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Independence Hall.


Benjamin Franklins grave.

Mt. Pleasant

Mutter Museum~ beware

Lemon Hill.

Rodin Museum ~ a love story

Old Fort Mifflin.

The Delaware River Fog .

Art Museum

Fonthill Mansion

USS Forrestal

South Philly steaks


Boat House Row

Edgar Allen Poe

Dickens Inn

The Crying Mother

The Benjamin Franklin bridge

The Ghost of St Peter's

Eastern State Penitentiary

Academy of Music

Date:THE PRESENT Location: South Street- Philadelphia

This was posted by Nicole

  -- I'm Nicole and I live in Philadelphia, although I grew up in a small town outside Bloomsburg.

Philadelphia, as I'm sure you all know, is just full of legends and ghosts, etc. I will now relate to you a personal story , complete with you can check it out for yourself!

My friend Amy used to live in the front apartment directly above 611 Records right off 4th and South Streets -- it was a weird little you walked in the door, the bathroom was directly off the left, the kitchen was straight ahead, and there was a very long hallway directly to the right. There were two small bedrooms and a livingroom that opened off the long hallway.

That said, I helped move Amy and her roommate in, and I noticed immediately that the apartment had a soggy aroma to it, if that makes sense...just damp, I guess. I just assumed that the prior tenants had ruined the carpet or something and the smell would go away. In addition, the doors were all....I don't know: strange. There was a linen-type closet in the long hallway and the door was sort of looked like it was curved outward a bit....and none of the doors closed. I should say that they DID close, but they wouldn't stay shut. All easily explainable -- Queen Village (the section the apartment is in) is an old neighborhood and I'm sure the apartment building was pretty old and had old maybe the doors just didn't line up right or the doorknobs weren't entirely functional. None of that explains why I felt so uncomfortable in the house....maybe not uncomfortable, just sad.

Alright, so Amy and her roomie are moved in and constantly complaining that the apartment was always cold, no matter how high they turned up the heat. None of the neighbors had the problem, so Amy just decided there must be something wrong with the thermostat and complained to the landlord. After checking out the heating system, nothing wrong was discovered and Amy decided there must be a draft somewhere, blah, blah, blah.

Then Amy and her roomie adopted a cat...the cat refused to leave Amy's room (her room was the last bedroom off the long hallway).

I came over to Amy's apartment one night to watch a couple movies...we were just hanging out with her roomie, and I excused myself to use the bathroom. OK, so I close the door to the bathroom and I'm sitting on the toilet when the door slowly creaks open. I get the prickles on the back of my neck, but I roll my eyes and continue on, and then I notice how strong the damp smell is in the bathroom...and then I notice there all sorts of cracks in the floor. I'm washing my hands and feeling really uncomfortable and I look out the window -- there are two little kids (a boy and a girl) staring at me from a building across the street, and its giving me the creeps for no reason that I can think of. So I immediately leave the bathroom, and ask Amy if she has water damage in the bathroom. She mumbles something about the bathroom floor slanting toward the middle of the room, and doesn't talk about it anymore.

It doesn't occur to me until I get home that the building the kids were in is a nightclub, and the nightclub was open that night -- there are no apartments in the building, and no way that young kids could be in there. But, whatever..

.Over the next couple of months Amy and her roomie, who were good friends, fought like crazy and screamed at each other constantly and finally decided to part ways...Amy was constantly trying to avoid being at her apartment during this time, so I was never at her apartment again.

Fast forward about two years...I'm working at a law firm in Center City Philly and one day a temp named Julia comes to work for my department. Julia and I are hanging out working on a project and I notice she is wearing a pentagram necklace...I ask her about it and find out she is a witch, and we end up talking about that, which meanders into a conversation about places that we've lived in town (we both moved around a lot). She says that she used to live in an apartment building above 611 Records, and I say "Oh, my friend Amy used to live in that building, which apartment did you live in?" She says that she lived in the front apartment directly over the store. She starts talking about the ghosts of two children she used to see running around the apartment constantly....and, remembering my bathroom experience, I perk up. I asked her if she remembers anything strange about the apartment, and she says that there was always a wet smell and she couldn't stand to be in the bathroom because the door never stayed shut and she felt like she was being watched.

What she said next still chills me to the bone. Julia said that she got to wondering about why the ghost kids were in the house, and started doing some research...asking the neighbors in the street if anything bad had ever happened in the building. Apparently, 10 years prior to Julia living there (this is around 1994) a woman and her two children lived in that apartment. The woman was a single mother and abusive to her children -- the neighbors used to hear the kids screaming constantly. When social services investigated, they found the children locked into the linen-type closet thing in the hallway and took the kids into protective custody. For whatever reason, the children went back to the mother and that apartment in a few weeks....and a few days after that, the mother drowned the kids in the bathtub.

I haven't ever met anyone else who lived in the house, so I'm not sure if the ghost kids are still hanging out in the apartment....but that is the whole story as I know it. I do know that Julia moved out of the apartment shortly after she discovered what happened.


Ever see a ghost?A UFO ? Or any other paranormal experiance, drop us a line if you would like to see it on line.E-MAIL


Dream Garden

Jersey Devil

City Hall

Joan of Arc

General Waynes Inn

Merch ants Exchange

First Bank

Second Bank

The Inn at Philadelphia

Betsey Ross house

Bellvue Strattford hotel

Dick Clark

Princess Grace

Elfreth's Alley

Powell House

USS United States

Cedar Grove

Baleroy Mansion

The Philadelphia Experiment

The Fisherman

Washington Square

UFOs over Philly

Head House Square

South st

City Tavern

If you have enjoyed the special effect sounds check out the site where I got them from, alot of fun~


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