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Compiled by James E. McGhee

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ODOM, WILLIAM: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co I 14 Aug 1862 in New Madrid County.  Shot in hand and/or arm accidentally 15 Sep 1862.  Placed on sick leave and shown as still absent with leave Dec 1863.  (No Further Record).

OLDHAM, ELISHA FRANKLIN: Age: ?  He enlisted 1864, but the enlistment data is not of record.  Paroled as Private, Co F, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865. According to an account dictated by Oldham long after the war, and now on file at the Missouri State Archives in Jefferson City, MO, he joined the regiment when it came through Jackson during the Price Missouri Raid of 1864.  He was a charter member of the Captain S. S. Harris Camp, United Confederate Veterans, at Jackson, MO, in 1896. His obituary is in the Missouri Cash-Book, Jackson, MO, 25 Jan 1937.  Buried in the Russell Heights Cemetery at Jackson.

OLLAR, JAMES: Age: ? Attached to regiment from 6th Missouri Infantry Regiment 1 Aug 1863.  Paroled with furloughed and detailed men at Shreveport, LA 20 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

O'NEIL, WILLIAM B.: Age: 30. Enlisted as Private in Co H 5 Oct 1862 in Scott County.  Horse appraised at $140 and horse equipment at $10.  Wounded accidentally (shot in arm) and put on indefinite sick leave 25 Dec 1862.  Discharged for physical disability on final statement 22 Jul 1863.

O'NEIL, WYTHEL D.: Age: 17. Enlisted as Private in Co F 20 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $80 and horse equipment at $5.  Left sick on a scout near Helena, AR 6 Jul 1863.  (No Further Record).

OVERTON, RICHARD M.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 26. Enlisted as Private in Co H 10 Oct 1862 in Scott County.  Horse appraised at $120 and horse equipment at $10.  Killed in action 1 Feb 1863 by Union militia in Scott Co, MO while on detached service.

OWENS, ALFRED D.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 2nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 27. Enlisted as Private in Co I 14 Aug 1862 in New Madrid County. Horse appraised at $130 and horse equipment at $20.  Captured at Chalk Bluff, AR 29 Mar 1863.  Forwarded to City Point, VA for exchange 28 Apr 1863.  Record notes "died" without further comment.  Residence: Stoddard County.

OWENS, JOSEPH: Age: 40. Enlisted as Private in Co D 22 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Wounded in action at Bloomfield, MO 29 Aug 1862.  Placed on sick furlough and leg amputated 5 Nov 1862.  (No Further Record).

OWENS, RICHARD: Age: ? His enlistment data is not of record.  Paroled as Private, Co C, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Callaway County.  Probably recruited or conscripted during the Price Raid of 1864 and assigned to regiment.

PACE, JOHN: Age: 26. Enlisted as Private in Co I 21 Aug 1862 in New Madrid County.  Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $5.  Reported as absent sick since 1 Jul 1863.  Deserted 31 Jul 1863.  Returned to command.  Paroled as Private, Co C, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Stoddard County.

PAIR, JASPER N.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 23. Enlisted as Private in Co G 26 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Deserted 30 Oct 1862.  Returned to command as he was paroled with Co B at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865. Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

PAIR, JOHN M.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Captain, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 31. Enlisted as Private in Co G 24 Apr 1863 in Cape Girardeau County.  Promoted to 2nd Sergeant at date not of record.  Paroled as 1st Sergeant, Co B, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County. He died 29 Jan 1915 and is buried at Green’s Creek Cemetery, Dublin, TX. An obituary for this soldier may be found in Wilkinson, Obituaries 1889-1924 from the Banner Press, p. 135.

PAIR, JOSEPH M.: Age: ? Enlisted as Private in Co G 10 May 1863 at Wittsburg, AR.  Deserted 24 Jul 1863 upon being transferred to dismounted cavalry and voluntarily surrendered on 12 Aug 1863.

PARKER, JOHN E. R.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Infantry Battalion, 1st Division) Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co E 16 Aug 1862 in Mississippi County.  Present Dec 1863.  (No Further Record).

PARKINS, WILLIAM G.: Age: ? Enlisted as Private in Co K 25 May 1863 in Cape Girardeau County.  Transferred to Co D 1 Jun 1863.  Detailed to herd cattle 25 Nov 1863.  (No Further Record).

