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Minor Super Abilities Part 2

Minor Super Abilities Part 1

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Unless otherwise stated, all powers were created by Brett Hegr

Electromagnetic Distortion

1. Activate, Negate, or Disrupt Energy Flow: The character has the ability to interrupt or stimulate the flow of electrical energy. One appliance/ switch per level can be affected. Alternately, a single energy weapon, computer, or vehicle/ robot/ power armor function can be negated (plus one more at levels four and eight). A single vehicle can be affected, but only after 3rd level. The duration of this effect lasts as long as the character concentrates, and it has a range is 50ft plus 10ft per level. Concentration is required (-2 on initiative and the loss of one melee action while in use) and distortion power #2 can't be used while this effect is maintained. One melee action is required to initiate influence over simple stuff (switches, appliances, and energy weapons) while two to three is necessary for larger things (robots, vehicles, and power armor).

It is also possible to 'parry' energy, electrical, and light -based attacks. At level one, the character has only a -3 penalty to do this (it is usually -6 or more!) At level three, the character has no bonuses or penalties. At levels 4, 7, and 10 add a +1 to parry. This special parry requires one melee attack at levels 1-5, but at level 6 it becomes automatic (no attacks used). This parry can be performed anywhere within range, even if the attack isn't directed at the character.

2. Radio Frequency Manipulation: It is possible to distort all or selected radio frequencies within a radius of 50ft +10ft per level. The affected targets are unable to send or receive recognizable radio signals. On the flip side, the character can also boost the range of a single radio transmitter by 25%. The character can also sense when he (or the vehicle he is in) is being tracked by radar (60% +3% per level) and can also detect bugs and sensors (basically, anything that receives or transmits radio signals) with a range of 10ft +2ft per level and an accuracy of 30% +5% per level (automatic - GMs should roll whenever one is in the area or when the character is attempting to detect them). Radios, televisions, microphones, and bugs of all kinds can be affected. These require concentration also - the previous distortion power can't be used while radio frequencies are being focused on.

3. See Electromagnetic Energy: With a range of 30ft per level, the character has the ability to see most of the EM spectrum. This includes standard visible light, infrared, ultraviolet, power waves (can see if machines are turned on/have an energy flow), radio waves (can actually see radio signals, transmissions, and receptions), and higher forms of EM energy like X-rays and gamma rays (so he can see areas and beings of radiation). It is essentially a very short range version of Super Vision: Electromagnetic Sight.

Through a simple wall or door the character can also see living creatures - he can pick them out by their body heat and neuroelectric activity. Any obstacle thicker than about 12 inches, made out of metal, or that has a large number of wires carrying electricity within it will be impossible to see through. Depending on the powers possessed by the object/ person targeted by EM vision, the character may have an easier or harder time of picking out living creatures (a being that is naturally radioactive could be seen by the mutant through more obstacles).

The character has a 50% chance of being able to see invisible creatures - roll once per encounter. The nature of the invisibility doesn't matter.

Extradimensional Storage

The character has the ability to place physical objects into a pocket dimension. It travels near the character at all times and is not centered upon any physical object. The character cannot place himself in the pocket.

Extraordinary Balance

This is the mutant power for an extraordinary sense of balance, and the character gains the following abilities and bonuses:

Extraordinary Life Force

The character has an extremely large amount of life energy, which gives him various abilities. He is naturally disease resistant and very difficult to kill. Plus, he can channel his life force into certain physical attributes and boost them temporarily. The following bonuses and abilities are gained: The character can also focus his life force for a limited amount of time. If this is done he temporarily loses all of the above save throw bonuses and ability to fight to -32 hit points. Each act of energy channeling takes two melee actions. The focus of the channeling can be switched any number of times during the time limit, but each change takes two melee actions to apply. For one minute at level one, plus one more minute per level of experience the character can use his life force to gain one of the following:

Extraordinary Luck

A minor version of the Karmic Power, but this ability has no alignment restrictions. It is primarily defensive in nature, granting the following abilities: Note: This power should not be combined with the Karmic Power major super ability unless the GM doesn't mind dealing with an annoyingly lucky character.

Hardened Molecular Structure

The character has a body composed of molecules with tighter atomic bonds than normal beings. This strengthened body provides a myriad of bonuses and defenses.

