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Coffee..nectar of the gods

Okay. We all know that coffee is wonderful.

It tastes good, smells good, looks good, it's hot, but it's still good cold, they make candy and ice cream that tastes like it, it's addictive, it has a "drug" in it, you can drink it when you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed and at lunch, you can drink it when you're sick, and just whenever you feel the desire!, you can drink it when your sad, you can drink it when you're happy.

Some of my best times were had with coffee in hand. Some of my best times are remembered with coffee in hand. I love coffee! When I can't sleep, i drink coffee, when I don't want to sleep I drink coffee! I've even drunken coffee in the bath tub! I drink it at school, i drink it at home, I drink it at my computer, i drink it everywhere!

So coffee is good and coffee is great. Let's learn about everyone's special friend!

When do you drink coffee?

morningnoonnitewhenever possible

How do you like your coffee?

BLACK!with sugarwith sugar and cream

with cream chilled in an IV

Would you say that you are addicted to coffee?

hell yeah!


Hello, my name is JuanValdez and this is my trusty bean carrying goat and we are coffee-holics

I don't have to answer that!,