PARR, HENRY P.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Captain, Division Staff, 1st Division) Age: 23 (?) Enlisted as Private in Co F 15 Jun 1863 in Cape Girardeau County.  Present Dec 1863.  (No Further Record).  According to Eakin, Missouri Prisoners of War, n.p., Parr was captured, date unknown, while serving as a lieutenant under Brig. Gen. John S. Marmaduke.  He was transferred from Gratiot Military Prison in St. Louis, MO to Alton, IL 25 Oct 1864, but escaped from that prison 10 Dec 1864.

PARROTT, JAMES WOODSON: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Major/Lieutenant Colonel, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 35. Enlisted as Private in Co H 20 Sep 1862 in Scott County.  Elected major 11 Dec 1862.  Sent to Searcy, AR with dismounted men 26 Jul 1863.  Returned to command.  Detailed as member of special court-martial 6 Nov 1863. Severely wounded in action (leg) at Mine Creek, KS 25 Oct 1864.  Taken prisoner in Washington Co, AR 6 Nov 1864, and at least one source identifies him as “Acting Adjutant, Marmaduke’s MO Cavalry Brigade,” at the time of capture.  Described in prison records as having dark complexion, black hair, gray eyes and 5’ 9” in height.  Released from prison at Little Rock, AR upon taking oath 1 May 1865.  Died, apparently from effects of small pox, at Little Rock, AR 13 May 1865.  A series of letters regarding his illness and death can be found in Ted Worley, (ed.), At Home in Confederate Arkansas: Letters to and from Pulaski Countians, 1861-1865 (Little Rock, AR: Pulaski County Historical Society, 1955), pp. 43-47.  His body was brought home after the war and is now buried in a private family cemetery on what was his farm near Kelso in Scott County, MO.  Some brief biographical data may be found in Edison Shrum, History of Scott County, pp. 193-195.

PASQUIN, FRANCIS: See Francis Piquey

PASS, GEORGE M.: Age: 40. Enlisted as Private in Co C 5 Oct 1862 in Wayne County.  Deserted 23 Oct 1862.

PAYNE, GEORGE A.: Age: 18. Enlisted as Private in Co I 15 Sep 1862 in New Madrid             County.  Horse appraised at $60 and horse equipment at $5.  Present Dec 1863.  (No Further Record).

PENNEY, FRED A.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: ?  Enlisted as Private in Co E 18 Jul 1863 at location not of record.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: New Madrid County.

PENNINGTON, JOSEPH: Age: 29. Enlisted as Private in Co C 4 Aug 1862 in Wayne County.  Horse appraised at $150 and horse equipment at $5.  Shown as deserted on Jan\Feb 1863 bi-monthly report.  No specific date of desertion is of record.

PENNY, GEORGE B.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 26. Enlisted as Private in Co B 26 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $150. and horse equipment at $5.  Transferred to dismounted cavalry 26 Jul 1863 and ordered back to regiment 5 Sep 1863.  (No Further Record).

PENNY, JAMES S.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co B 26 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $155 and horse equipment at $5.  Taken prisoner at Ironton, MO 26 Oct 1864, probably ill or wounded. Described as having fair complexion, red hair, and 5’ 9” in height. Transferred from St. Louis, MO to Alton, IL military prison.  Sent to prison hospital due to sickness.  Released on oath of allegiance 16 or 24 Jun 1865.

PENNY, JOHN M.: Age: 28. Enlisted as Private in Co D 26 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Transferred to Co B 2 Oct 1862.  Detailed as herdsman with the Commissary Department 10 Aug 1863.  Paroled with detailed men at Shreveport, LA 15 Jun 1865.  He died 29 Jul 1911, and an obituary appears for him in Wilkinson, Obituaries 1889-1924 from the Banner Press, p. 136.

PENTRUF, JACOB: Age: ? Enlisted as Private in Co B 1 Jun 1863 at location not of record.  Deserted 30 Nov 1863.

PERKINS, ELLIOTT: Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co C 15 Aug 1862 in Wayne County.  Horse appraised at $125 and horse equipment at $5.  Shown as deserted on Jan\Feb 1863 bi-monthly report.

PHILLIPS, EDWARD: Age: 28. Formerly served as Brevet 1st Lieutenant of Co I, 1st Missouri Infantry Regiment, CSA.   Resigned his commission and returned to the Trans-Mississippi. Enlisted as Private in Co I 14 Aug 1862 in New Madrid County.  Horse appraised at $130 and horse equipment at $10.  Elected Captain 1 Dec 1862.  Taken prisoner in New Madrid Co, MO, 7 Apr 1864, while on sick leave.  Charged with violating his oath of allegiance and forwarded to St. Louis, MO, for trial.  (No Further Record). Residence: New Madrid County.

