Major Super Abilities Part 1

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Unless otherwise stated, all powers were created by Brett Hegr


Created by Andrew Darling

This is simply the ability to make people older and younger, and requires a touch with all P.P. and skill bonuses applicable. Each touch will either age an individual five years or reduce their age by one year. This may seem too permanent a change and too unbalancing a power, but arguably an energy expulsion to the head is equally permanent and far more debilitating. People will begin to get -1 penalties to P.E., P.P., P.B., and P.S. at 45 years of age and will get incremental penalties each additional five years. Speed is reduced at three times that rate. Saves versus coma/death need to start being rolled at 70 years and again with every ten year increment.

The Rejuvenation ability has much stricter limits. The rejuvenator may reverse any artificial aging that has been done to a victim, but he may only reduce a person's natural age a maximum of two years per level of the character. Rejuvenation will also heal an individual by 2d6 HP/ per year. Victims will receive a -1 to P.E. and P.S. at 16 years, and incremental penalties every two years younger.

APS Power Note: In general, an Alter Physical Structures character recovers 4d6 per ten minutes. When in a Rifts® environment, the rate increases to 4d6 to 6d6 per minute. This impressive rate of recovery applies only to thee special gained from the altered state (metal, rock, ice, etc.) Ordinary physical and Hit Points recover at the normal rate for humans. Most (if not all) of the powers here have their own regeneration rates listed, so use those.

Alter Physical Structures

Range: Touch or 50ft radius, +10ft per level of experience
Duration: Unlimited while the recipient is in range. The physical change fades within 1d4 minutes (+1 minute per level) of leaving range.
Save Throw: If resisted: 15 or better for humans, 12 or better for mutants and lesser supernatural beings, 10 or better for greater supernatural beings, and godlings, demons, vampires, and other magical shapeshifters are immune to it. Add any P.E. bonuses to the save throw.
In Rifts®: Double the range, plus the character can create beings with mega- damagetm bodies.

The character can alter the molecular makeups of other beings and objects. Use the table for substances found under Copy Physical Structure (HU 271). The mutant cannot alter his own structure with this power, and he is +4 to save vs any sort of molecular alteration (like this power and shapeshifting spells), though he can let down his defenses if desired. He and the recipients also do not have to touch the substance the recipient is changed into (read below).

Only one person can be affected at level one, plus one more at levels three, five, eight, and eleven. Enhancing multiple people (more than two) takes concentration, and results in the loss of one attack and a -2 on initiative. Objects can be changed too. A total of 250 pounds of matter can be altered per level of experience. There are no penalties for changing multiple objects, as they are much less complex (usually) than living creatures.

To transform things into a substance, the character must have spent at least one minute absorbing it into his body previously. One substance can be remembered per M.E. point, and substance memories can be overwritten. A good idea is to memorize some useful molecular patterns and keep them forever, and have a set of patterns that are common and can be overwritten.

When transforming others, the character can also choose to allow or disallow movement. If movement is disallowed the victims are effectively statues of whatever substance they are transformed into, an offensive use of the power.

Alter Physical Structure: 4-D

This was a tough power to do! I hope I came up with something that everyone can enjoy though.

Duration and Limitations:
The transformation can be maintained for a total of ten minutes plus five minutes per level of experience. A five minute period of rest between uses is required (reduce to three minutes of rest at level five). A maximum total transformed time of one hour per level of experience (per 24 hour period) is possible. The transformation process requires about 5 seconds, one- third of a melee, and during the melee that it takes place the character has last initiative and half his 4-D form attacks. The change back to normal 3-D form is instantaneous.

The 4-D form looks almost like the character's 3-D form, but it seems to be vibrating or somewhat 'blurred'. There is also a faint blue glow about him. His movements seem quicker and more exact, as if he had more time to think about them than he let on. The character has a base Horror Factor of 8, or add a +1 bonus to a higher existing one.

Conciousness in the 4-D realm is pretty far- reaching in comparison to that of the 3-D world. Thus, at levels three, six, and nine roll to save vs insanity (12 or better with M.E. bonuses). If the roll fails the player must choose one of these: Roll for two random insanities, roll for one additional multiple personality, or roll for one insanity from the table on page 77 of Rifts® England (ignore any 'no insanity' roll). These insanities are not present when a 4-D creature.
1. Local Omniscience:
The character posesses the visual ability of Super Vision: Electromagnetic Vision (with an increased range of 2000ft +500ft per level of experience). He can also sense all sneak attacks directed against him. All sentient intelligences and moving objects within a 90ft radius +10ft per level are also sensed - though he may not be able to see them directly he 'knows' they are there. This ability is not accurate enough to use as a Radar- like ability.
2. Spatio-Temporal Powers and Awareness:
Can see and sense dimensional, spatial, and temporal anomalies. They can be seen clear as day. Large things like rifts are picked up with a range of 30 miles. Mystic portals, time holes, and ley line storms are sensed with a one mile range. Dimensional pockets are sensed within 100ft and dimensional envelopes are sensed within 10ft. All types of teleportation, astral beings, two and fourth dimensional creatures, and phased/ intangible beings are picked up within 100ft. In all cases the opening, closing, and general location are known.

The character can also attempt to 'jump into' time holes or reach into dimensional pockets and envelopes, once per melee, with a base chance of 30% plus the M.E. attribute, +5% per level.

He can also force a rift, magical portal, or dimensional gateway (or whatever) to stay open - this requires all his melee attacks and can be maintained for two melees per level of experience. Afterwards, the character may feel fatigued and disoriented (GM's discretion, relative to the intensity of the experience).

It is also possible force a portal shut with a base chance of 10% plus the M.E. attribute plus +3% per level of experience, one try per minute. Permanent gateways cannot be closed at all and major rifts and portals impose a -15% (minimum) penalty to the closing attempt. A successful attempt to force a rift closed permanently costs two

The character also has the minor super ability of Clock Manipulation, without the bonuses. Since it isn't stated in the power description, each act of manipulating a clock or timer requires one melee action and the range of this ability is 100ft. If the character selects the Slow- Motion Control ability (as outlined below), ignore ability #4 and instead increase the range of this power to 300ft.
3. Player Options:
To avoid making a much too strong power but to allow the variety I desired, the player may select one of the following upon character creation:

Option One: Choose a related major power! The character changes into a more powerful 4-D creature. The player must give up two minor super abilities (or give up one major super ability selection and gain a minor super ability selection in its place) to 'pick' the exact power - he does not get an additional major power but instead gains the option to choose from a limited selection of powers. The selected power can be used only while the character is in the 4-D form.

