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Monday, January-31-2005, 10:06 AM
Arsenal won 2-0 against Wolves in the FA Cup 4th round. Not the typical vintage Arsenal performance though. Henry is losing his form. Reyes is still OK. I think Pires is past his best. The commentator last week in the game against Newcastle said Pires is a far better footballer than Robert, but looking at the way he plays these days, I think they're almost the same these days. But he's still easily the top-scoring winger in the league at the moment (Duff and Robben are WFs so they dun count). Lets see how Ronaldo and Giggs in MU can top that. Pires scored more goals than 2 of them combined. HA!

I scored a goal yesterday. With my left foot. Wow. Ironically, my left foot is stronger than my right. It's strange sometimes, when you want to cross, the ball just won't go up. And when you least expect it, the ball goes skying. I tried a shot with my left foot and it almost disappeared into the clouds. Not really. But it got stuck in the high fencing. We threw another ball up to try to knock it down and it got stuck up there as well. So someone has to climb up there to get them down. And while we had the ball and the guy is still up in the fencing, we tried to bird shooting. But we missed him by inches, otherwise he would have dropped down like the rest of the birds. HAHA

Wednesday, January-26-2005, 7:40 PM
I shouldn't say things too soon. Football today is crap. For most of the time, I had to play as a lone striker. And what seemed to be a non-existent strikeforce partnership with WS and Matt was frustrating me to tears. And this guy, of all options of easy, low passes, just had choose to lob it and I had no choice but to chest it down. It connected with the rib area where Ah Hu elbowed into 2 days ago and it HURTS like !@#$%^. Man, for a moment there, I felt like kicking the guy in the crotch. Geez. Patience, patience.....

And Ah Hu aka traitor traitor x2. Last time he was on the other team, he injured me. Today, he kicked Matt. Man, if he's on a mission to injure all of us, he's doing a pretty good job at it. Maybe that explains why he came by himself today on his bike so he can escape without us talking about what he did on the way home.

Stress is such a big word these days. I know I'm injured. I know I should rest. But the weather is fine, the ground is dry. Woo woo.... But I'm always the ones calling the games so, can't complain. I've also never realised that sleeping can be so painful. The parts where I land on during the falls in the previous games are starting to hurt. Flipping around in bed and getting up is so hard, coz my ribs hurt. And sleeping on the right side of my head is totally out of the question coz there's a lump on the cheekbone. Pressure....

Heard that the owner of ML Comcis just went outstation. Hopefully, when he comes back, he'll have the MG WGZC with him. Hur hur hur. *drool

Tuesday, January-25-2005, 8:42 PM
Having a good run of form in football lately. Those kids at the field even called me Henry! Hehe. Been scoring on a frequent basis too. I've been pulling off tricks and moves like crazy. Like there was this time I did a double stepover and Des' brother was in the way and halted my run. But he miskicked the ball and it rolled between his legs and into the goal. Mike said that I scored because I accidentally din connect with the ball. Lame, man. Alrite, maybe I did miss the ball, but it was a totally legitimate goal. Dun complain. And just the other day, I did this pivot (that I'll only do when I'm warming up) to get out of a crowd of legs. It's actually the first time I did it in an actual game and all the kids went "waaaaa". Haha. And Ben even said I looked pretty cool and asked if I can do it again. I don't think so. LOL. And kids being who they are, just don't know what they're kicking. I was tripped 3 times today and I was kicked endless times in past games. I've got bruises all over both legs now. And Ah Hu was such a traitor. We was so lazy to run when he was on our team. When he went to the other team, he suddenly turned superhuman. He started dribbling and intercepting and tackling, and he even ran into me which gave me a swollen cheekbone and throbbing ribs. That traitor. He's gonna have to walk home next time.

Thank goodness, Lauren and Campbell signed. It's increasingly frustrating now coz Edu refuses to sign. Man, Liverpool has Morientes and Pellegrino. I saw Pelle last week. He totally suck. Newcastle looked pretty solid with Boumsong at the back though. Why isn't Arsenal getting anyone? Almunia sucks. Put Lehmann back. Then again, Lehmann sucks too. But he doesn't suck as much as Caroll. HAHAHAHA.