Harm Invulnerable

This is an equalizer against those who are normally invulnerable. With this ability, all super abilities and hand strikes used by the character do half damage to beings with the Invulnerability major power. In fact, the attacks even do one- third damage to supernatural creatures like vampires and werebeasts with limited invulnerability. Weapons of any kind are not affected (unless this power is granted by an Enchanted Weapon, or the character also has a Personal Weapon power).

If the targeted being has an immunity to energy attacks (like with Energy Absorbtion) and the character has an energy blast power, the power will still do half damage to the target, except in the cases where you are attacking an APS: Electricity character with electricity or a Control Radiation character with radiation blasts. You can't hurt like with like.

The character also gets a special bonus of +4 vs horror factor and a bonus of +1d4 to an attribute of choice.

Harm Supernatural

The character's bio- energy is such that his powers and his body are extremely effective against supernatural creatures! All his attacks do double damage against standard supernatural beings and normal damage against vampires, werecreatures, and other limited invulnerability creatures. Weapons of any kind are not affected (unless this power is granted by an Enchanted Weapon, or the character also has a Personal Weapon power).

Unlike Harm Invulnerable, this power does not let one override natural defenses (the immunities to certain types of attack).

The character also gets a special bonus of +4 vs horror factor and a bonus of +1d4 to an attribute of choice.

Impact Resistance

The character's body is such that the damage of kinetic attacks are dispersed more effectively on contact. He gains the following.

Image Generation (2-D)

Created by The Magus (with expansion by Brett Hegr)

The power to create a two dimensional image and project it upon a nearby surface. When combined with the psionic ability to read minds, the character can extract memories from others and replay them. Otherwise, he is limited to creating images of his own memories and imagination. Anyone viewing the image does not recieve a save vs illusions because the image is not an illusion - it actually exists as a physical effect.

The range of this ability is 50ft at level one +10ft per level of experience (60ft at level one). The projection size has a surface area of up to 12ft and can take a circular or rectangular shape. Duration is unlimited, but it requires the character's complete attention (combat is not possible). Distraction will immediately end the image. The character must be able to see the surface he is projecting images onto.

Though this power seems trivial, the mutant can use it to distract people, display information, communicate in pictures, and entertain friends!

Impervious to Cold

Uhhhh...guess what! The mutant is impervious to cold and freezing! All forms of cold, magical and mundane, do no damage to the character. Frozen projectiles and ice weapons can still harm the character but do no extra damage due to temperature. Add +20 to and a +1 to P.E.

Impervious to Poisons/Toxins

The character's body is extremely resistant to damage from foreign substances. Poisons and harmful toxins have no effect, while gases and mind altering drugs have one- fourth the effectiveness, penalties, and duration. Magical and psionic toxins/ poisons are half as effective. Add +10 to and a +2 to P.E.

Impervious to Radiation

Radiation and radiation sickness can never damage the character. Plus, he can neutralize radioactivity using his body to soak it up. Touching the target is required, and a melee is necessary to absorb the energy from a human- sized or smaller target (or a 10ft radius area). Heavy radiation absorbtion obviously requires longer amounts of time. The character is also impervious to radiation- related problems like cancer and organ malfunction. Heat and fire can still damage the character, however. Add +20 to and a +1 to P.E.

Joint Locking

Created by Andrew Darling

As per the robot option, the character is capable of locking his joints and muscles rigidly into position, giving them a Superhuman Strength of 40 when holding onto something. Also, this power doubles lifting and carrying capacity, and imposes a -10 penalty (on 1d20) to an opponents' attempt to break out of a hold. Add +5d6, +1 to P.S., and +2 to P.E.


Created by Andrew Darling

This is the ability to jump 20 feet plus 5 feet per level straight up, or twice that lengthwise. Double this with a running start, or for those with super speed powers increase their jump distances by 20%. The character will also take no damage from falls less than he himself can leap vertically and half damage from all greater falls.

Add a +1 P.P. and a +10 to Spd. (apply the Spd. bonus only if the character does not have super speed powers). Also add +1d6 to the damage of leap attacks and jump kicks at levels two and six.


This is a parasitic power that lets the character drain the life force from other creatures. It requires a touch on bare skin to perform the draining. The touch has a +2 bonus to strike, +1 more at levels three, seven, and eleven. Add in any P.P. bonuses but no other bonuses are applicable.

