If you do, your patent can be rejected by an examiner or later declared invalid in a courtroom when challenged. USA patent law states that a patent must be written so that someone skilled in the arts can replicate it.

How could Teva been awarded a patent several years ago for Copaxone - a drug which they cannot definitively explain how it works or what it does inside the human body? This is outrageous to say the least.

Copaxone syringes are made on automated production machinery in three modern plants. This drug doesn't require recombinant DNA or other exotic technology like other drugs such as insulin use today.

Copaxone isn't the only medicine an MS patient requires. Other prescription drugs pills and capsules are used to manage the constellation of MS symptoms like sleeplessness, seizures, pain, depression, nausea, etc... These can total 8 or more.

So what is in Copaxone? Although claimed by some to rebuild nerves, this drug has only ONE ingredient: Calcium Glatimer Acetate. And what is a key chemical element in cell and nerve chemistry? Calcium. Get the idea here? Could a dietary change do the same thing Copaxone does? This isn't known yet, but certainly worth exploring.

Remember that doctor's statement earlier? "A patient cured is a customer lost."

Where are the three Copaxone factories? In Israel, where else?

What's next from Israel - prescription toilet-paper? Prescription food?


Now the FDA is out to kill alternative therapies and medicines by using various regulations such as labeling, and new laws they want to enact. One alternative health care product called SeaSilver was on the FDA hit list - all because of a labeling issue. This product simply made from sea vegetables was hammered off the market by the FDA for more than a year. The FDA demanded they change the label to more clearly define the benefits of the supplement. So they did, but that wasn't enough. Then the FDA demanded they add a preservative to it and change the labeling again. So they did that, too.

The company finally made a comeback after the Gestapo left their lives and were selling product again, but irreversible damage was done. Now SeaSilver has permanently closed as a company. Why? Because the government has taxpayer-funded lawyers on their payroll, but small companies must hire lawyers to defend themselves from them.

In the final analysis, alternative food and supplement companies are hiring lawyers to defend themselves from themselves, because both private and corporate taxes are paying for government lawyers to attack them.

I salute people like Jeff Rense, Rev. Ted Pike, Dr. Patricia Doyle and many others. They sound the alarm when we are threatened with losing our rights, and losing access to alternative non-prescription treatments and supplements. If the Codex Alumentarius model is ever fully enacted in America, it will end access to dietary supplements and hope for better health for millions of people. But then, maybe that really is the government agenda after all - a sick, twisted attempt to "cull the masses."

If citizens in America don't start standing up for their right to cure and treat themselves for their illnesses, their hands will be tied by greedy big pharma. And when these same sick people find that big pharma "designer drugs" won't cure any of their serious illness, it may be too late to obtain an alternative. But that might be the master plan all along.

Remember this the next time you're ill - "A patient cured is a customer lost."


MMS Professional by Project GreenLife, A Private Healthcare Membership Association

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