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Wall of fox-face emas in a smaller shrine.

I'm not really certain what these are either...

Sacred rope and paper hanging over small painted torii gates.

Deborah standing behind the sacred tree with torii hanging precariously on it.

Bibs around sacred rocks, some carved or found resembling foxes.

yay!! bamboo!

One can apparently camp on shrine grounds, as long as one does not burn them down.

Really nifty dragon statue with gold decoration.

Another cute little shrine, more homey, further up the mountain. There are many rundown houses up here, at which the monks who take care of each shrine live.

A "make-your-own-ema" table.

Thousands of paper dolls. These have a similar function as ema, but can be used to assume your problems, like the doll takes your illness and then you leave it at the shrine, a symbol of leaving your illness behind, etc.

Beautiful woven paper strands.

Front of the dragon

Praying Buddha.

Bamboo mat.

Bamboo well.

Cloeseup of more bamboo trees... some were eight inches in diameter or larger.

Evil chickens? Your guess is as good as mine.

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Birthday photos!!
(Infamous) Trip to Galveston
Moving Jimmy and Stephanie to Wisconsin
The last few pre-departure pics!
First set of pictures from Japan!
First week in Japan, pictures from the dorms
Osaka Castle pics Osaka Castel pics Page2

Home, sweet home pics