The avaliable powers are: Cloaking (page 256 of HU), Control Elemental Force: Time (page 75 of The Riftertm #1), Energy Absorbtion (page 273 of HU), Invisibility (page 276 of HU), Intangibility (page 277 of HU), Motion Field, Multiple Beings/ Selves (page 282 of HU), Power Sphere, Shrink (page 286 of HU), Singularity, Slow- Motion Control (page 287 of HU), or Teleportation (page 256 of HU, or one of our home grown variants).

Option Two: Pick three of the following minor abilities - they can be used no matter which state the character is in, 3-D or 4-D: Option Three: If the character has an M.E. of at least 12 and the GM allows it (and has Phase Worldtm) he can have Phase powers! At the very least, the character could gain several minor psionic powers. Phase powers can be used only when in the 4-D state but normal psionic powers can be used whenever desired. The character becomes a major psychic with an base of the M.E. plus 2d6+18, plus 1d6+1 per additional level. For mutants that already posess super abilities and psychic powers combined, instead add a bonus of +15

The character may select five Phase powers from page 32 of Phase Worldtm. One phase power may be traded for two of the following minor psionic abilities: Alter Aura, Mind Block, Object Read, Presence Sense, Psychic Diagnosis, Psychic Surgery, Psychokinesis, Read Dimensional Portal, See Aura, See the Invisible, Sense Energy, Sense Evil, Sixth Sense, Telekinesis, Telekinetic Acceleration Attack, and Teleport Object.
4. Combat Bonuses: The character's local omniscience also grants him bonuses during combat: 5. Other Abilities and Bonuses:

Alter Physical Structure: Crystal

Created by the Cubist

The character can become a living creature of crystal or glass. The look can be sleek and seamless or as jagged as a piece of quartz. The color of the crystal body can be any of those found in nature, and even a few colors that aren't. The benefits of this tranformation are increased strength and durability, plus the ability to amplify energy expulsion powers to some degree.

1. Natural Armor Rating and Immense
The character can turn his body into organic crystal and/or diamond. He's got an A.R. 16 and of 700 (that's the total damage capacity, not a bonus). The character recovers 4d6 per ten minutes.

The character takes no damage from cold, ice, heat, lasers, or radiation attacks (though the radioactive fire is still a little harmful). Fire attacks (normal or magic) do half damage, plus the character radiates no heat and tends to disperse it quickly. Sonic and vibration attacks do double damage due to the crystalline molecular structure, and the character's A.R. is lessened to 10 against them (if the strike roll is 10 or less they do normal damage)! The character takes normal damage from most other attacks, so long as they overcome the A.R.

Normal strength hand to hand attacks and normal strength melee attacks do no damage, no matter what the strike roll. Bullets and other projectiles fired by mechanical means do half damage if they overcome the A.R.

Only Extraordinary, Superhuman, and Supernatural strength can damage the character when using hand to hand attacks. In the first two cases full damage is inflicted only when the A.R. is overcome. For Supernatural strength this is true also, but with this much strength strike rolls that fall under the A.R. will do half damage (unless parried or blocked).

The character takes full damage from explosions, which bypass the A.R. of the character due to their area effect nature.

Armor piercing attacks and explosives do full damage when the strike roll is higher than 16 and half damage when 16 or less.

Powerful explosions, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. do full damage and do not require a strike roll above the A.R., since the damaging force is considered to be so powerful that it can damage everything.

Gas, ingested drugs, psionics, and magic have full effect. Also, the character can withstand underwater pressure up to 600ft and can even survive in a vacuum until his air supply is gone.

In Rifts® the character becomes a mega- damagetm being with 500 and regenerates 4d6 per minute.
2. Increased Mass and Strength:
In the crystalline form, the character's weight is increased by 50% and speed drops by 25%. Strength in the crystal form is considered Extraordinary and jumps to 14 +1d6 (if the P.S. is higher than 14 just add in the +1d6 bonus). All hand to hand attacks do an extra +1d6 damage due to the body's hardness, jagged crystal, or whatever reason the player can give.
3. Other Abilities, Bonuses, and Things of Note:
If the character possesses any energy emitting abilities, add +25% to the base range and add an extra +1d6 to damage to them while in the crystal form. The crystal body is an excellent means of focusingand amplifying energy.

Can identify most minerals and crystals with an accuracy of 60% +4% per level. He also possesses a good knowledge base of their densities and and integrity/ strength.

Optional horror factor of 12, or adds a +2 bonus to an existing one.

Alter Physical Structure: Force Field

Created by Chris Gileppa

The character can disperse his matter while intensifying the physical effects of it being there - he becomes a being of pure force energy!

1. Natural Armor Rating and Increased
The character can turn his body into pure force. He's got an A.R. 14 and an equal to the M.E.x10 +100 The character recovers 1d4x10 per ten minutes.

All non- kinetic attacks have full effect except cold, ice, fire, and heat - no damage from any of these since they are temperature based.

Normal strength hand to hand attacks and normal strength melee attacks do no damage, no matter what the strike roll. Bullets and other projectiles fired by mechanical means do half damage if they overcome the A.R.

Only Extraordinary, Superhuman, and Supernatural strength can damage the character when using hand to hand attacks. In the first two cases one- quarter damage is inflicted only when the A.R. is overcome. For Supernatural strength half damage is inflicted, but with this much strength strike rolls that fall under the A.R. will still do one- quarter damage (unless parried or blocked).

Armor piercing attacks, explosives, and heavy impacts (like getting hit by a car) do half damage when the strike roll is higher than 14 and no damage when 14 or less.

Hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. do full damage and do not require a strike roll above the A.R., since the damaging force is considered to be so powerful that it can damage everything.

Psionics and magic have full effect, except for transformative effects. Ingested drugs and injected poisons are ineffective.

In Rifts® the character becomes a mega- damagetm being with equal to the mega- damagetm and regenerates 1d6 per melee.
2. Advanced Force Field Manipulation:
Range: 250ft +50ft per level.
Duration: One minute per level.
Effect: Can strengthen or weaken fields by 10% at level 1, +10% more at levels three, five, seven, and nine.
Shape: Can manipulate the shape (not total size) at will for the listed duration at level one. At level three the character gains the ability to stretch/ expand fields (up to 25%), at level 5 gains the ability to twist (as in animate) fields, and at level 10 gains the ability to shrink (up to -25%) fields.

