
In the early 20th Century William Irvine's evangelical Protestant movement began to grow on the strength of his forceful preaching of religious revival throughout Ireland and beyond. Today the Workers and Friends meet discretely in private homes and isolated rural convention grounds for worship and fellowship with each other. They shun most aspects of "organized" religion and the secular world including television, internet, church buildings and formally educated clergy. They are known by many names including The Truth, The Way, The Church Without a Name, The Friends, Christian Conventions, 2x2's, and others. The purpose of this site is to examine their various doctrines from the context of Scripture, history, and tradition. I do not claim to be a biblical scholar, but I am educated and literate enough to offer my analysis with reasonable confidence in its veracity.
I am also a convert to the Roman Catholic Church. As a card-carrying member of the Jesuit Ninja Attack Force I am always willing to confront the numerous misconceptions both current and former 2x2 members seem to have regarding the Roman Catholic Church. In particular, one professing member named Nathan Barker has repeatedly borne false witness not only in his claims about the origins of the "Truth", but also in his misrepresentations of Catholic doctrine and history; therefore, some of PTO's content will focus on presenting the true Catholic doctrine and history.

"That a heresy is a half-truth is a very old and familiar example of a whole truth, but a truth that is not often realised as a whole...If we look back on history we shall see it largely encumbered and crushed with half-truths; we shall wonder how it happened so often that a whole age or generation was content with a half-truth, without making the faintest effort to find the other half...It may be that we shall never fully understand why our fathers did it, for we certainly do not in the least understand why we do it ourselves." - G.K. Chesterton