Everybody bullied me in gunbound :(

Saturday, January-22-2005, 12:42 PM
CRAP. I wrote a whole lot just now and it won't upload. That's it man. No more for today.

Saturday, January-15-2005, 5:26 PM
I haven't eaten for extended periods of time coz I was in expectation. Getting bored silly isn't exactly what I was expecting though, and it's kinda a mistake to go out with 3 ppl for GB coz we can't play with odd numbers so most of the time, we were waiting for some dumb kids to join our game. That practically summed up my day. I had my rank lowered to Battle Axe+ coz I haven't been playing and my percentage dropped. I managed to get to the Silver Battle Axe again. So hope it stays there for a while.

Last night was full of laughs. After cell, we went for supper. The girls din know where the place is, so I took the lead. They were driving so slow behind me, so I wanted to keep up with them. Speeding away and leaving them behind is kinda rude. So I was going at 10km/h wondering what they were doing behind me. I don't know why they scolded me for driving so slow. I was only thinking about them. And then, I circled the roundabout 3 times before turning, but not before putting on the signal for the wrong way. Pin thought I'm going the signalled way and thought I'll be circling again, so she stopped and parked her car beside the road before realising that my car was gone. LOL. She said she'll never follow my lead again.

Thursday, January-13-2005, 11:38 PM
The soldiers were having a match at the field where we usually play so we played futsol instead, at Desmond's basketball court. We don't have IC shoes, so we played barefooted. Skin and concrete dun go well together, coz our feet were all bleeding and calloused at the end of the day. I could even pinch an area on the sole and see the whole fold of skin. And walking makes them hurt so bad. Haha.

How hard is it to draw a ladybird? Just draw a bird with a skirt. That should make it look lady enough. Hmm. Why bother me with stupid tasks?

I saw this edited version of WE8 and I was thinking of buying it coz it has the modified kits and stuff. The modified bg is a little annoying though. If I want them all to be original, I might as well play FIFA 2005 then, but it sucks. Haha.. So I asked a friend who has played WE since its very first edition if I should get the modded one or the original and guess what answer I got? Well, buy both so you have more time to decide? Some advice huh? I think I would have made a decision already if I were to buy it. Haha. But you can just expect answers like these from him. Haha. Hope to see you soon in Melb, bro. Be cool!

Tuesday, January-11-2005, 8:00 PM
I have to admit that it was a little frustrating in the afternoon, but the last bit at night was all to remember for. January 11th. Some date to remember! Haha

Sunday, January-9-2005, 10:30 PM
The youth fellowship at Wesley was pretty cool. They got some new approaches to the way they lead the worship and I can see myself involving in this ministry in the long run. It was an "Orientation Sunday" where we fill in forms stating any interest of serving in a particular ministry and similar surveys. There's one question that I find hard to answer though. Age? I peed at the others' answers and the range is 15-18. Everyone has different answers. So I picked 17 (which is the average) and I think I'll do fine.

Patriotism is a big word. Who would have thought, of all magazine, that the Berita Anchor would be the one to rouse this feeling. I kinda like the last quote: "I was born a Malaysian, I will live a Malaysian, and I shall die a Malaysian! Saying it made me sound so cool!

Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston have separated. OMG. Jen is single again. I've been given a second chance. 4.5 years ago, I took it for granted and she ended up with Pitt. He must've been such a Brat! All Brat lovers out there, this is what your Brat does to my Jen. She must be feeling upset and dejected now. But that's alright. Wait till she meets me.

Funny what a visit and 2 articles can do to you. I have plans to serve as an officer when I come back for good. And I have definite plans not to stay in Melbourne after I finish. I feel that this is my calling. I've missed out so much last year. I will not make the same mistake in the years to come.

Saturday, January-8-2005, 9:33 PM
Visited the Brigade after being absent for 3 years. I certainly felt part of it again. Most of the ex-members showed up today too. Although I don't know most of the new members, at least my Captain still remembers me. And some of the other officers too. Chatted with some of the ex-NCOs.....I feel like I'm in the Brigade again. It's like 5 years ago. Man, does time fly.

