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Compiled by James E. McGhee

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EAKER, CHRISTOPHER E.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 18. Enlisted as Private in Co A 15 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Bollinger County.  For some interesting information regarding his military career, which is quite curious, see Lorene Eaker Shell, The Shoe Cobblers’ Kin, pp. 150-151, which reproduces an article from the Cape Girardeau (Mo) Republican, July 7, 1911.  The article alleges that Eaker served in the Confederate secret service as a spy.  Died in Arkansas after 1911.

EASLEY, DEO C.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co A 18 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Deserted 25 Oct 1862. According to Eakin, Missouri Prisoners of War, n.p., he was taken prisoner of war in Bollinger Co, MO, 25 Dec 1862, and forwarded to Alton, IL, military prison on 10 Mar 1863..

EAVES, J. C.: No record of his service.  Appears on a membership list of the Bloomfield (Mo) Camp, United Confederate Veterans, in 1900, and is listed as former member of Co A.

ELKINS, THOMAS: Age:? Company unknown, probably C.  Taken prisoner of war in Cape Girardeau on or about 20 Oct 1862.  Wounded (shot in the face by one of his captors) after he had surrendered.  See Missouri Cash-Book, Jackson, MO, 13 April 1905.

ELKINS, WILLIAM P.: Age: 25.  Enlisted as Private in Co F 27 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Deserted 1 Nov 1862. (No Further Record).

ELLIOT, WILLIAM K.: Age: ? His enlistment data is not of record.  Paroled as Private, Co C, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865. Residence: New Madrid County.

ELLIS, THOMAS J.: Age: 26. Enlisted as Private in Co G 15 Oct 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Left sick near Des Arc, AR 5 Aug 1863.  Ordered to return to company from extra duty in the Commissary Department 10 Aug 1863.  (No Further Record)

ENGLISH, ANDREW JACLSON: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 2nd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co B 4 Oct 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $125 and horse equipment at $15.  Paroled as Private, Co A, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.  Brother of Matthew Holley English and uncle of Christopher C. and Joel R. English.  Residence: Cape Girardeau Co., MO.  Died at Bradley, Oklahoma on 21 February 1916 and is buried in the cemetery at Ninnekah nearby.

ENGLISH, CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS: Age: 19. Enlisted as Private in Co F 27 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $5. Transferred to Co K 1 Mar 1863.  Paroled as Private, Co B, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County. He was a brother of Joel Robert English.  Died 30 December 1920, and is buried in the city cemetery, Anna, IL.

ENGLISH, JOEL ROBERT: Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co D 22 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $110 and horse equipment at $8.  Transferred to Co K 6 Dec 1862 and promoted to 3rd Sergeant.  Paroled as 3rd Sergeant, Co B, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County. He was the brother of Christopher C. English.  Died 6 Mar 1922 and is buried in the city cemetery at Jonesboro, IL.

ENGLISH, MATTHEW HOLLEY: Age: 21. Enlisted as Private in Co B 4 Oct 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $175 and horse equipment at $20.  Died of cause not of record 16 Apr 1863 near Wittsburg, AR.  Brother of Andrew Jackson English, and uncle of Christopher C. and Joel R. English.  Residence: Cape Girardeau Co., MO.

ENGLISH, ROBERT MORRISON: Age: ? His enlistment data is not of record.  Paroled as Private, Co F, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County. Died in Brown County, Texas, in 1910. He was a brother of Thomas W. English, and a cousin of Christopher C. and Joel R. English.

ENGLISH, THOMAS W.: Age: 27. Enlisted as Private in Co F 27 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $8.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County. He was a brother of Robert Morrison English.

ERBY, SAMUEL H.: Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co B 13 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Deserted 20 Oct 1862. (No Further Record).