The character can strengthen, weaken, and manipulate the shape of all force fields within range. This can be used on his own fields to slowly apply force to objects, either by shrinking or expanding to apply the forceful barrier. This means they can be used to lift, carry, crush, and move objects etc. For strengthening or weakening fields he cannot affect his own. Also, by weakening a localized area of a force field the character can produce a 'hole' in it - this is possible at level five.
3. Force Related Powers:
The player may choose three of the following minor super abilities as a part of this major power: Attraction/ Repulsion Beam, Barrier Force Field (no duration limit), Flight: Wingless (no bonus), Matter Shaping, Personal Weapon (minor, either a hand held or ranged weapon and not the summoned type, Power Channeling, or Ranged Attack: Kinetic.

Alter Physical Structure: Light

Created by the Cubist

1. Laser Blasts:
Range: 500ft +100ft per level of experience
Damage: 1d6x10 damage, +2 per level of experience. Add a +10 bonus at levels four and eight.
Bonuses: +2 to strike
In Rifts®: Double the range and the damage turns to

The character can generate superpowerful beams of laser energy, powerful enough to melt metal. Damage can be regulated and the standard divided attacks (5d6 +1 per level for each of the two targets) are possible at level three.
2. Photon Beams:
Range: 800ft +200ft per level of experience
Damage: 2d6 damage +1d6 per level of experience
Bonuses: +3 to strike
In Rifts®: Double the range and the damage turns to

Less powerful than the laser blasts, but still an effective weapon. Damage can be regulated and the standard divided attacks are possible at level three.
3. Partial Intangibility:
Immune to all kinetic attacks while in the solid-light form. The character also gains +100 (or against energy attacks. The attacks still do full damage, but subtract the damage from the +100 points first. Lasts up to 10 minutes per level and requires concentration (-2 on initiative and the loss of one melee action). Moving through non- living matter is possible. The speed is reduced to one- half normal when travelling through matter.

While partially intangible lightspeed flight and the body beam are not possible.
4. Lightspeed Flight:
Speed: 98% of the speed of light, roughly equal to 1.06x10 kmph.
Duration: 10 minutes per level.
Special Note: The only attacks possible in flight are the photon beams and the body beam, but the character is +8 to dodge versus all energy attacks (still immune to physical attacks while in flight due to the light- form).
5. Body Beam:
Range: 1 mile, +1 mile per level
Damage: 2d4x10 damage +5 per level of experience.
Bonuses: +3 to strike, +1 more at levels four and nine.
Attacks Per Melee: Uses up all the attacks in a melee.
In Rifts®: Double the range and the damage turns to

Though it takes up all melee actions, the character can briefly transform into pure photonic energy. This lasts just long enough to plunge into an enemy and cause massive amounts of damage. It can be done during flight. During the melee, attempts to strike the character are made at -10 since he is moving near the speed of light.
6. Light Aura:
Same as the minor super ability of the same name. One melee action is still required to turn the glow on and off, but there is no time limit and maintaining the glow does not require a melee action.
7. Glow and Shoot Light Beam:
Same as abilities #4 and #5 of Energy Absorbtion, page 273 of Heroes Unlimited®. Hitting the face with the light beam requires a called shot with a -4 penalty.
8. Body of Light:
Range: Self

Takes normal damage from all kinetic attacks. Impervious to all lasers and light- based attacks. Darkness- based attacks do double damage! Takes half damage from fire and heat. Energy attacks do normal damage. Cold, ice, and sound/ vibrations do full damage. Magic and psionics have full effect.

Suffers no penalties due to pressure, whether at the bottom of the ocean floor or in the environment of space. When exposed to sunlight the character does not need to eat, sleep, or rest (solar powered). The character's weight is reduced to just a few ounces.

Gains a bonus of +60 and this (and only this) light- form recovers at 4d6 per ten minutes.

When outside during the day, the character regenerates 1d6 hit points or per hour of sunlight (solar energy absorbtion). Direct sunlight absorbtion (like when standing on a mountaintop on a clear day) allows a regeneration rate of 1d6 per minute. During this super- regeneration, the character cannot move or attack since his focus is entirely on recovery.

In Rifts® worlds, the APS: Light character instead gets 150 physical The character regenerates 2d6 per minute normally, but the super- regeneration gives a recovery rate of 1d6 per melee!

Special: The character can also absorb the energy from a magician's Globe of Daylight. Each globe absorbed will recover two hit points or (or one per level of the mage that cast it. The globe is, of course, destroyed after the APS: Light character absorbs it.
9. Other Abilities and Bonuses:

Alter Physical Structure: Magma

Created by Gargoyle (with expansion by Brett Hegr)

This power enables the character to transform into living, molten rock. Along with increased strength and protection, the form also grants the character the ability to manipulate stone and fire to a limited degree. The character transforms into a glowing orange and red being with the following abilities:

1. Natural Armor Rating and Increased
The character can turn his body into organic crystal and/or diamond. He's got an A.R. 15 and of 250 (that's the total damage capacity, not a bonus). The character recovers 4d6 per ten minutes. If the character can absorb fresh, hot magma he can recover quicker - 1d6 per minute of absorbtion.

The character takes no damage from heat, fire, magical fire, radiation, or radioactive heat. Cold- based attacks do full damage.

Normal strength hand to hand attacks and normal strength melee attacks do no damage, no matter what the strike roll. Bullets and other projectiles fired by mechanical means do half damage if they overcome the A.R.

Only Extraordinary, Superhuman, and Supernatural strength can damage the character when using hand to hand attacks. In the first two cases full damage is inflicted only when the A.R. is overcome. For Supernatural strength this is true also, but with this much strength strike rolls that fall under the A.R. will do half damage (unless parried or blocked).

The character takes full damage from explosions, which bypass the A.R. of the character due to their area effect nature.

Armor piercing attacks and explosives do full damage when the strike roll is higher than 15 and half damage when 15 or less.

Powerful explosions, hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. do full damage and do not require a strike roll above the A.R., since the damaging force is considered to be so powerful that it can damage everything.

