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Name: Ohad Einbinder
Nickname: Ohaddie
Date Of Birth: March 13th, 1982
Place Of Birth: Jerusalem
Sign: Pices
Height: 5'11"
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown wiht Red and Blonde Highlights
Where He Lives Now: Ontario,Canada
Status: none of our business.. hehe
Family Status: Family of 5, 2nd youngest
Favourite Color: Baby Blue
Guiltiest Pleasure: Eating Junk Food
Favorite Flavor of Chips: Plain
Favorite Dance Move: The Moonwalk (he is really good at it too)
What He Looks 4 In A Girl: " A girl has to be really open, she has to be really fun to be around, she has to be really cuddely"
What He Loves: Singing, moonwalking, dancing, performing, his fans, his fmaily, his car, pickles, Noodles
Favorite Singers: Mariah Carey, BoysIIMen, Michael Jackson
Favorite B4-4 Songs: Thats How I Know, Go-Go
What He Would Bring On A Deserted Island: Fans, Fans, Fans
His Best Friends: Ryan and Dan Kowarsky
Ohad On Get Down: "Basically the song is about give and take in a relationship. You know you can't take without giving in a relationship so...I mean, get down is an expression and it can mean alot of things so..."
Ohad On Making Get Down: "My feet were like, going to break in half"


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