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Clearing up misconceptions:

There are several misconceptions that I and others can think of, which have been spread repeatedly by those who either do not know any better, or those who would rather not see a better understanding between alternatives and mainstream society. Many of such misconceptions come either from old wives tales, or, more frequently, from propaganda spread by others willfully to harm the image and reputation of alternatives. We will try to dispel some of these common misconceptions. While we will try to give as an accurate picture of these things as we are able to give, we are not members of all of these groups so the knowledge may sometimes not be sufficient/100% accurate to all people. Please bear in mind that all of this is IOOHO (in our own humble opinions).

* All Vampires, elves, fae, werewolves are immortal*

Kinda false, depending on how you look at it. They are no more immortal then most humans, in other words, their souls are immortal but their bodies are not. Anyone and anything incarnate will eventually feel the signs of aging, even those who bring their bodies from offworld, and those who reside offworld. I have heared of Physical races which can have long lifespans, and those who have exellent immune systems, however, I have not yet heared of a truely immortal race.

Souls however are a whole different matter, and so are energy/non-corporeal beings. They can be and usually are immortal in a sense, in that their form can be preserved indefinitely under certain conditions. Most choose not to do this, though, and as such will incarnate frequently, and during these incarnations they will usually not retain much, if any, of their prior experiances/memories. So it may feel to a human that they have never lived before and are not immortal, when in fact they may be just as immortal as any elf or vampire. Those considered by legend to be immortal tend to have a better way of recalling past lives, and sometimes focus on retaining bonds, relations, and paths throughout several lifetimes.

Also one should take into account in such cases that the conditions of places other then earth are oftentimes very different, so some that come from other places may seem immortal, yet most, if not all are not: they merely live longer times, or time goes at a slower vibration where they come from. This can also be true in some walk-in/hosting situations.

*Faeries/fae are Cute friendly things which will be delighted to help in household chores*

::wrinkles nose:: Ok I am part fae, and I despise housework.. definatly not true in many cases.

While there may exist small cutsie type fae, there are also several varieties of Fae which are not only neither small nor cute, but who are also not very friendly. Think of it like humans. Are all of them the same skin color? The same size? The same level of kindness/agressiveness? The same is true for Fae. There are some who just wanna be left alone, and some who are more social. There are formal fae, and wylde ones, ones that live in tribes, others which live in courts and still others who live almoast solitary. The TDD (Tuatha DeDaanan - you can enter the term into a search engine for good mythology and histories of these people) are a good example of some fae who are not small-cute fae that are rather well known by many people these days.

*Pagans/Wiccans worship the devil*

No the Devil is a purely Christian concept from what I understand, and pagans are not christians. (need more explaination here).

*Those who are Poly are sluts.*

Nope, this is not true. I know several people who are poly, and they usually are very picky about who they get close to, and are usually very responsible in such matters. The only real thing which sets them apart from the mainstream in love matters is that they do not restrict their heart to love merely one person. It is almoast like one can have more then one pet they love, love more then one parent/grandmother, and cherish more then one child. There is little difference between that and other loving relationships. This does not mean that they go into bars and pick up people randomly to physically love, no, this love is often as carefully chosen as those who are monogamous pick thier boyfriends/girlfriends. In a heathy poly relationship, as in mono relationships, there is no secrecy between people who love more then one person, and all of those involved will know each other or of each other, in some cases they will even all love each other, live together etc. Yes, there may be some who would fit the category of sluts among poly people, but then again, such people can be found among all groups of sexual/relationship preferences.

*Vampires drink blood for nourishment*

Not only do all vampires not drink blood, but they also do not really take the blood for nourishment. In actuality, from what I have heard from members of the vampire community, most people with vampiric tendancies take energy instead of blod as an addition to their nourishment, and the norm in the vampire community to ask for permission, not to take by force. Many will allow friends of theirs to provide them with energy, or go into an active crowd to skim the exess energy off the top. Those that do take blood do so rarely, and again most of those even take the blood do so as a means to get the energy in it. They usually take very small amounts, and only from very trusted consenting friends. I have not yet heard of any vampires, blood-drinking or otherwise, who take the energy/blood without consent. They are not immortal, and are not as foolish to think that AIDS would not have any effect on them.

