To Become a member of the CowHead Cult Just E-mail me. E MAIL ME!!!! I Need more people willing to die trying to take over the government etc etc. Already up to three members!!! well including myself. Plus when you join you get to umm.. be in my cult!!! So Join today! acowinabox@aol.com As soon as I get some more members the CowHead cult newsletter will start up. When you get a membership you get such benefits as -Not being wiped off the face of the planet when the year 3000 comes, yes teh year 3000, sure you might be dead by then, but if you're not.. you will be -Not having your soul tormented by stampeding cows for all of eternity -And most of all, if you stay in the Cult for over 10 years you get a free dental plan! So join today or The All mighty CowHead will not look kindly upon you when judgment day comes. Remember the clock is ticking....

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Email: acowinabox@aol.com