Gas, ingested drugs, energy attacks, electricity, sound/ vibrations, psionics, and magic have full effect.

Touching the character (including punching him) without heat protection causes 4d6 damage. For hand to hand attacks, the character gets a +2d4 damage bonus (from the heat and relative solidity of molten stone). If he feels particularly nasty, the character can smother victims and cause 2d4x10 damage per melee (uses all melee attacks, no defense is possible during such an attack). Heroes would never do this to anyone, due to the painful and disfiguring effects.

In Rifts® the character becomes a mega- damagetm being with 250 and regenerates 3d6 per minute, double that if fresh magma is absorbed.
2. Increased Mass and Strength:
In the magma form, the character's weight is doubled and his speed is halved. Strength in the magma form is considered Extraordinary and jumps to 14 +1d8 (if the P.S. is higher than 14 just add in the +1d8 bonus). Also increase the P.E. by +1d8 in the magma form. All hand to hand attacks do an extra +2d4 damage due to the superheated body.
3. Expel Magma:
Range: 20ft +5ft per level.
Damage: 2d6 damage, +1d6 per level.
Duration: Instant
Attacks Per Melee: Each use counts as one melee attack.
Bonus: +3 to strike

When this power is engaged, streams of superheated magma erupt from the character's fingertips, spraying out at the target in a wide arc, burning and setting fire to any flammable objects it hits. The magma also sticks to whatever it hits and will do half damage to the victim for 1d4+1 melees after the last blast. If three melee actions are taken to shake it off the character can avoid the consecutive damage.
4. Create Volcano:
Range: 90ft, +10ft per level of experience.
Duration: Permanent (more or less)
Attacks Per Melee: Uses all hand to hand attacks in a melee.

Utilization of this power summons up a cylinder of magma to erupt from the earth, cooling and spreading to form a volcano. The size depends on the level of the character: height is 10ft per level, width is 5ft per level. The magma jetting forth from the cone typically does 6d6 damage per round, melting rock and plastics, setting fire to trees, boiling water away, etc. The volcano will last until the character dispels it and drives it back underground. Careless magma characters will leave these things lying around almost as a signature.

Rather than a volcano, the character can elect to make a lava tube erupt, crack in the earth break open and leak magma, or whatever the character wishes, as long as it falls within the dimensions and effects of the power. For example, a crevice would be 5 ft wide per level and 10 ft long per level - the lava will well up and spread rather than explode out in a shower, etc.
5. Melt Earth:
Range: 5ft +5ft per level radius.
Damage: 6d6 per round of immersion.
Duration: 15 minutes

With this power, the character creates a pool of melted rock and earth, up to 15 ft deep. Those sucked into the pool suffer from the same penalties due those immersed in quicksand, but at the same time suffer the listed damage. This can also be used on asphalt and concrete (or any artifical earth- derived substance), but has half the duration.
6. Merge with Magma:
The character can merge into an existing pocket of lava or magma, merging with the substance and traveling through it or hiding within it. As a mode of travel, it is slow and difficult, and consists of following the lava down the tubes into the mantle, and back up again through the crust and onto the surface. A 5 km run becomes an epic 70 km journey. However, it is not expected and, if given time, can enable a character to reach places no one would suspect. As a means of hiding or evading, it is unparalleled. Few people draw close enough to a magma intrusion to get a good look anyway, and the character is virtually invisible within the mix. Characters can move through magma at one tenth of their normal running speed.
7. Radiate Heat:
Works exactly like the Alter Physical Structure: Fire power of the same name.
8. Other Abilities and Bonuses

Alter Physical Structure: Sand

A power that allows the character to transform into a being comprised of sand and dust. Besides providing excellent defensive abilities, APS: Sand has other abilities to round out characters.

1. Natural Armor Rating and Increased
The character can turn his body into sand. He's got an A.R. 14 and an bonus of +100. The character recovers 4d6 per ten minutes. If the character can absorb sand (preferably beach sand) he can recover quicker - 1d6 per minute of sand absorbtion, or 1d6 per two minutes if dirt or dust is absorbed.

In addition to a stronger, tougher body, the character gains some immunities to certain types of attacks. Injected poisons and toxins are useless and gases are half as effective. Cold and ice do no damage. Fire and lasers do half damage. Electrical attacks do no damage.

Energy attacks are fully effective.

Normal strength hand to hand attacks and normal strength melee attacks do no damage, no matter what the strike roll. Bullets and other projectiles fired by mechanical means do half damage if they overcome the A.R.

Only Extraordinary, Superhuman, and Supernatural strength can damage the character when using hand to hand attacks. In the first two cases half damage is inflicted only when the A.R. is overcome. For Supernatural strength full damage is inflicted, but with this much strength strike rolls that fall under the A.R. will do half damage (unless parried or blocked).

Armor piercing attacks, explosives, and heavy impacts (like getting hit by a car) do half damage when the strike roll is higher than 14 and no damage when 14 or less.

Heavy impacts (40 to 80 points of kinetic damage, before damage reduction) will partially blow the character apart and he'll need a minute to reform his body. Until then he loses two attacks, -2 on initiative, and is -3 to strike, parry, and dodge. Use these same penalties if the character gets turned to mud, but he'll need two minutes to dry himself out. Reforming and drying out is possible during combat (partially reflected in the penalties). If the character is really nailed (81 points or more of kinetic damage or doused in a large amount of water) his sand will be almost completely dispersed and he'll need 1d4+2 minutes to reform or dry himself out. During that time, combat is not possible until his body is partially reformed (after two minutes). On the other hand, he can't be hurt until he has a body that can be hit.

Hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. do full damage and do not require a strike roll above the A.R., since the damaging force is considered to be so powerful that it can damage everything.

Psionics and magic have full effect.

