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Welcome to 

Posterity Club


This Site is continually under construction and is being created specifically for the advancement of the understanding of the posterity as recognized in the preamble to the Federal Constitution. If you do not understand what that means, this web site is for you.

We intend to make this Site the example of what all other legal research Sites should be. Emphasis will be on Common Law and Constitutional studies -- Nothing in the way of statutory schemes will be found here, unless in strict compliance with the spirit and intent of the founding instrument.

The correct interpretation of the Law will be examined, with a view toward dispelling improper and inappropriate status quo perspectives of law, as well as laying to rest many of the "patriot myths" that abound.


  Constitutional Law
  Case Studies

Important Concepts to understand:

NEW! - Click here for the Newest Comments from POSERTITY CLUB Moderators

The 14th Amendment - Dismantling the Republic
The First Amendment - What does "freedom of religion" really  mean?
The Federal Reserve (Are Patriots Misguided?)
Article III Courts Today- Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely
The truth About The "War Powers Act"
Is the Government really operating as a Private Corporation?
Wives in Marriage: What's their Lawful and Spiritual status?
Republican Form or Regional Form of Government?
Expatriation: Suicide to citizenship
So, You think Social Security is a Contract?
Identifying legal process: Is it judicial, legislative or executive?

Eradication of State Boundaries

Regional Areas set up under Social Security
Federal Areas set up by Zip Codes
District Counsel by Regions

Important Case Studies

The Slaughterhouse Cases
Crosse v The Board of Education
Van Valkenburg v Brown
Ex Parte Knowles
Dred Scott

Email Archives
A Compilation of various Email correspondence between the editors of BEHOLD! News Letter and others.

Other Sites

Statutes at large 1789-1873
The Fall of the Republic
Expose on Romans XIII relating to Civil Government

Materials Available for Study:

Anyone wishing a free copy of the most current catalog of
available materials, please send a private request to Jerry at

Posterity Club Discussion Group:

To expand your understanding of the Law, join a
discussion group that will change your views on
the Law once and for all. To Join,
Click Here! Or, send a blank e-mail here.

Contact Information:

Email Jerry at