The officers said they need a new way to attract new recruits and are coming up with multimedia approaches. They were exposed to my work in Melbourne and asked if I could help out with the next recruitment presentation. Yahh....I would definitely love to. But we're just short of resources. So if we could get footages for all the events this year, probably I can come up with something when I come back next year then. Oh well. There's too little time for me to do something here. Besides, my com here sux.

They've got the new Berita Anchor and Handbook. Obviously, navy blue has fallen out of fashion, as the new colour scheme is (of all colours) red..... Oh well. Maybe it's in line with the Malaysian flag and stuff. Oh well. Nothing wrong with feeling patriotic. There's a lot of talk about starting a Company website too. Lt. Frankie was right when he said there'll be too much trouble maintaining it. I mean, not a lot of high school kids nowadays knows html and we'll probably have to hire a professional to do it. That's too much problem for a company that doesn't look like it's gonna increase in strength anytime soon. Just look at the new NCOs....they're (look) crap

The Capt. also said that BBM will start a club for former members to make use of their expertise in certain award courses. Maybe that's the new instructor post Tim was talking about. Who knows. I might wanna be involved. Man. Suddenly I feel like looking for BB companies in Aus. But sadly, I won't have the time to keep up my attendance. Sigh.

Friday, January-7-2005, 10:02 PM
Dad and Mum came back today. Phew. No more sardines from now on. But I called Sis and she was crying over there. Not because of loneliness or homesickness but because Mum made her take certain subjects which she did not want to and which is surplus to the requirements. I mean, why would you make your daughter take 4 subjects when she is only required to take 3? Why kill yourself? You could have sent her to soccer school instead. Anyway, I just told her to consider what she really wants to do and then gear for it. No point taking all 4 subjects and doing fairly well in all of them. I'd rather take 3 and ace them all. I got an average of 91 and I still ended up in Architecture (entrance score 85) so what's the point? Sometimes, I don't know what my Mum wants to do to her children.

Went to Hwai Ang church's youth fellowship. They say it's for those 18 years and above. I guess I'm underaged then. But it was good fun. Me and the guys played with the candles and that bastard Ben spilled the hot wax all over my hands. They burn, man!!! Since we're the newcomers, we got a fairly warm welcome. Like everyone wants to know where we study and what are we doing and stuff. And we even got cards too. Maybe we'll try going to other youth groups next week. There's the Masland church and the Fu Yuan church and maybe Wesley. Who knows? We'll get lots of gifts. Lots of warm welcomes and hopefully lots of cards. I'm running out of bookmarks.

Thursday, January-6-2005, 11:55 PM
Huh....and she said only growth hormones will peak at 11. Does that include the growth hormones for pain hormones? Coz I tried to listen to her and slept early for once (like before 11), and I got a huge headache in the morning. If I had stayed up late like usual, I wouldn't have felt anything. Besides, I'm 15 only, I still have time to grow.

Football today was awesome. It hasn't rained for 2 days, so the pitch is dry. The clouds had shaded the sun, so it's not hot. Result = great day for football. We were a little worried that no one will turn up, but in the end there were 12 of us and we played 6 vs 6. Wen and Ben played at the backline and they were mammoths. They're like 2 Jaap Stams back there, and our defence was virtually inpenetrable. I think Soon and Des had pretty good techs too. And its not fair, coz me and the other two forwards did all the running and didn't score while all Wen did was standing there blocking our goal and attempted to feed me a through ball when it fell over the last defender and into the opposite goal. How unfair! Hmph. We played really well though.

At night, I went out with the guys and had bubble tea. After sucking all the milk tea, we were wondering what to do with the pearls. Since the straws for bubble tea are excessively wide in diameter, we thought maybe we can play with it. So we loaded the straws with the leftover pearls and started shooting at one another (as in blow into the straw as hard as possible and make the pearls shoot out from the other end. There's a name for this which has escaped my mind). And even though the pearls look harmless, when they hit you at the back of the head, it really HURTS! Then, we went to the stall again and asked if we can have bubble tea with no tea, only pearls, and the girl behind the counter went like, "huh?" HAha...I came back feeling and smelling all chocolaty. Talk about natural body scent. Haha.

