Major Super Abilities Part 2

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Unless otherwise stated, all powers were created by Brett Hegr

Destructive Energy Aura

A composite power created from two similar powers I was sent by Devoris Perry and Scott Clay.

I do hope the creators of the powers Destructive Aura and Energy Warrior aren't angry, but the powers they sent in were kind of similar in idea - an aura or field of energy. Unlike my own Power Sphere their ideas were for a field of energy (as opposed to mental force) that could act as a forcefield, provide great attack capabilities, and give flight abilities. In doing this power I made it pretty variable in the hopes that whoever selected the power could produce one similar to either of the authors' ideas.

1. Type of Aura:
Radius: Three feet at level one, plus one foot at levels two, four, and seven. Measure it from the navel of the character.
Damage: Anything coming into the aura takes 2d4 damage +1d4 per level. Apply damage twice per melee to whatever occupies the aura for extended durations.
Duration: As long as desired. Requires two melee actions to turn the aura on or off (reduce to one melee action after level five).
In Rifts®: The aura damage becomes mega- damagetm.

The player must select a form of energy to be radiated in the aura. Open selections are fire, energy, electricity, sonic, kinetic, light, or darkness (GM can do others if desired). The character is impervious to damage from the type of energy that his aura is comprised of, whether he is using the aura or not.

The aura is the source of the powers 2-4 and must be summoned before any of them can be used. Damage can be regulated in 1d4 increments after the fourth level and reduced to no damage at sixth level. This is, after all, a destructive energy aura. The drawback to the aura is that the radius cannot be regulated, and can damage things if the character isn't paying attention. Powering up in a building will certainly be a problem (if the character is a hero, at least). On the flip side, any hand to hand combatants will probably be taking damage when they strike or grapple the character.
2. Aura Power:
Depending on the energy selected, the aura has a special ability that the character can utilize. These powers are all found under the stated major super ability in Heroes Unlimitedtm 2nd Edition. Maintaining the special aura power requires concentration, which means the usual -2 on initiative and the loss of one melee action. The aura can be tuned to cause damage (in most cases) or this capacity can be turned off. It cannot be targeted at specific objects or people - it is an all or nothing effect.
Fire: Can generate intense heat, affecting a 20ft +10ft per level radius around the character, equal in ability and effects to the Alter Physical Structure: Fire power (see page 242).

Energy: The character can produce a field of surging energy with a radius of 15ft +5ft per level of experience. Apply 4d6 damage +1 per level of experience per five seconds of exposure. No frills, really.

Electricity: Can create an electrical field just like the minor super ability of Energy Expulsion: Electrical Field, with two changes. The range is boosted to 10ft +5ft per level of experience and the damage is instead 4d6 damage +1 per level of experience per five seconds of exposure.

Light: The character can rival the brightness of the sun, at least when you're up close. All those in a 15ft +5ft per level radius suffer blindness (-8 on all combat rolls) and projectiles/ energy blasts are fired wild. Anyone shooting into the area can't see targets to hit. Damage is 2d6 damage +1 per level of experience per five seconds of exposure. The character can see fine in his own light- field.

Darkness: A field of unnatural darkness can be projected for a 15ft +5ft per level radius around the character (the character can see just fine in his own darkness). Blindness applies (-8 on all combat rolls) and projectiles/ energy blasts are fired wild. The dark field also causes 2d6 damage +1 per level of experience per five seconds of exposure.

Sound: Can create an intense sonic vibration with relatively the same effects as the High- Pitched Whine of the Sonic Power, page 288. However, the range is limited to a 15ft +5ft per level radius. Damage is instead 3d6 damage +1 per level of experience per five seconds of exposure.

Kinetic: A simple and effective area- effect destruction. All targets take 4d6 damage +1 per level of experience per five seconds of exposure. The radius is 15ft +5ft per level of experience.

3. Attack Power:
Devoris Perry's power involved a strong energy expulsion capacity. On the flip side, Scott Clay's idea is a power that grants the mutant the ability to create melee weapons made of energy. The player may choose one of these two options:

Option One - Distance Attack:
Range: 500ft +100ft per level of experience.
Damage: 5d6 damage, +1d6 per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Attacks Per Melee: Requires one melee action.
Bonuses: +3 to strike aimed and +1 to strike wild at level one for the standard blast.
In Rifts®: Double the range and the damage goes up to mega- damagetm intensity.

The attack power is the same energy type as the aura (obviously). Damage from this power cannot be regulated until level five. However, at level one attacks can be divided among two targets. The GM can also let the player pick one of the Advanced Energy Expulsion special effects at levels three and six.

Option Two - Weapons: See the Personal Weapon (minor) power for full information. The player may select both a thrown weapon and a hand held weapon (not any Summoned Weapons) to go with any W.P.s he might have. To each, add a +1d6 damage bonus. The form of the weapons is the same energy as that of the aura.
4. Player's Option:
The player might want an energy aura more like Scott Clay's idea, one that provides protection. But then, some might think Devoris Perry is right and say that super- damage is the way to go. I say let the player pick one...

Option One - Force Field: The aura acts like a force field, providing the character with a protective barrier equal to 10 times the character's unmodified P.E. attribute (no bonuses - just the total initially rolled for the character!) plus 10 per level of experience. It is just like the Personal Force Field in that respect. On the other hand, the protection need not be summoned or maintained - it exists so long as the aura does. The field recovers 2 per minute. Even if the attack is made from within the aura, it still protects the character.

Option Two - Total Destruction:
Range: 50ft +25ft per level of experience.
Damage: 2d4x10 +40 damage, +1d4x10 more at levels four and eight.
Duration: Instant, once the preparation has been made.
Attacks Per Melee: Requires two full melees to generate the buildup of energy. Reduce this to one melee at fifth level.
In Rifts®: Double the range and the damage goes up to mega- damagetm intensity.

The intense energy inside of the aura can be put into a overload state and eventually explode outward! The character must concentrate, cannot attack or defend, for two melees (only one at fourth level). At the beginning of the next melee, even before initiative, his aura expands and decimates everything in the area! Clearly, damage cannot be directed or controlled or reduced in any way. People in the area will sense the impending destruction and will flee, at least the smart ones will. Full damage is done to everything within range, and half damage is done to everything at maximum range to 50% beyond that.

