Major Super Abilities Part 3

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Unless otherwise stated, all powers were created by Brett Hegr

Kinetic Energy Control

1. Special Minor Ability:
The character may choose one of the following minor powers as part of this major ability: Barrier Force Field, Personal Force Field, Power Channeling, or Flight: Wingless (no bonus is gained). The power is based in some way on the character's control over kinetic energy, but can be used separately from the other aspects of this power. If the player desires, abilities #2 and #7 can be sacrificed in order to select a second minor ability from the previous list.
2. Kinetic Aura:
The character radiates a protective shield that causes all kinetic attacks to do half damage. This is an instinctive and constant use of the power. If the character so desires, he can also become totally impervious to kinetic assaults. The concentration required to do this imposes a -2 on initiative and the loss of one attack. While this is being done, the character cannot use abilities 4-6.
3. Boost Kinetic Energy:
Like the Manipulate Kinetic Energy ability, only better. The character can triple the range and double the damage of a thrown object. Hitting objects beyond the normal range is done at a -2 penalty. The character need only hold an object for a moment to infuse it with the kinetic energy. This can be done with a brief touch and combined with the throwing of the energized object. Damage is unaltered.
4. Kinetic Barrier:
The character can create a momentary field of kinetic energy that will block all incoming kinetic attacks (does not defend against energy attacks). This ability can be used to deflect an oncoming enemy or a hail of bullets. Add +2 to use as a parry, +1 more at levels three, six, nine, and twelve. Also add a +1 to deflect/ parry to for an M.E. of 16-21, a +2 if the M.E. is 22-27, or a +3 bonus for an M.E. of 28 or higher. No other bonuses can be used (entirely mental). The character can affect about a 45 square foot area +5 feet per level. A kinetic barrier requires one melee action to create but can absorb almost any amount of damage (anything over 500 in kinetic damage is instead cut in half).
5. Light Kinetic Pulse:
Range: 300ft +25ft per level.
Damage: 1d6 damage +1d6 per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Attacks Per Melee: Each pulse counts as one melee action.
Bonuses: +3 to strike aimed or +1 to strike wild.
In Rifts®: Increase damage to 6d6 +1d6 per level.

A light burst of kinetic energy, which is about the equivalent of a very strong punch. This is variable in increments of 1d6 damage, even at level one. Divided attacks are possible at level three.
6. Strong Kinetic Pulse:
Range: 575ft +25ft per level.
Damage: 6d6 damage, +1d6 per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Attacks Per Melee: Each pulse counts as one melee action.
Bonuses: +3 to strike aimed or +1 to strike wild.
In Rifts®: Increase to mega- damagetm.

A much stronger kinetic pulse. This is enough to shatter glass and knock people off their feet. Damage can be controlled in 1d6 increments, even at level one. Divided attacks are possible at level three.
7. Physical Enhancement:
Range: Self
Damage: Add another +2d6 damage to hand to hand attacks.
Duration: As long as maintained.
Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +2 to parry and dodge, and +4 to pull punch and to roll with punch, fall, or impact.
Limitation: Engaging this enhancement requires one melee action of focus, and abilities 3-6 cannot be used while this is performed.
In Rifts®: Increase the hand to hand attacks to mega- damagetm intensity, or instead add +2d6 damage.

The character is able to internalize his kinetic powers and boost his own physical capabilities. He can move faster, hit harder, defend himself easier, and jump a number of feet equal to his M.E. and P.S. combined (vertically or horizontally). For anyone with a powerful jumping ability, increase jumping distance by +25%. The character's Spd. attribute is doubled, or add 20% to the top speed for super speed characters. Also add +5 to the P.S. and change it to Extraordinary (or Superhuman if already Extraordinary).

With this ability in use the character can parry bladed weapons and bullets with his bare hands, but failure means that he takes damage as normal (meaning half damage from kinetic attacks). The kinetic energy also provides the mutant with a +2 to initiative, +2 to parry and dodge, and +4 to pull punch and to roll with punch, fall, or impact. If an automatic dodge is possessed, add a +1 to the auto dodge.

Matter Creation

Created by Andrew Darling

This is the ability to spontaneously create solid, liquid and gaseous matter seemingly out of thin air. This ability allows the user great versatility, allowing him to create walls, clothing, weapons, chemicals or even simple devices as needed.

1. Simple Creation:
The user may create 100 pounds of matter per point of Mental Endurance. This range of this ability is 60 feet plus five feet per level. The material will exist for five minutes plus 1 minute per level unless allowed to dissolve earlier by the user. A created object may last indefinitely if in constant contact with the creator. Creation costs one attack. The total of created material may never exceed 50 times the M.E. of the creator. Items that can be created using simple creation include brick walls, metal cages, large masses of water (great for vampires!), etc.
2. Advanced Creation:
This ability allows the creator to generate speciallized items that require thought in their design, composition, or appearance. A creator may generate ten pounds per point of M.E. of these advanced items with the same restriction as simple creation. Advanced creation costs two attacks, and an appropriate skill roll must be made; mechanical engineering for devices, chemistry for substances, NBC warfare for truly vicious things. All these rolls suffer penalties due to complexity as determined by the GM. Only simple devices are possible - a revolver or parachute being about the most complex. High quality swords (+1 to strike, parry, and/or damage) are also possible with weaponsmithing skills. Electronics are simply not possible. Dangerous chemical substances may react very violently when the skill/creation roll is failed. All these items have the same duration restrictions as simple creation.
3. Transmutation of Matter:
This is most useful if the character has some science skills, such as Chemistry or Physics. With a touch the character can turn one substance into another similar substance. This isn't as hard as you think - lead and gold are only different by one proton, and a diamond is just crystallized carbon. This process requires a skill roll for either Chemistry of Physics (one may be more applicable than the other at times) with a -20% penalty. If the roll is successful then the change takes place, but if it fails there is a 5% chance (reduce to 3% at level six) of the target matter losing molecular cohesion and disentigrating. The transmutation process is difficult and time consuming (one minute per five pounds of matter with full concentration required), but has the benefit of being permanent. Lead can be turned to gold, coal can be turned into diamonds, and water can be turned into wine.