Abilities and Bonuses:

Light Aura

Created by The Magus (with expansion by Brett Hegr)

Range: Self
Duration: Two minutes plus one per level. Activation requires one melee action.
Attacks Per Melee: Counts as one melee action to turn it on, turn it off, or to maintain the glow.

The character is able to cause himself to glow very brightly, like a living halogen light bulb. While this is in use, the character gains the following benifits:

Light Shifting

The mutant's body can offset light waves in unnatural directions. With this effect, the mutant appears to be six to twelve inches away from where he really is. The power is automatic - takes no melee actions to initiate and has no duration limit. The character gains the following:

Limited Alter Physical Structure

Created by Brett Hegr (from Jared's idea)

With a mere thought (one melee action), the character can turn a part of his body into another form. The alternate structure can be maintained for three minutes, plus one for each level of experience. One melee action is required to activate it. Note that this power could be inappropriate for any character who has a major Alter Physical Structure power. Also note that this list is limited - transforming a body part into light, plasma, or pure energy is not usually possible (except for electricity, which is found in living creatures).

The character is able to affect one limb at level one, then two limbs at level four. The stats listed apply only to the transformed body parts unless otherwise stated. The is counted as a full- body bonus, which recovers at the rate of 1d6 per minute whether in human or partially shifted form (acts similar to a force field). In Rifts® the bonus becomes physical mega- damagetm When two limbs are transformed the bonuses and penalties are not doubled.

Blocking attacks, as opposed to parrying, with the transformed limb is also possible. All altered limbs are +3 to block, +1 more at levels four and eight in addition to P.P. bonuses, but this bonus applies only to slow moving strikes from hands, feet, and melee weapons. Bullets, arrows, energy blasts, missiles, etc. can be blocked but there is no bonus to do so - plus, even if the attack is blocked the character takes 25% of the damage done. Any attack that is not successfully blocked hits the character doing full damage (unless some sort of resistance is possessed or granted by the partial APS). Blocking attacks that drop below the limb's A.R. reduces them to no damage.

Choose one of the following physical structures:

Limited Intangibility

Created by Andrew Darling

This is the ability to pass through one specific kind of material. It is more like squeezing through than sliding through, and as such requires a significant effort (reduced to 1/4 speed). But more importantly, it allows the user to embed objects of that material in his own body. The materials possible are metal, glass, wood and vegetable, plastic, stone and earth, and biological (animals and plants). Unlike Intangibility, this power does not affect one's clothing or possessions, and because of the high degree of resistance, the charcater still takes half damage from his material when it strikes him. This power may be taken multiple times to handle multiple materials.

Living Anatomy

Created by Andrew Darling

The charcater has a natural knowledge of the human body nearly exceeding that of an anatomist. He can perceive a target's heart rate by simply watching the blood vessels of the skin. He can also diagnose some conditions using only hearing and touch. The character also gains +20% to all medically related rolls, and gets combat bonuses! Add a +1 to strike, +5 to damage, and the character has a Critical Strike (applies to any attack) on a roll of 19 - the character has an instinct to aim for vital targets.


Created by Kevin Linsley

This power is a much lesser version of Immortality. It's only real advantages are that the character will never grow older than their late 20's in appearance. This power lets a person live for a very, very long time. They are still affected by the regular diseases of life, but don't show any signs of age as they get older. They also do not suffer from diseases or disorders related to old age such as Alzheimer's, osteoporosis, senility, reduced ability to heal and recover from illness, cancer (their cells are able to replicate without DNA degredation), etc. Their chance of getting any kind of illness is dramatically reduced, but they can still get sick.

Magic Resistance

The character's body is slightly anti-magical in nature, giving greater protection against spells and such. The character gains a +2 bonus to save vs all magic (spells, circles, faerie, runes, illusions, etc.), +1 more at levels four, eight, and twelve. Even if the spell takes effect, it only lasts for half the normal duration. Magical tracking/sensing is -30%. Also add +2 to P.E. This resistance applies to helpful magic as well. Note that physical magic attacks, like fireballs and magic weapons, do full damage. The character can also sense whether a target has magical powers or is a spellcaster (30ft range with visual contact).