Use of this power has some dangers though! The character himself takes no damage from the blast, but might need to watch out for falling debris. Also, the charging and release of such massive energy wears down the character! He loses one melee action, is -4 on initiative, and is -2 on all other combat rolls for the melee after the Total Destruction. Further, he can't energize his Destructive Energy Aura for a full five minutes after the explosion! Cut this to four minutes after level three and then down to two minutes after level six. Only one Total Destruction can be performed per hour - multiple ones in a day might be pretty taxing (up to the GM).
5. Related Powers:
The character may select one of these minor super abilities to round out the Destructive Energy Aura. It can be used independently of the aura, but that power should be a derivative of the aura energy. Avaliable are: Attraction/ Repulsion Beam (kinetic auras), Bend Light (light auras), Dark Aura (darkness auras), Electromagnetic Distortion (for energy and electrical auras), Flight: Wingless (no bonus is gained), Impact Resistance (kinetic auras), Light Aura (light auras), Light Shifting (light auras), Manipulate Kinetic Energy (kinetic auras), Nightstalking (darkness auras), Radar (sonic auras), Super Vision: Electromagnetic Sight (for light, energy, and electrical auras), or Super Vision: Nightvision (darkness auras).
6. Other Abilities and Bonuses:

Drug Induced Powers

Created by Andrew Darling

This is identical to the Gem Powers description in the book, but operates with drugs, noit diamonds. One dose gets one use of the power, for the duration of the high. Note: The user still experiences the effects of the drug as well as the power. Thus he is drunk with healing factor or, in the case of rohipnol, can mindwipe people at will, but will not remember anything after the drug wears off himself. Generally, the harder the drug, the more impressive the effect.

At most, two drugs may be used at the same time. Health problems will probably result from long term drug use. However, the character is resistant to the damaging aspects of all chemicals and takes only half damage from poisons and toxins, plus the effects of long-term drug use take twice as long to kick in. Luckily, the character never suffers addiction to any chemical.
Tobacco - Flight: Wingless
Painkillers (like aspirin and other non-prescription pain meds) - Extraordinary P.E.
Antihistamines - Heightened Sense of Smell, Taste, and Touch
Ephedrine/Pseudoephedrine (found in many allergy meds) - Disruptive Touch
PCP - Supernatural Strength or Invulnerability (flip a coin)
Speed - Extraordinary Speed
Alcohol - Healing Factor
Heroin - Alter Limbs
Morphine - Shape-Shifting
LSD - Holographic Projection
Ecstacy - A.P.S. Smoke or Mist
Rohipnol - Mindwipe with 100 I.S.P. to spend
Prozac - Mental Stun
Marijuanna - Adhesion and Gliding
Depressants - Underwater Abilities
Stimulants - Extraordinary P.P.
Caffeine - Radar and Enhanced Hearing (very high amounts needed for effect)
Anti-psychotics - Extraordinary M.E. and Mind Block
Crack or Cocaine - Karmic Power

Electrical Siphon

Created by Andrew Darling

Through use of this power, electrical devices have their power storage media or generators drained simply by approaching the character. All devices operating under 500 amps (most household appliances, car starter engines) will simply shut down or refuse to start. Circuit breakers will experience a 500 amp load per socket within the area of effect, almost certainly tripping even industrial fuses. Batteries will be emptied within 1d4 rounds, regardless of size. Energy weapons will operate at half strength until their batteries give out (1d4 rounds usually). Robots, vehicles, and other devices powered by continual electrical generation operate at half strength, half speed, half number of attacks, and half the duration per unit volume of fuel. APS: Electricity characters and those that fire electricity or energy blasts will find their blasts reduced to half strength in the area of effect, even if firing from outside the area.

The area of effect is 50 ft plus 10 feet per level of the character. While the power is active, the character is immune to electrical attacks.

Note: This power is on/off only, surrounding the character, and will affect friends as well as enemies.

Enhance Super Powers

Range: Touch to initiate, but the power increase has a range of 50ft +10ft per level.
Duration: Unlimited while the recipient is in range. The power boost fades within 2d4 minutes (+1 minute per level) of leaving range.
Save Throw: If resisted, 14 or better (add P.E. bonuses).
In Rifts®: Double the range, and the super being can enhance powers by a number of levels equal to his M.E. plus three per level of experience.

The super human can only enhance the super abilities of others, never himself. The super abilities are enhanced by levels, most of the time. The mutant can increase powers by a number of levels equal to half his M.E. at level one, plus two per level of experience. So a being with an M.E. of 20 could boost powers up by twelve levels at experience level one. Note that only the power level of the abilities are increased, and not the skill with using them (so no extra strike bonuses are gained). Also, powers of one person are not equally enhanced. Each super ability has to be individually amplfied.

He can also affect multiple beings at once. Start with one at level one and add one at every even numbered level. Enhancing multiple people (three or more) takes concentration, and results in the loss of one attack and a - 2 on initiative.

On Psionics: This ability only affects natural mutant, psionic, or experimentally created abilities, not magically bestowed powers, skills, bionics, or anything else artificial or learned. It is extremely effective on psionic abilities. Each level increase counts as two for the purposes of enhancing psychic powers. However, only one psychic power is affected at a time - multiple increases must be done separately. The range of the enhanced power is also multiplied by the number of effective levels. For example, a mutant chooses to boost a psychic's telepathic powers. He delegates ten levels to this enhancement, increasing the telepath's power level by 20 experience levels and mutliplying the range by 20. If the telepath were at the first level of experience, he would find his range for reading surface thoughts boosted to an amazing 1200ft and the ability would last for 42 minutes per level. These enhancements would last as long as the psychic stayed near the mutant.

Enhancing psychic powers can be dangerous for the recipients. If the effective increase in levels is greater than the psychic's M.E. (more than 20, in the previous example) the psychic suffers from a sensory overload and falls unconcious for 3d6 minutes plus one for each effective level beyond the M.E. attribute. This effect can sometimes be used as an attack by overloading a psychic's brain. Thus, if the psychic in the previous example only had an M.E. of fifteen he would fall unconcious for 3d6+5 minutes.

Boosting Point Totals: It is also possible to increase attributes and in the case of people with extraordinary attributes and powers like Invulnerability. An attribute can be increased by +1 per level increase, and by +10 per level increase, up to the maximum possible bonus rolled for that power. In general, any super ability that has a player roll for an attribute or and bonus can have those point totals increased. Again, in general, to boost some other power (like Sonic Speed or Healing Factor) add a +1 bonus per level increase to things like healing rates, animal summoning, and teleport distances and a +10% (of the base) per level increase to running speeds, power ranges, stretching, etc. This is a tricky power for a GM to work with, but it can be lots of fun. As a basis, remember that the only point totals that can be increased are those that get bonuses due to a recipient's power. As a result, normal humans cannot be enhanced at all!

Example: A 9th level mutant with this power can increase powers by a total of 24 levels, and split this increase among five people. His two comrades are a mutant with Invulnerability and Extraordinary P.S. and an alien with Alter Physical Structure: Stone, Extraordinary Mental Endurance, and Energy Expulsion: Light. They are both first level. The enhancing mutant decides to be fair and increase them both equally. He boosts the mutant's strength by +10 (+4 maximum for Invulnerability and a +6 maximum for Extraordinary P.S.) and his by +20. The alien sees his strength increased by +8 (he's got APS.: Stone) and his light beam gains +4d6 damage. As long as they stay within 140ft of the enhancing mutant, these power increases will remain until the giver of power chooses to take them away.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:

Explosive Flight

Created by the Cubist

This power allows the user to fly, and while doing so build up an immense energy charge. The character gains the following abilities and bonuses:
Character gains a flight speed of 375 mph, +25 mph per level of experience. The character cannot fly slower than 30 mph. The force of the energy surge makes hovering impossible, but the character only requires a distance of about 50ft to reach flying speed and he can even fly straight up. The acceleration rate is 150 mph per melee of flight, so maximum speed at first level is attainable within three melees! The flight is certainly not silent - think of a humanoid rocket.

