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Spouse: Henry B. COCHRAN.


Spouse: John GODSCHALK.

HELENA was born on Apr 20, 1782. She died on Jan 21, 1842.


Christian HEMEL.

Spouse: Anna Elisabeth ROMMEL. Christian HEMEL and Anna Elisabeth ROMMEL were married before 1895 in Russia.

Courtney Elisabeth HEMMINGER was born in 1990. Parents: Tony HEMMINGER and Anne Marlene DITMER.

Julie Noelle HEMMINGER was born in 1975. Parents: Tony HEMMINGER and Anne Marlene DITMER.

Marci Ann HEMMINGER was born in 1973. Parents: Tony HEMMINGER and Anne Marlene DITMER.


Spouse: Anne Marlene DITMER. Tony HEMMINGER and Anne Marlene DITMER were married in 1969. Children were: Marci Ann HEMMINGER, Julie Noelle HEMMINGER, Courtney Elisabeth HEMMINGER.

Pierre Enaud HENAULT was born in , , France. He died in , , France.

Spouse: Marie Anne RATEL. Pierre Enaud HENAULT and Marie Anne RATEL were married on Feb 3, 1688. Children were: Therese HENAULT.

Therese HENAULT was born on Apr 10, 1700 in Sorel, , France. She died in , , France. Parents: Pierre Enaud HENAULT and Marie Anne RATEL.

Spouse: Jean MARTIN. Children were: Charolette MARTIN-STJEAN.

Therese HENAULT-CANADA was born on Apr 10, 1700 in Sorel, Quebec. Parents: Pierre ENAUD-CANADA and Marie Anne RATEL.

Spouse: Jean MARTIN-ST JEAN. Jean MARTIN-ST JEAN and Therese HENAULT-CANADA were married on Aug 8, 1723 in Montreal, Quebec. Children were: Marie Charlotte MARTIN-ST.JEAN.

Janicken HENDRICKS died about 1728 in Towamencin, Kulpsville, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. She was buried about 1728. 1 NAME Jane (Jackien\Janiken\Janicken) /Hendricks/

Spouse: Gerhart SCHRAGER. Gerhart SCHRAGER and Janicken HENDRICKS were married before 1707. Children were: Goshen Hendricks SHRAGER, Catherine (Shrager) SCHRAUGER, Helena (HENDRICKS)SHRAGER.


Spouse: Magdalena GODSHALK.


Spouse: Gertrude GODSHALK.

Christopher Carl HENNEY was born in 1975. Parents: Joseph Carl HENNEY and Ruth Marie HARTMAN.

Spouse: Lisa REIMER. Christopher Carl HENNEY and Lisa REIMER were married in 2000.

Frank Eugene HENNEY was born in 1916.

Spouse: Mary Jane ARMSTRONG. Frank Eugene HENNEY and Mary Jane ARMSTRONG were married in 1939. Children were: John Franklin HENNEY, Joseph Carl HENNEY.

John Franklin HENNEY was born in 1940. Parents: Frank Eugene HENNEY and Mary Jane ARMSTRONG.

Spouse: Rose Anne HARTMAN. John Franklin HENNEY and Rose Anne HARTMAN were married in 1962. Children were: Pamela Anne HENNEY, Patricia Kay HENNEY.

Joseph Carl HENNEY was born in 1941. Parents: Frank Eugene HENNEY and Mary Jane ARMSTRONG.

Spouse: Ruth Marie HARTMAN. Joseph Carl HENNEY and Ruth Marie HARTMAN were married in 1970. Children were: Christopher Carl HENNEY, Sarah Marie HENNEY, Michael Joseph HENNEY, Scott Eugene HENNEY.

Michael Joseph HENNEY was born in 1983. Parents: Joseph Carl HENNEY and Ruth Marie HARTMAN.

Pamela Anne HENNEY was born in 1963. Parents: John Franklin HENNEY and Rose Anne HARTMAN.

Patricia Kay HENNEY was born in 1965. Parents: John Franklin HENNEY and Rose Anne HARTMAN.

Spouse: Jeffrey PAYTON. Jeffrey PAYTON and Patricia Kay HENNEY were married in 1988.

Sarah Marie HENNEY was born in 1978. Parents: Joseph Carl HENNEY and Ruth Marie HARTMAN.

Scott Eugene HENNEY was born in 1986. Parents: Joseph Carl HENNEY and Ruth Marie HARTMAN.

Sophia Annie HENNING was born on Mar 23, 1811 in Wurttemberg, Germany. She was buried in Mar 1903 in Olive Cemetery, Olive Township, Elkhart Co., Indiana. She died on Mar 17, 1903 in home of daughter, Sarah Nusbaum, Elkhart, Elkhart County, Indiana. Sophia Henning Ehret is listed in Mormon records as being born in 1812 inGermany. It also lists her as a widow living in Olive Township, ElkhartCounty, Indiana. She was 68 years of age at the time and living alone atthe time of the 1880 census.