In Rifts® the character becomes a mega- damagetm being with 300 and regenerates 4d6 per minute. If the character can absorb pure sand (not stone, pebbles, or concrete dust) he can regenerate 1d4x10 per minute.
2. Increased Mass and Strength:
In the crystalline form, the character's weight is increased by 50% and speed drops by 25%. Strength in the sand form is considered Extraordinary and jumps to 14 +1d6 (if the P.S. is higher than 14 just add in the +1d6 bonus).
3. Sand Absorbtion:
This is essentially the same as the Water Behemoth power of APS: Water, as listed on page 246 of Heroes Unlimitedtm. An ample supply of sand and/or dust must be present.
4. Manipulate Shape
The sand being can flow, mold and shape his sand body like grainy silly putty. He can slide under doors, pour himself through keyholes, slide down drainpipes, and go just about anywhere that water can. The size of the cracks and such needs to be at least an eighth of an inch in order for the sand grains to get through.
5. Sand Merge
Similar to the Water Merge power of APS: Water, the character can undo his cohesion and turn into sand. In this form the character can manipulate his shape, throw sand bolts, and do sand storms - that's it! He can't really be harmed by any attacks (except maybe a phase beam), but he can still be doused in water. In a large amount sand he becomes completely invisible. Moving in this form is done at one third of the normal running speed. While merged with sand, the character does not need to breathe.
6. Sand Bolt:
Range: 25ft +5ft per level
Duration: Instant
Damage: 2d4 damage, +1 per level.
Bonuses: +2 to strike

The character can create a small blast of sand that has a little more power than the average punch. On a successful called strike with a -4 penalty, the victim gets sand in his eyes and is blinded for 1d4 melees (-10 to strike, parry, and dodge and no initiative).
7. Sand Storm:
Range: Affects a 25ft +5ft per level radius with a range of 200ft +20ft per level of experience.
Duration: Two minutes, plus two more per level.
Damage: Does 2d6 damage per melee to soft targets (like people), scratches paint off cars, and can break windows. Does half damage to hard targets like APS beings, doors, walls, force fields, etc.
Attacks Per Melee: Counts as one melee action per round, whether to start or maintain the storm.
In Rifts®: Does 4d6 damage per melee to soft targets, half to hard targets. Still

Effectively the same as the ability found on page 258 of Heroes Unlimitedtm, though the range and duration slightly stronger.
8. Quicksand:
Range: Affects a 10ft +2ft per level radius with a range of 50ft +10ft per level of experience.
Depth: six feet, +2ft per level of experience.
Duration: Three minutes per level of experience. At the end of the duration, submerged objects are pushed up to the surface.
Damage: None directly. If the head of the target goes under suffocation is very likely (normal human will die in roughly three minutes).
Attacks Per Melee: No actions are required to maintain or negate a quicksand pool, and only two melee actions are needed to initiate a pool.

Effectively the same as the ability found on page 258 of Heroes Unlimitedtm, though the range and duration slightly stronger. The target area must be visible, at least when initially created, and the quicksand can only be placed on the ground. Radius and depth can be controlled in one foot increments. Multiple pools can be created so long as they do not add up to more area than the character can affect. Negating a pool of quicksand is instantaneous (uses no melee actions), and submerged objects appear at the surface in half a melee.

Alter Physical Structure: Shadow

Created by The Magus (with expansion by Brett Hegr)

The incredible ability to transform into a being of living shadow as well as the ability to manipulate and control aspects of darkness.

1. Dark Aura:
Same as the minor super ability of the same name. One melee action is still required to turn the aura on and off, but there is no time limit and maintaining it does not require a melee action.
2. Shadow Meld:
Same as ability number two listed under the Darkness Conrol major super ability (HU 272).
3. Nightvision: Same as the super vision minor ability.

4. Shadow Blasts:
Same as the energy attack Dark Bolt with a 500ft +100ft per level range.
5. Two-Dimensional Form:
Range: Self
Duration: Infinite
Attacks Per Melee: Becoming 2-D or returning to 3-D counts as one melee action.
Restriction: Must have a surface to travel along - cannot stand unsupported in the 2-D form. A floor is okay - the character appears as a pool of darkness.

The character has the amazing ability to transform into a living shadow. In this form the character is invisible to heat, motion, and many other kinds of sensors. He weighs a mere 1/16th of his normal mass (which means 1/4 of the shadow form mass) and can travel under doors, through cracks, etc. Gases and fumes do half damage, plus the character is immune to drugs that must be ingested or injected.

In the 2-D form the character is +20% to Prowl (+50% in dark shadowy areas), but is unable to physically attack. Area- effect abilities can still be used. His speed in the 2-D form is limited to a Spd. attribute of 10, about 7 mph. The character can take himself and up to 100lbs of non- living matter into the 2-D realm.
6. Body of Shadow:
Range: Self

In a darkened room the character is +2 on initiative and +1 to parry and dodge (tough to see him).

The shadow form has a natural A.R. of 8. Punches by beings with a normal P.S. do no damage. Attacks by beings with Exceptional, Superhuman, and Supernatural Physical Strength, explosives, and conventional weapons (whether melee or projectile) do half damage.

Impervious to all darkness- based attacks.

Lasers and light- based attacks do double damage!

Energy, electricity, fire, heat, cold, ice, and sound/ vibrations do full damage. Magic and psionics also have full effect.

Suffers no penalties due to pressure, whether at the bottom of the ocean floor or in the environment of space. Character weight is reduced to one quarter of the normal value. The character's body also radiates no heat, so he is invisible to thermovision and infrared vision.

Gains a bonus of +80 The shadow form recovers 4d6 per ten minutes. If the character can rest within a large shadow (covering the whole body) he can recover quicker - 1d6 per minute of absorbtion.

In Rifts® worlds, the APS: Shadow character instead gets 150 physical The character regenerates 1d4x10 per minute.

Alter Physical Structure: Tar

Pretty self explanatory. The character turns into a rubbery humanoid mass of tar- like substance.

1. Natural Armor Rating and Increased
The character can turn his body into tar. He's got an A.R. 14 and an bonus of +100. The character recovers 4d6 per ten minutes. If the character can absorb tar he can recover quicker - 1d6 per minute of absorbtion.

Cutting weapons, sound/ vibration attacks, and electricity do no damage at all.

Blunt weapons, hand to hand attacks, and cold/ ice attacks do half damage.

Extreme amounts of fire and heat (above 190 degrees fahrenheit) do half damage to the character. Anything above 250 degrees will liquefy him (see below) in five minutes. Temperatures above 500 degrees will do this within a minute. If exposed to high temperatures long enough, the character will totally liquefy and have to take time to reform, as stated.

Lasers and energy attacks are fully effective.

Due to his rubbery nature the character is +2 to roll with punch, fall, or impact.

Normal strength hand to hand attacks, normal strength melee attacks, bullets, and other projectiles do half damage if they overcome the A.R. Even armor piercing bullets do half damage.

