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Under the Sea

Have fun surfing!

Here are some of my favorite Boston Terrier websites to visit,
and a few non-breed specific sites.
I think you will find them informative and entertaining.

A Boston's World

American Kennel Club

Animal Planet

Beadwork by Mary Lea
custom,personalized collars

The Boston Buddies Photo Album
(Mimi and Tux are on page 3 of the album)

Bostons R Us

Boston Terrier Club of America

Boston Terrier Health Site

Boston Terrier Rescue Net


Bostons in Common

Dog Breed Info Center

The Doggie Store
custom-made dog apparel

Onofrio Dog Shows
pet greeting cards

Purely Boston

The Boston Site

The Boston Site 2

Vet Info

Disney is an English Springer Spaniel in San Diego, CA.
On 5/12/2000 he honored me by naming Mimi's Girls as his Favorite Site of the Day.
Thank you, Disney, for the wonderful surprise!

And the many Boston Terrier homepages on the World Wide Web.
Here are just a few:

Boodog's Home Page

Casey's Home Page

Chewbacca's Place

Doogie's Page

Gizmo and Peanut's Domain

Lambchop's House

see Lambchop's babies 1

see Lambchop's babies 2

Macy and Beau's Hideout

Molly & Max's Doghouse

The Paul Puppies
Petey and Elvis

The Toy Box

meet Phoebe & Tyler
two cute BT sisters

Here are links to some Boston Terrier message boards

Sandra Wade's Boston Terrier Bulletin Board

BostonTerrier.Org Message Board

Bostons In Common Open Buddy Board

Bostons R Us General Board

The Boston Site Boston Bulletin

Here are some banners you can use to link back to Mimi's Girls
Please copy this URL to use with the banner of your choice:

Thank you, Kim, for the great picture banner!

E-mail us!

Tux, Mimi's Boston TerrierTux, page 2Tux, page3
Mimi's Calendar Girl TUX Miss March 2000Happy 4th Birthday, Tux! (2001)Happy 5th Birthday, Tux! (2002)
Tux's Kitty SistersOreoSmudgeBeachy
God Bless AmericaRainbow Bridge 9-11
Season's Greetings from Mimi and her GirlsDogs Love Christmas, TooCats Love Christmas, Too
LinksFun StuffAwardsWebRingsHome

Please be sure to visit my Guestbook before you leave
You may click here to view entries from my first guestbook

Pets Are GemsJANUARY: Happy New YearFEBRUARY: Happy Valentine's Day
MARCH: Toxic PlantsHippity Hoppity Happy EasterAPRIL: April Showers Bring…ThunderstormsCaught
MAY: The Merry Month of MayJUNE: Basic First AidFirst Aid KitJULY: Have a Fun and Safe 4th of July
AUGUST: Vacationing with Your PetsPets Enjoy Celebrating Their Birthdays, Too
SEPTEMBER: School DaysOCTOBER: Halloween Safety Tips For Your Pets
NOVEMBER: Stuff The Turkey, Not Your Pets, This ThanksgivingDECEMBER: Holiday Hazards
Saying GoodbyePoetryRainbow BridgeLiving LoveThe Journey