Flying gives the character a protective shield with an (or equal to the speed of the character in mph. The shield recovers 5% of it's maximum per melee, so for a flying speed of 320 mph that would be 16 per melee! The force field can be sustained underwater or in space and protects the character from the effects of pressure (or lack of).

Flying punches and kicks do 3d6 damage. If supernatural strength is possessed, add +2d6 to punch damage.

A flying body block takes three melee actions and does 1d4x10 damage per 50 mph of flight. A speed of 50 mph is attainable from a motionless position. The shield takes one fifth of the damage inflicted. If the character flies into a mountainside or the ground (or some other very, very solid structure) the shield takes 1/3 of the damage and so does the character, while the last 1/3 is absorbed without effect. A flying body block is +4 to strike in addition to any P.P. and Wrestling bonuses.
Other Abilities and Bonuses:

Flight: Winged (major)

1. Wings:
Exactly the same as the Flight: Winged minor super ability in all respects, except for a few points. First, ignore the bonus granted by that ability and use the one listed below. Second, the character may choose the exact form of the wings (which ties in with ability #3). Third, the character's maximum flight speed is increased to 175 mph, +25 mph per level of experience. The maximum possible altitude for the character is 30,000 ft, and the acceleration rate is approximately 50 mph per melee of flight.
2. Visual Abilities:
The character has extraordinary visual abilities. He has nightvision with a range of 3000ft and advanced vision with a range of two miles.
3. Other Abilities: Select three
Armored Wings: The wings are either super- tough or are surrounded by a protective barrier, and can be used as a powerful shield.

The barrier for each wing (not the character's main body or the wings themselves) is 100 The extra recovers at the rate of 1d6 per hour, so it should be kept track of separately since the wings recover at the normal rate (as listed under Flight: Winged). Consider it to be a forcefield for damage purposes, even if that isn't the chosen form of the armoring.

The A.R. of each wing is 14, +1 more at levels four and eight. A roll under the A.R. damages whichever wing was used, and a roll over passes through to damage the character (or any shielded people or objects). The wings can be used to block attacks, requring the usual roll to parry with a +2 bonus (in addition to P.P. or hand to hand combat bonuses). Further, they can be used to shield up to four additonal man- sized beings!

Damage Resistant Wings: This is the only option that can be selected multiple times, if desired. The wings (and just the wings - not the character) are resistant to any one attack form (except kinetic damage) and take half damage from it. This should affect the appearance. For example, laser- resistant wings might be mirrored or made of light. This is a useful option to select if Armored Wings are chosen. Any invulnerabilities possessed by the character (such as Impervious to Fire and Heat) are of course passed on to the wings, just not the opposite.

Damaging Wings: Using the wings in hand to hand combat is possible. They might be razor edged, might have claws, or could be covered in a damaging energy field (player must choose the exact form). Each strike with the wings does 2d6 damage (or add +1d6 to the normal damage of a punch for supernatural strength) plus P.S. bonuses. There is also a +1 to strike in addition to P.P. and HTH combat bonuses. The character also has one extra wing attack each melee (can only use the wings to attack). After level three a paired strike with the wings is possible, which uses one melee attack but does not get the previously listed +1 strike bonus.

Ranged Attack: The exact form of the attack must be selected by the player. The general statistics are a range of 100ft +20ft per level, +3 to strike aimed and +1 to strike wild, and a damage of 2d6 +1d6 per level of experience. Divided attacks and damage control (just like with Energy Expulsion powers) are possible at level three.

For metal wings, this could be a spray of razors. Flaming wings might project flames. Feathered or leather wings might shoot out sharpened spines. Insect wings could produce electrical or sonic blasts. In any case, the source of the ranged attack is the wings and if they are damaged (one or both reduced to less than 20 the attack cannot be used.

Speed Wings: The maximum speed of the wings gets a +100 mph increase, plus the character gets an automatic dodge with a +2 bonus when flying at speeds of 120 mph or more. Acceleration increases to 75 mph of additional speed per melee.

Summoned Wings: The wings do not normally exist! They can be willed into existence (either morphing out of the character's back, teleporting in, suddenly appearing, etc.) and so can be quickly and easily concealed. It requires a full melee to make the wings appear or disappear. Flight is, of course, possible only when the wings are out.

Weather Adaptions: The character gains an uncanny weather sensing ability. He can accurately sense the air temperature to within 1d4 degrees, sense the relative humidity to within 2d4%, determine approximate wind speed to within 1d4 miles, can sense major winds (such as tornados and the jet stream) within 3 miles and local wind patterns (like vortices and downdrafts) within 300ft, can guess the barometric pressure to within 2 inches, and can also determine the approximate electrical disturbance in a 300ft area (in effect sensing the possibility of lightning). Each of these simple acts of sensing require only a melee action to perform.

All this combined gives the character a prediction ability of 60% +3% per level for the local weather within a 10 mile radius for the day (enough coverage for the average city). Doing the weather for the next day is also possible, with a -20% penalty. For 2-3 days in the future there is a -35% penalty. Prediction of weather takes five minutes. Multiple predictions can be performed to 'weed out' inaccurate forecasts.

In addition to all this, the character's body possesses an 'adaptive charge.' Since lightning is an electrical current travelling from negative to positive, the character's body maintains an ever- changing electrical charge and so lightning rarely, if ever, strikes the character. He also takes half damage from all electrical attacks. The adaptive charge is useful only against environmental electrical activity - directed electrical blasts can still target the character (but do half damage).
4. Other Abilities and Bonuses:


I've surfed to the occasional page where I see a minor super ability of Extraordinary Intelligence Quotient. I have to agree that Palladium left that power out of Heroes Unlimitedtm but I think it should be a major power and not a minor one. Why? I try to be realistic with all my powers.

