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REF on Rifts Earth

Awesome pic done by the owner of the REF Rifts Earth Division Homepage

Many believe that when the Regis left Earth on 2038(39?), she 'destroyed' 98% of the Jupiter fleet. While this is mostly true, the amazing energy she put out also opened up numerous Rifts around Reflex Point and in the wake of her path. So, 5% of the present REF Fleet & ground forces weren't destroyed, instead, they were Rifted, most of them to Rifts Earth.

At first there was much confusion among the Robotech Forces, the fleet that had arrived (3 Ikazuchi Carriers, 5 Garfish Troop Carriers, 10 MTA Titans, and 12 Horizont Shuttles) was immediatly attack by the Mutants in Space, but with the superior technology of the cruisers, they were able to avoid destruction. For the next year, there would only be scattered groups of REF Cyclone Riders, Destroids, Veritechs, and ground troops trying to adapt to the new world that they had been thrust into. During this time, the REF learned of the many superpowers in this new world, Coalition States, Lazlo, Tolkeen, Federation of Magic, etc. The forces were most angered by the acts of the CS, so, with the many old guerilla tactics coming back to them, they began making hit and runs on CS Supply lines, ruining public executions of D-Bees and magic users, and making blatant acts of resistance against the CS.

Then, in 102 PA, the fleet had broken through and landed on where Macross Island was on Rifts Earth, they then sent out an encrypted signal across North America, nearly every REF member picked it up and responded. And so, began the strenous task of rebuilding there weakend forces. They scraped 1 Garfish, and turned the metal and mechanisims in it to make a small production facility. Then, they began using the same techniques that the SDF-1 did, to build a new city, Rifts Macross.

In 103 PA, the REF started to expand it's influence, starting small havens for those opressed by the manaical CS. One of these havens was built in California, Oregon, and New Mexico. Over the course of this year, the Robotech Defenders were working on developing, and adapting new technology and armour.

Then, in 104 PA, a there was a large suprise, the SDF-3 had appeared in Earth Orbit. Immediatly HQ contacted the SDF-3. The SDF-3 landed on Rifts Macross. It seemed, that when the SDF-3 made it's fold to Earth for the 3rd Assault wave, there was a fold malfunction and the ship spent the next 3 years traveling through time & space and just happened to pop up above Rifts Earth. Now, with the SDF-3, the REF begins production anew, making the new Shadow Fighters (VAF-8 and 9), Betas (VBF-2 and 3), Cyclones (alll VR-1XX types) weapons (Gallant H-95 & 1000), armour (CVR-4 and 4C), and they began cultivating the flower of life for use in the city reactors, and protoculture cells.

In 105 PA, the REF had expaneded it's cities, having 3 actual cities in each of the states of California, Nevada, Oregon, Arizona, and Washington.

By 106 P.A. The REF has become a moderate power on Rifts Earth. Given about 2 more years they might become a match for the CS or "True" Federation of Magic.

Sections on the REF in Rifts.

REF Cities
REF Mecha Complement on Rifts Earth
REF's Relations
REF Rifts Earth Timeline

REF Bionics
REF Missile Table
REF New Mecha & Vehicles
REF Rifts Earth O.C.C.s/R.C.C.s
Rifts Protocutlure Upgrades
REF Upgrades
REF Weapons & Equipment

The Coalition States Veritech Fighter