Only Extraordinary, Superhuman, and Supernatural strength can really damage the character when using hand to hand attacks. In the first two cases full damage is inflicted when the A.R. is overcome. For Supernatural strength full damage is inflicted, but with this much strength strike rolls that fall under the A.R. will do half damage (unless parried or blocked).

Explosions, falls from above 300ft, and heavy impacts (like getting hit by a car) do half damage when the strike roll is higher than 14 and no damage when 14 or less. Falls from under 300ft do no damage - the character just bounces!

Heavy impacts (40 to 80 points of kinetic damage, before damage reduction) will partially disperse the character and he'll need a minute to reform his body. Until then he loses two attacks, -2 on initiative, and is -3 to strike, parry, and dodge. Reforming is possible during combat (partially reflected in the penalties). If the character is really nailed (81 points or more of kinetic damage) his tar will be almost completely dispersed and he'll need 1d4+2 minutes to reform. During that time, combat is not possible until his body is partially reformed (after two minutes). On the other hand, he can't be hurt until he has a body that can be hit.

Hurricanes, earthquakes, etc. do full damage and do not require a strike roll above the A.R., since the damaging force is considered to be so powerful that it can damage everything.

Gases, ingested drugs, psionics, and magic have full effect. Injected drugs and chemicals have no effect.

In Rifts® the character becomes a mega- damagetm being with 200 and regenerates 1d6 per melee!
2. Increased Mass and Strength:
In the tar form, the character's weight is increased by 50% and speed drops by 25%. Strength in the tar form is considered Extraordinary and jumps to 14 +1d6 (if the P.S. is higher than 14 just add in the +1d6 bonus).
3. Adhesion:
Same as the minor super ability on page 228 of Heroes Unlimitedtm, but a residue of tar is left over. The adhesive power gives the character a +10 (in place of the usual +6 for other APS characters) to save vs knockdown or maintain balance when defending against heavy impacts. Note that the heavier weight of the tar- form might make adhering a little more difficult than expected.
4. Liquefy Body:
The character's body can temporarily become more liquid in nature. This state takes two melee actions to achieve (only one melee action if the liquification is restricted to a limb). During this time, all physical attacks do no damage. The character can also draw objects and people into his body and trap them. Consider this an entangle attack with a +6 bonus. If trapped, victims are cut down to one attack and no combat bonuses. It is easy to suffocate people by absorbing them, but that is something a hero would never do.
5. Tar Bolt:
Range: 25ft +5ft per level of experience.
Damage: 2d4 damage, +1 per level.
Duration: Instant
Bonuses: +3 to strike
In Rifts®: Double the range.

The character can expunge a bolt of sticky black tar, with about double the impact of a punch. If targeted at a limb or the face, that particular part of the body is entangled (or blinded, in the case of eyes). Such attacks require called shots, with a -2 penalty for arms and legs and a -4 penalty for hands or eyes. The tar can also be used to stick doors shut and bond feet to floors. To pull the tar off requires special chemicals or an Extraordinary or better P.S.

Animal Control

Created by Andrew Darling

This is the ability to summon, control, and see through the eyes of animals. The summoning is done as per the Animal Abilities power of the creature being summoned. The limits of this control power is managed as per the Control Others power. The 'Beastmaster' may also see through the eyes of any creature he is currently controlling provided that creature is within one mile per level of the Beastmaster.

Attribute Vampire

Created by the Cubist

This power allows the user to drain energy from others, reducing any of the eight basic attributes,,, hit points, A.R.,,, and Chi. These drained points are absorbed into the character's body, raising his own corresponding characteristics. Each touch can only drain one attribute or point score at a time. Greater supernatural beings like werewolves, vampires, godlings, demons, and dragons are impervious to this power. Minor ones like demigods, loogaroo, manticore, and Worms of Taut are vulnerable.

Stolen points can either be returned to the recipients by simply 'letting them go,' unless they have been used or spent (like or If a point score is reduced but not drained completely (see below), the points are recovered at the rate of 3 points per minute once the attribute points are released. Hit points,,,,, and Chi must be recovered naturally if not returned. The stolen A.R. points return at 1 point per minute.

Each draining attack requires a brief touch. The touch has a +2 bonus to strike, +1 more at levels three, seven, and eleven. Add in any P.P. bonuses, but no other bonuses are applicable.

Standard Drains: Special Drains: Note: Users of this power are immune to the Mimic major power due to the vampiric nature of this power. Those with the Multiple Lives major power can recover their levels by killing their current body and regenerating back to full in the next one. If any target's attributes are reduced to zero in this manner, the following occurs:
I.Q./M.E./M.A.: Brain dead, no hope of recovery except for healing magic and psionics. Magic restoration has 50% chance for full recovery, any other magic is probably useless. Psionic healing recovers 1 point per week until 10, then the point score recovers a point per day, until the target reaches the normal level.

P.S.,P.P.,Spd.: Physical deterioration, same chance of recovery as with mental attributes, otherwise the character slips into coma (roll as normal, but character will die within 2d6 days). In the weakened state, combat bonuses and attacks per melee are reduced to a third of the normal value.

P.E.: Death! 15% chance to recover through the Restoration spell, but even if the spell works, the P.E. is permanently reduced to half.

P.B.: Without restorative means, the victim is reduced to a leperous state where everyone avoids them and runs in fear of infection from them.

Hit Points: Death at -20 hit points (or more, if the victim has the ability to resist large amounts of negative hit point damage). The body crumbles and there is no hope of recovery beyond a miracle or divine intervention (hope you have Multiple Lives!)

Blowthrough Invulnerability

Created by Andrew Darling

This is an ability frequently attributed to werewolves, vampires and zombies. They can be shot, mangled, etc, but the damage heals as fast as it is occurring or it simply doesn't seem to faze the creature. As such, physical attacks do no damage to the character. He is still effected by all energy attacks, poisons, magic, psychics, etc. He heals from these attacks at twice the rate as a normal human being. Other abilities include a +1 P.E., +5d6, +4 to maintain balance, and +4 to roll with a punch, fall, or impact.

Chi Dependency

Created by Chris Gileppa

The characters lifeforce pattern needs to draw ambient lifeforce energy or Chi to thrive and grow.