Think about it for a second. With such a high I.Q. comes great creativity, high skill bonuses, the ability to learn quickly, and the occasional photographic or an ediectic memory. You could learn entire skill categories. You could be the 'jack- of- all- trades' who knows a few skills in every category. You could know enough science to make Mr. Spock whimper in ignorance. With a superhuman intelligence, there are few secrets of the universe you couldn't unravel given the right amount of time. If I were a mutant hero, being a mutant genius would be a first choice of mine. The next would be Invulnerability ;)

1. Extraordinary Intelligence Quotient:
Increase the I.Q. to 20+1d10 (counting a roll of 0 as a 10). Also add a bonus of +1d4 to the M.E. (minimum of 14).
2. Great Mental Powers:
The mutant has an extraordinary memory. He has the mental equivalent of the psionic abilities of Total Recall and Speed Reading, but can use them without any cost. They aren't psionic abilities per se, though they function like them, so the character can't be sensed by Detect Psionics or similar effects unless he has actual psychic abilities.
3. Growth of Skills:
As levels increase, the character keeps getting more and more knowledgeable. At level one let the player select four additional Secondary skills. At each level of experience beyond the first the character acquires one 'other' skill or college skill and two Secondary skills, in addition to whatever the usual increase is. All these skills benefit from whatever bonuses are valid (so Secondary skills benefit from high I.Q. bonuses but not O.C.C. related bonuses).
4. Special Talent:
The character has one area of particular expertise, which of course benefits from any I.Q. or O.C.C. bonuses. If you have Ninjas and Superspiestm you can ignore power #4 and instead let the player pick a Gizmoteer skill program as an alternative (the special skill usually has a base skill of around 70% +2% per level). Some of the below special talents will let the player pick an ability of one of the Hardware classes at a reduced skill.

Lingustics: Select threeo languages at a speaking ability of 98% and a literacy rate of +30%. Also select five more languages with a +20% speaking ability and a literacy of +10%. When the character uses his skill selections to pick another language, he gets a +20% to speak and a +10% in literacy for such skills.

The character is so good at deciphering languages that with 24 hours of time (probably 8 hours a day for three days) of observing the language in use he can engage in basic conversation (where is the bathroom, who is the man over there, I'd like to order the..., etc.) His ability in 24 hours of study is equal to what takes most high- school students a year to learn, a skill proficiency of about 15%. If the character has studied a language some and then selects it as a skill he may add another +5% bonus to his base skill.

The character's voice is also ranged enough to produce odd sounds such as clicks and whistles that are insect like, animalistic grunts, or flawlessly replicate a particular language dialect or accent.

Science: The character automatically gets Math: Basic (+25%), Math: Advanced (+20%), and Computer Operation (+15%). He may also choose another four science skills with a +10% bonus.

Advanced scientific thought is a breeze for this character - with just a few minutes of thinking he can come up with a few pages of pretty accurate reasoning for understanding (or sabotaging) a deadly chemical, a mutant plant, a genetically- engineered creature, a super high- tech energy weapon, etc. The base skills for this special Scientific Understanding is 70% +2% per level - GMs should add penalties based on the unfamiliarity and/ or alien nature of the studied object. Use the Hardware penalties as a basis.

Mathematics: The character gets the skill of Math: Basic at 100% (yeah, it violates the rules but he will never make a mistake with simple mathematical rules) and the Math: Advanced skill (+25)%. The character gets Computer Operation (+10%) and a Science skill of choice (+10%), plus has a +5% bonus on all Computer and Science skills. It is possible to perform massive calculations or predict probabilities in a couple minutes that would require a supercomputer a few hours to perform!

The character is also able to race through unfamiliar mathematical systems to arrive at a basic understanding of the rules of that system (useful in dealing with alien technology). In this situation, the character has Math: Basic at +20% and Math: Advanced in that system (most normal humans wouldn't have a hope of understanding it). Calculating trajectories and estimating things is also a very simple task for the character - add a +1 to strike/ parry/ dodge on all attacks (including ricochet attacks) or a +5% to estimation skills (like those with Radar or other 'guessing' skills).

Computer Technology: The skills of Computer Operation (100%), Computer Programming (+25%), Computer Repair (+10%), Math: Basic (+15%), Math: Advanced (+10%), and Cryptography (+10%) are known. The character also has the skill equivalent to the Computer Hacking skill of the Hardware: Electrical Genius, but it is at a lower base skill of 70% +2% per level of experience.

Electronics: Possesses the skills of Radio: Basic (+15%), Read Sensory Equipment (+20%), Basic Mechanics (+10%), Computer Operation (+15%), Computer Programming (+10%), Electrical Engineer (+20%), and one Electronics or Communications skill of choice (+20%). The character also has a skill equivalent to either the Hot Wiring or the Electronics Construction skill of the Hardware: Electrical Genius (at a base skill of 64% +2% per level of experience) or the Hardware: Analytical skill of Electronic Countermeasures (at 74% +2% per level of experience).

Mechanics: Has the skills of Read Sensory Equipment (+15%), Basic Electronics (+15%), Mechanical Engineering (+25%), Computer Operation (+10%), and may pick two Mechanical skills of choice at a +20% bonus. The character also has a skill equivalent to either the Build/ Modify Armor skill of the Hardware: Anaylitical Genius (at a base skill of 72% +2% per level of experience) or a skill equivalent to the Build Super Vehicles skill of the Hardware: Mechanical Genius (at a base skill of 68% +2% per level of experience).

Engineering: The skills of Read Sensory Equipment (+20%), Electrical Engineering (+15%), Mechanical Engineering (+15%), Weapons Engineer (+15%), and two Mechanical or Electrical skills of choice at a +15% bonus. The character also has a skill equivalent to either the Build/ Modify Armor skill or the Analyze and Operate Devices skill of the Hardware: Anaylitical Genius (at a base skill of 68% +2% per level of experience) or a skill equivalent to the Build Super Vehicles skill of the Hardware: Mechanical Genius (at a base skill of 66% +2% per level of experience).

Device Operation: A talent for the understanding and operation of the technological devices of the day. The knowledge to invent such objects is not possessed (at least, not as part of the Genius super power) but the character has a special knack for taking apart what's been created already, figuring out how it works, developing blueprints for it, and putting it back together again. These skills are known: Math: Basic (+20%), Math: Advanced (+15%), General Repair/ Mainenance (+15%), Computer Operation (+10%), Read Sensory Equipment (+20%), Chemistry (+10%), and Radio: Basic (+10%). The character also has a skill equivalent to the Analyze and Operate Devices skill of the Hardware: Analytical Genius, but it is at a base skill of 74% +2% per level of experience.

Vehicle Operation: There is no vehicle that the character cannot understand! Whether a conventional automobile, an ion drive spacecraft, a Zentraedi battle pod (copyright of Harmony Gold, I believe), or a high- tech combat helicopter the character can pilot it on instinct! He gets all Pilot: Related skills at +15% - with Weapon Systems on a failed roll he suffers no strike penalty but a successful one results in a +2 to strike bonus! The character also knows how to Pilot: Automobile (+25%), or possibly Pilot: Hovercraft if in a high- tech world like Rifts®. The character gets three Pilot skills from the Basic list (+15%) and three more from the Advanced list (+10%).

The character also has a general piloting ability of 38% +2% per level of experience (better than nothing). One such skill roll can be made per two and a half minutes of study of the vehicle in question. Even better, the character can use vehicles to dodge with a +2 bonus - even tanks and other heavy vehicles (!) so long as they can move more than 60mph. If piloting power armor or robots, the character instead gets a +1 on all combat rolls (strike, dodge, initiative, pull punch, all of 'em).