PHILLIPS, WESLEY A.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 23. Enlisted as Private in Co A 12 Nov 1862 in Bollinger County.  Deserted 27 Jul 1863.

PIERCE, GEORGE W.: Age: 35. Enlisted as Private in Co K 29 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $75 and horse equipment at $5.  Died of cause not of record near Batesville, AR 8 Mar 1863.

PIERCE, JESSE M.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division). Age: ? Enlisted as Private in Co B 9 Jun 1863 at location not of record.  Paroled as Private, Co A, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

PIERSON, WILLIAM: Age: ? Enlisted as Private in Co B 20 Jun 1863 at location not of record.  Deserted Nov 1863.

PILCHER, JAMES RUTHVEN FERDINAND: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Captain, Division Staff, 1st Division) Age: 28. Enlisted as Private in Co I 14 Aug 1862 in New Madrid County.  Horse appraised at $140 and horse equipment at $15.  Elected 1st Lieutenant 1 Dec 1862.  Resigned 15 Feb 1863 for reason of “ill health.”  Brig. Gen. John S. Marmaduke, division commander, recommended approval, citing that Lieutenant Pilcher was “worthless as an officer.”  A notation in his record states: "Reduced to ranks by order of Brig Gen J. S. Marmaduke.  Since allowed to resign." Resignation effective 26 May 1863, and was accepted by President Jefferson Davis 8 Jun 1863. He apparently remained with the regiment as a private soldier. He died 3 March 1888, and is buried in the Olathe Cemetery, Olathe, KS.

PINION, JOHN: Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co K 3 Nov 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Deserted 29 Dec 1862.

PINSON, JOHN: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 31. Enlisted as Private in Co C 10 Oct 1862 in Wayne County.  Transferred to dismounted cavalry 1 Aug 1863.  Transferred to 4th Mo Field Artillery (Harris’ Battery) in 1864 and was paroled with that unit at Grand Ecore, LA, 6 Jun 1865,

PIQUEY (PIKEY), FRANCIS: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 36. Enlisted as Private in Co I 14 Aug 1862 in New Madrid County. He was captured 31 Jan or 15 Feb 1863 while absent with leave in New Madrid Co, MO.  Forwarded to Allen's Point, VA for exchange 2 Apr 1863, and then returned to command.  Reported as absent sick beginning 1 Aug 1863. Paroled as Private, Co C, at Shreveport, LA 7 June 1965.  Died 11 Nov 1885 and is buried in the Pikey Cemetery, New Madrid County, MO.

PIRTLE, HARVEY: Age: 24. His enlistment data is not of record.  Private, Co I. He was taken prisoner in Stoddard Co, MO 15 Sep 1862.  Died of disease at Jefferson Barracks, MO 8 Nov 1862 and is buried in Grave 9822 at the national cemetery there. Residence: Stoddard County.

POOL, JAMES W.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, McDowell Battery, 1st Division). Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co E 18 Aug 1862 in Mississippi County.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865. Residence: Scott County.

POOL, JOHN W.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, McDowell Artillery, 1st Division) Age: ? Served as a private in Co E.  His enlistment data is not of record.  Deserted from Camp Porter, AR 4 Mar 1863.

PORTER, JAMES: Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co E 1 Oct 1862 in Mississippi County.  Horse appraised at $110.  Died of cause not of record at Batesville, AR hospital 28 Mar 1863.

POSTON, DANIEL J.: Age: 19. Enlisted as Private in Co A at date and location not of record.  Taken prisoner at Mine Creek, KS 25 Oct 1864.  Described as having dark hair, hazel eyes and standing 5’ 7 ½ “ in height.   Released upon taking oath of allegiance at Rock Island Barracks, IL 20 Jun 1865. His exact date of death is unknown, but an obituary appears in the Banner-Press of Marble Hill, MO on 19 April 1906, and he is buried in the Laflin Cemetery, Bollinger County, MO.

POTTER, T. M.: Age: ?  He was appointed or assigned as regimental assistant-surgeon at a date not of record. Captured by the enemy at Brownsville, TN (more likely AR) 25 Feb 1864.  Sent to City Point, VA for exchange 7 Aug 1864.  (No Further Record).