If the character possesses either Physics or Chemistry, add a +20% bonus to the one skill. If both are known, add +10% to each. If the character has neither, give the character an 'instinctive' Chemistry and Physics skill with a 10% base skill +3% per level for each.
4. Encase in Matter:
This attack has a range of sixty feet plus five per level, and the resulting matter will last 5 minutes plus 1 minuter per level. It may be used either with simple creation (a block of metal for instance) or advanced creation (handcuffs). It requires a strike roll (without bonuses) in addition to applicable skill rolls.
5. Matter Expulsion:
This can take the form of firing off created material or dropping created material atop someone. The range for firing off material is 100 ft plus 10 feet per level and the damage is 3d6 plus 1d6 per level. The applicable bonuses are +3 for an aimed shot and +1 for wild; P.P. bonuses may be included. Dropping material upon someone is -2 to strike without P.P. bonuses and may do between 1d6 and 1d6x10 depending on size of the object. The range is sixty feet plus 5 feet per level. This is similar to Ranged Attack: Substance, but it is much more varied in capacity and grows in strength with the character.
6. Limitations:

Mechano-Link (improved)

The ability to mentally 'link' with any kind of machine, to the point where it reacts to thought more than triggers and buttons. The power is expanded from the version found on page 282 of Heroes Unlimitedtm.

1. Computer Merge:
Exactly the same as the listed ability. The character may be prevented access by sophiticated programs (to include AI programs) and high- level security, but has the capability to work around these blockades with some successful Computer Operations and Computer Hacking rolls. If the character doesn't have the skill of Computer Hacking, they have a natural proficiency with a base of 30% +5% per level of experience. Those who do have hacking skills get the usual +20% bonus.
2. Understand Alien Technology:
The character has the capacity to understand alien technology, state of the art human technology, and Psi- Mechanictm and Techno- Wizardtm devices. The base skill is equal to 50% +4% per additional level of experience.

With the proper tools and enough time, the character can also learn how to repair and operate any device. If the device was just found, impose a -40% penalty. If the character can study it for a few days (or the device is relatively simple), the penalty is reduced to -20%. After studying a particular device for a week or so, there is no penalty at all. Note that the character probably won't have the ability to use Techno- Wizardtm or Psi- Mechanictm devices (see the Overload minor power for a possible sidestep).
3. Understand Common Technology:
Within seconds of touching any well- known machine, the character becomes aware of any problems plaguing it (a scratched hard disk, faulty cooling system, clipped brake lines, burned out power core, broken power cables, electrical short, etc.) and how serious the problem is. Anything that is contrary to the 'natural' state of the device will be sensed. Thus, if a bomb was placed underneath the driver's seat it wouldn't be sensed. If that bomb were instead hidden inside the engine in a way that disrupted functioning, then a problem with the engine would be sensed.

The character's knowledge of a well- known machine he is in contact with has a base skill of 70% +5% per additional level of experience in regards to schematic, operational, and compositional data. Use the mechanics and electrical skills for repairs - the base skill is only for knowledge about the specific machine.
4. Vehicle Operation Bonuses:
When piloting a machine, the character can forge a mental link with the machine and gain the following bonuses (in addition to applicable ones listed below): If piloting a land vehicle that can move at a speed greater than 60mph, the character can even dodge with the vehicle, whether it is a tank or '67 Mustang.
5. Other Bonuses:
The character's natural talent with machinery provides him with a +20% bonus on all piloting, pilot related, computer related, electrical, and mechanical skills. The character also gains a +2 bonus to strike (aimed or burst fire) with vehicle weapon systems, energy weapons, artillery weapons, and all manner of firearms.

Mental Invisibility

Created by Chris Gileppa

This power was requested by a friend of mine after he read the Warlock series of books. The ability was originally a psionic power, but due to it's power level I suggested that it would be more appropriate as a major power.

As a start, the character possesses the minor super ability of Extraordinary Mental Endurance.

The characters mind is effectively 'invisible'. All attempts of attack, detection, etc. that target the mind will be rendered ineffective, even when the character is standing right in front of them! It's like a very thorough Mind Block.

Any attacks against the mind directed in the characters way will not find there mark, it's as if there is nothing there to hit. See Auras will register the character as nothing special (even if he has vast psionic and super abilities) and Presence Sense can't detect the character!

In fact the power is so effective, the character himself cannot use any psionic powers he may possess while his mind is invisible unless he pays double the cost. Dropping the invisibility (can't be done until level three) allows the character to pay the normal cost.

Duration: At first the character cannot control his power and it is constantly on. At third level he can become 'visible' for ten minutes per level, and at level seven the character learns to turn his power on or off at will. This might be useful sometimes - like when telepathic contact is necessary

Defenses: This ability provides protection against all mental attacks. For game purposes the character is immune to mind control and possession, any sort of Empathic Transmission and Bio- Manipulation, all Mind Bleeder powers, spells like Calling and Id Barrier, and most forms of paranormal sensing and targeting.

Bonuses: Against magical and psionic illusions, the character has a +5 bonus to save. Also add a +2 vs Horror Factor.

Motion Field

This major power allows the character to use gravitational force (or telekinetic, or electromagnetic, etc.) for flight purposes. It not only serves as a short range telekinetic substitute but provides an excellent means of mass transportation. People, animals, objects, just about anything can be carried in the field provided the field can completely surround it.

Movement Fields: One field can be created per level of experience. The range is very short, a mere 6ft +3ft per level of experience. This is the maximum area that can be affected, whether in pseudo- telekinesis or mass transportation. Multiple fields can be created so long as that when combined they are not larger than the maximum field size.

1. Pseudo-Telekinesis: Actually, it's fine- tuned motion fields used to push and pull objects. It cannot be performed while the character is using one of the other three powers listed below.

The effect is equivalent to the minor psionic power of Telekinesis in terms of bonuses, range, and strength and has no durational limits (used pretty much at will, except in flight). However, the mutant has a weight limit of 80lbs +10 per level and the range is limited to 18 ft +2 ft per level of experience.

2. Personal Transportation: If using the field just for himself, the character has a flight ability equivalent to the Flight: Wingless minor super ability (no bonus though).

3. Mass Transportation: The character can use his fields to carry a total weight of 2000lbs +500lbs per level, with a top speed equal to the Flight: Wingless power. Every 250lbs (or fraction thereof) reduces his flight speed by 10mph at levels 1-5, by 8mph at levels 6-12, and by 5mph at levels 13+. It gets easier to manage weight as experience increases.

