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Rodin Museum ~ a love story

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Art Museum

Fonthill Mansion

USS Forrestal

South Philly steaks


Boat House Row

Edgar Allen Poe

Dickens Inn

The Crying Mother

The Benjamin Franklin bridge

The Ghost of St Peter's

Eastern State Penitentiary

Academy of Music

Location: General Wayne Inn ~ main line of Philadelphia Date: The Present

Located on Philadephia's main line, the General Wayne inn has been in continuous use since 1704 This old stagecoach stop has lodged and fed many famous people such as Washington, Jefferson, Franklin even horror writer Edgar Allen Poe stayed there carving his initials into a window pane. There are also many unseen guests who have never left, reportedly the ghost of a Hessian soldier resides in the wine cellar, he was allegedly killed for revenge by the wife of a colonial soldier who had been killed by the Hessian, why he would reside in the wine cellar escapes me, but he has been seen by workers at the Inn, one burly bartender refused to enter the cellar after an nocturnal encounter with the ghost.

One ghost that is a real ladies "man" likes to occupy the bar area and pinch woman and tug their hair.Someone should give this guy a lesson in etiquette or a copy of the "complete idiots guide to picking up woman".

Tragedy struck the Wayne Inn in 1996, two business partners had taken over the Inn, Jim Webb, age 31, and Guy Sileo, age 29, they had run into financial problems and Webb had wanted to sell his half of the business, he was found murdered in his office at the Wayne Inn on December 27, shot in the back of the head, an insurance policy that the business partners carried would cover their debts, suspicion was thrown around Guy Sileo, on February 22, assistant chef Felicia Mayse committed suicide, she had been having an affair with Guy Sileo and had been an alibi for him the night of the murder, as of this writing Guy Sileo has been arrested for murder and is awaiting trial

UPDATE article by RQuinn

Guy Sileo has a new theory on the murder of Jim Webb. He now says his dead girlfriend pulled the trigger.

NORRISTOWN - Facing life behind bars for shooting his business partner and one-time best friend in the back of the head, convicted killer-perjurer Guy Sileo Jr. is now blaming the crime on his late girlfriend.

Sileo, 34, formerly of Nether Providence, alleges Felicia Moyse -- a 20-year-old sous chef at the General Wayne Inn and daughter of a Marple police officer - confessed to shooting Webb with Sileo's still-missing .25-caliber semiautomatic handgun because Webb didn't approve of their affair, according to Sileo's petition for a new trial dated yesterday. Moyse, an East Lansdowne resident and 1994 Marple Newtown High School graduate described by prosecutors as love-struck with Sileo, became distraught by Sileo's decision to stay with his wife and committed suicide at her parents' Marple home two months after Webb's murder. An older sister found her body. Foul play was ruled out.

Moyse shot herself in the head with a .40-caliber handgun that belonged to her father, the Delaware County Medical Examiner's officer later determined.

In the formal post-sentence motion, Philadelphia attorneys Howard D. Scher and Howard J. Bashman label Sileo's former defense attorney, Richard Winters of Norristown,"ineffective"before and after Sileo's eight-day murder trial before Judge Paul Tressler at the Montgomery County Courthouse.

They contend Winters knew about Moyse's confession to Sileo and forced Sileo to lie on the witness stand.

Sileo, long considered the No. 1 suspect in the Webb murder according to Montgomery County District Attorney Bruce L. Castor Jr., was already serving a one- to three-year prison sentence for lying to grand jurors about the whereabouts of the missing murder weapon when he was charged with the high-profile Main Line murder.

"He never said that to me," Winters said yesterday afternoon, referring to Moyse's alleged guilt. Winters said Sileo's story was always the same since he took over his defense: "I didn't kill Jim Webb. I don't know who did."

Winters said Sileo had stuck to the story that he had owned a .25-caliber weapon, but traded it for a holster.

If Sileo had blamed Moyse, Winters admitted yesterday, "I would not have believed it." Not only did Sileo account for Moyse's time before the murder, she passed a lie-detector test, both he and Castor noted in separate interviews. "In the circumstances of this case, that ineffective counsel so undermined the truth-determining process that no reliable adjudication of defendant's guilt or innocence has taken place," opens the 30-page petition which goes on to list eight reasons the court should grant Sileo a new trial.

According to the petition, Sileo told former defense attorneys C. Scott Shields and Robert F. Ferrara, both of Media, in a jailhouse interview "that on the night of Dec. 26, 1996, Felicia Moyse told Mr. Sileo when the two of them were leaving the establishment known as Mulligan's, that she had shot James Webb before arriving at Mulligan's using the defendant's .25-caliber handgun, which the defendant had kept in his office desk at the General Wayne Inn."

Sileo and Moyse were the last to see Webb alive at the financially strapped restaurant, according to authorities. It was Sileo who found Webb's lifeless body in a remote office of the inn on the morning of Dec. 27.

At the trial, the prosecution said Sileo shot and killed Webb for a $650,000 insurance payoff, part of which would go to his father, Guy Sileo Sr., for providing some start-up cash.

