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FanFic u wana read some high quality stories? Then u've come to the right place!! Now the fanfic count is up to 3! ^_^If you'd like to send some mail it reading!:.

The Real Izzy Izumi ~ By Sarah Wise *really funny song about izzy to the tune of Eminem's song The Real Slim Shady..PG though.

In Deep Water...digitamergurlz Part1 ~ By Gato165 *funny story bout Takato,henry & Ruki..hee hee.

The Return of the Evil King~ By Chelsea Rigdon
*cool story..a must read!

Chapter 1~ By Geoffrey Mcfadden
Chapter 2~ By Geoffrey Mcfadden
Chapter 3 :Child of Darkness ~ By Geoffrey Mcfadden
Chapter 4: Defeat ~ By Geoffrey Mcfadden
Chapter 5: Fallen Angel ~ By Geoffrey Mcfadden
Chapter 6: Dark Miracles ~ By Geoffrey Mcfadden
*neato neato n_n *

The Chosen Ones ~ By Eric Kim
*Awesome ^^= *

Fanfic ~ by Carissa

*yomimasu!! ^^*

Digimon Fanfic ~ By Janae Johnson
*tis very neat*

tis sasuke!! the hot lil fire breathing ninja of the tragic genius clan Uchida