Major Powers

Here are the Major Powers. Like the Minor Powers, these powers can be used instead of the ones listed in the books. This allows for a more interesting game play in that not very many people will have these powers.

Chi Powering
The ability to harness one's Chi to increase his/her abilities. Those who have mastered this ability are not only able to increase their attributes but they are also able to fire a blast and fly. A true master of this power can not only harness his/her own Chi, but that of his surroundings. Abilities
  1. Chi Blast
    Range: 50 ft. +10 per level
    Duration: Instant
    Damage: 3D6 Cost: 5 Chi per blast Note: After level 3, the player may increase the blast 1D6 for every 5 Chi.
  2. Chi Flight
    Same as Flight Wingless but with these changes:
    Duration: 1 hr.
    Cost: 20 Chi pts.
  3. Chi Powering
    IQ, ME, & MA is increased by 10 pts.
    PS, PP, PE, PB & Spd is increased by 20 pts.
    SDC is increased by 90 pts.
    HP is increased by 20 pts.
  4. Other Abilities or Bonuses
    Chi is increased by 4D6x10
    PE is increased by 1D4
    When power is on, PC emits an aura.

  1. Rabbit.Animal powers: Claws(+1D6 Damage), Digging, Tunneling and Excavation; Heightened Senses: Advanced Hearing and Advanced Smell; Teeth: Rodent(1D6); Enhanced Leaping; plus (special) supernatural P.S., +2D6 to P.P., and two additional attacks per melee round.
  2. Bat.Animal powers:Claws(+1D6); Heightened Senses: Sonar, Nightvision, Advanced Hearing,and Advanced Smell; Teeth: Rodent(1D6);Flight: Winged; plus supernatural P.S., +3 to save vs. poison and disease.
  3. Other Abilities Applicable to all Lycanthropes:
    Animal attribute bonuses are only applicable when in mutant form. Any additional superpowers (not animal powers) can be used in either state. Any Unusual Characteristics or other mutant features the hero possesses will be apparent in both forms. Aside from his natural, animal abilities, the character also has few extra abilities:
    Enhanced Healing. The character heals two times faster than a normal human and can regrow lost limbs, fingers, ears or nose in 48 hours.
    Add 1D6x10 S.D.C. while in animal form (in addition to any noted for specific animal type, above.)
    Add 3D6 to Spd. while in animal form.
  4. Disadvantages:
    The gravity effects during a full moon or solar eclipse will cause the character to either:
    01-50 Lose control of his transformation abilit, transforming at random every 1D6x10 minutes. He will be unable to change back and forth at will during these times until his sixth level or higher.
    51-00 Lose control of his humanity; is more animal than human, reacting on instinct and emotion rather than rational thought.
    Is vunerable to silver; weapons made of, or coated with silver, inflict double damage.
    Animal form is frightening and monstrous looking(wolfman or worse). Horro Factor 12+1D4 (P.B. attribute is not applicable in animal form). It is not easy to conceal or dsguise this inhuman appearance.

Super Healing Factor(Created by Dan; Modified by Losewire)
The character heals at a phenomenal rate. Injuries disappear before your eyes!(This is equivalent to Wolverine's healing factor. There are no stats for the amount regenerated because it's hard to say how fast one heals. But for all purposes here they are.)
Heals 1D6x10 SDC per Minute
Heals 6D6 HP per Minute
+3D6 PE Attribute; +35% Save versus Coma/Death
+1D6x10 Hit Points; +50 SDC
+3 Save vs Magic, Psionics
+5 Save vs Posions and Toxins; A failed save means the character suffers 1/5 damage and duration.
Never Fatigues
Wounds Heal without Scarring
Broken Bones heal within 2-3 minutes (If dislocated, can be put back into place with no problems.)

Control Electricity(Created by Dan)
The character can manipulate charge and current to create spectacular effects.
  1. Control Static Electricity: Identical to Major Ability (HU2, pg 270)
  2. Electrical Ray: A line of electricity emitted from the fingers or eyes.
    Range: 100 ft + 20 feet per level of experience
    Damage: 1D6x10 + 2 per level of experience
    Duration: Instant
    Attacks per Melee: Each use counts as one melee attack
    Bonus: +2 strike
  3. Mini-Lightning Bolt: A small bolt of electricity jumps out of air near the target, making the attack difficult to dodge. The bolt is accurately aimed by building up charge on the target, which attracts the oppositely charged attack.
    Range: 150 ft + 30 feet per level of experience
    Damage: 1D6 +1 per level of experience
    Duration: Instant
    Attacks per Melee: Each use counts as one melee attack
    Bonus: +8 strike
  4. Lightning Bolt: A large bolt of electricity jumps out of air near the target, making the attack difficult to dodge. The bolt is accurately aimed by building up charge on the target, which attracts the oppositely charged attack.
    Range: 300 ft + 30 feet per level of experience
    Damage: 4D6 + 2 per level of experience
    Duration: Instant
    Attacks per Melee: Each use counts as two melee attacks
    Bonus: +8 strike
  5. Generate Electricity: Identical to Ability 5 of Alter Physical Structure: Electricity (HU2, pg 241)
  6. Manipulate Electronic Devices: Identical to Ability 3 of the Super Psionic power Electrokinesis (HU2, pg 310)
  7. Other Abilities:
    The character is impervious to electrical damage.
    The character can sense electricity; the range depends on the strength of the source. By mentally following the currents in common household wiring he can map out the electrical system the device is attached to.
    Power stations and transformers fascinate the character, and he will be drawn to investigate them (a controllable urge).
    The character's natural intuition re: electricity lends a 15% bonus to all electrical skills.