Matter Shaping

This power is a simple idea with many possible applications. By holding or touching objects the character can reshape non- living matter! The act takes full concentration - no attacking, defending, or walking is possible. Something to remember with this power is that it is usually not necessary to destroy all of an object's to render it useless - doors can be circumvented by cutting out the lock and a window can be bypassed without breaking it by cutting the glass.

Mental Superiority

The character is a mental giant, who has a higher than normal intellect, willpower, and awareness. Extraordinary attributes add even more to these attributes. Whether a charming genius, an insane super- hacker, or an arrogant know-it-all, the character gains the following:


This allows the character to use his personal vitality to push his super abilities beyond their normal limits. The power is designed to use hit points, but could be changed to use Chi or ( isn't that appropriate). This minor super power is not really suitable for use with the powers of Mechano- Link, Natural Combat Ability, or Animal Abilities.

Special Bonus: The character gets a +1d4 to the P.E. attribute and also gets a one- time bonus of +10 hit points.

Recovery of Hit Points: Hit points used to fuel an overload recover at the rate of three per hour, +1 more at levels four and eight. Double this rate during sleep or meditation, and halve it for periods of heavy exertion. Be sure to keep a record of the hit points used for this power, since they recover differently from hit points lost due to damage.

Limits: The only limit on how many hit points can fuel a damage overload is the character's current hit point level - he can go all the way down to 0 hit points (becomes comatose at that point)! Channeling is not possible when the character has less than 0 hit points.

Penalties: These apply only when the character suffers hit point loss and the majority of it is from overloading.
If more than 50% of the character's hit points are used for overloading, he is afflicted by weakness and fatigue after the time limit of the effect run out. Speed and P.S. are cut by 25%, strength drops one level (supernatural becomes superhuman, superhuman becomes extraordinary, and extraordinary becomes normal), and he also loses a -2 on initiative and one melee action. Invulnerable characters also start to suffer 25% of the normal damage from attacks - some of their invulnerability goes away!

If more than 75% of the hit points are used for overloading, the above penalties are suffered plus another -2 on all combat rolls (including initiative - becomes a -4 penalty), -10% on skill rolls, and the loss of another melee action.

Using more than 90% of the hit points will double all penalties! Further, invulnerable characters suffer a full 50% of the normal damage from attacks!

If the character goes all the way to zero hit points by overloading, he is in no danger of death. He is, however, unconcious for 1d4+2 hours and only a medical doctor can determine that he isn't dead.

As soon as the character recovers enough hit points to get above the 50%, 75%, or 90% level, the penalties associated with the special hit point loss dissappear.

Note that you do not include hit points lost to damage in the above. If a character has 30 hit points, suffers 14 hit points of damage from a hard blow, and then uses 15 to fuel a super- strong energy blast he is at 1 hit point (down to less than 10% of his hit point base) but suffers the penalties of 50% use (because the 90% of the hit points that are gone weren't used for overloading, just around 50% were). Note that in the weakened state it is easier to be killed.
Common types of Overloading: The exact limits of the boosting vary for each power, but here are some basic uses:
Increase an Extraordinary Attribute: 1 hit point per +3 bonus, per melee. Thus, boosting one extraordinary attribute by +3 and another by +6 would cost 3 hit points per melee. Valid only for a person with supernatural or extraordinary attributes.

Increase Speed: 2 hit points will boost the running or flying speed by 10 mph for one minute. Thus, 8 hit points could boost speed by 40 mph for one minute or by 10 mph for four minutes. Valid only for characters with super fast running or flying speeds.

Increase Armor Rating: This is valid only for mutants with an armor rating, usually gained from super- soldier experiments or APS powers. Two hit points will give a +1 to A.R. for one melee.

Increase Duration: Each hit point used can add a melee to the duration of a power that is measured in melees, or can add a minute to a power with a duration in minutes, etc. Thus, a power that can last for up to four melees could be extended to eight melees for 4 hit points, while a power that can be maintained for 20 minutes under normal use could be pushed to 25 minutes for 5 hit points.

Increase Damage: Add +1 die (usually a 1d6) to the damage of an attack power, per hit point used (four hit point equals +4d6 damage bonus on one attack). The only limit is that the amount of bonus dice cannot exceed the amount of dice the player can normally rolls (can do double damage at most). For attacks that do 1d4x10 or 1d6x10 damage or anything similar, 3 hit points can instead give a +10 damage bonus (and the limit is half the maximum normal damage - 1d4x10 could have up to +20 added for 6 hit points and 1d6x10+30 could have up to +45 added for 15 hit points).

