Antioch Cattery was named for the city of seven hills, where the term "Christian" was first used. We are a small cattery in central Ohio, and our cats live with us as family members. We have been working with Turkish Angoras since 1989. We are long-time members in good standing of the CFA Turkish Angora Breed Council and the TICA Breed Section. We cherish all cats, but the Turkish Angora shines out above all. The intelligent, elegant, and fun-loving cats are our companions in our home, and we enjoy their playful antics and their loving devotion. We have worked for many years to preserve and protect the purity, health, and exceptional temperament of our chosen breed, with a special emphasis on building healthy pedigrees. As a result, we enjoy winning occasionally at cat shows, and our cats have made a solid reputation as show cats over the years. However, our emphasis continues to be on the health and welfare of the cats themselves.
 Turkish Angoras at the Ankara Zoo
We cherish the Turkish origin of our breed, and sometimes work with cats that come to us direct from Turkey, or from breeders who work with cats from Turkey. We avoid the controversy of colorpoint colors in our lines, seeking a lovely moderate style that incorporates the distinct features that seperate our breed from the Persian, while avoiding an "oriental" look. Preserving and protecting our cats should be one of the goals of Turkish Angora fanciers everywhere. The Antioch Cattery pages are full of information about Turkish Angora cats, kittens, rescue, health, and personality.