Medical: The character has the science skills of Biology, Chemistry, and Math: Basic (all at +10%) and the Medical skills of Paramedic (+20%), Pathology (+15%), and Medical Doctor (+20%). The character also has one unique skill, either Holistic Medicine (+15%) or Criminal Science and Forensics (+10% but a few prerequisites must be possessed). If a Rifts® character, he might also select the skill to implant cybernetic or Juicertm technology into people so long as the needed prerequesites are possessed. The character's affinity with healing techniques provide a +10% save throw bonus to any being that is saving against coma or death, and as an extra benefit the character needs only half the normal time to administer healing.

Weaponry: An expert in the building of advanced weaponry, the character gets the skills of Electrical Engineering (+15%), Math: Basic (+20%), Math: Advanced (+15%), Mechanical Engineering (+10%), and Weapons Engineer (+25%). The character also has a skill equivalent to the Hardware: Weapons ability of Make and Modify Weapons, but at a proficiency of 74% +2% per level of experience. No special bonuses apply to the usage of weapons.

Criminal: The character has the Espionage skill of Intelligence and the Military Skill of Find Contraband and Illegal Weapons (both are +10%), and also gets the skill of Prowl (+20%) and Streetwise (+25%). Select five additional skills from the Espionage or Rogue categories (each gets a +10% bonus). The unique educational leaning of the character grants a +5 bonus to the M.A. when attempting criminal acts (recruiting henchmen, fooling a cop, convincing a mad scientist, etc.)

Military/Espionage: Training in military and espionage was what interested (or was required of) the mutant Genius. He has the skills of Military Etiquette (+20%), Intelligence (+15%), Trap/ Mine Detection (+15%), Escape Artist (+10%), and Recognize Weapon Quality (+20%). The character may also pick four skills from the Espionage or Military category (+10%). The character also gets one hand to hand skill upgrade (if Hand to Hand basic is selected, the cost stays the same and it changes to Expert - if Expert is possessed push it up a level to become either Martial Arts or Assassin, and if one of the latter add an extra melee action, a +1 on initiative, and a +1 to strike, parry, and dodge).

Heightened Damage Capacity

Created by Vincent Valentine

This power is simple - huge amounts of damage can be dealt with! Roll once on the the below table for a hit point and (or in Rifts®) modifier. This will not affect the bonuses gained from level advancements or skills, but will modify the bonuses from other super powers.

For example, Joe the Vagabond has 35 hit points, and 74 before skills. He rolls a 3 which says his hit points are multiplied by 2½ times, and his is multiplied by 3½ times for final totals of 88 hit points and 259 Another example could be Allisa the City Rat. She has the minor super ability of Extraordinary Physical Endurance (provides 2d4x10+20 She rolls a 2 and a 3 and gets 70 On the below table she rolls a 5 which says her is multiplied by 4½ times for a final total of 315

Roll d6 Hit Points S.D.C. M.D.C.
1 x1.5 x4.5 x2.5
2 x2.0 x4.0 x3.0
3 x2.5 x3.5 x3.5
4 x3.0 x3.0 x4.0
5 x3.5 x2.5 x4.5
6 x4.0 x2.0 x5.0

Regeneration Rate: (varies with damage capacity total)
Bonuses and Abilities: Note #1: When players end up with 1,000 or more he must roll for or select a weakness, an Achilles Heel of some sort for the character (see the Mega- Hero in Heroes Unlimitedtm).

Note #2: When combined with the Invulnerability power and the Alter Physical Structure powers, cut the hit points and (or modifiers/ multipliers in half (with a minimum of 1.5 for the hit points and 2.0 for the Also use the regeneration rate of this power above all others.

Note #3: Mega- Heroes can't possess this power, as it would make them all but unstoppable. If the GM does allow it, the character should not get the benefit of the increase in hit points and listed with that character class. Also, two weaknesses might have to be acquired.

Heroic Form

1. Basic Powers:
The character possesses the minor super abilities of Alternate Form and Bio-Aura, just as they are (except changing into the heroic form takes only two melee actions). These two powers are the basis of the Heroic Form. The character's human form has no special powers whatsoever - they exist only when in the transformed state. The hero body is where the character's power is centered. In addition to the special form, this major super ability also gives the player a well- rounded character in terms of super abilities.
2. Attack Power:
The player may choose a single offensive minor super ability. This could be Absorb/ Release Energy, Body Weapons, Combat Instinct, Combat Quickness, Harm Invulnerable, Harm Supernatural, Lifesteal, Manipulate Kinetic Energy, Mental Stun, Reactive Combat Reflexes, Personal Weapon, Power Channeling, Weapons Master, or an Energy Expulsion power of choice (check out these also).
3. Defensive Power:
A protective, defensive, or durability-boosting minor super power may also be chosen (not including Extraordinary Physical Endurance - see that below). Choose one of the following - Barrier Force Field, Energy Resistance, Hardened Molecular Structure, Healing Factor, Impact Resistance, Magic Resistance, Personal Force Field, or Psionic Resistance.

As an alternative to the above, the player could also select two of these powers: Impervious to Fire and Heat, Impervious to Cold, Impervious to Poisons/Toxins, Impervious to Radiation, or Vacuum Resistance.
4. Extraordinary Attribute:
The player may select one Extraordinary attribute or some other 'extraordinary' minor power like these few powers, Mental Superiority, or Physical Superiority.
5. Other Powers:
The last selection is to choose a special power that is neither purely offensive or defensive. Any non- offensive minor super ability can be selected. Here are a few good candidates:

Advanced Energy Expulsion (to go with any energy expulsion powers), Copy Minor Super Ability, Damage Overload, Extradimensional Storage, Flight: Winged, Limited Alter Physical Structure, Mental Superiority, Overload, Physical Superiority, or Radar.

Since superhuman senses are rather weak in some respects, the player could instead select any two Heightened Sense or Super Vision powers (excluding Radar - I count that one as a full fledged minor super ability).

Imbue with Super Ability

Created by The Magus (with expansion by Brett Hegr)

Range: Touch to initiate, but the power increase has a range of 50ft +10ft per level.
Duration: Ten minutes per level while the recipient is in range. All powers fade within 2d4 minutes (+1 minute per level) of leaving range.
Save Throw: If resisted, 15 or better (add P.E. bonuses).
In Rifts®: Double the range.

With just a touch the character is able to create a physical change in another living creature, giving it super abilities for a limited amount of time. These super abilities have a power level equal to that of the power giver, but have no bonuses that would be gained through experience (such as strike bonuses). Super speed powers (and similar ones) that provide a wide array of bonuses see those bonuses reduced by half (round up).

