Welcome to the Cordalene Picture Show!
Note: Unless otherwise indicated, all photography by Kim Gutjahr © Copyright 2003-2006

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- Cordalene plays the M-Room, May 4th
- Pepper's Ghost at the Grape Street Pub on October 8th
- Persona CD Release Party, Silk City on September 5th
- Cordalene at World Cafe Live on September 9th
- Photos from the Pool Party on August 6th
- Cordalene at the Millcreek Tavern on July 30th

Check out the links below, and enjoy!!!

    Cordalene plays the M-Room in Northern Liberties, May 4th
    Pepper's Ghost at the Grape Street Pub on October 8th
    Persona CD Release Party, Silk City on September 5th
    Cordalene at World Cafe Live on September 9th
    Photos from the Pool Party in Jersey, on August 6th
    Cordalene at the Millcreek Tavern in Philadelphia, on July 30th
    Cordalene at the University of DE on May 14th
    Y100Rocks Rally photos and video
    Cordalane Residency at Pianos in NYC - Feb 16, 2005
    Cordalane Residency at the Khyber - Feb 3, 2005

    ***Cordalene Robbed: Please keep a look out for these guitars!***
    Pepper's Ghost at the Point in Bryn Mawr on 10/22/2004
    Cordalene and Dr. Dog at the TLA in Philadelphia on 10/14/2004
    Cordalene at The Rotunda in University City on 10/10/2004
    Cordalene at The Troc in Philadelphia on 7/25/2004
    Mike Kiley, in Sunday Bloody Sunday at the Fire on 6/20/2004
    Y100 Feztival on 6/18/2004 - Sign up to save Y100!
    Cordalene at Doc Watsons in Philadelphia on 2/20/2004
    Cordalene at the Northstar in Philadelphia on 1/21/2004

    Cordalene at The Fire in Philadelphia on 12/9/2003
    Cordalene at the TLA in Philadelphia on 11/9/2003
    Cordalene at the TLA in Philadelphia on 10/24/2003
    Cordalene at the Luna Lounge in NYC on 9/11/2003

      Also... Photos of the Twin Towers Memorial Lights
    Cordalene at the Grand Slam in Marlton, NJ on 7/25/2003
    More on the way! Thanks for your patience!