ERWIN, JAMES A.: Age: 26. Enlisted as Private in Co B 13 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $125 and horse equipment at $5. Taken prisoner of war at Little Rock, AR 10 Sep 1863.  Released from Camp Morton, IN prison 20 May 1865 upon taking the oath of allegiance.  Physical description in his record indicates that he had dark complexion and hair; gray eyes, and was 5’ 5 1 ½ “ in height.  His pension application is on file at the MO State Archives, Jefferson City, MO.  Died 28 Oct 1915 and is buried at Knob Lick, MO.

ERWIN, ROBERT: Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co D 22 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Made a prisoner of war on 27 Oct 1862.  Paroled or exchanged and returned to regiment, for record reflects he transferred to Co K 1 Jun 1863.  Died of causes not of record near Cache River, AR 26 Jul 1863.

ESTES, JOHN: Age: 20. Enlisted as Private in Co A 18 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Deserted 27 Dec 1862. (No Further Record).  Subsequently served in 47th Missouri Infantry Regiment (Union).  Died 11 Mar 1904 and is buried in Chostner Cemetery, Bollinger Co, MO.

ESTES, WILLIAM “BUCK”: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Infantry Battalion, 1st Division) Age: 34. Enlisted as Private in Co F 27 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County. Horse appraised at $150 and horse equipment at $5.  Detailed to quartermaster department 15 Jan 1863.  Paroled 25 May 1865 at Wittsburg, AR.  Physical description at parole indicates he had blue eyes; light hair; medium complexion and was 6’ 3” in height.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

EVANS, ELISHA B.: Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co H 1 Oct 1862 in Scott County.  Horse appraised at $130 and horse equipment at $15. Deserted 27 Jul 1863.  Surrendered at Cape Girardeau, MO and released on $500 bond.

EVANS, JAMES A.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 3rd Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co D 22 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Deserted 3 Oct 1862. (No Further Record).  Died 5 Jul 1889 and is buried in Santa Ana Cemetery, Santa Ana, CA.

EVANS, JOHNSON R.: Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co D 22 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Transferred to Co A 3 Oct 1862.  Promoted to 2nd Corporal 6 Dec 1862.  Deserted 15 Jun 1863. (No Further Record).

EVANS, WILLIAM F.: Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co C 12 Aug 1862 in Wayne County.  Deserted 12 Oct 1862. (No Further Record).

FARRAH (or FARRAR), JOHN F.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Infantry Battalion, 1st Division) Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co C 2 Aug 1862 in Wayne County.  Deserted 12 Oct 1862. (No Further Record).  Residence: Perry County.

FARRELL, WILLIAM A.: Age: 23. Enlisted as Private in Co C 12 Aug 1862 in Wayne County.  Horse appraised at $115 and horse equipment at $8.  Paroled at Wittsburg, AR 25 May 1865, as a member of Co D.

FERGUSON, JEREMIAH J.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Captain, 2nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 29. Enlisted as Private in Co I 3 Oct 1862 in New Madrid County. Horse appraised at $125 and horse equipment at $10.  Elected Junior 2nd Lieutenant 1 Dec 1862.  Promoted to Senior 2nd Lieutenant 15 Feb 1863. Paroled as Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865 as 2nd Lieutenant, Co C. Residence: Stoddard County.

FERGUSON, SAMUEL A.: Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co C 2 Aug 1862 in Wayne County. Deserted 12 Oct 1862. According to Eakin, Missouri Prisoners of War, n.p., he was taken prisoner of war in Madison Co., MO 29 Oct 1862, and forwarded to Myrtle Street Prison, St. Louis, MO.

FLANAGAN, WILLIAM H.: Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co B 26 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Deserted 15 Nov 1862.  Taken prisoner of war in Cape Girardeau County, MO, on 19 Nov 1862; then exchanged at City Point, VA, and returned to command.  Transferred to dismounted cavalry 26 Jul 1863.  Returned to command.  Detailed to duty as a tailor 11 Feb 1864. Paroled with Co A at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

FLANNERY, JAMES HENRY: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 26. Enlisted as Private in Co A 24 Aug 1862 in Bollinger County.  Paroled at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Bollinger County.  Died 1 Jul 1905 and is buried in the Ebenezer Cemetery, Bollinger County, MO.  His obituary is in Wilkinson, Obituaries 1889-1924 from the Banner Press, p. 61.