4. Extending the Motion Field around a single large object is possible, when the object won't fit within the character's normal field. The concentration involved negates the ability to dodge (but attempts to fire at the mutant would need to be called shots because of the size of the large object). Use the speed reductions listed under ability three.

The character could lift up a car or tank and use it as a massive battering ram or bomb by extending his motion field around it and propelling it at a target, then reducing the field to himself and releasing the object. Liquids and gases can also be collected, contained, and relased with this field, providing a useful way of dealing with vampires, APS: Liquid, and APS: Vapor characters.


As implied by the name, the character is a near perfect specimen of his race. All his attributes are as high as could be for normal humans, plus a few are considered extraordinary. All senses work at peak levels. His body is stronger, leaner, and faster than the normal bounds of his species.

Note: The list of attribute modifications below is designed for human and near- human species. The values should change for those races with drastically different ranges for attributes.

Attribute Enhancements: Sensory Enhancements: Other Abilities and Bonuses:

Personal Weapon (major)

A composite power by Brett Hegr, created with ideas by Dave Crowe and The Magus

A more powerful version of the same minor ability. In addition to summoning weapons is the option to create an energy field around any existing object or weapon, to boost its damage potential. The same abilities of creating thrown and hand weapons exist but are much stronger, have more bonuses, more damage, and less restrictions.

Weapon Type and Damage: Choose one or roll to determine type. This is a one time decision only. Each type has different properties.

In Rifts® all the weapons become mega- damagetm equivalents, able to both inflict and parry mega- damagetm attacks.

Thrown Weapon (01-30%): These are weapons like long bows, shuriken, throwing discs, knives, hand axes, and other thrown or fired weapons. Hand-Held Weapon (31-70%): These are swords, hand axes, machetes, whips, maces, spears, halberds, staves, and all manner of melee weapons. Energized Weapon (71-00%):
In addition to the abilities of the Summoned Weapon under Personal Weapon (minor), this power allows a character to create a powerful energy field around any object (whether it is a summoned weapon or not). The character can either create the energy field around a weapon and hold the weapon or throw it, in which case the energy fades once it strikes something. There is no limit to how long the energy field can be maintained, but it can only be produced around one melee weapon at level one and one more (for paired weapons) at level three. Energizing one (or two weapons at level three) requires one melee action.

The energy field gives the weapon a +1 bonus to strike, parry (or entangle for whips), disarm, and throw the weapon. Add +1 more to each at level four. No strike bonuses are given to ranged weapons. If the held object is a bonded weapon, as per the Summoned Weapon, add the bonuses together.

Range is also increased too, to 50% more than before. However, at the normal range to the increased range (100% to 150%) the energy field fades and the thrown weapon or projectile does normal damage. The focus of this ability isn't in range or accuracy - it's power!
For an energized hand held weapon, add a +8 damage bonus, +2 more per level of experience. For paired hand held energized weapons, cut the damage bonus in half and add it to the damage of each weapon.

Energized thrown objects do an extra +4, damage +1 more per level of experience. This also applies to ranged melee weapons such as bows and crossbows.

Modern projectile weapons such as pistols, rifles, and machineguns can be energized too, but the bonus damage is reduced to +2 points of damage, +1 more per level. For bursts and sprays, change this bonus damage to an additional +2 to the multiplier.

Energy weapons, artillery weapons, explosive rounds, and vehicle mount weapons (generally anything over .50 Caliber and all missile weapons) cannot be energized.
Example - a 4th level character with this power could use a long sword doing 2d6+2 damage (4-14) and crank it up to do 2d6+18 damage (20-30). If he threw it, he would only do 2d6+10 damage (12-22). If he chose to whip out his .45 Automatic (4d6 damage) he would be able to charge up the bullets and do 4d6+6 damage (10-30). An full- clip burst of seven bullets at a target would normally cause one round times 5 in damage (4d6x5, or 20-120, or 70 points on average), but when energized it does a lot more on average (4d6x7, or 28-168, or 98 on average).

The player must decide exactly what form the energy field takes (plasma, electrical, kinetic, light, etc.) for damage purposes. If the character has an APS or control power the energy field should be a derivative of that power. Energized weapons are considered indestructible for parrying purposes, and attempts to disarm them from the character are made at a -4 penalty. The energy field is lost if the weapon is knocked away. The energized weapons can damage all APS beings and most supernatural creatures.

In Rifts® the additional damage becomes mega- damagetm. If energizing an weapon the extra damage is halved and the object does one- third of its normal damage in So, a 4th level character energizing a 2d6+2 long sword in Rifts® would produce a 1d4+1 sword with a damage bonus of +8!

Power Blast

Created by Drew (with expansion by Brett Hegr)

Note: I have altered this power some to make it a viable alternative to the Super- Energy Expulsion power in Heroes Unlimitedtm. Though there is less variety, this power focuses only on range and damage!!!

Range: 800ft +200ft per level of experience. Halve this for the super- damage blast.
Standard Damage: 4d6 damage, +1d6 per level of experience.
Super- Damage: Add a +15 damage bonus to the standard damage at level one, +5 more per level of experience.
Duration: Instant
Attacks Per Melee: A standard blast requires one melee attack. Each super- blast requires two melee actions and can be used a maximum of two times per melee (three times per melee at the fourth level).
Bonuses: +3 to strike aimed and +1 to strike wild at level one for the standard blast. The super blast suffers a -1 to strike penalty on aimed shots, no special bonus for wild shots.
In Rifts®: Increase the range to 1800ft +200ft per level, and the damage goes up to mega- damagetm intensity.

The character can fire an immensely powerful blast of energy. This attack must be one of the types (player's choice upon character creation) found on the list of offensive minor powers in this file. Normally the attack is either laser, ion/ electrical, pure energy, fire/ plasma, particle beam, sonic (apply sonic damage rules), cold/ice, or kinetic. Only one type of attack can be fired and it must be selected at character creation.

Damage from this power can be easily regulated (by 1d6 and +5 damage increments) and attacks can be divided among two targets, both possible at level one. The character is also impervious to damage from the same type of energy he normally expels.

