Goddesses of Olympus

Achelois~A Moon Goddess
Adikia~Goddess of injustice
Adrastia~An early goddess of Necessity
Aglaia~ One of the Graces, Goddess of Splendor
Alethia~Goddess of Truth
Amphitrite~ Goddess of the Seas
Aoede~Boeotian Muse of Song
Aphrodite~Goddess of love
Arete~Goddess of Virtue
Artemis~Goddess of the hunt
Ate~Goddess of mischief
Athena~ Goddess of Wisdom
Atropos~One of the Fates, Cuts the thread of life
Aura~Goddess of breezes
Auxesia~Goddess of Growth, and agriculture. Identified with Demeter
Calliope~ Muse of epic poetry
Cer~Goddess of Violent Death
Carya~Goddess of the Walnut tree, Intelligence, and creativity.
Chloris~Goddess of flowers, shrubs, and shady places
Circe~A Goddess of destiny and magic
Clotho~Youngest of the Fates, spins the thread of life
Clio~Muse of History
Core~Goddess of Spring, Persephone before her abduction by Hades
Cotytto~ Goddess of debauchery
Delia~A Moon Goddess
Demeter~Goddess of grain,seasons,and agriculture
Destiny~The Goddess of Destiny, with the Fates
Dike~One of the Hours, Goddess of justice
Doris~an Ocean deity
Eileithyia~Goddess of childbirth
Eirene~One of the Hours,Goddess of Peace
Enyo~Minor deity of War and Disaster
Eurybia~a sea goddess
Eos~Goddess of the dawn
Erato~Muse of song
Erida~Goddess of Hate
Eris~Goddess of Discord,spite,and quarrels
Eunomia~ One of the Hours,Goddess of Harmony
Euphrosyne~One of the Graces,Goddess of joy and festivity
Eurynome~The Moon, A creation goddess
Euterpe~ Muse of Lyric poetry and song
Fates~Three future-bearing goddesses,Goddesses of destiny,fate,and death, see Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos
Gaia~The Earth,closest form of an earth-goddess
Geras~ Personification of old age
Graces~ Three Goddesses of peace and joy,see Aglaia,Euphrosyne,and Thalia
Hebe~ Goddess of youth and rejuvination
Hecate~Goddess of magic and the cross-roads
Hemera~ Goddess of the Day, daughter of Nyx and Erebus
Hera~Queen of the Gods
Hespera~ Goddess of the dusk
Hestia~Goddess of the hearth
Hours~ Three goddesses who regulated the seasons. see Eunomia, Dike, and Eirene
Io~ Identified with the Egyptian Goddess, Isis
Iris~The Rainbow Goddess
Lachesis~One of the Fates, she measured the thread of life
Leucothea~ White-Goddess, minor sea-deity
Maia~Goddess of the Fields
Melete~Boeotian Muse of practice
Melpomene~Goddess of Tragedy, one of the 9 Muses
Metis~ Goddess of Prudence, mother of Athena
Mneme~Boeotian Muse of Memory
Mnemosyne~Mother of the Muses, Goddess of Memory
Moira~ Early Goddess of Fate
Muses~ Nine Goddesses of the arts, song,enlightenment. See under the individual names
Nemesis~ Goddess of divine revenge
Nike~ Goddess of Victory
Nyx~ Goddess of Darkness and Night
Pallas Athena~ see Athena
Peitha~Goddess of Persuasion
Persephone~ Queen of the Underworld, Goddess of Spring, colorer of flowers
Pheme~ Goddess of Fame and Report
Philyra~ lesser sea deity
Phoebe~ A Moon Deity and also a Titan
Poeria~ Goddess of Pursuasion
Polyhymnia~ Muse of song and geometry
Potnia~ Goddess of nature, vegetation, and fertiliy
Praxidike~Goddess of enterprises and retribution
Rhea~ Former earth goddess, mother of the Olympians
Selene~ Goddess of the moon
Semele~ a Goddess of love and fertility
Styx~ Goddess of the River Styx
Terpsichore~ Muse of Dancing
Thalia~Muse of Comedy, Lady of Masks
Thalia2~One of the Graces, Goddess of rejoice
Thea~ Goddess of Light
Themis~ Goddess of Necessity and Justice, mother of Fates and Hours
Thetis~ A Sea Deity
Tyche~Goddess of Luck
Urania~Muse ofastronomy and astrology
Email: mnemosyne2@juno.com