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Minor Powers

Minor Powers

Enhance Leaping
Personal Weapon
Heightened Metabolic Rate

Enhanced Leaping
The character is able to leap higher than normal. Able to leap tall buildings in single bounds are true in this case under certain circumstances.
Normal P.S.: Able to leap 50 ft. high and 25 feet. long.
Extraordinary P.S.: Able to leap 100 ft. high and 50 ft. long.
Superhuman P.S.: Able to leap 150 ft. high and 75 ft. long.
Supernatural P.S.:Able to leap 200 ft. high and 100 ft. long.

Other Bonuses:
+1D6 Spd.
+1D6 to all Kicks
+15 to S.D.C.

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The character has some sort of natural grappling hook/cord, that he/she can use for a variety of purposes. First is the swinging ability. The character can use the grapple to swing from building to building, etc..., similiar to Tarzan. One grapple/line comes from each wrist.
Swinging Speed : 20mph
Bonus while swinging : +4 Dodge
Length : The lines are both 100' long + 10' Per level, Line Length Variable
Damage : The character can swing into a foe, feet first as an attack. This does 3D6 Damage, and takes two attacks.
Note : Swinging takes one attack a round to maintain during combat. The character can also use the grapple/line as a offensive power. The line is shot out, and the grapple tries to attach to the opponent. This can be used twice per melee, and takes one attack each time used. If succesful, then the opponent is entangled, the player cannot use the arm used to entangle until he lets the power down, if both arms are used on different targets, then the player may not attack. The grapple can restrain a character with a PS up to 20. Any stronger, and target will not be affected. If both lines are used on one target, then the grapple can hold a character with a PS up to 30.
Length : Same as Swinging
The line is made of something that can be decided by the GM and Player, Exapmles are : Natural Resin, Energy Rope, Spider Web type material, etc... Rifts (tm) Note : This power is the same on Rifts as elsewhere

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Stealth(created by Unknown Person)
The hero possessing this power uses two distinctly different abilities:

Electronic Invisibility
A bio-aura surrounds this character, making him invisible to all cameras, electronic sensors, artificial optics, robots, etc... This power does not affect normal sight, unless the viewer is relying on an electronic means of perception.

An unusual power that enables the character to slip from other people's memory. An eyewitness will be unable to describe the character. People will wonder if they actually met the character or not. This can be a very useful power for heroes (or spies) who wish to remain anonymous but can be disadvantageous to those who rely on personal reputation or recognition. Base percentile: 30% plus 4% per level that anyone the character comes in contact with will forget exactly what they looked like (can remember gender and demeanor, but little else). 20% plus 5% per level that anyone else will have gaps of information about the person ("I think he said he was a Captain" or "I know his name started with an 'S', I think..."). 10% plus 2% chance per level that people will totally forget having met the person. This power is either "on" or "off", it cannot be made person-specific.

Bonuses Add +15% to Prowl. Note that Prowl is AUTOMATIC against electronics, sensors, robots, etc... Add +1D4x10 to S.D.C.

Penalties -1 to M.A. Automatic doors, sensors and walkways that are dependent on a human presence to activate will not open/start when this character approaches. This will prove inconvenient at best ("damn, ran into the door again"), and hazardous at worst ("Self destruct in 30... 29... 28...", "This emergency shuttle will not disembark until it is occupied.").

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Personal Weapon (created by Unknown Person)
In some cases, the character can create a weapon of glowing energy, not unlike a lightsabre. This can be used to strike and parry like an ordinary weapon. The character can turn the weapon on or off at will, and can be considered indestructible. In other cases, the character can generate fields of kinetic energy that are shaped like throwing weapons. Still more do not create a force weapon, but are somehow able to bond with a specific weapon and summon it at will The weapons are fully compatible with W.P. skill bonuses.

Weapon Type and Damage: Choose one or roll to determine type, then (for the thrown and hand-held weapons) pick a specific form. These are one time decisions only and cannot be changed later on. Each type of weapon has different properties.