An attack that is charged for extra damage suffers a -1 strike penalty per +4d6 or +20 or fraction thereof. That +45 damage bonus would impose a -3 strike penalty! This use of Overload is valid only for characters with some sort of damaging power, whether a minor power or part of a major one. Also see the more focused power of Damage Overloading.

Increase Range: One hit point grants a +20% range bonus on visual ranges, and the effect lasts for one minute (limit of +100%). For effect powers, the range of effect or the area of the effect (two different concepts, mind you) can be boosted by +10% per hit point, for one melee (again, a +100% limit). One hit point will also give a +10% bonus to the range of attack powers, but the effect is instantaneous (lasts only for one attack and has no increase limit!) As usual this is possible only for characters with super vision, energy expulsion, ranged attack, or distance effect powers.

Increase Senses: For 1 hit point, the accuracy of a heightened sense can be increased by +5% per hit point per melee, or instead the can be boosted by 20% per hit point per melee (limit of +100%). Applicable only for a character with heightened senses or Radar.

Increase Numbers: Useful for powers like controlling animals or people. For animal control powers, 20% more animals than normal can be affected for 3 hit points per hour. If the person can control, say, 2d4 or 2d6 animals roll the dice and then add in the extra percentage. For more powerful abilities (like controlling people, creating giant insects, or creating more duplicates than normally possible) the cost is 5 hit points per extra, per hour. In the case of Control Others, paying this cost allows the character to control a person and have it not count towards the save throw bonus - paying 10 hit points to control five people would be possible, and none would get the bonus to break free given for each four people controlled.

Increase/Decrease Amount: In the case of Growth, Shrink, and Shapechanger, the player might desire to be a bit taller or smaller than normal. At the cost of one hit point per 10% change, per melee, it is possible to push the abilities beyond the norm. A person who can normally shrink to the size of a minute speck could pay 20 hit points per melee round, decrease their size by 200% (effectively becoming a third of the size of a minute speck) and possibly enter the body of a target! A giant character could push his height to three times the normal amount (!!!) for that same cost.

Personal Force Field

Range: Self and one other (if held closely)
Duration: 25 minutes +5 minutes per level of experience, with an amount of rest equal to a third of the duration of use between the uses (use it for fifteen minutes you have to rest it for five).
Maximum of the Force Field: 10 times the character's unmodified P.E. attribute (no bonuses - just the total initially rolled for the character!) plus 10 per level of experience.
Attacks Per Melee: Costs none to enable the force field, as it is automatic.
Bonus: +2 to use as a defensive action, +1 more at levels four, eight, and twelve.

The character can generate a protective energy field around himself that absorbs damage. It has a base equal to 10 times the P.E. attribute plus 10 per level of experience. So, at first level a character with a P.E. of 10 should have a force field with 110 The force field regenerates 1 per minute when in use, or double that when not in use.

Damage from falls (whether the character is falling or an object is falling on him) is cut in half. The character must be concious to use the force field, and gases can still penetrate it. However, with an air supply he could survive in space or at the ocean floor since the force field equalizes pressure. It extends to just beyond body armor, but not power armor or robot vehicles. At level three the character has enough skill to create the force field around himself and one other person held closely. For another type of minor force field power see the Barrier Force Field.

Personal Weapon (minor)

Composite of ideas by Dave Crowe and The Magus, with expansion by Brett Hegr

In some cases, the character can create a weapon of glowing energy, not unlike a lightsabre. This can be used to strike and parry like an ordinary weapon. The character can turn the weapon on or off at will, and can be considered indestructible. In other cases, the character can generate fields of kinetic energy that are shaped like throwing weapons. Still more do not create a force weapon, but are somehow able to bond with a specific weapon and summon it at will. The weapons are fully compatible with W.P. skill bonuses.

Weapon Type and Damage: Choose one or roll to determine type, then (for the thrown and hand-held weapons) pick a specific form. These are one time decisions only and cannot be changed later on. Each type of weapon has different properties.