There is a possibility that Sophia was Elias' second wife. Church Recordsat St. Michael-Zion register # 749, Film No. 74, Lutheran SeminaryLibrary, Germantown, Pennsylvania, Elias Ehret was married to CatharinaNenz. Elias and Catharina are listed as baptismal sponsors to his brotherJacob's child. The child, whose name is not listed, was born November 13,1829, and baptized Jan 24, 1830. The parents were Jacob and Hannah"Ehred." However, in other cases if the second sponsor was the wife, onlyher first name is listed with her husbands. It appears that their namewas regularly spelled "Ehred" in those records.

A calendar produced by Bob Ehret and a committee of family members is thesource of much of the material about Elias' youth and the children ofElias' son Jacob. Bob, who is great-great-grandson of Elias, recordedrecollections of Ona Ehret Essig of conversations with her father,Cornelius O. Ehret, and obviously did a great deal of research on hisown. Cornelius was a grandson of Elias.

About 1822 Sophia Henning came here from Germany via a sailing boattaking six weeks for the crossing. Here she was called Sophia, but inGermany she was just plain "Suph."

According to the History of Elkhart County by Abraham E. Weaver,published by the American Historical Society of Chicago and New York,1916, pages 730-731, under the account of Henry L. Letterman, we find thefollowing about Sophia Henning.

"Sophia Henning was a native of Germany and came to America when a youngwoman. The payment for her passage across the Atlantic having been paidby indentured service after she had arrived in the New World. Herhusband, Elias Ehret was one of the early settlers of Olive Township,Elkhart County, and as a skilled shoemaker he found much requisition forhis services in the manufacturing of boots and shoes at a time when allsuch work was done entirely by hand. Here he passed the residue of hislife and his widow attained the advanced age of ninety years."

After coming to this country, Sophia is said to have gone directly toPhiladelphia (before or after her indentured service, we do not know).She and Elias met at a dance in Philadelphia, and Elias said he could seethat she was a green Dutchman too. As is often the case, two strangepeople from the same homeland meet and fall in love on sight. They dancedand walked home after changing and wearing each other's shoes. Eliasclaimed to have taken her home the first time he ever saw her.

Sophia died at the Ehret farm west and north of Wakarusa a few days shortof being 92 years of age.

Spouse: Elias Frederich EHRET. Children were: John EHRET, Sophia Apsina EHRET, Jacob Fredrich EHRET, Catherine EHRET, Hannah EHRET, Rose EHRET, Michael EHRET, Lovina EHRET, Mary EHRET, Sarah EHRET.

Lehntgen HENRICHS was born in 1630 in Munchen-Gladbach-Venn, Alst.. She died about 1676 in Goch, Germany. She was buried about 1676. Parents: Henrichs WILHELMS and ENTGEN.

Spouse: Gottschalk (Pastor) Thonis (THEUNISSEN). Gottschalk (Pastor) Thonis (THEUNISSEN) and Lehntgen HENRICHS were married in 1654. Children were: Jacob (Bishop) Henrichs GODSCHALK.


Spouse: Dorothy NANCE.


Spouse: Dorothy NANCE.

Marie Amable HERBERT-LAROSE. Parents: Jean Baptiste HEBERT-LAROSE and Jeanne JOLIVET-LEPINE.

Spouse: Jean Baptiste GROUX. Jean Baptiste GROUX and Marie Amable HERBERT-LAROSE were married on Jan 23, 1758 in Montreal. Children were: Jean Baptiste GROUX.

Emiline HERING.

Spouse: William Henry EHRET. William Henry EHRET and Emiline HERING were married on Oct 9, 1852.

Aeltien (Adeheid) (Symons) HERMANS was born about 1667 in Goch, Cleves, Holland. She was baptized on Apr 7, 1686 in Mennonite Church, Goch, Cleves, Holland. She died in 1706. She was buried in 1706 in Towamencin Mennonite Church Cemetery, Kulpsville, Pa. Parents: Herman DAVITS and Trientien (Katharina) SYMONS.

Spouse: Jacob (Bishop) Henrichs GODSCHALK. Jacob (Bishop) Henrichs GODSCHALK and Aeltien (Adeheid) (Symons) HERMANS were married on Feb 20, 1688/89. Children were: Godschalk (Hermans) GODSCHALK, John GODSCHALK, Herman GODSCHALK, Anna GODSCHALK, Magdalena GODSCHALK.

Abraham HERR. Parents: Abraham HERR and Anna MILLER.

Abraham HERR. Parents: Hans HERR and Catherine HAAS.

Abraham HERR was born about 1672 in Switzerland. He died before Dec 16, 1725 in Conestoga Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania. He was buried before Dec 16, 1725. Abraham immigtated with his father, Bishop Hans Herr, from Switzerland.

