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Poems Love


Been a Long Time

Each day is getting by
And I want you to know
I love you so.
I think about you when I cry.
I think about you when the laughter
Fills my eyes.
To the circle I have gone
And danced with you,
I would from dusk to dawn.
I want you to know
As each day is getting by
I love you so,
Even when I say dohiya.
My tears all fall
To hold your hand
Embrace in your hugs
My Cougar Band.
Each day is getting by
And I want you to know
I love you so,
Even when I haven't seen
You smile
For quiet some time.

In The Moonlight

My sweet love
Shy in the dark
It's like it's the first time
I've ever opened my eyes
I can see you know
Accepting of every part of me
I can feel the comforting warmth
In your soft touch
Like some deep secret I unfold
In your arms
Meeting eyes in the moonlight
Sharing breath
Passionate touches, tender caress
Like coaxing some deep secret inside
That was never mine before
Your whispers along my neck
A touch returned I gaze from deep within
Like a permission to unleash myself
And in it my fingertips trace down
The soft curves of you
Lips that touch
Awakened by your sighs, your touch
Your breath
It's like it's the first time
I have ever opened my eyes in the dark
Taking in your wonderous smell
You awaken me
Slow and exploring in the wonder
Of your precious openness to me
Two vulnerables, complete in passion
Pleasure, slow flame kindeling
Unraveling in your askance
Revealing like a force you will from me
From unknowns I have had yet to know myself
Your caresses awakening me like a coax
To unleash
Warm, vibrant energies like a tone we share
And it feels like it's the very first time
I've ever opened my eyes in the dark
And there you lay in the moonlight in my gaze
In my senses, timid to explore you, complete you
Warm, inviting, gentle caress, tender sighs
Whispering along my neck
I return with the depths of all that had ever been
Releasing myself to you, washed in your ecstasy
Complete in our passion
I can see you know what may lay within me
What fears hold me back from letting go
When I met you my love I saw a panther
In your manhood
And I touch, wondering what you see gazing back
These things inside me you awaken
From so deep down inside to share with you
Like it's the very first time I have opened my eyes
In the dark
Feeling like the woman who barely has come out
From being the child
Making me feel possible, existing, alive, ecstasy
In the moonlight

Quiet Gaze

When I looked into your eyes
Soft brown
Quiet gaze
You barely smiled
My love
A face I could look apon forever
A soul I could kiss in tender hold
Till death do us part
I would have never imagined
We would fall in love
Broken hearts
Reaching past all those walls
All those thorns
So much need for each other
Like desperate wildfires
Waiting for the kindel
To touch fingertips and cast our look
There you are
So I am
My love
When I look into your eyes I see everything
We share
Allowing me all respect and freedome
Allowing me the tears that fell into your chest
Held in your arms
From miles and miles of heartbreak
Allowing me the weakness
And all in turn
When I touch your face and hold you the same
Strong for each other
No matter how long it takes
In it together
My twin flame
The half who makes me whole
My anchor, my guide, my lover
My calming waters to the storms
My storm in the calm
In your eyes I see the quiet man
Soft brown
Slow smiles
The quiet whisper in your precious form
I love
There you are
So I am

Mystical Touch

Mystical touch
I'm so entranced by you
Tender touch
A whisper
And I am washed through in pleasure
By your strength
Your hold
Your sighs
I'm so entranced by you
Gentle wonder
The brush of your hair against my skin
Embraced in my memories
As a wordless comfort
Mysterious love
Taking my desires from me
So sweetly
Embracing my exstacy
My terrors
My inner most
So delicately
I'm so entranced by you
Tender touch
The trace of your soft lips
The strength of your arms
As if I'm pulled from my seat
Into the depths of a kiss
In enchanted dreams
Mysterious love
I'm so entranced by you

Spider To The Fly

At one time there was a spider
It was not a good spider like the ones
That weave of dreams and wonders
Not like the spiders I admire at night
Wickedly beautiful poised on roses
Or splayed on silver webs against
The cast of a night filled with stars
Nobody cool and awesome like Spiderman
The spider I saw
Captured and rolled up its prey to eat
They were the only liar
Setting the stage to play the game
Always one step ahead
One would have to be wiser to catch him
One would have to know a few different steps
To slip off of his web
And see that fear in his eyes, how he missed
His calculation of the stalk
He's the kind of spider who does not love
But wants and lusts and feeds on his deceptions
And you the possession
The little fly in his secret hold, all to himself to play.
He sits on your head like a vice with a nasty smile
And when he claws you'll be quiet
Because he thinks of ways he could run off with his fly
Like any predator his prey
So it is safer to say you opease him and love his chair
Love his chair
Can't wait to get away in such a way to his game
One just slips off the web, suprising
And hope and fear for another few years
He'll never return or find you
And you shadow and hide and lock deep down inside
Terrorfied in general
That face, is that his car? Is that him when the phone rings
And no one will answer?
Will I sleep tonight when cars drive down my street too slow
Will I ever trust a man again
Because he laughed, my emotions were so much fun
To play with
Let's see what kind of affect we can get out of her today
And ha ha ha, my stupid tralk, you'll think and talk and walk
And dress and have me
As I want it
It seems like there is nothing this kind of spider
Can't get away with
And years down the road when he's all gone
There is still emotional baggage
Is that one taking me for a ride? Is this one going on
Like I'm a game? Who's playing with my head?
It's myself
Nice and paranoid
And all the shades down on the windows
I don't want to play
In a game that won't end
What kind of healing do I have for that one?
If I touch or reach out, what did you say to me?
Is it safe

That Pain

That pain of where you once were
So deep into my soul we were twins
So deep into my heart and mind
I knew your every being and thought
So much sadness was filled in you
My first true love
Haunting me, hurting so much
To love you
The whispers of your heart such passion
Deep into my spirit where I'll never
Be the same
That pain
So far down into my being having left you
Left me
I still think of your face and where you
Might be now
Doing now with your airbrush paintings
My heart cries even as I love my mate
Though the trial I faced was such a hard one
Two love you
My loyalties very strict back then
Love only one, or that's what they had said
To love him
After you were gone
You were gone
And it hurts so much
That pain
I parted from someone so precious to me
So deep, so eternal
Our bodies just in the way
And I can't stop feeling this way
The way I have loved you always
Haunting me
Where in those dreams I still touch your face
My spirit ripped apart
Because I still miss you
And I love this man warm and beautiful beside me
And I still see whispers of your face
Haunting me
That pain inside me so hurt, so deep
Wishing you could still be apart of my life
And knowing that can't be
And I want to give my love beside me
My everything
Even more than I could give you
When this heart and spirit opens to him though
I cry so deep
From so many pains

Wolf Howl, Eagle Cry

Stark bright.
The golden sun beams
Abreast the blue ocean.
White beach,
Where my footsteps
Teardroped along the
Cool sand.
Ocean waves splash
With eaves of passionate
Reach for the coastline.
Crashing against the rocks,
Sheened with rainbows,
Creator, Father.
My comfort so deep within
Even when my hope has gone,
Drift to sea through the tide.
Off, into beyond.
Where it set sail
The powerful winds
And heard was the cry,
The Eagles lone scream,
Tracing across the sky,
To my master,
Where my beloveds
Go home.
My footprints
Across the pearl.
My love.
My love.
My beloveds.
Angles around your sails,
Eagel cry.
And Wolf howls so deeply
A long, lone gentle cry,
Profoundly mourn,
Where footprints
Like teardrops along the shore,
Following the sail until the last
Shaft of the mast,
Setting in the dawn.
My love.
My love.
My beloveds.
Going home.
Wolf howl.
Eagle cry.


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