Thrown Weapon (01-30%):
These are weapons like short bows, shuriken, throwing axes, and throwing knives. The weapon has 20% more range than a normal weapon of its type, is +1 to strike when thrown (+1 more at levels four and eight), and cannot be held for much more than five seconds without dissapating. Whatever form the weapon takes (player's choice) it does 1d6 damage, plus 1d6 more at levels three, six, and nine. These weapons can be used to parry, but no bonus is granted. One melee action is needed to create and throw the weapon, not one to create and a second to use.

At level three, it is possible to generate two weapons and fire/ throw them at two different targets. However, the character cannot defend himself when doing so and the total strike bonus is divided evenly between both strike rolls.
Hand-Held Weapon (31-70%):
These are swords, hand axes, machetes, staves, maces, and all manner of melee weapons. The hand weapon is +1 to strike and parry (for whips, change parry to entangle), +1 more to each at levels three and seven, in addition to whatever weapon proficiency bonuses the character might have. It requires one melee action to generate and can last for up to three minutes per level of experience before requiring re- creation. Others cannot use the weapon. The damage is pretty standard for all weapons, doing 3d6 damage plus 1d6 at levels three, six, and nine.

Disarming attacks are useless against the character's weapon (it can never be knocked away) but entanglement is a valid option. Of course, if the weapon is entangled the character can let it vanish and create a new one.
Summoned Weapon (71-00%):
This power allows a character to bond a a hand weapon (such as a knife, small axe, small throwing weapon, short sword, or even a handgun) to his unique bio- signature. This allows him to summon the weapon (or object) at will, teleporting it into his hand - this act requires one melee action. Bonding a weapon permanently costs one hit point and requires ten minutes of concentration (a first level character is assumed to already have one special, bonded weapon whose cost has already been paid). The character can bond one object at level one, plus one more at levels three, six, and nine. Bonding to a new weapon is of course possible if the limit is already possessed, but the cost must be paid again and an old bonded weapon returns to normal. Magic and psionic weapons can be bonded, but the bonding costs two hit points instead of one and the character may or may not be able to use any paranormal powers of such weapons if they require or

The summoning only works if the weapon is in range. The range is 900ft +100ft per level of experience. If it is in range, the character can sense it - and if it isn't in range, the character knows what direction it is in and about how far away. The maximum weight of the weapon is equal to one pound per two points of M.E. (an M.E. of 10 means you can handle up to five pounds, enough for the average handgun). The weapon can be loaned to, taken away, or disarmed by others and snatched right back via the character's minor teleportation power.

If the weapon is summoned as the character's first act of a melee the character gains a +2 bonus on initiative for that melee, due to the element of surprise. The weapon is also +1 to strike and parry (for whips change the parry to an entangle, for guns change the bonus to +1 to strike aimed and wild), but only in the hands of the character. It is also physically altered such that it can parry weapons wielded by beings with supernatural strength with no danger of breaking, and can parry mega- damagetm attacks.

Physical Superiority

The character's physical body is naturally strong, healthy, and toned. The character is at the peak level of normal human biology and looks as perfect as a human might be able to get, but is not superhuman unless extraordinary attributes are also possessed. Extraordinary attributes will increase these even further. When adding bonuses from physical skills, change the attributes to the following levels and then add bonuses. The character gains the following:

Psionic Resistance

The character's brain and body are partially masked from psychic influence, giving greater resistance to psychic attacks. The character gains a +2 bonus to save vs psionics, +1 more at levels four, eight, and twelve. Even if the psychic attack takes effect, it only lasts for half the normal duration. Tracking, sensing, and mind reading by psionic means is -30%. Also add +2 to M.E. and +1 vs possession, mind altering drugs and magic, and non- psionic illusions. This resistance applies to helpful psychic influence as well. Note that physical psionic attacks, like psi- swords and electrokinesis, do full damage. The character can also sense whether a target has psionic powers or is a supernatural creature (30ft range with visual contact).

Reactive Combat Reflexes

Created by the Cubist

A bizarre form of physical precognition/ mind bond of sorts, which gives the character the capacity to compensate for a target's combat style and reflexes. The target need not be sentient - mindless robots and horrendous other- dimensional animals can be affected as well as a 15th level ninja master. At all times the character has the below bonuses and abilities: Note: This power cannot be possesed if the Natural Combat Ability major super power is also possessed (could be unbalancing to the game).

