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Oh Houston, how we despise thee... let us count the ways...
1. Crappy service
2. Lars' stolen bag
3. 5 people in one car
4. Sharp ocean rocks that bit our feet
5. Tiny stinging jellyfish
6. Blowout on the way home.

Jimmy and Stephanie at FishTales

Stephanie and Lars at FishTales

Carrie and Lars at FishTales

Josh and Carrie at FishTales

Josh and Jimmy at FishTales

Galveston Cemetery... very cool. I'm already there!

Inner Tube from HELL.

Lars and Jodi in Dallas-Spaghetti Warehouse (nummy bread!!)

There went my TIRE!!!!!!

Group photo (minus me and Steph!) Jody, Jimmy, Josh, Lars
Birthday photos!!
Moving Jimmy and Stephanie to Wisconsin

Home, sweet home PICS pics