The GM can also let the player pick one of the Advanced Energy Expulsion special effects at level one. This can be used only with the standard blast. The player could hold off until level three or beyond to select a more advanced one, if desired.

Power Sphere

This super ability is the Akira- esque aura of godlike power. Anything within a limited radius is under the complete mental influence of the character. He can implode skulls, shatter glass, crumble stone, and more. The character's aura is spherical and extremely powerful (change it into a more humanoid aura for those with Growth). Strange energies pulsate within it, giving powerful offensive and defensive abilities.

1. Inside the Sphere:
Radius: Three feet plus one foot at levels two, three, four, five, six, eight, and ten. Measure it from the navel of the character.
Damage: 3d6 damage can be caused to anything inside the sphere, +1d6 per level of experience. The only truly effective defense is to leave the sphere.
Attacks Per Melee: Equal to the number of hand to hand attacks per melee.
Bonuses: +2 to strike with damaging effects within the sphere, +1 more at levels three, six, and ten.
In Rifts®: The attacks do half the listed amount in mega- damagetm.

Inside the sphere the character is almost a god. The temperature, air, and pressure are all under mental control and can be altered at will. He can even survive in space, as long as he has an air supply (or doesn't need to breathe). Anything in the sphere's area can be harmed at will. A strike roll of 1 to 4 is still a miss, otherwise damage is normal. Fatal attacks require a called death blow with a natural roll of 16-20, and require two melee actions. Standard death blow damage is applied.

It is possible to pull glasses of water closer, make heads explode, and bend metal with seeming telekinetic force. Actually, it is reality that is being altered to some degree. This aspect of the power drives many of its possessors to megalomania. Though this is extremely powerful, it is limited by the sphere's radius. Anything outside of it is beyond the power of the character.

The character has a Telekinesis ability equivalent to the psionic power, weight limit of 100 lbs +20 lbs per level of experience, but only within the sphere. Small changes in temperature can be achieved with one to three melee actions - fires can be started on combustible materials and water can be frozen with enough concentration. With a melee of concentration the temperature and air quality can be changed to normal in the same area. This can be used to protect others if they are near enough. Ambient radiation can also be blocked when in space (see #3 if defending radiation attacks). Water can also be forced out and transformed to provide a breathable air pocket underwater. Air cannot be created in space - nothing to work with.

Taking on this character in hand to hand combat is extremely foolish, since his short- range attacks are barely perceptible (a -4 to dodge and parry penalty is applied to anyone without Radar, Vibration, Sixth Sense, or the psychic power of Telekinesis). GMs should be judicious in allowing the character to perform certain actions. Death blows probably shouldn't be allowed until at least the third level of experience.
2. Sphere Fractures:
Range: 25ft +5ft per level of experience
Damage: 1d4x10 damage, +1d4x10 more at levels four, eight, and twelve.
Duration: Instant
Attacks Per Melee: Can be used up to three times per melee
Bonuses: +2 to strike aimed or +0 wild, +1 more at levels five and ten.
In Rifts®: Double the range, the fractures do mega- damagetm, and they can be used a number of times equal to the melee attacks of the character.

By focusing his mental energy, the character can cause his protective aura to momentarily fracture. These fractures release powerful destructive energies from inside the sphere. Everything in the path of the fracture takes damage. Beings who are invulnerable, have a Hardened Molecular Structure, possess Kinetic Energy Absorbtion, are supernatural (like vampires), or are impervious to kinetic attacks take half damage. The fractures actually cause atomic bonds to weaken and do impressive damage to even the hardiest structures. Though the fractures seem to travel along the ground (churning it into rubble), anything above or below it for a 10ft distance will take damage. They can also be fired into the air and into the ground. Dodging these attacks (must be a normal dodge - automatic won't do it) is done with a -2 penalty. Parrying is totally impossible unless done with another Sphere Fracture or strong kinetic energy attack (doing an approximately equal amount of damage).
3. Attack Deflection:
The spherical aura is also a powerful defensive tool. Any attacks directed at the character can be parried, deflected, or simply stopped dead in their tracks. Slow moving objects like thrown boulders and would- be hand to hand combatants can be parried (actually, deflected is a better term) with a +4 bonus. Bullets, arrows, and other fast moving projectiles are stopped with a +2 bonus. Energy blasts, falling debris, and explosive forces get parried with a +0 bonus (they're fast and strong, but the character is equally fast and doesn't suffer the usual -6 penalty). Add another +1 to parry all these attacks at levels three, seven, and ten.

This defense is not automatic, however. The character must be able to see the attacker and/ or the incoming attack in order to block it. Merely sensing it (like with Radar) is not enough. Attempting to parry an unseen attack is possible but it is done with no bonuses (a straight roll). These bonuses cannot be combined with any P.P. or combat form bonuses, because the parry is purely mental. The parries do not take any melee actions to perform - consider them automatic.

Note: If a mutant with Power Sphere is facing off against another being with this same power, they can parry each other's sphere fractures. They can also see/ sense each other's attacks and do not suffer any penalties to defend.
4. Other Abilities and Bonuses:


Created by Andrew Darling

This is a very specialized form of CEF: Air, one that can have very dramatic effects on people and things. It governs the pressure differential between two regions. For instance, by substantially reducing the pressure inside a house and increasing the air pressure outside, a house can be imploded. People can be subjected to a variety of medical woes, and environmentally sealed environments can be popped like grapes.

1. Inanimate Objects:
Pressure gradients can cause damage equal to 3d6 + 1d6 per level per attack. On completely unmoving targets, this may be revved up beforehand, for up to several minutes (2 per level of character) , and then cause cumulative damage all at once to dramatic effect (that imploding house.) Against moving targets, a roll to strike must be made with no Physical Prowess or skill bonuses. Against a man in armor, this damage is only applied to the armor. Howvere, if the strike roll breaches AR, environmentally sealed armor has been pierced. The range of this ability is 100 feet plus 10 feet per level. It can also be used against most kinds of sealed containers and doors, except doors with a lot of open space for air to flow through (like jail cell doors).
2. Compressing Living Creatures:
Fortunately, most living creatures are fluid filled and not therefore subject to compression; with some exception. Upon a successful attack roll (no P.P. or skill bonuses), the victim must save versus pain as his ears and sinuses attempt to implode/explode. Failure indicates the victim is -4 to all actions. The victim must then make a save versus non-lethal poison to determine if he is deafened, for an additional -2 to all actions if he fails or no penalty if he saves. Okay, but the fun's not over yet. If the victim remains in the area of effect for a full round, he is subject to nitrogen dissolution in his blood. Hence leaving the area of effect is like surfacing from five hundred feet below the water in a matter of seconds.