Sense Super Powers

Range: General - 50ft +10ft per level of experience and specific - 220ft +20ft per level of experience
Duration: Almost instantaneous for general sensing, and scanning for a specific being takes two melee actions.
In Rifts®: Double the ranges of both types of sensing and add a +10% bonus to the tracking skill.

The character has the unique ability to sense super powers in other beings. He automatically senses when a super being comes within a general range (see above), and can also scan a larger area for a specific super being. With this ability, it is also possible to determine some things about the beings. The character can sense the general power of the abilities (latent, low, equal to the character, high, mega), the general location of the being (near, 40ft away, just entered range, in that trash bin), the nature of the being's powers (mutant, alien, or experiment), and their general type (energy expulsion, heightened senses, control power, some sort of shapeshifting). Magical super abilities cannot be sensed or tracked, due to their non- biological nature.

To get an accurate sense of the being, it must be within the general range and visible or else the character suffers a -30% penalty. These are sensations like 'she's a shapeshifter,' or 'quick healing and he's strong too,' or even 'the alien in that armored car has a very powerful electrical blast.' He can sense accurately at a skill of 35% +5% per each additional level of experience. He can also track those with super powers at that same skill level. Roll once per 1000ft of ground covered. In either case, three failed rolls in a row means the character cannot sense the mutant's powers or track him at all and must try again at a later time (2d4+4 hours at a minimum).

Spontaneous Mutation (minor)

Created by Brett Hegr (based on the Cubist's idea)

The character can mutate his body in limited ways, to give him a greater advantage in combat and various environments. Mutating in some way is dependent on the kind of mutation - easy ones are fast, while a tough one could take a couple melees. Lastly, the character is still restricted to the natural form. A normal looking human couldn't change his body to have wings, extra arms, a tail, tentacles, thick armored shells, or other non-human traits. Sharpened teeth, color changes, thickened skin, sharp claws, and gills are more this character's speed. For many more mutations, check out this file. The mutations last until the player decides to change them. Any mutations will revert to normal if the character becomes unconcious.

In Rifts®, the combat mutations do mega-damagetm and extra becomes If the character also has the Alter Facial Features and Physical Stature minor power, then he is well equipped to physically mimic humanoid aliens.

The possible changes are broken up into three categories - easy, moderate, and hard. Easy changes take only one melee action to perform, about five seconds. Moderate ones take a full melee. The hard ones take two melees, and sometimes even more. However, mutations can be combined, so that an easy change takes place at the same time as a hard one. Undoing a mutation takes just as long as making it. One moderate mutation is the equivalent of two easy ones, while one hard mutation is the equivalent of three easy ones. Another use of this power is to make the character look more human, if his natural form is inhuman or highly mutated.

A character can perform three easy mutations at level one, plus one more for each additional level of experience. So, at level five a character could create two hard mutations and one easy one, or three moderate mutations and one easy one, or two moderate and one hard, or seven easy, etc. Here are some examples of common mutations:

Stealth Ability

The character has several small abilities that comprise his unnatural stealth.

Super Vision: Electromagnetic Sight

The character's range is much less than that of the other vision powers, but far more comprehensive. The entire electromagnetic spectrum is visible to the character and the character can 'tune' his vision to interpret the various ranges of the energy. He can see radio waves (which includes AM, FM, and TV frequencies), radar, infrared, visible light, ultraviolet, power waves, x-rays, gamma rays, and even cosmic rays.

This allows the character to see the energy flowing through power lines and technological objects (can tell if they are on or not). He can tell if a radio transmitter is 'on' and if it is sending signals. He can see the energy radiated by bugs, micro- cameras, and other spy devices with 60% +3% per level accuracy (roll once per minute of searching until a suspected device is found - then it is clearly visible). He also has a limited nightvision range of 300ft and a limited thermovision range of 60ft.

Range: 1000ft, +200ft per level of experience.

Super Vision: Paranormal

The character's special visual abilities lie in perceiving the strange and unusual nature of the Megaverse®. He is able to see all astral entities, all spirits, all beings of energy, all kinds of portals (astral, dimensional, magical, etc.) and all invisible creatures (no matter the type of invisibility). He is able to see through all illusions and is impervious to them. Lastly, the character has the constant ability to see auras and read them just like the psionic power of the same range.