Abraham settled on warranted land in Manor Towship in 1717. Parents: Hans (Bishop) HERR and Elizabeth KUNDIG.

Spouse: Frena MOSIMAN. Children were: Samuel HERR, David HERR.

Spouse: Anna BAR(E). Abraham HERR and Anna BAR(E) were married about 1698 in Zurich, Switzerland. Children were: Rudolph HERR, Barbara HERR, Elizabeth HERR, Christian HERR, John HERR, Abraham HERR.

Abraham HERR was born on Jun 25, 1700 in Zurich, Switzerland. He was born on Jun 25, 1700. He died on Sep 5, 1775 in Manor Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He was buried in Sep 1775. Abraham Herr settled in Manor Township. Parents: Abraham Christian HERR and Anna BARE. Parents: Abraham HERR and Anna BAR(E).

Spouse: Fanny MARTIN.

Spouse: Anna MILLER. Abraham HERR and Anna MILLER were married in 1734 in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Children were: Abraham HERR, Barbara HERR, Christiana HERR, John HERR, Mary HERR, David HERR, Elizabeth HERR, Magdalena HERR, Frances HERR, Christian HERR.

Abraham Christian HERR was born in 1660 in Manor Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He died in 1725 in Willow Street Lampeter Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He was buried in 1725. Parents: Hans (Bishop) HERR and Elizabeth KUNDIG.

Spouse: Anna BARE. Abraham Christian HERR and Anna BARE were married about 1698 in The Palitinate, Germany. Children were: Abraham HERR, John HERR, Barbara HERR, Christian HERR, Elizabeth HERR, Rudolph HERR.

Barbara HERR. Parents: Abraham HERR and Anna BAR(E).

Spouse: David MARTIN.

Barbara HERR. Parents: Abraham HERR and Anna MILLER.

Barbara HERR died in Manor Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Parents: Abraham Christian HERR and Anna BARE.

Spouse: David MARTIN.

Christian HERR was born about 1720 in Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He died before May 17, 1763 in Lancaster, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He was buried before May 17, 1763. Parents: Abraham Christian HERR and Anna BARE. Parents: Abraham HERR and Anna BAR(E).

Spouse: BARBARA.

Christian HERR was born on Dec 30, 1746. He died in 1822. He was buried in 1822. Parents: Abraham HERR and Anna MILLER.

Spouse: Frances MARTIN.

Christian (Pastor) HERR. Parents: Hans (Bishop) HERR and Elizabeth KUNDIG.

Spouse: ANNA.

Christian (Pastor) HERR was born in 1680 in Switzerland. He died before Jan 23, 1749/50 in Lampeter Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. He was buried before Jan 23, 1749/50. Christian herr was a Mennonite minister; signed London Letter June 27,1710; warranted 530 acres in Strasburg Yownship October 10, 1710; builtthe first house in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, which still stands. Itprovided a home for his aging parents, Bishop Hans Harr and his wifeBarbel Kundig Herr.

He signed the Dortrecht Confess 1725. Parents: Hans (Bishop) HERR and Elizabeth KUNDIG.

Spouse: ANNA.

Christiana HERR. Parents: Abraham HERR and Anna MILLER.

David HERR. Parents: Abraham HERR and Frena MOSIMAN.

David HERR was born in 1722. He died in 1771. He was buried in 1771. Parents: Abraham HERR and Anna MILLER.

Spouse: Barbara HERSHEY.

Elizabeth HERR died about 1735 in Manor Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She was buried about 1735. Parents: Abraham Christian HERR and Anna BARE. Parents: Abraham HERR and Anna BAR(E).

Spouse: Jacob BARTZELL.

Elizabeth HERR was born in 1663 in Aargau or Zurich, Switzerland. She died in Strasburg, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Parents: Hans (Bishop) HERR and Elizabeth KUNDIG.

Spouse: Martin (II) BARE. Children were: Anna BARE.

Elizabeth HERR was born in 1733 in Manor Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She died in 1783 in Manor Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She was buried in 1783. Parents: Abraham HERR and Anna MILLER.

Spouse: John STONER. John STONER and Elizabeth HERR were married in Manor Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Children were: Christian STONER, Abraham STONER, Jacob STONER, Elizabeth STONER.

Emanuel HERR was born in 1689. He died in 1740 in Wheatland Mills. He was buried in 1740. Emanuel Herr died intestate. He owned warranted land in 1717. Parents: Hans (Bishop) HERR and Elizabeth KUNDIG.

Spouse: Maudlin Brechbuehl (BRACKBILL). Emanuel HERR and Maudlin Brechbuehl (BRACKBILL) were married in 1720.

Frances HERR was born on Dec 30, 1740 in Strasburg, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. She died in 1775. She was buried in 1775. Parents: Abraham HERR and Anna MILLER.

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