1. Chi Absorbtion (automatic):
Range: Self
Duration: Constant

The character is constantly absorbing ambient lifeforce from the surrounding area as he passes through, the exact amount absorbed varies depending on the abundance of lifeforce energies in the area:

Abundant life force: Forests, swamps, etc. provide 2 Chi per minute.
Moderate life force: Mountains, tundra, etc. provide 1 Chi per minute.
Sparse life force: Cities, deserts, etc. provide 1 Chi every two minutes.

This power will also partially unravel and absorb Chi on contact, providing a saving throw vs Chi based effects, and halving the potential damage of Chi based attacks, however any Chi in excess of the characters maximum amount must be expended within the melee or be taken in damage.

This power causes a buildup of excessive amounts of Chi, which may be harmful to the character. To compensate for this a number of outlets are developed to utilize the excess Chi.

Note: This power will not absorb the lifeforce of living creatures.
2. Chi Focusing:
Lifeforce energy or Chi can be focused into two things:

Physical Aura (level 1):
Range: Radiates 1-2ft from self and can be extended to 1 other person within four feet at levels 4, 8 and 12.
Duration: 1 minute per 30 Chi

Lifeforce energy is focused into the characters physical aura, providing the aura with a tangible physical presence which enhances and protects the character. Hand to Hand Attacks (level 3):
Range: Self
Duration: Instant
Cost: 1 per 1d6 points of damage

Lifeforce energy is focused into a physical blow, inflicting large amounts of damage while protecting the limb itself from being damaged in the process. Lifeforce attacks bypass A.R. and will affect normally invulnerable creatures, including insubstantial creatures such as energy beings and ghosts.
3. Chi Harnessing:
Range: Self or others by touch
Duration: Varies

By harnessing lifeforce energies the character can repair physical damage, abate fatigue and malnutrition.

If used on self:
Abate fatigue for 1 hour per 5 Chi.
Abate malnutrition for 24 hours per 10 Chi.
Restore 2d6 hit points/ or 3d6 per 20 Chi.
If used on others:
Increases the survival rate (save vs coma/death) by 1% per 3 Chi.
Abate fatigue for 1 hour per 6 Chi.
Abate malnutrition for 24 hours per 12 Chi.
Restore 2d6 hit points/ or 3d6 per 24 Chi.
4. Life Force Channeling:
Level: 1
Range: Varies
Duration: Varies

The character can channel life force energies into his surroundings in its ambient form at a rate equal to his P.E. per minute. The energy is harmless and promotes growth in the area.
5. Chi Blast (level 3):
Range: 10ft per 2 Chi
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1d6 per 1 Chi
Cost: Varies
Special: +3 to strike aimed, +1 to strike wild, no bonus with simultaneous strike.

Fires a directed blast of kinetic lifeforce energy that bypasses A.R. and does full damage to normally invulnerable creatures. A 1d6 blast with a range of 10 feet costs 3 Chi, while a 4d6 blast with the same range of 10 feet would require 6 Chi.
6. Aura Effect (level 5):
Range: 10ft per 20 Chi
Duration: Instant
Damage: 1d6 per 10 Chi
Cost: Varies
Special: Automatically hits everything within area

Lifeforce bursts from the character in all directions, bypassing A.R., automatically hitting everything in the area, and inflicting full damage to normally invulnerable creatures. A 1d6 area blast with a 10ft radius of effect costs 30 Chi, while a 4d6 area blast with the same range of 10 feet would require 60 Chi.
7. Chi Vision:
Range: Equal to the normal visual range.
Duration: Constant

The character can actually see lifeforce energies their varying colours, patterns, complexities and intensities.
8. Sense Chi:
Duration: Constant
100ft for Robots
300ft for undead
600ft for normal living creatures
900ft for empowered/augmented creatures
1200ft for supernatural creatures
12000ft for gods
This sense covers all lifeforces from animals and plants to sentient beings and supernatural beings. All lifeforce patterns are different and the form of life is recognizable by the complexity of the pattern and its intensity.

The character can sense the number of lifeforces, the type of creature, and their general location when within range. The character can also recognise specific patterns that he has sensed before at 70% accuracy, +4% per level. A recognised pattern can then be tracked with 50% accuracy, +3% per level, whether it is within range or not, roll once every 200 metres.

It is difficult to surprise this character as he is bound to sense any animal, or living being within. The more powerful the lifeforce, the easier it is to sense. When within the limits of the character's sensing range for the type of creature add a +2 to initiative and a +1 to parry and dodge

When the creature comes close enough the character will automatically know what type of creature it is, its exact location, speed, direction and wether he has sensed it before. Within one tenth of the normal sensing range for the type of creature add an extra melee attack, +6 to initiative, and +3 to parry and dodge.
9. Other Bonuses and Abilities:10. Limitation:
The character needs to absorb five times his P.E. in Chi every day for his growth (level increase, still ages). This is done by altering the absorbed lifeforce to match your own, and takes one minute per point of Chi . It requires little concentration, but prevents the character from absorbing any more Chi while 'eating'.

If the character does not take the time to absorb the required lifeforce, he will not gain any experience that day. The absorption of Chi governs his essential growth.


Created by Andrew Darling

The character secretes highly caustic substances through his skin. As such, he can do 3d6 + 1d6 per level damage whenever he physically strikes someone, and 2d6 + 1d6 per level through casual contact. Strength bonuses are still applied to damage in strikes. This ability can be turned 'on' and 'off'. When this power is activated, the character's skin will dissolve clothing, weaponry he is holding, and anything else on his person. Nothing short of Bio-Aura or chemically treated clothing will protect his belongings.
1. Spray: The character can spray acid that does 3d6 + 1d6 per level. It will effect the target, doing 2d6 less per each round (applied at the end of the round), for a number of rounds equal to the characters level or until the damage dice run out. The range of this ability is very short, 20 feet plus five feet per level of experience.

2. Impervious to Corrosives and Gases: The character takes no damage from acids or toxic gases. However, the non-damaging effects of gases will have full effect - a gas that causes damage and nausea will only cause nausea in the character.

3. Acid Cloud: The character can secrete an acid cloud around his body that extends out ten feet plus one foot per level. Anyone who enters the cloud takes 1d6 per level and must make a save versus non-lethal poison or take another 2d4 + 1d4 per level directly to hit points from inhalation. This cloud does not obscure vision enough to cause penalties on strikes against the character.