Authorities became suspicious about Sileo's behavior soon after they arrived at the inn to investigate Webb's death, particularly because he was drinking early in the morning and he knew Webb had been murdered before police announced it.

Neither Castor nor Wendy Demchick-Alloy, who assisted with the prosecution, was surprised by Sileo's attempt to pin the blame on Moyse. "He has no chance to prevail," Castor said. "It's a desperate attempt for a man who has nothing to lose. It's the testimony of this twice-convicted perjurer and killer against Winters, a pillar in the legal community."

Demchick-Alloy found it odd that Sileo is now saying that he went home and told his wife, Denise, he was leaving her and their two young children for the same woman who earlier that very night confessed to murdering Webb. "Get real," she said.

Webb's mother, Theresa Webb of Aston, said last night she'd been in touch with the prosecutors as well as family members, including widow Robin Webb who lives out of state, throughout much of the day. "Both Robin and I feel the same way," Mrs. Webb said. "We're not surprised."

Theresa Webb said Robin Webb had been in touch by phone with Felicia Moyse's mother, Ruth. Ruth Moyse had been among a group of regular Webb supporters at trial.

Mrs. Moyse declined comment yesterday. "They're doing all right," Mrs. Webb said. Other grounds on which Sileo is asking for a new trial include:

- The court should not have allowed Robin Webb to repeat to jurors the "hearsay statement" of her husband. At trial, she testified separating Webb and Sileo during a fight and Webb later telling her, "Guy's got that gun, the unregistered one."

- In his closing to jurors, Castor improperly asserted his personal belief in Sileo's guilt and veracity when he said, "I'm not in the business and neither is the D.A.'s office of arresting people that we cannot prove are guilty."

- Tressler erred in permitting the testimony of Montgomery County's coroner, Dr. Halbert Fillinger, to testify as an expert witness on the supposed height of Webb's killer.

Fillinger said based on trajectory of the bullet and if the killer shot from the "point shoulder position," the killer was "considerably shorter than the victim at the time the shot was fired." Webb stood at 6 feet tall. Sileo is 5 feet 4 inches tall.

- Prosecutors should have been refrained from using a secretly recorded conversation between Sileo and an undercover police informant. Sileo's admits on the tape that he had a .25-caliber gun but traded it.

Sileo contends that since he had counsel at the time, the commonwealth violated his right to counsel under the federal and state constitutions. The state Supreme Court upheld Sileo's perjury conviction based on the tape. That ruling paved the way for Castor to file the murder charges.

Winters noted that the time was short-lived when Sileo was represented by himself, Shields and Ferrara. After Shields and Ferrara were dismissed, soon before Sileo's preliminary hearing on murder charges, Winters said Sileo never once veered from his original story. Neither Shields nor Ferrara would comment yesterday.

According to the court petition, Shields and Ferrara worked with Winters from September to November 2000. During that time, the Media attorneys, without Winter's approval, issued a press release purporting to be from all three men. Winters decided that he could no longer work as a team and gave Sileo the option to lose the other two and keep him, keep Ferrara and Shields and lose Winters, or find new counsel.

The petition states that Winters, again his sole lawyer, visited Sileo at the Montgomery County prison where he was serving his perjury sentence.

According to the petition: "Attorney Winters told the defendant at that time that attorney Winters did not want to hear from his client the version of events that the client had previously told to attorneys Shields and Ferrara.

"Attorney Winters then told (Sileo) that (he) had no alternative but to take the stand at his upcoming murder trial and affirm under oath the truthfulness of the statement that the District Attorney's office had surreptitiously tape recorded in April 1997, in which (Sileo) stated that he had years earlier at a gun show traded for a holster the gun that Felicia Moyse had actually used to kill James Webb," the petition states.

Sileo told Shields and Ferrara that he had no advance notice of Moyse's intention to kill Webb, that she acted alone, and that she disposed of the handgun but never told him where or how.

At trial last summer, Castor called Sileo "a cool cucumber," using everyone from his wife and girlfriend to establish an alibi for his crime.

At sentencing Jan. 4, Castor called Sileo "slime" because he failed to use the opportunity to take responsibility for his actions. Yesterday, Castor was almost at a loss for words.

"There is no string of negative adjectives sufficient to convey how I feel about Guy Sileo," he said. Then it came to him.

"I think he's despicable," Castor said. "I think it's despicable he is blaming Felicia, a woman who can't defend herself."

Ever see a ghost?A UFO ? Or any other paranormal experiance, drop us a line if you would like to see it on line.E-MAIL


Dream Garden

Jersey Devil

City Hall

Joan of Arc

General Waynes Inn

Merch ants Exchange

First Bank

Second Bank

The Inn at Philadelphia

Betsey Ross house

Bellvue Strattford hotel

Dick Clark

Princess Grace

Elfreth's Alley

Powell House

USS United States

Cedar Grove

Baleroy Mansion

The Philadelphia Experiment

The Fisherman

Washington Square

UFOs over Philly

Head House Square

South st

City Tavern

If you have enjoyed the special effect sounds check out the site where I got them from, alot of fun~


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