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Big Brothers and Big Sisters

National Organization
230 North 13th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19107

Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Central Florida, Inc

"Big Brothers Big Sisters of America is one of the oldest mentoring organization serving youth in the country. BBBSA has provided one-to-one mentoring relationships between adult volunteers and children at risk since 1904. BBBSA currently serves over 100,000 children and youth in more than 500 agencies throughout all of the United States.

As BBBS approaches their 100th anniversary, they are working to fulfill their commitment to the landmark Presidents' Summit by doubling the number of children they serve nationwide, and to provide community service opportunities for Bigs and Littles, by the end of the year 2000. BBBSA will continue to grow while maintaining their high standards of excellence for America's youth."-from the BBBS National website

thoughts: I was happy to see that this site was very up to date( guess I am so used to out of date websites!). I didnt find any local chapter website or email address...

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Base Group Three

-My home page- -My family- -The love of my life- -puppies!- -more puppies!- -Hamsters!- -Sleepy toys!- -Jazz-
-Student Success- -Be It!-
-volunteer home page-
volunteer pages:
-environmental opps: -Audubon- -SPCA- -WWF-
-people opps: -Amnesty International- -Elderly- -Hospice- -Hospitals- -Red Cross-
-Children opps: -Big Brothers & Big Sisters- -Boys & Girls Club- -Boy Scouts- -Girl Scouts-