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Susan Powter on Diet and Fitness

From the Publisher: Take control of your life and stop the insanity! You've seen Susan Powter on the Home Show and on her Stop the Insanity infomercial, explaining health and wellness to millions of viewers. Taken from the "insanity" she experienced with the diet and fitness industries, Susan's step-by-step motivational book, now read by Susan herself on audio tape, will empower women everywhere to take control of their lives.

In Stop the Insanity!, Susan tells you how you can get lean, strong, and healthy without starvation and deprivation. Her practical, proven program designed for women of all ages, weights, and fitness levels can change the way you look and feel just like it did for Susan. Funny, poignant and powerful, Stop the Insanity! is more than Susan's encouraging success story of how she went from fat to fit-- and stayed there. It is a message of hope for women everywhere.

Order Stop the Insanity!

Latest Diet and Fitness Guidelines: Did you know the federal government has revised their guidelines for diet and exercise? One of the changes is that they now recommend more daily exercise, if you want to lose weight. 30-90 minutes a day is recommended.

In addition, the new guidelines recommend things that wholistic health practitioners have advocated for decades but in less severe terms. For example, a wholistic health advocate would say to cut out all refined sugars but the government guidelines only concede that a person should cut back as much as possible. Same response on trans fats, from the government, where a holistic health or alternative medicine provider would say don't eat any trans fats at all, if you care about your heart, never mind losing weight.

Holistic living practitioners every where must have rejoiced to see the guidelines including suggestions for increasing daily intake of fruits and veggies to as many as a dozen servings PER DAY but would have gone further and said to make sure it was fresh, organic fruits and veggies. Eating more fiber-rich foods also encouraged in these latest health guidelines.