Though all powers gained are done so via random rolls, the character has some experience in 'bending' the randomness of the power. For each level of experience, the player can alter rolls by 2%. So, if the random roll results in a 67% and the character is fourth level he could give any power within a range of 8% (in this case, 59% to 75%). Apply this special bonus to all rolls. If the character is trying to give a power that he himself possesses, he automatically succeeds.

The act of touching and imbuing another being with super abilities requires two melee actions. Once the power is given, it (or they) will take effect in time to be used in the next melee round.

One person can be given powers per level of experience of the character. However, large groups of people take a mental toll on the character. For every three people (or fraction thereof) that are powered up, the character loses one melee action and a -2 on initiative. If all the character's attacks are lost to concentration (quite possible), the character is instead reduced to one melee action and has no initiative.

Normal humans can be given either one major super ability or three minor super abilities (add an extra minor super ability at levels three and eight). The character can mentally decide which alternative is desired. Giving power to those who already have super abilities is less effective. Only two minor super abilities can be given at first level, but increases to three at third level. After level six, the character can opt to instead bestow one major super ability. Note that supernatural beings (to include mystically bestowed powers characters), full conversion cyborgs, major or master psychics, machines of all kinds, and magicians cannot be given any super abilities.

Other limitations apply to the artificial powers. Since they are not permanent or natural, the given powers cannot be mimicked, enhanced, or negated by other super powers. Attempts at sensing the artificial powers are made at -3 (or -15%). The bonuses gained by the power are also limited as stated in the first paragraph.

Note: My edited form and the original form differ greatly. I have provided the original here in its entirety, which allows a person to permanently give another creature super abilities. I found that to be extreme, but some GMs might wish to take the challenge of working with this power.

Permanent Form:
  This is the power to imbue another person with a super ability. If the
 character is giving the target a power that the character does not possess,
 then roll on the table below:

        01-50 A random Minor Power
        51-80 A random Major Power
        81-95 The desired power
        96-00 Roll twice ignore all other rolls of this nature

  The act of imbuing costs the imbuer 1d8 PE, 1d6 HP and 2 ME. If the
 character is attempting to imbue a power he/she possesses then the
 loss will be 1d10 PE, 1d8 HP, and 1d6 ME. These points can be regained
 at the following rate: HP- As normal, PE- One per week of rest, ME- One
 per month of rest

After using the power roll on the following table

        01-55 Success! and loss of attribute points
        56-70 Failure, no loss of attribute points!
        71-85 Success! No loss of attribute points!
        86-00 Failure, and loss of attribute points

Inertia Manipulation

Created by Brett Hegr and inspired by some of C.J. Carella's ideas.

This amazing super ability allows the character to manipulate the inertial forces around himself. The law of paraphrased inertia states that 'any object at rest will stay at rest and any object in motion will continue that motion unless affected by an outside force.' The character breaks this rule time and time again with extraordinary results. At level one, two of the following inertia abilities can be used simultaneously. Add one more ability at levels two, six, and ten.

A few minor notes need to be addressed. Inertia is not force, but the resistance to acceleration of a massive body. The character cannot initiate motion with this power - only negate, amplify, and alter it. Also, do not add the listed bonuses into hand to hand combat skills. Keep them separate as players may choose to use certain abilities at one time and not another thus changing the bonuses they have at the time. And yes, the bonuses are cumulative.

1. Movement Alteration:
Range: Self or 10ft per level of experience
Duration: Instant normally, but can last for one melee per level
Weight Limitations: 1000lbs per level can be affected

Running: The character can use this power to achieve his top running speed in a matter of seconds (one melee action) and come to a complete stop in that same amount of time. Through the use of inertial alteration, the character can also double his speed attribute for running purposes and gains a +4 to dodge while running. They can also run over difficult terrain like ice, loose sand, and mountainsides at their normal running speed without fear of falling. Characters with super speed can boost their running speed by +30% and only gain a +2 bonus to dodge. However, super speed rams and punches (for that extra damage) only take half (round up) the normal number of attacks to build up sufficient speed.

Leaping: Normal people can jump their height lengthwise with a running start, or half their height vertically. With a running start they can jump a number of feet equal to their Spd. attribute lengthwise or 150% of their height vertically (that's 9ft for a 6ft tall person). Altering inertia allows a character to double these distances, or quadruple them with a combination of inertia-boosted speed and leaping. Persons with super speed, a running start, and this power can jump a number of feet equal to half their speed in mph vertically or horizontally. Mutants with Sonic Speed (running at 670 mph) can leap an amazing 335 feet! Changing direction while in the air is also possible with this power. A mutant can leap backwards and then suddenly move to the left or to the front again, allowing the element of surprise. While leaping, those with this power gain a bonus of +2 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, and +4 to roll with punch/fall.

Falling: Another useful situation is the use of inertia to inhibit falling. The character can fall from a distance of 50ft per level and suffer no damage. Between that distance and double it they only take one-fourth damage. Falling from distances above that means the character takes only 1d4x10+30% the normal damage (falling from high distances is kind of tricky to deal with).

Vehicles: It is also possible to alter the course of vehicles with this power, but it depends on the weight/ mass of the vehicle. Cars attempting a ramming attack can be deflected, motorcycles can be knocked off balance, and helicopters can be crashed by an experienced user. A mutant can force a vehicle control roll with a -5% penalty (or +5% bonus, if stabilizing) per two levels of experience. To add a bonus to a control roll, the character must be piloting the vehicle. Motorcycles and equally sized machines can be affected at first level, most cars at third level, large trucks, tanks, and aircraft at fifth level, and helicopters, watercraft, and large aircraft at seventh level. Remeber, a character need only be able to affect a majority of a vehicle's body to alter its direction and momentum. Using this gives a character a +1 bonus at levels one, four, eight, and twelve to dodge an oncoming vehicle (whether on foot or piloting a vehicle himself).

Stopping/Preventing Motion: Characters may want to use the power to keep a getaway car from moving or to prevent a gun from firing. This is certainly within limits of the power, but the character must be able to manipulate a mass equal to or greater than the object being stopped. Holding a motorcycle in place is something any neophyte user can do, but a large van or a semi will take someone with more experience. To prevent things like bullets and arrows from firing requires a roll over the strike roll with a +2 bonus, +1 at levels four, eight, and twelve.
2. Defensive Uses:
Parrying: Using inertial forces to boost parrying abilities is also possible. The character gets a +3 bonus to parry melee attacks, +1 more at levels four, seven, and eleven. This bonus can be added to hand to hand combat bonuses. It is also possible to parry projectiles, but this is trickier (and cannot be combined with hand to hand combat bonuses). Add a +1 bonus to do so at levels one, three, seven, and ten. Parrying multiple projectiles (a burst of bullets) is possible only after level four, and then it is done on a straight roll (no bonuses). Note that to parry anything, it must have a physical nature. Energy weapons (psi- swords, lightsabers, particle beams, etc.) are unable to be affected in this way. The projectiles slow to a complete stop and drop impotently to the ground, so impact-detonated missiles and grenades can even be blocked.

