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Goddess of the Moon. Daughter of Hyperion and Theia, sister of Eos and Helios. Selene had a very pale face, wore a crescent moon on her head, had white wings, and carried a torch. She fell in love with a young king named Endymion and the two had fifty daughters who represent the lunar cycle. She put him asleep in a cave to stay young for all time. Their son was Narcissius, the vain youth. Selene was identified with Artemis. But Selene was the Full Moon Goddess. She was one of the deities of Light during the dynasty of the Titans. By Zeus, she is said to be the mother of Pandia(all bright) and Ersa(Dew). Selene was the Guardian of Sorceresses and Magicians. She also influenced in the making of love charms.