Naruto is on TV. It showed the very first episode on TV. Kinda funny though, coz the high-pitched Malay dubbing makes Naruto sound so retarded. But at least it's an improvement. Wonder if they'll ever show Initial D.

Tuesday, January-4-2005, 9:48 PM
Well, I listened to Angela's advice for once.....rest my legs. Well, it did rain, and there wasn't anybody on the field when I was there. So, I guess I'll just stay home then. Haha. So maybe I wasn't given a choice. Hey, I stayed home. What more do I have to do?

I was there, relaxing, and reading the papers on my easy chair, checking occasionally to see who's online on MSN, simultaneously watching the sports channel and how can my sister accuse me of doing nothing? Watched Taxi. I like the Vanessa character. If she's the one doing all the shooting and killing, maybe I'll like her even more. She's the type that has the looks and the brains to do crimes, maybe just not the eye and the heart to kill, which is sad. She'll be much closer to Sniper Wolf if she's the one holding the m4a1. And shooting 4 cameras with 4 perfect shots in less than 25 seconds. I know it's just a movie, but those kind of shooters do exist. Have you ever seen Enemy At The Gates? I'm telling you, they do exist, just this time, it's a Russian man instead of a Brazilian erm.....girl? Haha.... Being in Malaysia has reduced my vocabulary to just a few decent words.

Impulsive buying. That's what categorised a woman. So I went into this shop, saw a fake Arsenal jersey which I could picture myself in while playing football, and bought it without much thought. Dam....

Monday, January-3-2005, 6:48 PM
My little sis just left for KL for college. Me and my other sis prayed for her before she went to the airport and she even cried. Haha....what a crybaby. I called a few friends in KL and ask them to help take care of her and take her to church. Hopefully she's in good hands. Hmm....as I look back, we used to argue a lot when I was still in high school. We got closer since I went overseas, and she prefers shopping with me than with my parents. That just proofs that I'm a cooler person. HAhaha... She's all grown up now, and I'm happy that she's not the immature kid she used to be since she accepted Christ. I pray that God will continue to do amazing things in her life, the way He has done in mine.

Indeed, God does, coz who would have thought, after like 10 years, I get to talk to her again. She left town in 1994 (I think), and only recently when I was going through some of the old letters that she used to write to me, I found her home phone number. I didn't know what I was thinking, but I called anyway and her mum gave me her mobile no. Haha. And I was also kinda surprised that there seemed to be no time barrier when we talked. It's like those 10 years of absence weren't there (at least that's what I think). God is amazing.

What's more, today, I get to play football with Desmond and YS, also friends whom I'd lost contact with for so many years. Desmond turned into an Arsenal fan (another soul is saved) and YS became a Chelsea fan. That's ok though, coz he hated MU and that's cool with me. They were just there at the field where I usually played. And we were up against a bunch of kids. It was carnage. We totally slaughtered them 7-1. Too bad it rained very heavily after that, but we played on anyway. So I left the pitch with my feet in a pool (my boots were flooded) and an amplified strain on my flexors. I shouldn't have played, but if I hadn't I wouldn't have met them. And I think it's also got to do with the school re-opening, coz the usual kids who were there weren't there today. Oh well. We'll play again tomorrow (Screw the muscle strain. Who cares if it hurts anyway. Football is more important).

I have the whole house to myself (coz my parents are with my lil sis in KL) and I don't know what to do. Crap. I've finished the documents Dad wanted me to draft. He din tell me what to do after that. I know the documents for another project need to be completed but there're lots of things that I'm not certain with. I think I'll just slack on the job until he comes back. Haha....

Saturday, January-1-2005, 7:25 PM
2004 has officially come to an end. It was a fairly lazy day. I woke up late, went for breakfast with my family..... The Godfather said, "A man who doesn't spend time with his family cannot be a real man." -_- How depressing. It was good btw, coz my parents paid for the food. Not that I'm being cheap, but it's not often that it happens these days. And since I usually have 2-3 servings per meal (the portion here is just so small), breakfast is like the enemy of my fast depleting bank account balance. Then, I went around town, saw a familiar face (my, has she grown...) and raced Initial D. I beat Nakazato at Akina (finally!). There was this kid who drives a CT9A using auto transmission. And that guy who thinks he can beat everyone with a BRN34. It's a crap car in ID. Anyway, I played football and this time, I scored a hat-trick. Yay. But they're all cheap goals anyway. There were only 12 ppl and we played the whole field 6-on-6. It's kinda tiring having to cover the entire length of the field coz the kids just won't run. But the goals are all worth it :)

Also went through my drawers to rumage any old stuff I can find. It doesnt' feel like my room anymore. Everything feels so different. But I came across some really old stuff. Like greeting cards and letters from friends dating back to as early as 1996! Wow. But most of the cards are undated, but I know they could have been there since 1993. They're all old and wrinkly and yellow. Haha. I tossed all of them out. Doesn't mean a thing anymore. I kept some though. I agree (with someone) that the term "Friends Forever" is just an over-used phrase that gives false hope. I read on of the cards that said "Thanks for being a good friends" but me and that guy aren't talking anymore. Friends walk out of your life. They change! Friendship is not eternal. Nothing is. Also found some of my materials from the Brigade, my uniform parts and old magazines that I kept. Can't believe they're all still there.

Since someone had an awards ceremony, I guess it's not a bad idea if I imitate that for myself. He he he. I have license to be creative. So here are MY own categories and the winners:

Top 10 lessons I learnt in 2004:
- God is sovereign. No questions on that.
- Football is everything. No questions on that either.
- You don't need 10 lessons when 3 is enough.

Most powerful moments:
- Zidane turning the game around in the France vs England match during Euro 2004.
- July Camp
- Transformers

Best entertainment:
- Arsenal vs Middlesborough. Arsenal won 5-3 after going behind 1-3.
- Arsenal vs Rosenberg. Arsenal won 5-1.
- Arsenal vs Tottenham. Arsenal won 5-4. Derby classic.

Best player:
- Theirry Henry. Undisputed.
- Patrick Vieira. Undisputed.
- Robert Pires. Undisputed.

Ok. enough of football. Now on to more realistic things:

Most influential person/friend:
- Michael Lailah. For those who only know him by exterior, laugh all you want, but those who know him personally, especially the Brothers will know that there's a light that comes from him that is unique on its own.
- Yoga Simson. It's a hard choice, but I guess he'll have to be happy with second. Though I knew him since the first year I came, we only got close this year. Thanks for everything.
- Jonathan Lee/Maxim Harash. It's a tie. Though we don't see each other that often since our courses start to differ, I thank you for still being there to help. It is very much appreciated.

Best songs:
- Everytime - Britney Spears
- Toxic - Britney Spears
- Breath On Me - Britney Spears
Call me biased, but this is my show and I call the shots.

Best anime:
- Full Metal Panic
- Full Metal Panic Fumoffu
- Initial D Fourth Stage
These are the only ones I like. Seriously, Naruto starts to suck.

Best movie:
- Spiderman 2. I dunno why, but it just feels right sitting on the top. I'm a fan of Marvel comics, so I could be biased again.
- I, Robot. I'm not a movie critic, but I like it.
- Ocean Twelve. I din watch the first one, but I like it already. Lots of twists.

Happiest moments:
- Arsenal wins the title and go the entire season UNBEATEN. 26w-12d-0l says it all.
- Can't remember anything else other than passing all my subjects. Haha...

Worst moments:
- France losing to Greece in the European Championships.
- Something din go the way I had hoped it would.
- Moving.

Most annoying:
- Manchester United. They suck and they play crap football.
- Dial-up. ADSL unlocks the true crapness of dial-up.
- Some things are better left unsaid.

- God. For giving me a ministry to serve in and a cell group where I can grow.
- Friends. Knowing some have been better than others, but I have been shown grace when I was still young and dumb. Now it's my turn to show it to others.
- My sister. Seriously, I couldn't have bought a lot of things without her. HAHAHAHA

That concludes the ceremony. Not much point doing any reflections. The old is gone, the new has come. Let bygones be bygones. I hate History.

Read blogs from:
January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December