4. Other Abilities:

Cosmic Twin

Created by Andrew Darling

This ability is based off the movie "Biggles". When the character is in danger (GM's discretion), another individual will appear out of thin air. Several hours after the danger has dissipated, the Cosmic Twin vanishes once more. It is always the same individual, and this person gets his own character sheet. He may be from anywhere in the world and any time. In "Biggles" one of the pair was a WWI fighter ace and the other was, I believe, a lawyer in the 1970's. Whenever one was in danger, the other would appear. (As you can imagine, the lawyer spent a great deal of time in WWI) There are usually certain similarities between the individuals ; they will share all super-powers for instance, one of them being Cosmic Twin. But, as is almost always the case, they will have radically different skills and personalities. The character and his cosmic twin get experience at exactly the same rate. It has been known on occassion for other people and even vehicles (biplane, helicopter) to be pulled along with the Cosmic Twin.

Danger Immunity

Created by the Cubist

This ability allows the character to temporarily become nearly impervious to harm, able to withstand vast amounts of damage and regenerate it almost instantaneously. This gives the character the ability to rush into danger and come out victorious. Note that the use of this power is concious. Therefore, if the user is struck from behind, ambushed, surprised, etc., then the power will not come into effect. It must be summoned, which requires one melee action to do. Once summoned, the power lasts until the situation that required it is no more and it fades within two minutes per level of experience. The character gains the follwing bonuses and abilities for that period of time: Conditions: The recipient of this power must purposely place himself in danger to activate the power. The bonuses do not apply against sneak attacks, sniper attacks, long range attacks where the enemy is not visible, or when the proper emotional state is not attainable - Empathic Transmission could actually be useful here! Even then, the power is dependent on one of the following emotional states (roll when the character is created):
01-15% Suicidal or deathwish
16-40% Overconfidence in the power
41-70% Incredible hatred or anger
71-85% Incredible love or goodwill
86-00% Clinical detachment to situation

Dark Soul

This power is the antithesis of the Karmic Power - only characters of an evil alignment may possess this power! As such, it is best reserved for NPCs, but I'm sure there's a few GMs out there who run campaigns where the players can be as bad as they wanna be...

1. Sense and Recognize Evil:
The character can sense supernatural or extraordinarily evil creatures. The range of this ability is 140ft +10ft per level and works just like the psionic ability of Sense Evil. The general number of the evil beings and their approximate distance away can be sensed. He can also recognize all creatures of supernatural evil such as vampires, shadow beasts, demons, devils, and supernatural entities even when they are shapeshifted.

Within visual range the character can judge alignment (only good, evil, or selfish) of sentient and near- sentient life forms. He also has an innate sense of the type of evil that is present in a Milton sense. He knows if the evil of the person in question is one of greed, lust, wrath, envy, gluttony, pride, and sloth. He then uses this to predict what acts the person may have committed - torture, rape, murder, slavery, assasination, theft, fraud, bribery, slaughter, genocide, etc. This ability works with any sentient or near- sentient creature. So, the crafty villain could probably figure out if a hero has some sort of dark side or has commited an act of evil in the past.
2. Influence:
The character resonates an unnaturally evil aura - one that allows him to be sensed by anyone scanning for supernatural evil. The character is +10% to intimidate any being that has a lower M.A. than he does. He is also +10% to invoke trust in evil beings, usually lackeys. With the ability to sense the nature of a person's evil, he is better able to manipulate and caress the egos of those who would carry out his plans (or who give him orders). For creative GMs and players, this aspect of Dark Soul will provide great roleplaying opportunities.

When up against any lesser evil being that he can intimidate, the character can make three M.A. roll to do so. One success means the creature is scared of the character. Two means that it will follow one command of the character - get out of here, don't point your weapon at me, etc. Three successes means that the being is friendly and/ or willing to work for the character, depending on how the roleplaying goes. Don't forget GMs, that one intimidated or loyal follower can convince a group of like creatures (or human criminals) that they should follow the character. Play it by ear, but remember that the character is sort of like evil royalty and has some influence.

It is also possible that the character will end up face to face with a equal or even superior evil force. If so, the same three M.A. rolls can be made. One success will grant the character his life (if it was in danger). Two will net the character a job offer. Three will acquire the previous employment opportunity plus a favorable response (they don't always go hand in hand) where the character might be put in charge of some lackeys on a trial basis. Of course, proving oneself is probably a necessity. The evil genius is smart enough to know that it can be advantageous to be a valued and loyal servant, so long as the pay is good and there are perks.
3. Horror Factor:
The character himself has a Horror Factor of 12, +1 more at every odd numbered level of experience after the first (or, add a +2 to a higher H.F.) He himself is also impervious to Horror Factors!
4. Psyche Out:
Any opponent that has recently failed a Horror Factor check against or has an M.A. less than the Dark Soul can be affected. I think GMs should require role playing when using this, but it isn't too vital (just fun!) The evil villain can taunt an enemy, engage in verbal karate with a hero, tell a story about himself, or allude to discovered secrets when challenging someone (whether in combat or conversation). He can do this with/ against one target at level one, plus one more at levels three, five, seven, ten, and twelve. Range is a 60ft radius (speaking and eye contact distance).

The result? People feel fearful, nervous, distracted, etc. and are able to focus. They then suffer a -10% on skill rolls, lose one attack, are -2 to strike, parry, and dodge, -1 on initiative, and suffer a -1 on all save throws against powers and effects of the Dark Soul.
5. Other Powers:
The character has the minor super ability of Extraordinary Mental Affinity. He may also select one of the following: Dark Aura, Energy Expulsion: Dark Bolt, Lifesteal, Magic Resistance, Nightstalking, Psionic Resistance, or Stealth Ability.
6. Other Abilities and Bonuses:

Death Factor

Created by Andrew Darling

For one reason or another (radiation, pheromones, nerve toxins, etc.) people take damage and die just from the character's presence. The damage dealt by the death factor is 1d6 direct to H.P. (or 1d4 per melee. The range of this effect is a radius of thirty feet plus five feet per level of the character. The damage is quite painful, though silent and invisible. The source will probably be completely unknown. This ability will not effect those in environmentally sealed armor but will pass through walls that are not air-tight and affect people protected with only gas masks or air filters. Magical creatures take half damage. Death Factor does not affect those with Healing Factor or immunity to poison. Note: This is an on/off power that affects friends as well as enemies - anyone within the targeted area of effect!

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