Dodging: It is possible to boost dodging skills with this power too. Add a bonus of +3 to dodge at level one, +1 more at levels four, seven, and eleven. At level three, the character gains an automatic dodge with a +2 bonus when using his inertia power for dodging puproses. Add another +1 at levels five, seven, and ten. The character simply quickens his motion for very brief bursts of speed.

Damage Reduction: When this is focused upon, any and all physical attacks made against the character see their damage reduced by half. The attacks are slowed milliseconds before they impact. Successfully rolling with an attack and using this ability cuts damage to one- fourth. A breakfall combined with damage reduction results in no kinetic damage taken. Energy weapons are not affected.

Balance Affecting: This is a quasi- defensive action, but it has humorously effective results. A character can shift the inertial forces surrounding a person, causing them to fall. This can be used as an offensive or a defensive action with a +2 bonus, +1 more at levels two, four, seven, ten, twelve, and fifteen. Against super speedsters and fast fliers (travelling at over 50 mph) this bonus is halved. If the roll fails, the attacker hits as normal. If it succeeds, the attacker misses and must immediately roll to maintain balance or suffer knockdown. If used against a flying opponent, the flyer must make a defense roll (add in P.P. and dodge bonuses only) in order to fly straight. Failure means they are spinning out of control for 1d4 melees (could be dangerous). The character needs to be within 6ft +2ft per level of the target for this to work.
3. Offensive Uses:
Inertial Push: An impressive ability, this allows the character to create a surge of inertia that can knock a victim down hard. Against victims in the 10ft per level range the character gets a +2 bonus, +1 more at levels four, seven, and ten to do this. The push causes 1d4 damage per level of experience and the victims must roll to maintain balance or suffer knockdown. At close range, where the character can physically push someone, the effects are much more devastating. First of all, P.P. bonuses can be added to the attack roll. Secondly, the attack roll does 10 +1d6 points of damage per level of experience and the victim automatically suffers the loss of two attacks and initiative. In either case, the victim is pushed a number of feet equal to the damage rolled by the player (halve this damage and distance for super- heavy beings).

Attack Boosting: The damage of melee attacks can be improved with this focus of the power. All hand to hand attacks gain a +2 to strike bonus and become critical strikes (double damage), as the character speeds up his weapons and fists to do amazing damage. Natural twenties do triple damage, even more if the attack is normally a critical strike (like a jump kick). The only drawback is that most weapons cannot handle the force of the impacts. Attacking with hands and feet accelerated to bone crushing speed causes 1d4 damage per attack to the character (padded gloves can help this). Weapons run a 30% chance of breaking if the damage inflicted exceeds three times their maximum normal damage (e.g. 24 points for a 1d8 sword), or five times if a well- crafted weapon. Energy- based Personal Weapons cannot be damage boosted.

Recoil Suppression: By stabilizing inertial forces around himself, the character can shoot straighter and easier than most people. With some training in firearms a character can achieve phenominal skill. Add a +1 bonus to strike with firearms that cause recoil at levels two and seven. The character never suffers penalties from recoil.

Intangibility (improved)

Improved by El Guerrero Pacheco

Author's Note: The original intangibility power was good but it really needs a few changes to be a major super ability.

The improved power is the same as is found on page 276 of Heroes Unlimitedtm, with the following changes and additions:

Through partial intangibility, the character can reduce his weight to one- third of the normal value. After level five, drop this to one- tenth. The weight- shift requires one melee to perform (and to un- perform). Provides a +3 to roll with punch, fall, or impact and falls do less damage according to the weight reduction (if, for some reason, the character chooses not to become intangible).

Can turn any part of his body intangible (or tangible in an intangible state). The character can perform skills with intangible limbs (phasing through plates and unphasing the fingers) but suffers a -25% penalty or more if he cannot see what he is doing with his hands (X-ray vision is a real bonus here). He cannot use this for combat without practice (see below).

Passing through electrical devices has a 25% +5% per level chance of short circuiting them, rendering them useless. Most components must be replaced and 1d6x10+40% of of all information is lost on hard drives. Against energy weapons (and any device that operates on electricity or computer chips), moving through them has a 70% +3% per level chance of rendering the device inoperative for at least 2d6+8 minutes (10-20). After the third level the character can concentrate (-2 on initiative and loses one melee action) to negate this effect.

At level one, the character can make extra non- living matter intangible. The limit is 125 pounds plus 25 pounds per level with a range of touch. Ignore the listed limit of 20 pounds. If the character discontinues contact with the phased matter it instantly reverts to solidity (could be very harmful or even deadly if phased into a person, -4 strike penalty if used as an attack). Making an object intangible or tangible requires one melee action. The range is touch, and extra matter can be made intangible for up to ten minutes per level of experience.

At level three, the character can make living matter intangible. The limit is 125 pounds plus 25 pounds per level with a range of touch. If the character discontinues contact with the phased matter it instantly reverts to solidity (and will probably die if inside an object at the time). Making a person intangible or tangible requires two melee actions. The range is touch, and extra matter can be made intangible for up to ten minutes per level of experience.

At level five the player may select one of these two alternatives: either a pretty dangerous ability or a pretty deadly one! At level nine the other option is gained.

Option One: it is possible to engage in melee combat by turning only fists or legs tangible (tricky indeed!) The concentration required causes the loss of one melee action and a -2 on initiative. Attempts to hit the character's limbs must be called strikes with -4 penalties. Successful hits means the character takes full damage.

Option Two: Though the character can choose to pass though living matter without harming it, he can partially materialize for an offensive effect. Passing through anything can be deadly for both the character, and the victim if the 'anything' is a living creature! This special ability usually takes places as what is called a 'phasing' punch or kick.

Both the character and the victim make a saving throw of 15 or higher (add P.E save bonuses, the character gets an extra +1 to save at levels six and nine). If the victim saves no damage is taken and the intangible being is 'fought off' or 'rejected.' If the character saves successfully he takes no damage - failure means 1d6 hit points of damage. If both fail the saving throw the victim and phaser's bodies get mixed up and die instantly. If both succeed the saving throw then both are rejected with no damage.

The damage of such an attack is 1d6 per full two levels of experience (meaning 2d6 at level five and 3d6 at level six), direct to the victim's hit points. For beings the damage does not change. It is not possible to renegerate phased damage - it must be healed back normally and super ability/ magic/ psionic healing works at half strength. Striking at the victim's brain or heart is pretty deadly. If the victim fails the above save throw (or the damage is enough to deplete the victim's hit points) he immediately goes into a coma. Recovery from the coma is made at +20%, but medical attention is required (could be conventional, holistic, or paranormal, but not regenerative).

Clearly, option two is more deadly - for both parties involved!

Invisibility (improved)

Improved by El Guerrero Pacheco

Author's Note: The original invisibility power was pathetic and suitable only as a minor super ability rather than a major and that was the main reason of the creation of this new version.