Alter Physical Structure: Liquid Metal (Created by Unknown Person)
This allows the character to turn into a semi-thick shiny liquid.This is like APS Liquid but has some very distinguished characteristics.
  1. Metal Bolt:
    Damage: 4D4 +1D4 per level
    Bonus: +3 to strike
  2. Manipulate Shape: Same as APS Liquid HU. 173
  3. Limited Invunerability: Sames as APS Liquid HU. 173, Except lasers reflect doing 1/2 damage.
  4. Harden: The character can condense into a semi-solid making the character physically tougher thus PS is doubled SDC gets +200 and the characters natural AR becomes 15 (#2 and 3 are invalid in this form) Duration 1 hour maximum.

Alter Physical Structure: Magma (Created by Gargoyle (with expansion by Brett Hegr))
This power enables the character to transform into living, molten rock. Along with increased strength and protection, the form also grants the character the ability to manipulate stone and fire to a limited degree. The character transforms into a glowing orange and red being with the following abilities:
  1. Expel Magma:When this power is engaged, streams of superheated magma erupt from the character's fingertips, spraying out at the target in a wide arc, burning and setting fire to any flammable objects it hits.
    Range: 20ft +5ft per level.
    Damage: 2d6 +1d6 per level.
    Duration: Instant
    Attacks Per Melee: Same as hand to hand
    Bonus: +3 to strike aimed or +0 wild, +1 at levels five and ten.
  2. Create Volcano:Utilization of this power summons up a cylinder of magma to erupt from the earth, cooling and spreading to form a volcano. The size depends on the level of the character: height is 10ft per level, width is 5ft per level. The magma jetting forth from the cone typically does 6d6 damage per round, melting rock & plastics, setting fire to trees, boiling water away, etc. The volcano will last until the character dispels it and drives it back underground. Careless magma characters will leave these things lying around almost as a signature. Rather than a volcano, the character can elect to make a lava tube erupt, crack in the earth break open and leak magma, or whatever the character wishes, as long as it falls within the dimensions and effects of the power. For example, a crevice would be 5 ft wide per level and 10 ft long per level; the lava will well up and spread rather than explode out in a shower, etc.
    Range: 100ft
    Duration: Permanent, more or less
    Attacks Per Melee: Uses all hand to hand attacks in a melee.
  3. Melt Earth: With this power, the character creates a pool of melted rock and earth, up to 15 ft deep. Those sucked into the pool suffer from the same penalties due those immersed in quicksand, but at the same time suffer the listed damage.
    Range: 5ft +5ft per level radius.
    Damage: 6d6 per round of immersion.
    Duration: 15 minutes
  4. Merge with Magma: The character can "melt" into an existing pocket of lava or magma, merging with the substance and traveling through it or hiding within it. As a mode of travel, it is slow and difficult, and consists of following the lava down the tubes into the mantle, and back up again through the crust and onto the surface. A 5 km run becomes an epic 70 km journey. However, it is not expected and, if given time, can enable a character to reach places no one would suspect. As a means of hiding or evading, it is unparalleled. Few people draw close enough to a magma intrusion to get a good look anyway, and the character is virtually invisible within the mix. Characters can move through magma at 10% of their running speed.
  5. Radiate Heat: Works exactly like the Alter Physical Structure: Fire power of the same name.
  6. Other Abilities and Bonuses •Immune to fire and heat •A.R. 15, +250, and normal punches, kicks, knives, etc. are ineffective against the character unless made the attack is made by a being with supernatural strength. Projectiles do half damage if they pierce the A.R., lasers are ineffective (heat based), energy weapons and cold do full damage, and explosions blow the character apart for 3d4 melees until he can re-form. •The character also recovers 2d6 magma-form per minute, double that if he can absorb magma. Touching the character (including punching him) without heat protection causes 4d6 damage. If he feels particularly nasty, the character can smother victims and cause 2d4x10 damage per melee. Heroes would never do this to anyone, due to the painful and disfiguring effects. •Unaffected by poisonous gases emitted by volcanos - this includes sulfurous and other deadly fumes. +2 to save vs any other gases •Sense presence of nearby geothermal events or intrusions, and pinpoint them in space and time with an accuracy of 35% +5% per level. •P.S. and P.E. are increased by 1d8 each in the magma form (roll once to determine the increase). •In RiftsR the character has 250 and his attacks do mega-damagetm, not damage. The character also recovers 4d6 per melee, double if he can absorb some magma. Strength is considered supernatural.