*Vampires are all dark*

While many vampires are dark or like dark/gothic things this is not true of all vampires. more info to follow.

*Fae take babies from humans to bring in Human blood into their tribes/courts etc. *

No, that is probably not the reason for it, if such instances even occur. There have been cases where humans ended up in Fae courts and kingdoms, however, they were not taken by force, yet rather ended up being lost there. The idea of changelings can be likened to a hosting situation, or even a case where the original soul walked out and another took its place. This is also not done by force usually, and very seldom do races have anything to do with it, only the individual souls which are involved in it. A walk out can occur at times of great stress/depression, trauma, or near death experiences. It could also be a number of other things without assuming that fae courts or any other governments have anything to do with it, or any others for that matter. I know of no races or courts who would willingly bring humans away from their families and leave their own offspring in an unfamiliar alien world.

*Those who use magick can turn themselves invisible, grant themselves immortality, throw fireballs etc.*

Oh please, what kind of fool would believe this? While all of these are possible both on other planes of existance, or here in some altered forms, these powers which are often given to mages in fantasy games usually have little basis in reality. If a mage, witch or wizard may pull off one of these they certainly would not be speaking much of it.

Examples which can be done include: people prolonging their life with alternative healing techniques, by allowing thier bodies more immunity to sickness or to prolong it by slowing the time around them. As far as I know, turning invisble is not possible, but mages have been known to disuise their energetic signature or seem invisible to others around them. It is simular to the Jedi-mind-trick "These are not the droids you are looking for" type of deal. They are still visible, however, if you are not looking at them directly you may miss seeing/noticing them.

As for fireballs i have not heared of it happening as of yet either. With many mages one can feel a energy coming from them as they are casting, one may on occasion even see a spark comming from a highly skilled mage/magick user, however, nothing of the caliber of a fireball.

Other mystical abilities which I have observed though is calling/controlling and changing of weather, time and other things, altering the probabilities, reading minds and communicating in non-spoken manners, seeing the future and prophetic dreams, changing slight aspects of appearance, illusions, dream realm walking and astral projection, animal affinity, all forms of healings, protections and shieldings, Spiritual gatework, channeling and other communication/seeing of beings which reside in places other than earth, nature spells and castings, down to castings of chaos, attack castings and banishings. All of these exist and I know they do for I have seen many of them in action, hell, I have done some of them myself.

*Only special people can use magickal energies*

This is wrong, while perhaps only certain people will have a natural knack for certain types of energies, most people, if not all, can be taught how to feel and use those energies. You may find that you cannot use energy well to heal others, yet you never know, you may be exellent at psionic skills if you gave it a try. Magick and Psionic use is not for everyone though, some may prefer the old fashioned method of "doing it yourself". That is ok too ;). Just because you can does not mean you have to.

*Magickal energy comes from the Devil*
Pah! That is soooo wrong! While not all of the energy comes from one single place, the christian devil is not one of them. Alot of magick (also spelled: magic and majik) is also the power of suggestive thought and power of believing in it. Some energies, especially Psionics and some inborn abilities come from inside of the person. Each person has some magickal energy themselves. Deities may be another place where you can get some of it, but a lot of it still comes from nature, stones and raising it from your sourroundings. Some of it gets channeled/brought from other places. As for negative energy use, most people do not use negative magick, for it is believed in many circles that any negative magick is returned to them by karma.

*Transexuals are gay*

Most of them are not gay, yet people assume they're gay. For alot of transexuals, the matter of sexual prefrence is not so much in a homosexual way, while some fantasize about members of their same initial sex, it is often in the view of themselves being of the opposite gender.

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-This site last updatedDecember, 2001-

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