A Canadian's opinion piece
on this mischievous deception
The hysteria surrounding the Year 2000 computer bug
will be the biggest money-making hoax in my lifetime.
This web-site, originally created in the Fall of '97,
is my way of congratulating everyone involved in
this elaborate and perfectly-executed scam.
Well done!
I’m in awe of the people who inflated this issue from a simple
computer problem into mythical proportions. I don’t want it
stopped; I’m eager to continue to watch the hoax unfold.
There is no way it can be stopped anyway as far too
many people have an interest in this being
perceived as a big problem. No one
who’s making money on it or whose
reputation is on the line is
going to drop their poker
face until 01/01/00.
This is a simple and important computer issue
that must be examined. Any company, organization,
or government that does nothing is inviting disaster.
click on an eye to see a truth ...WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?
A simple explanation on what the millennium bug is all about.WHY IT'S GREAT
It has all the elements to make it a great scam.WHY THIS SITE EXISTS
My insidious, ulterior motive exposed.
WILD VIEWER FEEDBACK, last updated December 31, 1999 A.D.
- Read snippets of the newest emails, some with:
- "The world just thrives on disaster after disaster."
- "I deeply admire your faith in your belief"
- "Your not a very intelligent Canadian"
- Send a response yourself.
Check out the weird and wonderful Email Archives:
1999 #3, 1999 #2, 1999 #1, 1998 #3, 1998 #2, 1998 #1
When does 'It' start? And what about Christ and those Survivalists?A SKILLET OF SCEPTICS
Links to every Y2K sceptic in the world.
Beware of the sneaky millennium bug! It goes by a lot of names. Take a look at its aliases below, but be sure not to repeat them out loud three times.
- milenium bug (one l, one n)
- millenium bug (two ls, one n)
- milennium bug (one l, two ns)
- Y2K
- Y2K computer bug
- Year 2000 bug
- Year 2000 crisis
- Year 2000 virus
- Year 2000 problem
- The Oh-oh Problem
- Computer Crisis of 2000
- The End of the World As We Know It
I make no money on this site. In exchange for hosting this free site, the banners at the top are placed there by Angelfire who receive all revenue the ads may generate.
Number of visitors since July 20, 1998 A.D.: