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StarCraft Keeps Crashing to Windows Desktop

Helper is a great guy that goes out of his way on a daily basis to help ppl with technical problems with StarCraft and Diablo. He's been doing this a long time and has earned Blizzards MVP award for all his hard work. If the solutions below don't work for u, go to his page and post in the Help Zone, or visit Integrity On-line Tech Support, Wargasm's site (also a great guy, who has tons of answers for all kinds of tech problems here), or post in Blizzard's Tech Support forum. Helper and Wargasm, along with a lot of other ppl are there to help. Don't waste their time and yours, try these solutions FIRST. :) Good Luck, Tender Fury.

If your having unexplained crashes to the desktop AND HAVE an .err file that says Access Violation in Starcraft.exe

I have been dealing with a lot of the people out there who have been having unexplained crashes to the windows desktop and have a .err file that says Access Violation in StarCraft.exe.

I have done some research into the problem and have come to the following conclusion:

I have found that the following items have been the culprit in this situation.

  1. Not deleting the file bncache.dat - from your StarCraft Folder after having a crash from that returns you to your desktop. If you ever crash off of, you need to delete the file bncache.dat. Whatever you try after that to fix the problem could be masked by the fact you have a corrupt bncache.dat file. A corrupt bncache.dat file can crash you even if you fix your problem by something you did to correct it.
  2. Running extra programs - in the background, especially MS Office Toolbar, MS Fast Find and ICQ. Virus Scanners can cause it also (although it is rare). I have noticed the Windows NT systems will have crashes more often when ICQ is running also. Before you get on the internet, and before you play Starcraft, you need to delete the file bncache.dat from your StarCraft Folder if you are trying to fix a crash. You then need to hit ctrl+alt+del and end task on all programs except for Explorer, Systray and Point32 if you have it. Then you connect to the internet, if ICQ comes up, end it, you should disable net detect. Then minimize the connection window, if your browser automatically comes up when you connect to the internet, close it, you do not need it open. Then start StarCraft, and get on
  3. Mismatched Ram - if you have recently added any Ram memory to your computer and you are not sure if you added the same speed Ram, your computer will definitely crash when trying to play StarCraft. If you have experienced a crash and you recently upgraded your memory, here is what you can do. Pull out the new memory, if you still have 16 meg without it. Delete the file bncache.dat from your StarCraft Folder, and try again. If you are able to play, then you know its your Ram that is causing it.

I do not feel that this is all of the reasons for that crash, these are just the ones that I have been able to verify. If you have previously tried something before, and it did not work, and you did not delete the file bncache.dat from your StarCraft folder before you tried it, please try it again, but this time delete that file.

Hope this helps,
The Helper

If your Crashing to the Desktop and have Access Violations in your .err files that ARE NOT Starcraft.exe

This message is for people that have been crashing to there desktop, and have Access Violations in there .err files that ARE NOT Starcraft.exe. No matter what, if you have a crash to the Windows Desktop without an error message off of, you need to scandisk and delete the file bncache.dat from your StarCraft folder.

The following Access Violations I have verified :

Access Violation in ddhelp. - ddhelp is a direct x help file that is connected to your video driver. If your .err file has this message in it, you need to get the latest version of your Video Cards video drivers.

Access Violation in ddraw. - same as above

Access Violation in dsound - most commonly related to old sound card drivers, you need to go to your sound card manufacturers web site and download the latest drivers for your Sound Card.

Access Violation is storm.dll - same as above

Access Violation in module *unknown* - some NT systems related to running ICQ in the Background - Win 95 systems usually related to a corrupt registry entry. Blizzard says that Microsoft RegClean does not fix the problem, you should try it anyway as the alternative is to reinstall Windows.

Access Violation in Kernel32 - This is related to a problem with the original Windows 95 version of Kernel32, Microsoft has released an update for this, and a link to it can be found to this update in the FAQ at the top of the forum. I reccommend getting the entire Service Pack 1 for you computer if you are going to this. It contains all the updates available, and will upgrade your Windows version to the latest available. You should only download this service pack if you Windows version is 4.00.950 with no letter behind it, if you have a different version you do not need this.

Access Violation in mprexe- This is questionable, I do not know if you really get an access violation but I do know if you ever see an error in mprexe you need to get the password list update, follow the procedure for Kernel32. John Schwartz of Blizzard Tech Support also recommends " deleting all .pwl files from the windows folder. This and getting the password list update should fix the problem for
good. "

That is all for now, I cannot stress enough that if you ever crash to windows from, you need to delete the file bncache.dat from your StarCraft folder. If this file becomes corrupt, you can experience crashes after that regardless if you fixed the original problem or not.

Any comments on this information is welcomed.

Hope this helps,
The Helper



Email Tender Fury