Alter Physical Structure: Shadow (Created by The Magus (with expansion by Brett Hegr))
The incredible ability to transform into a being of living shadow as well as the ability to manipulate and control aspects of darkness.
  1. Dark Aura: Same as the minor energy expulsion super ability.
  2. Shadow Meld: Same as ability number two listed under the Darkness Conrol major super ability (HU 182).
  3. Dark Bolt: Same as the minor super ability, but add +1d6 to damage.
  4. Nightvision: Same as the super vision minor ability.
  5. Two-Dimensional Form:
    Range: Self
    Duration: Infinate
    Attacks Per Melee: Becoming 2-D counts as one melee action.
    Restriction: Must have a surface to travel along - cannot stand unsupported in the 2-D form.
    The character has the amazing ability to transform into a living shadow. In this form the character is invisible to heat, motion, and many other kinds of sensors. He weighs a mere 1/16th of his normal mass (or 1/4 of the shadow form mass) and can travel under doors, through cracks, etc. Gases and fumes do half damage, plus the character is immune to drugs that must be ingested or injected.
    In the 2-D form the character is +20% to Prowl (+50% in dark shadowy areas), but is unable to physically attack (both by the Dark Bolt and by punches and kicks). Area-effect abilities can still be used. His speed in the 2-D form is limited to half his Spd. attribute or a speed of 14 (whichever is less). The character can take himself and up to 100lbs of matter into the 2-D realm.
  6. Bonuses: •In a darkened room the character is +2 on initiative and +1 to parry and dodge. •Punches by beings with a P.S. of less than 18 do no damage. •Attacks by beings with Exceptional Physical Strength (supernatural strength), explosives, fire, cold, and conventional weapons do half damage. •Energy, psionics, and electricity attacks do full damage. •Character weight is reduced to 25% of the normal value. •Add +50 in shadow form. The character recovers 2d6 shadow-form per hour (1d4x10 in complete darkness). In RiftsR the shadow being instead has 120 and recovers 2d6 per minute (1d4x10 per minute in complete darkness). •The shadow form has a natural A.R. of 8. •Dark-based attacks do no damage. •Any light based attacks will do an additional d6 of damage.

Perfection(created by Genom)
Perfection makes you stronger, faster, etc. You are the perfect specimen for your race.

Now choose three attributes and treat those three attributes as if they where extraordinary(when adding new stat bonuses add them to the new score from above). Bonuses from Perfection are and Extraordinary Attributes are stacked(Ex. Perfection character has a 22 PB. She then chooses PB as one of the three extraordinary abilities granted to her. Since her PB is already higher than 20 she rolls 2D4 as the power states. Getting a 6 on her roll of 2D4, as she adds it to her 22 granting her a 28 PB!).

Two of the Extraordinary spots may be placed in PS increasing it to Superhuman, or all three to increase PS to Supernatural. PS is the only attribute tha can have more than one Extraodinary slot placed in it.

Other Bonuses

Mutating Intelligence (created by Genom)
Your character's IQ is constantly allowing your character to learn new things and grasp things easier. Their mind is like a sponge, constantly increasing the characters knowledge.

No skill programs, instead the character picks any 15 skills he/she wishes(only three may be physical skills).

Only five Secondary skills(no other secondary skills for the character even upon level advancement).

Add 20% to all primary skils plus normal IQ bonus

Pick 2 skills every 2 levels, treat these skills as primary skills. do not add in level bonus until next level. (Ex. Second level, a character picks Computer Ops after adding IQ bonus and 20% bonus Computer Ops is now 67%. She will treat the skill as if she recieved it at first level from this point on adding 5% at 3rd level, 5% at 4th level, etc.) No physical skills may be chosen as the 2 skills every 2 levels.

Also character has the minor psionic of Total Recall. +1 ISP per level. ISP is Mental Indurance +10. Save vs. Psionics is the same.

True Healing Factor (Created by Genom)
This is an improvement on the normal version of the healing factor making it suitable for Marvel Heroes. This version is more similiar to the Healing Factor possessed by Wolverine and Sabretooth, the minor power is more suitable for Feral or Wildchild.

Major Powers Part 1
Major Powers Part 2
Major Powers Part 3