Range: Paranormal vision range is equal to the character's range of normal vision, while seeing auras has a range of 60ft.

Super Vision: Thermal

Just like the alien in the Predator movies, the character has the ability to see the heat energy emitted from living creatures and warm technology. The character must focus only on heat vision, and so no other visual powers can be used in conjunction with this.

The benefit of this ability is that the character can see through one normal wall and pick up the traces of heat beyond. Smoke and complete darkness do not restrict the character's vision in any way. He can also see invisible beings, even by magical and technological invisibility, since they most likely produce body heat. Though Super Vision: Infrared & Ultraviolet may cover this in part (heat is emitted as infrared energy), the mutant with Super Vision: Thermal has great expertise in the interpretation of the IR band. He can pick out people, objects, pipes and cords, etc. Plus, his ability is powerful enough to be used as a form of nightvision.

Limitations: Making out physical details like color and texture is not possible with thermo- vision. Any cold- blooded life forms (which includes APS: Plant beings) can't be seen very well and so a -6 strike, parry, and dodge penalty is applied when dealing with them on a strictly thermal level. Further, bursts of heat can blind the character as a flash of bright light would blind a normal human! Use the same penalties (-10 to strike, parry, and dodge). Switching to normal sight will allow the character to see, though his heat vision will be blinded for the normal duration. Heated smoke/ gas, APS: Fire beings that are radiating heat, and radioactive heat can disrupt the thermo- vision.

Range: 3000ft, +500ft per level of experience.

Vacuum Resistance

This is only truly useful in an outer space environment, so it might not be appropriate for all campaigns. The character is able to survive not only in the pressureless environment of outer space, but also in an underwater or other high- pressure areas. He does not have to breathe - that is under concious control. However, halve his melee attacks and effective speed when he is not breathing since he gets no oxygen to work with. This could allow an alien from a toxic environment to survive, but not thrive, without a native air supply. The character is +4 to save vs toxic gases. Also add 4d6+10


Created by Andrew Darling

This is another pseudopsi power that makes a person inconspicuous. There is no bonus to prowl or hide, but a person who fails a save of 15, M.E. bonuses applying, will be hard-pressed to remember anything at all about the character even if the character talked with them, saved them from a dragon, or ate their children. The description will be on the tip of their tongue, but they just won't quite remember what he looked like or what he did. This power tends to result in descriptions like "average height, average build, wearing ... something beige. I think." Anyone who uses Total Recall or has a combined I.Q. and M.E. of 30 or more will be able to remember normal details about the unnoteworthy character, but not an extraordinary amount of detail.

Weapons Master

Created by Jr. Davedog and Rockness, and expanded on by ol' Brett Hegr

Range: Touch
Duration: As long as the weapon is held
Limitation: The character cannot learn any weapon proficiencies. He does not feel that he needs to - and he is right!

This is the power to pick up and almost instantly master any weapon. This includes bows, guns, knives, swords, staves, whips, axes, rocket launchers, rail guns, etc. When mastering a weapon, the character must concentrate for a melee action to gain full bonuses. While concentrating, the character can only defend himself via parries and normal dodges (bonuses are halved for the instant of concentration). If a mastered weapon is dropped or knocked away, the character has one minute per level of experience to get the weapon back before requring re-mastery.

The person with the power has 12th level experience with melee weapons and 7th level with firearms and modern weapons. Add one more level of experience to both at character experience levels three, six, and ten. The character gets all bonuses associated with the related weapon proficiency. Rate of fire, when applicable to weapons like a bow, is equal to the character's number of attacks per melee round plus one more.

Lastly, the character can dodge (normal) and immediately strike. Normally a wild shot with -6 penalty, the character strikes with no bonuses or penalties on a straight roll of the dice (i.e. gets bonuses to dodge and none to strike, but does both within one melee action). This is a Normal Dodge, in which he moves out of the way completely (not an Automatic Dodge which is just a twisting or bending the body).

Special Bonuses: Note: If the character has powers like Natural Combat Ability or Mechano- Link, he gets a few weapons bonuses. Apply these bonuses only to non- mastered weapons! Do not add them when this power is in use - this power overrides those bonuses. Also, these bonuses can be applied to Personal Weapons without requiring the melee action to master it - mastery is inherent with the weapon.

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