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Featuring the Work of Photographer/Artist Phillip Dawson

The purpose of this gallery is to share with you some of my work.  Some striking surreal image combinations and some examples of my natural history and scenic photographs.

If you like what you see, please share it with your friends. Please come again; I will be adding more photographs as I get them scanned.

 New Photographs added on 2 November 1999


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       For those of you who may be interested: 

      Have a look at some other favourite sites of mine 

         If you're interested in purchasing a print of any Photograph exhibited


       You are visitor numberSince 5 December 1998

       If you have any comments, suggestions, observations, etc. (or offers of work )
     please feel free to email me at:

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    Thank You for taking the time to view my Gallery

            Smile!! You could appear in the next gallery 

This site last amended on 6 June 2000