The victim in that case must save versus lethal poison, dying if he fails. If he doesn't fail, the victim will double over in pain with -8 to all actions, potentially cumulative. He also loses all and half his hit points (or The body is in a greatly weakened state, and for 1d4+3 days afterward the lucky victim will be at half strength (halve all physical attributes, halve all bonuses, halve the number of attacks, etc.)

The range of this power is 100 feet plus ten feet per level and the area of effect is a sphere 5' to 1' per level in radius. Maintaining the area requires constant concentration and no other actions may be taken by the 'compression caster'. Environmentally sealed armor must be pierced before this technique will work.
3. Suffocation:
Upon a successful strike roll (no P.P. or skill bonus) an area of 5 foot + 1 foot radius per level may be all but evacuated of air, causing suffocation. Human size creatures will run out of air within two minutes, and will be unable to function after one. This assumes that the victims take in a good breath of air - if they don't (maybe because they are fighting) they succumb to suffocation within half the time! Holding one's breath in a vaccuum is difficult (and dangerous) because of the pressure differential - the air will try to escape the lungs. Nature abhors a vaccuum. Maintaining this area requires full concentration of the character.

Alternately, the air content can be greatly reduced in an area (double the radius of effect as above). If this is done, the character loses only two melee attacks and a -2 on initiative due to concentration. Anyone in the radius of effect loses half their attacks, half their bonuses, and their physical attributes are reduced by half also. Without an ample supply of air the body will get tired very, very fast. Every five minutes in a low- oxygen area (like the suffocation field) is like an hour of continuous exertion - very fatiguing! Beings that never fatigue (like those with Healing Factor) are cut in physical power by 25% and not half. Beings that do not breathe suffer none of the above effects!

Note that the suffocation field will also stop fires by reducing the oxygen level - great against beings that wield fire. Any spellcasters that require a spoken word to cast magic are also in trouble.
4. Other Abilities: 5. Notes on Supernatural Creatures:
Most supernatural creatures rely on some sort of air supply, no matter how strong they are or how many powers they possess. The average supernatural creature will react to a lack of air just like any humanoid. For super-tough beings like demigods, vampires, and dragons, they suffer half the penalties. Thus when a dragon is being affected by a full power suffocation field they will be able to function for two minutes and go unconcious in four. Dragons will also only have their attacks, bonuses, and physical attributes reduced by 25% when compressed or deprived of air.


This power enables the mutant a certain amount of leeway with the laws of physics. He is able to twist the local physics to produce one of several varieties of singularities. A singularity is a situation in which some part of physical reality reaches a point of infinity.

A black hole is the most widely known type of singularity, in which a large amount of mass produces a gravitational pull so strong that not even light can escape. The strength of the gravitational pull is basically infinite, in that a physical force that attracts mass (actually, it warps space) is capable of pulling in massless photons (travelling at infinite speed). The black hole is theorized to twist space so strongly that normal three dimensional objects cease to exist as we know them. The character's power is to produce similar anomalous effects within the bounds of the laws of physics.

Though this power lets the character perform the equivalents of several other super powers, the effects are much more limited and the singularity power requires a strike roll to take effect. I'm sure that GMs are going to have a tough time with this power, so mail me with your thoughts.

General Singularity Statistics:
Range: 90ft +10ft per level of experience or self when targeted to affect a single person or object. The range is reduced to 30ft +5ft per level for field effects.
Damage: Varies
Duration: If not an instant effect, the singularity will last for one minute per level. If maintained, the duration can be extended indefinitely.
Attacks Per Melee: Can be used up to twice per melee. Maintaining a field or a personal singularity means only one singularity attack can be made per melee.
Bonuses: +3 to strike aimed or +1 wild. Add a +1 to strike for an M.E. of 16-24 or a +2 to strike if the M.E. is 25 or higher. No other bonuses may be added.
Save Throw: Save vs Singularity, a roll of 14 or higher with P.E. bonuses added in (and also any bonuses to save vs Temporal effects/ magic). Increase the save throw difficulty to 16 at level five and to 18 at level eight.
In Rifts®: Double the range, and the singularities can be varied to do mega- damagetm or damage.

Dodging a 'targeted' singularity attack is made at -4 (difficult to see) and a normal dodge is required. Also, instead of adding P.P. bonuses to the strike roll of a singularity attack, add the M.E. bonuses - this power is a matter of concentration. If a singularity misses, it has no effect if so desired ('strays' are easy to control). A single singularity can be maintained on a desired target (self, a single being, or an area) for an indefinite duration, until the character gets bored, but then only one other singularity use is possible per melee.

If a 'personal' singularity is centered on oneself it can be maintained indefinitely with no strike roll required, but only one personal singularity at a time can be focused upon and a 'field' singularity cannot be maintained at the same time. The concentration involved imposes a -2 on initiative and the loss of one attack.

A singularity 'field' can also be created. It affects a 4ft radius at level one, 6ft radius at level five, and a 10ft radius at level ten. Not all singularity attacks can be field effects. Also, it is not possible to create a field effect while a personal singularity is being maintained (and vice versa). Fields have half the duration of a targeted singularity.
1. Gravity Singularity:
For a brief duration, the mass of an object can be amplified or negated entirely. See page 274 (Gravity Manipulation) and page 296 (Weight Manipulation) for more info on the effects of increased/ decreased gravity.

Low Gravity: If mass is negated, the target will float about like a balloon. The maximum weight reduction limit is 2000 lbs plus 500 lbs per level.

High Gravity: On the other hand, if mass is amplified, the maximum gravity field increase is 4 G plus 1 G per level of experience. See page 274 for the penalties of increased gravity, but halve the penalties.

