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Creative Visualizations

attitudes, affirmations, visualizations
To Visualize what you want is to have it!

This idea of imagining what you want, and then achieving that vision is not new. Although it is becoming popularized along with other new age concepts.
Visualizing is natures greatest survival secret! It helps us get ahead in life and has also been shown to help in healing illness.

Mental Imagery
What people do with mental imagery is create images of a situation as they wish to see it. They form an image, which allows the person to make a clear mental statement of what they want the outcome to be.
Virtually anything we desire can be obtained by using 'creative visualization'. This is a simple yet very powerful tool.

Below, are five for each of the five senses. By 'working' the exercises, with positive intent, results will follow...
Plan to spend 10 minutes for each exercise, not including 'writing'.

After each part of the exercise, briefly capture on paper what transpired.

Then in Caucus,( Guest Speaker, Base Group Three) share your experiences of atleast two of these exercises.

Also try the Visualization Quiz to see how much you know! Don't forget to share your results with us in Caucus!

Touch:Select an article given to you by someone very special, with whom you have experienced physical contact of some sort. Hold it in your hands..examine every detail..size, shape, texture, colors, smell, etc. Close you eyes and recreate the very moment you received this item.., where were you, what time was it day/night , season of the year, what were you wearing and the other person wearing, what were you talking about, who else was there, etc. Now, as you are touching this item, feeling it.. begin to feel that person, their flesh, clothing any physically touchable object involved. Make every attempt to actually be there.

Taste: Fruit works best for this one. Each time, try a different type of fruit (this makes you healthy too : ). Pay close attention to each detail of the fruit.. smell, shape, colors, size, texture, bumps, bruises, ridges. Take a bite, hold the flesh in your mouth for awhile... then chew it very slowly. After you swallow, rinse your mouth with water to remove any taste left and write down your experience. Close your eyes and recreate everything about that piece of fruit..everything that connects you to that fruit..let your mind wander to any other experiences you've had while tasting the same type of fruit and the details of those experiences.. people, places, things, situations, etc.

Sight: Select a painting or portrait that pleases you. Examine every detail (use a magnifying glass if you like). With eyes closed, recreate as much as you are able to and explore it even further.. how it makes you feel, what it means to you, what you see in it. If you had painted that picture, what would you have done differently?

Sound: Select a special song.. listen to it, sing along, dance to it.. if musically inclined play your instrument along with it. Music causes people to move so move with it but just be certain to 'listen' to the details, including as many words as possible (hearing all the words is not important). When 'writing' this part of the exercise.. try to capture some of the words that had an impact). While listening with your eyes closed, try not to focus on the 'actual' words in the song, instead shift your attention to the various instruments, any words that 'you hear' (words that come to mind or reflect off the instruments) and all feelings, thoughts, emotions, people, impressions, sounds, etc., that flow through the music.

Smell: Select an aromatic flower and once again examine all the details, placing major focus on its smell by inhaling deeply, but don't overlook the other senses. Close your eyes and recreate your experience with the flower in detail along with any other life experience you have had pertaining to it's smell or one similar, even a bee sting! Where does this smell lead you?

How to create your own affirmations through creative visualization:

To create your own affirmations focus in your heart and decide what you really want.
Begin to see it as if it already exists.
Begin to feel it.
Add details to make the picture clear . You may actually want to draw it.
When the picture is complete create a strong statement, an affirmation, as if what you want exits, has come, or is coming to you.
In the beginning choose wishes that are fairly easy to manifest. When you have confidence in the practice you can move on to more challenging ones.
Work with your mental image/affirmation until you achieve your goal. Be sure to consciously acknowledge achievement of your goal and be grateful. If your goal changes and you no longer want it, clearly acknowledge that too.
To leave room for the unexpected, it is good to end with something like: "This or something better happens to me for the good of all involved."

Good Books to read:

7 Habits of Highly Effective People
-Stephen Covey

Creative Visualization
-Shakti Gawain

Your Heart's Desire
A Daily Planner for 1999
Penny Hughes

Related Websites

For motivational speeches, lectures, daily affirmations, inner power seeking; here's a good informative site to check out:

For weekly tips to assist with creative visualizations and positive affirmations check out:

Visualization and Affirmations for Peak Performance

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