Thrown Weapon (01-30%): These are weapons like short bows, shuriken, throwing axes, and throwing knives. The weapon has 20% more range than a normal weapon of its type, is +1 to strike when thrown (+1 more at levels four and eight), and cannot be held for much more than five seconds without dissapating. Whatever form the weapon takes (player's choice) it does 1d6 damage, plus 1d6 more at levels three, six, and nine. These weapons can be used to parry, but no bonus is granted. One melee action is needed to create and throw the weapon, not one to create and a second to use.

At level three, it is possible to generate two weapons and fire/ throw them at two different targets. However, the character cannot defend himself when doing so and the total strike bonus is divided evenly between both strike rolls.

Hand-Held Weapon (31-70%): These are swords, hand axes, machetes, staves, maces, and all manner of melee weapons. The hand weapon is +1 to strike and parry (for whips, change parry to entangle), +1 more to each at levels three and seven, in addition to whatever weapon proficiency bonuses the character might have. It requires one melee action to generate and can last for up to three minutes per level of experience before requiring re- creation. Others cannot use the weapon. The damage is pretty standard for all weapons, doing 3d6 damage plus 1d6 at levels three, six, and nine.

Disarming attacks are useless against the character's weapon (it can never be knocked away) but entanglement is a valid option. Of course, if the weapon is entangled the character can let it vanish and create a new one.

Summoned Weapon (71-00%): This power allows a character to bond a a hand weapon (such as a knife, small axe, small throwing weapon, short sword, or even a handgun) to his unique bio- signature. This allows him to summon such a weapon (or object) at will, teleporting it into his hand - this act requires one melee action. Bonding a weapon permanently costs one hit point and requires ten minutes of concentration (a first level character is assumed to already have one special, bonded weapon whose cost has already been paid). The character can bond one object at level one, plus one more at levels three, six, and nine. Bonding to a new weapon is of course possible if the limit is already possessed, but the cost must be paid again and an old bonded weapon returns to normal. Magic and psionic weapons can be bonded, but the bonding costs two hit points instead of one and the character may or may not be able to use any paranormal powers of such weapons if they require or

The summoning only works if the weapon is in range. The range is 900ft +100ft per level of experience. If it is in range, the character can sense it - and if it isn't in range, the character knows what direction it is in and about how far away. The maximum weight of the weapon is equal to one pound per two points of M.E. (an M.E. of 10 means you can handle up to five pounds, enough for the average handgun). The weapon can be loaned to, taken away, or disarmed by others and snatched right back via the character's minor teleportation power.

If the weapon is summoned as the character's first act of a melee the character gains a +2 bonus on initiative for that melee, due to the element of surprise. The weapon is also +1 to strike and parry (for whips change the parry to an entangle, for guns change the bonus to +1 to strike aimed and wild), but only in the hands of the character. It is also physically altered such that it can parry weapons wielded by beings with supernatural strength with no danger of breaking, and can parry mega- damagetm attacks.

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Heightened Metabolic Rate(created by Dan)

Description: The character has an incredibly heightened metabolism. The character is extremely "hyper," in constant motion. The character has to eat three times the normal amount of food each day to maintain his energy level, but never gains a bit of body fat.

+2 Attacks per Melee
+5 Intitiative
+2 Damage
+30 Hit Points
The character can also Jump or Leap twice as far as usual.

Limitations and Notes:

If the character fails to eat at least 5000 calories in a day he is distracted and suffers headaches and hunger pains. If the character fails to eat the required food (3x Normal Amount) for more than one consecutive day he loses the bonuses of this power, and is lethargic and stricken with sever hunger and headache pain. Starting with the third consecutive ill-nutrition day, the character loses an additional attack per melee and suffers -2 to all combat rolls. These penalties are cumulative for every consecutive day without enough food consumption. It takes as many days of eating the full amount to gain full strength as it did to lose the bonuses.
The character exudes a great deal of body heat, always feeling warm to the touch.
Note: I adapted this power from that given in Revised TMNT pg 46; it's a power available for mutant weasels. I like it a lot, and it seems to be both appropriate to the game setting and commonly used by comic characters.

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