Gravitic Deflection: As a counter- strike, the character can deflect most attacks with a gravity singularity. Use the strike bonus as a parry bonus. The G- field has an instantaneous effect (no duration) but can be used as an automatic parry. Valid against lasers/ light (and not any other energy attack), physical blows (but not pure kinetic energy), thrown weapons, projectiles, short bursts from weapons (up to 15 rounds), and up to 3 missiles at a time. If used as a field effect, one melee action is required but missile volleys and any number of bullets/ slugs can be deflected.
2. Energy Singularity:
It is possible for the mutant to create a field of 'negative energy' (which is actually theorized to exist around black holes) that will cancel out true/ positive energy.

Damage Resistance: The targeted person or area can be made resistant to energy attacks (half damage), and after level six the affected will become totally impervious to energy attacks. However, targeted beings will also be unable to use any natural energy attacks, cast energy- based spells, or use energy- projecting psionic powers. Well used against a dangerous energy- emitting opponent. The energy forms affected are energy, fire, ion/ electricity, microwaves/ heat, radiation, light/ laser, and particle beams.

Power Reduction: The other use of this singularity is to negate the flow of power in an area or object. It soaks up all the electricity (or whatever power) that is flowing and essentially shuts a system down. If the power source of a vehicle can be targeted (standard called strike) it is possible to affect the entire vehicle with a power loss. Could be used to get more time during a nuclear power plant overload

Force Field Penetration: Against some force fields, this effect is also useful. Electric fields, flaming walls, and energy barriers can be penetrated by throwing an energy singularity at them to produce a hole! The duration of this effect is half that of the normal duration. Psionic and magic force fields are not normally affected.
3. Temporal Singularity:
Time Deprivation: Much like the T-Dep spell on page 79 of Rifts® England, the character can create a singularity that reduces the time flow in a target. Victims will not know what time it is - their perception of it is so skewed that they have to see the sun in order to know if it is day or night. Appointments will be forgotten, clocks will be misread, reactions will be timed wrong, and coordination is thrown way off. The victim suffers the following: -10% on all skills, -60% on skills involving time measurement (Demolitions, Piloting, and Navigation skills are good examples), -1 to strike, parry, and dodge, -3 on initiative, and loses one melee action. Further, it is not possible to use paired weapons (can't coordinate)!

Temporal Paralysis: With this singularity effect, the character is able to negate the time flow of a target. The result? The target will stop immediately, frozen in whatever position it was in. If struck by the paralysis in mid- air they will remain there until it wears off! Remember, it is not the motion of the target that is being inhibited but the flow of time. The afflicted will have no memory of events passing while they are frozen - it stops when they are paralyzed and continues when they are not. Another strange result is that the frozen target is impervious to all damage! Time, like everything in the universe, is a vibration and since the paralyzed being has no vibration at all he cannot be affected by attacks. Even phase beams do no damage.

This singularity can clearly be used both offensively and defensively. Temporal Wizards, Warriors, and Raiders, Time Lords, Phase Mystics, First Stage Prometheans, and powerful supernatural beings (gods, dragons, demons, supernatural intelligences) get a +4 bonus to save against this. Second Stage Prometheans and any 4-D creatures are immune to this effect, as is the character himself.
4. Spatial Singularity:
Space Warp: This is mainly an offensive use of the Singularity power, and allows a mutant to warp the three- dimensional space that an intended target exists in. The effect is kind of like a nipple twist like kids used to dish out in high school (don't they hurt?), but far more intense and widespread. Attempts to save vs pain from this are -8! It can harm only material beings and objects, doing 4d6 damage plus +1d6 per level of experience.

It also affects all supernatural creatures and will do half damage to invulnerable mutants, mutants with a hardened molecular structure, and all supernatural shape shifters (vampires, werewolves, demons, supernatural intelligences, gods, dragons, etc.) Damage can be regulated at level one, but divided attacks are not possible. A field effect will do the listed damage to every target in the field once per melee.

Space Fold: The singularity power also lets the character cause three dimensional objects to make short 'jumps' in our continuum, teleportation. The size and weight of the object doesn't matter at all, because the range is so short. Objects can be made to move two feet plus one foot per level of experience. With this power the character can make a very short range teleportation, which might not be enough to get out of the way of all attacks. This effect cannot be turned into a long- duration field effect, only long enough to move groups of matter (one melee action in duration).

If used to help someone dodge, it adds a +3 bonus. If used to 'move' oncoming physical objects the character must make a successful parry roll (use strike bonuses) to shift the objects. The fold has an instantaneous effect (no duration) but can be used as an automatic parry. Valid against attacking beings, thrown weapons, projectiles, short bursts from weapons (up to 15 rounds), and up to 3 missiles at a time. If used as a field effect, one melee action is required but missile volleys and any number of bullets/ slugs can be deflected. Large objects like cars and boulders can't be shifted effectively - it is better to fold space to help a dodge.
5. Dimensional Singularity:
With a dimensional singularity, targets can be transformed such that they are thinner than paper! The effect is much the same as the Temporal Spell of D-Shift: Two Dimensions. The 2-D being can hide with 85% effectiveness, can't be detected by thermo- optics, body heat, motion detectors, etc. Weight is reduced to one- sixteenth. Physical blows do half damage if the 2-D being is braced against something. Gases and fumes also do half damage with half duration, and toxins that must be ingested or injected are ineffective.

The character in 2-D form cannot speak, eat, drink, or cast most magic spells when in the altered form. Distance judgement is also impossible - all combat rolls are made with no bonuses whatsoever! Further, damage from punches and kicks delivered by a 2-D creature is reduced to one- quarter the normal damage. Movement is reduced to a Spd. of about 6, attacks are cut in half, and no initiative is possible (time moves very slowly). Also, the character is still vulnerable to energy attacks, environmental effects, magic, and psionics. A gust of wind will easily blow the character away like a kite! On the plus side, it is pretty tough to hit a 2-D being (a -6 strike penalty is applied).
6. Other Bonuses and Abilities:

Space Adaptation

With this major super ability, the character is transformed into a spacefaring creature that is able to survive in the harsh vacuum between bodies of mass.

The first aspect of the adaptation is sustinence and air. When on a planet or in a sizable atmosphere, the character needs only one meal and 20 ounces of water (approximately 600 mL) a day to survive. Sleep needs are reduced to 4-6 hours a day. The character can exist on a diet of biological matter and ultraviolet light that penetrates the atmosphere. When the character is in space (or is able to absorb the cosmic rays reflected by a normal atmosphere) he needs no food or water - his body absorbs the ambient radiation in place of the needed biological energy. The character no longer needs to breathe.