The improved power is the same as is found on page 277 of Heroes Unlimitedtm, with the following changes and additions:

The character gets Light Shifting due to the familiarity the character has with light alteration. The player may also choose one of the following minor super abilities: Dark Aura, Light Aura, Stealth Ability, or Bend Light.

The blood and any other fluid or part of the character's inner body will remain invisible as well. If the character gets cut or harmed his blood remains invisible (until contacting with the floor or some non- invisible object). The character can also turn any part of his body (or another person's if touching them) invisible or visible at will.

Can make objects or even living matter invisible, limit of 20 pounds per level beyond the listed 100 pounds. The range is touch, and extra matter (beyond the base of 100 pounds) can be made invisible for up to ten minutes per level of experience.

Cannot be seen in any spectrum of visible or invisible light except infrared (heat). The character can still be detected by heat detecting devices and other non- light based detection devices (such as sonar and vibration sensing devices).

Other Abilities and Bonuses:

Invulnerable Essence

Created by Chris Gileppa

Although this power is called invulnerable essence, it is not true invulnerability. This is reserved for true gods and other such powerful beings as they. A truly invulnerable essence would mean that you would never die, even when your body is completely destroyed, because your essence remains. As such, this is a lesser version suitable for 'lesser than godlike' superbeings.

The physical and spiritual body consist of essential energies interwoven in complex patterns. Some are more complex than others, or more powerful, whichever the case may be. Beings with this power have both; a large amount of essential life energies interwoven in an extremely complex pattern that is effectively immune to any outside influence that would seek to affect it. As a result some of these defences are transferred to the physical body.

1. Positive Mental State:
The character will have a slightly different outlook on life: Tends to be positive and energetic, and sees pain and hardships as a natural part of life, and accepts it. Result: Immune to the effects of mental and physical pain. The character can survive till negative 80 hit points and/or Chi, +10 to this amount every level. Also note that the character will automatically come out of a coma in 15 seconds.
2. Protected Life Force:
The characters physical body has been altered slightly. The blood is supercharged with life force energies which regulates, enhances and maintains the circulatory systems major functions while burning away any impurities or foreign objects within seconds. It appears to be an iridescent green colour and small bursts of green energy close any wounds and stop blood flow.

Result: Immune to disease, poisons, toxins, gases, radiation, extreme pressures (lots or none), microwaves, and normal heat/ fire/ cold. Blood clots almost instantly so there is virtually no bleeding. Life energies are supplemented by Chi so the character does not fatigue and will not starve.
3. Other Abilities and Bonuses:
Other manifestations of interwoven invulnerable essence include:

Immunities: Death blow only stuns for 1d4 melees, negative Chi based physical attacks, knock out/ stun, possession, any sort of point total drainage, disruption, physical transformation/ manipulation/ alteration/ metamorphosis, normal heat, fire, and cold.

Debilitating Effects: Any not listed under immunities are automatically overcome within 15 seconds (one melee). This applies to all effects, regardless of their source and includes things like mind control, hypnotic suggestion and even coma/death.

Regeneration: This is directly linked to Chi regeneration rate. The character regenerates four Chi and four hit points (or two every minute, and negative Chi is ejected at the same rate of four per minute. If the character ever loses this power their healing returns to normal.

Greater chance of survival:
4. Vulnerabilities:
Negative Chi: While negative Chi based physical attacks do no damage, pure blasts of negative Chi are fought off just like normal. One point of positive Chi can be used to destroy 1d6 incoming negative Chi. Each point of negative Chi that gets through destroys 3d6 points of positive Chi!

If somehow reduced to negative Chi, the character loses all bonuses and abilities provided by this power (except the hit point and bonuses) until Chi is restored to a positive value - which doesn't take too long, since it is ejected rather rapidly. However, while ejecting negative Chi the character cannot regenerate.


Created by Andrew Darling

This is the bastard cousin of Karmic Power. The abilities of this power are a mixed blessing to say the least. On the plus side, all of the jinx's opponents lose their bonuses when they attack the jinx and any natural rolls of four or less are considered critical failures (the attacker breaks his weapon, breaks a finger, trips over himself and causes knockdown penalties to himself, etc.). On the negative side, the jinx himself is naturally -4 or -20% to everything he does and every natural roll of four or less is a critical failure twenty four hours a day.

1. Curse: The jinx can curse someone with a simple touch. That person will find themselves experiencing a damaging random event once per hour for the duration of the curse. Roll on this table to determine the general nature of the random event:
01-50 The event will merely damage the victim's dignity (a faucet breaks in the restroom and sprays their pants, or something similar)
51-75 The damage will be minor, 1d4, the result of walking into a desk, stubbing a toe, or a zipper malfunction,
76-90 The damage will be significant, 2d6, and of the nature of having a chair break, tripping and falling into an object, or something equally painful and inconvenient.
91-97 The damage is serious, 5d6, and the equivalent of getting whacked in the head with a good-sized piece of wood.
98-00 The victim has an accident that is life threatening or very injurious (hit by a car, a safe falls on him, etc.) Damage is usually 1d6x10 or 2d4x10.
The duration of the curse is 24 hours plus two hours per level of the character. The curse can be lifted by another touch of someone with the Jinx power, or a Remove Curse spell cast by a magician of equal or greater level than the original jinxer.

2. Aura of Low-rolling dice: All people within five feet of the jinx will experience terrible luck, -20%, in all games of chance. The jinx may work for (or against!) casinos, fixing games by standing in the right places.

3. Other abilities: All developed from experience - like a callous.

Kinetic Energy Absorbtion

Created by the Cubist

This is the power to absorb kinetic energy into one's body for temporary enhancment. The character has the following powers and abilities:
All kinetic attacks do no damage, including punches, explosions, rail guns, and vehicle rams. They might knock the character down, but they won't hurt him. Bladed weapons and falling do one- tenth damage (and don't contribute towards absorbtion at all).

Sonic and vibration attacks do no damage and partially bounce off the character, doing half damage to anyone within 6ft of the side of the character that took the hit. Penalties from damaged hearing still apply. The character can only absorb half the damage, as it is kinetic but extremely chaotic and hard to absorb.

The character can retain aborbed but unused kinetic energy for five minutes per level of experience. After the duration ends, it simply disappears. Note that extra and extra strength are not gained simultaneously - the player must decide what gets boosted with each hit.

Boost #1 Every three points of kinetic, sonic, or vibration damage absorbed results in the gaining of one point of extra (or mega- damagetm) up to a maximum additional of the P.E. times ten.

Boost #2 Every five points of absorbed damage can add a +1 bonus to P.S. If the P.S. bonus is more than the P.E. times 4, the strength turns superhuman, and if the P.S. bonus is more than the P.E. times 8 strength turns supernatural. The effective strength limit is five times the actual P.S. attribute of the character.
Other Abilities and Bonuses:

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