FLETCHER, JAMES: Age: 23. Enlisted as Private in Co I 17 Aug 1862 in New Madrid County.  Present Dec 1863.  (No Further Record).  Residence: Stoddard County.

FLORA, MARCUS: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 26. Enlisted as Private in Co I 11 Jul 1863 in New Madrid County.  Record notes: "Gave himself up at New Madrid, MO 24 Nov 1864."  Residence: New Madrid County.

FLYNN, WARREN: Age: 22. Enlisted as Private in Co F 27 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $5.  Present Dec 1863.  (No Further Record).

FLYNN, WILLIAM H.: Age: 18. Enlisted as Private in Co F 27 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Died of causes not of record near Batesville, AR 15 Feb 1863.

FOSTER, ROBERT J.: Age: 26. Enlisted as Private in Co C 12 Aug 1862 in Wayne County.  Horse appraised at $115 and horse equipment at $5.  Left sick at Little Rock, AR 10 Sep 1863 and taken prisoner of war 13 Sep 1863.  (No Further Record).

FOSTER, THOMAS B.: Age: 19. Enlisted as Private in Co D 26 Sep 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Horse appraised at $160 and horse equipment at $15.  Present with regiment Dec 1863. Transferred to 4th MO Field Artillery (Harris' Battery) in 1864 and paroled with that unit at Grand Ecore, LA 6 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County.

FOSTER, WILLIAM: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 25. Enlisted as Private in Co H 10 Oct 1862 in Scott County.  Horse appraised at $110 and horse equipment at $5.  Died of cause not of record at Camp Porter, AR 3 Mar 1863.

FRANCE, GEORGE W.: Age: 23. Enlisted as Private in Co C 2 Aug 1862 in Wayne County.  Deserted 12 Oct 1862. (No Further Record).

FRANKLIN, JAMES W.: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Corporal, 1st Cavalry, 1st Division) Age: 24. Enlisted as Private in Co I 14 Aug 1862 in New Madrid County. Horse appraised at $140 and horse equipment at $15.  Appointed 3rd Sergeant 2 Dec 1862.  Paroled as Private, Co C, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: New Madrid County.

FRANKS, GEORGE W.: Age: 28. Enlisted as Private in Co K 12 Aug 1862 in Cape Girardeau County.  Deserted 29 Dec 1862. (No Further Record).

FRIEND, JOHN: (Served in Missouri State Guard as 2nd Lieutenant, 4th Infantry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 32. Enlisted as Private in Co H 1 Oct 1862 in Scott County.  Horse appraised at $175 and horse equipment at $15.  Appointed 1st Sergeant 12 Nov 1862.  Elected 2nd Lieutenant 10 Jun 1863 at camp near Wittsburg, AR.  (No Further Record).  See Goodspeed’s History of Southeast Missouri, pp. 927-928, for biographical information. Died 16 Feb 1909, and is buried at the Friend Cemetery, Oran, MO.

FRISSELL, CHARLES: Age: 21. Enlisted as Private in Co C 2 Aug 1862 in Wayne County.  Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $5.  Deserted 2 May 1863. According to Eakin, Missouri Prisoners of War, n.p., he was taken prisoner of war in Madison Co, MO, 15 Aug 1863 and sent to Alton, IL, military prison where he was held until released in May, 1865.  Prison records indicate that he was 5’ 6”, with blue eyes and light hair.  Residence: Madison County.

FULBRIGHT, WILLIAM: (Served in Missouri State Guard as Private, 1st Cavalry Regiment, 1st Division) Age: 28. Enlisted as Private in Co B 17 Aug 1862 in Cape Girardeau County. Horse appraised at $100 and horse equipment at $15. Paroled as 3rd Sergeant, Co A, at Shreveport, LA 7 Jun 1865.  Residence: Cape Girardeau County. Died 26 Mar 1877 and buried at Estes Cemetery, Oak Ridge, MO.


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