Second, the character is immune to the effects of high pressure or lack thereof. He can sink into the deepest ocean and fly into the expanse beyond the atmosphere with equal ease.

Lastly, those with this power are resistant to some forms of damage. These are listed below. The character is also able to use his flight abilities (if he has them) to escape the gravitational pull of planets (even those the size of Jupiter). He can also withstand up to 15 G before feeling the effects of intense gravity. This provides some resistance to the Gravity Manipulation major super ability.

Other Abilities and Bonuses:

Speed Tasking

Created by Andrew Darling

This is a speed power that does not grant one the ability to run or combat skills. That is what other speed powers are for. Rather, it allows the character to perform tasks, both manual and mental with incredible speed and hand-eye coordination. It is primarily mental speed and not physical speed. This ability can be taken with other speed powers to round out a high speed character.

1. Speed Reading: The character can speed read as per the psychic power at will with equivalent retention. The character can read 30 pages per minute, half if reading highly technical texts. At level four increase the reading rate to 50 pages per minute, at level seven increase it to 80 pages, and at level ten increase it to 100 pages.

2. Task Performance: Tasks that require only the hands and concentration (sorting books on a shelf, typing, assembling a carbeurator, etc) can be performed twenty times as fast as a normal person. If the character possesses a running-based speed power, tasks that require movement (researching in a large library, shovelling driveways, etc) may also be performed at twenty times the rate of a normal human.

3. Hand-Eye Coordination: Certain tasks cannot be performed any faster, per se, but the benefits of rapid reaction time and hand eye coordination can be applied to them. Apply a +15% bonus to all piloting skills, and other skills that are strictly manual dexterity related (pick pocket, card sharp, palming, etc.)

4. Combat Bonuses: This is not meant to be a combat oriented power. If the character has no other speed-related powers, then he will get the abilities of Combat Quickness. If the character has any other speed or combat related powers at all, he gets only a +2 to initiative and a +2 to parry (gains an automatic parry if one is not possessed).

Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure

Created by Andrew Darling

This is a very convenient power which allows the character to cease to exist, and then resume to exist at a later time. He has no concept of the passing of time during this period, does not age, hunger, etc. The time during which the character no longer exists must be specified at the time of blipping out. The maximum period of time a character may be gone is unlimited. The position of the characters reappearance is always static in relation to the planet he is on. Should an object be occupying the space the character should return to, his reappearance will be delayed until the position is vacant. This power may also be used for but a single instant as a dodge, with all P.P. and skill bonuses applicable. Note, the character does not exist in any form during the interim of his power; he has no astral form, is incapable of taking damage, perceives nothing, etc. At fourth, eighth and twelfth levels, the character can take an additional person into oblivion. A unwilling participant must be bound or in a hold.

Spontaneous Mutation (major)

Created by the Cubist

The character can mutate his body to provide a number of natural weapons and/or body enhancements. All mutations last ten minutes plus two minutes more at every odd numbered level (excluding level one). In Rifts® all battle mutations do mega- damagetm and extra becomes Mutating into a new form requires one full melee, and the form of the body is always reminescent of the unaltered one. A human cannot turn into a quadrupedal creature and a six- armed demon with two heads will never be able to lose those unique features.

For complete shapeshifting powers, characters should have the super ability of Shape- Changer. The character can maintain any three mutations at level one, +1 more at levels three, seven, and eleven. For more variety I suggest that the character can manifest virtually any physical mutation found in this file or in this list. Here's the basic list: Other Abilities and Bonuses:

Summon Creatures

Created by Andrew Darling

This is the ability to summon living creatures from nothingness. The user may summon forth any kind of creature he is aware of, but it is required that the creature be real. A summoner could create a cat or a mastodon, but not a dragon. He could also create alien creatures once he became aware of them. At no time can a summoner create a sentient creature. Summoned creatures will act just as their natural counterparts with the exception that they will obey every spoken order of the creator (to the best of their ability). These creatures may be created within twenty feet of the creator but can henceforth travel wherever told. They persist for 30 minutes plus five minutes per level before dissolving back into the ether. If they remain within the 20 foot radius, they may persist indefinitely. The summoner may summon creatures whose totals his own M.E. every attack. Thus a summoner could call forth a swarm of bees every attack or a single elephant after several minutes of concentration. All animals summoned by the user may not exceed 200 plus 50 per caster level. Venomous animals are possible.

Super Senses

An ability comprised of the heightened senses minor super abilities - lets you create those really cool Daredevil® (Marvel) characters.

1. Heightened Sense of Taste: As per the minor super ability.

2. Heightened Sense of Smell: As per the minor super ability.

3. Heightened Sense of Hearing: As per the minor super ability.

4. Heightened Sense of Touch: As per the minor super ability.

5. Special!:
The player may choose one of the following options, dependent upon the senses desired:

Option One: The character has the minor super ability of Radar, and the estimation and interpreting shape skills all gain a +20% bonus. He can even sense colors, a feat that is impossible with normal radar. The wavelengths of light that are reflected off a surface can be sensed by way of interference with other signals, so the color sense is passive in nature. The base skill is 30% +5% per level of experience.

Option Two: The character has Super Vision: Advanced Sight with a base visual distance of three miles (instead of just two), and may select two other Super Vision minor abilities (perhaps these?)

Option Three: The character can select one super vision power of choice. Plus, all of the character's senses are 'adaptive' in that they quickly adjust to any extremes. The character can't be deafened by a 200 decibel noise and can't be blinded by a burst of light. This isn't to say they are immune to deafness and blindness, just those kinds brought on by extreme stimuli. A disease that causes blindness and Bio- Manipulation to produce deafness are fully effective.

Option Four: If the character has an M.E. of at least 12 and the GM allows it, he can have psychic senses! He gains the power of Super Vision: Paranormal. He also becomes a minor psychic with an base of the M.E. plus 10, plus 1d4+1 per additional level. For mutants that already posess super abilities and psychic powers combined, instead add a bonus of +10 The player can select four of the following Sensitive psychic powers: Clairvoyance, Empathy, Object Read, Presence Sense, See the Invisible, Sense Evil, Sense Time, or Sixth Sense.

