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Independance Hall .


Benjamin Franklins grave.

Mt. Pleasant

Mutter Museum~ beware

Lemon Hill.

Rodin Museum ~ a love story

Old Fort Mifflin.

The Delaware River Fog

Art Museum

Fonthill Mansion

USS Forrestal

South Philly steaks


Boat House Row

Edgar Allen Poe

Dickens Inn

The Crying Mother

The Benjamin Franklin bridge

The Ghost of St Peter's

Eastern State Penitentiary

Academy of Music

City Tavern

Date:1943 ~ Location: Philadelphia Navy Yard

There were many scientific experiments done during World War 2 that were highly classified and top secret, much of the information has never been released to the general public and will not be availiable until 40 years has passed.

American scientist were franticaly looking for any advantage science could bring to the war effort, one such project which took place at the Philadelphia Navy Yard involved the complete invisibility of a Navy vessel to enemy eyes and radar

Because of the cloak of secrecy and much goverment disinformation, it is generally written that the USS Eldrige was involved in a bizzarre experiment that transported it from Philadelphia to Norfolk and back in mere seconds, that is not the case.

The real Philadelphia Experiment involved an un named Navy ship which was cloaked with electro-magnetism which caused a corona around the ship,the ship dissapeared for mere seconds, volunteers were then put on board and they were bombarded with electro-magnetism, the ship dissapeared once more but when it again materialized, most of the crew were dead or horribly burned, the survivors were taken to the Philadelphia Navy home, where they occupied a private floor for the rest of their lives, their families were told that they had died in battle,the ship was towed out to sea and sunk.

It's interesting to note that at the time of the Phiadelphia Experiment that there were three men who worked at the navy yard who later went on to become famous sci-fi writers, they were Isacc Azimov, Robert A Heinlein and L Sprague de Lacamp, were they influenced in any manner by the events at the Philadelphia Navy Yard?

Ever see a ghost?A UFO ? Or any other paranormal experiance, drop us a line if you would like to see it on line.E-MAIL


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Dream Garden

Jersey Devil

City Hall

Joan of Arc

General Waynes Inn

Merch ants Exchange

First Bank

Second Bank

The Inn at Philadelphia

Betsey Ross house

Bellvue Strattford hotel

Dick Clark

Princess Grace

Elfreth's Alley

Powell House

USS United States

Cedar Grove

Baleroy Mansion

The Philadelphia Experiment

The Fisherman

Washington Square

UFOs over Philly

Head House Square

South st

If you have enjoyed the special effect sounds check out the site where I got them from, alot of fun~


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