POUSH, WILLIAM: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Infantry Battalion, 1st Division) Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co D 22 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Deserted 24 Dec 1862.  Returned to command 20 May 1863.  Present Dec 1863.  (No Further Record). Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

POWELL, ROBERT T.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co H 1 Oct 1862 in Scott County.  Appointed 1st Corporal 12 Nov 1862.  Captured at date unknown, but was paroled at Evening Shade, AR 6 Feb 1863.  Promoted to 1st Sergeant at date not of record.  Present Dec 1863.  (No Further Record).

POWELL, WILLIAM: Age: 28. Enlisted as Private in Co K 7 Oct 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Deserted 29 Dec 1862.

POWER, WILLIAM P.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as 1st Sergeant, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 23. Previously served as 2nd Lieutenant, Harris’ MO Light Artillery, from which position he resigned. Enlisted as Private in Co H 1 Oct 1862 in Scott County.  Horse appraised at $175 and horse equipment at $5.  Promoted from the ranks to 1st Lieutenant 15 Nov 1862. Granted a leave of thirty days effective 20 Oct 1863. (No Further Record). Apparently promoted to Captain, or was assigned to duty as such, for he signed as Captain while acting as provost marshal at Pilot Knob, MO 28 Sep 1864.  Cited for gallantry at Mine Creek, KS 25 Oct 1864 by Brig Gen John B. Clark, Jr, who commanded Marmaduke’s MO Cavalry Brigade. Residence: Scott County.  Died 17 Apr 1905 and is buried in Old Winnsboro Cemetery, Winnsboro, Franklin Parish, LA. His grave marker indicates that he was a Captain.

PRESSNELL, URBIN ANDREW: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 33.  Enlisted as Private in Co G 24 Apr 1863 in Bollinger County.  Present Aug 1863.  (No Further Record).

PRETORIOUS, FREDERICK: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co E 25 Sep 1862 in Mississippi County. Deserted 6 Nov 1863.

PRIDY, THOMAS: Age: 43. Enlisted as Private in Co C 15 Aug 1862 in Wayne County. Horse appraised at $110 and horse equipment at $3.  Detailed as teamster Aug 1863.  Transferred to 4th MO Field Artillery (Harris' Battery) at date not of record and paroled with that unit at Grand Ecore, LA 6 Jun 1865.  Residence: Madison County. Died 24 Mar 1904 and is buried in New Trace Creek Cemetery, Bollinger Co, MO.

PRITCHETT, JOHN G.: Age: 30. Enlisted as Private in Co E 16 Aug 1862 in Mississippi County.  Elected Captain 1 Oct 1862.  Tried before a general court-martial for refusing to obey an order issued by Major James Parrott.  Acquitted of charges.  The findings of the court were disapproved, as Pritchett had disobeyed an order, but he was released from arrest and returned to his command. Absent on furlough of forty days 27 Nov 1863 – 6 Jan 1864.  Killed in action at Pilot Knob, MO 27 Sep 1864 and presumably buried in a mass grave on the battlefield.

PRITCHETT, PETER: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 3rd Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 33. Enlisted as Private in Co C 3 Aug 1862 in Wayne County.  Horse appraised at $80 and horse equipment at $2.  Died of cause not of record at Pocahontas, AR 27 Dec 1862.

PROFFER, FRANCIS MARION: Age: 23. Enlisted as Private in Co I 1 Oct 1862 in New Madrid County.  Transferred to dismounted cavalry 1 Aug 1863.  Transferred to 4th Mo Field Artillery (Harris' Battery) at date not of record. Captured at Mine Creek, KS 25 Oct 1864.  He was exchanged and paroled at Grenada, MS, at date not of record.  Residence: Stoddard County.

PROVINCE, ALLAN J.: Age: 31. Enlisted as Private in Co G 5 Nov 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $110 and horse equipment $5.  Paroled as Private, Co B, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865. Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

PROVINCE, WILLIAM C.: Age: 28. Enlisted as Private in Co B 13 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $75 and horse equipment at $10.  Transferred to Co G 11 Oct 1862.  Transferred to 4th MO Field Artillery (Harris' Battery) at date not of record and paroled with that unit at Grand Ecore, LA 6 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

PUCKETT, WILLIAM: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 23.  Enlisted as Private in Co H 1 Feb 1863 at Batesville, AR.  Deserted while on scout 20 Apr 1863.  Residence: New Madrid County.

PUMPHREY, DANIEL S.: Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co D 22 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $10.  Transferred to Co K 6 Dec 1862.  Deserted 27 Apr 1863 at Cape Girardeau, MO.


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