Teleportation (improved)

This power of teleportation has several variations on the same theme. Some beings are able to teleport vast distances, but require adequate preparation time. Others can perform a dimensional teleportation. There also exist those beings who have a form of teleporation known as 'blinking.' The last known kind of teleportation is a combat-oriented form.

Special! As a option, the character's teleportation power can be altered slightly in that he must create a doorway to teleport. The drawback is that he cannot self- teleport anymore and must make a portal. Dodging isn't changed much - the character just makes a portal briefly enough to jump through. This alteration is not well- combined with blink teleportation or with combat teleportation. The 'portal' modification to the Teleportation power is the result of an inspirational e-mail from Larry Trowell for a Shadow Teleportation power.

The benefit is that any type of matter can pass through the portal to the other side, allowing him to ignore weight limits. The size of the portal is just man- size at level one, but increases to a surface area of 30 square feet at level three (enough for two people to walk through at the same time), and goes up to 75 square feet at level six (enough to drive a car through). It is possible to see through the portal to the other side so the creator can tell if he failed or not. It is not possible to create a 'window' - if the portal is made it is totally two- way travel and viewing!

A man- size portal takes only one melee action to create. Every full 20 square feet of size (or fraction thereof) requires one melee to produce. So a 30 square foot portal takes two melee actions and a 75 square foot portal necessitates the use of four melee actions (ignore this for the lengthy time requirements of distance teleportation). The portal can be created up to 60ft away (even underneath a target, but this takes an extra melee action). Maintaining any size portal requires concentration, and causes the loss of one attack and a -2 on initiative. The portal must be placed on/ in one of the following:

01-20% On a vertical wall
21-40% In a shadow (the original idea by Larry Trowell)
41-60% On any solid surface, horizontal or vertical
61-80% In an existing physical doorway or entrance
81-00% Needs no surface - portal can hang in the air!

Types of Teleportation:

01-20% Standard Teleportation:
As listed in Heroes Unlimitedtm on page 295. +3 to use for teleport dodges (one melee action required), +1 more at levels four, eight, and twelve. I'd suggest improving the range to five miles per level of experience.

21-40% Distance Teleporation:
Range: 300 miles per level
Duration: Every 25 miles of distance requires a melee of unbending concentration (no other actions are possible). When transport is achieved it is instantaneous.
Weight Limitation: Self and 500 lbs +500 lbs per level, plus living matter can be transported after level three.

The character is highly skilled at transporting himself to far away locations. The success rate is 100% for familiar or seen locations, 95% +1% per level for a well- studied place (even if studied by way of maps and videotape), and 30% +1% per level for a not well- known place. It is not possible to teleport to a place that is not studied. The character needn't roll on the table on HU 190 - if their success roll fails, they don't teleport. Instead, they must start transport all over.

This power is not efficient as a dodge. Even to teleport oneself with no additional weight requires a melee of concentration.
41-60% Blink Teleportation:
Range: 18ft +2ft per level.
Duration: Instant
Attacks Per Melee: Each use counts as one melee action.
Weight Limitation: Self and 90lbs +10lbs per level, and no living matter may be blinked.
Bonus: +4 to use as a defensive action, +1 more at levels three, seven, nine, and twelve.

This gives the character the capacity to teleport himself short distances in the blink of an eye. There is no risk of failure, as the character's subconcious remembers safe areas that have been seen as potential teleport locations. At level three the character becomes so talented at 'blinking' that he can use his teleport as an automatic dodge, which takes no melee actions but the dodge bonus is halved. It is good against all attacks directed at the character at the moment of the dodge. If a teleport is the last action taken in a melee, the character gains a +2 bonus on initiative for the next melee (enemies lose track of the character).
61-80% Dimensional Teleportation:
Range: Another dimension.
Duration: Teleportation is instantaneous, but only one dimensional teleport can be performed per ten minutes.
Weight Limitation: Self and 200lbs +50lbs per level, no living matter until level five.
Bonus: +2 to use as a defensive action, +1 more at levels four, eight, and twelve.

Instead of teleporting to a different location, the character is able to instantly teleport himself to another dimension. The success rate is 100% for returning to the character's native dimension, 70% +5% per level for teleporting to a well- known dimension, and 30% +3% per level for teleporting to a dimension that has been visited a few times. Failure means the character appears in a dimension he did not intend to go to. The character can always travel to a random dimension at will.

Those with this power also have a 'danger sense' involving the location they teleport to in the target dimension. If the location is hostile to life (whether for environmental, war- related, or wildlife reasons) the character can cancel his trip at the last minute.

The character can go to any dimension that has been visited in the past. By failing teleports, the character can visit a vast number of alternate dimensions and planes of existence. A small sampling of dimensions includes the astral plane, the Nightlandstm, Hades, Dyval, Phase Worldtm, and Wormwoodtm.
81-00% Combat Teleportation:
Created by the Cubist (with expansion by Brett Hegr)

This is the ability to convert one's body into a number of energy spikes that damage any target that gets in the way of movement. The power is essentially a short range teleportation that harms anything that gets in the way of the body's movement. Note that the focus of this power is not distance, but speed and offensive capability. The character is immune to attack while teleporting except for attacks from charged particle attacks (particle beams), negatively charged matter (like the Negative Matter power), and electrical attacks. No additional matter may be transported other than clothing, personal items, body armor, a light backpack, and a few weapons (less than 60 lbs of additional weight).

1. Offensive Teleport:
Range: 40ft +10ft per level of experience
Damage: 1d4x10 at level one, +10 points of damage at levels two, five, eight, and twelve. The damage is either kinetic or energy in nature (player's choice upon creation of character).
Attacks Per Melee: Counts as two attacks. Wild attacks only count as one, but have less chance to strike.
Bonuses: +2 strike on aimed attack and +0 to strike wild. Add +1 to strike for both at levels three, seven, and ten. While teleporting the character has an effective dodge bonus of +2 (no other dodge bonuses may be used). Successful strikes damage the character just before he can teleport.
2. Defensive Teleport:
Range: 10ft +2ft per level of experience.
Attacks Per Melee: Each use counts as one melee action. It is good against all attacks directed at the character at the moment of the dodge.
Bonus: +4 to dodge, +1 more at levels four and eight.

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