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Fair Lawn High School
Alumni Center

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Bonaccolto, Mike (added 1/15/06)
Westfield NJ
Hello all, I graduated from William Paterson University with a BA in Business. I have been working at Goldman Sachs for several years and a few other Wall Street firms. I recently got married. We just bought a beautiful house and have been fixing it up. I would love to hear from old classmates and friends. Please email me!!

Bragin, Audrey (Married Name: Gross) (updated 2/20/04)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Hi, all! I graduated from William Paterson with a BA in Special Education. In addition to being a teacher, I am also a wife & the proud mother of two beautiful children. I'm so glad to see that all of you have earned much deserved success. Hope to hear from you soon!

Burtt, Christopher (added 4/20/07)
Springport, MI
Hey there! A lot has happened in the (OMG!) 17 years since leaving FLHS... and I won't bore you with the gory details. Suffice to say, I somehow ended up in Michigan and married to a girl from California. Don't ask me how that happened... I'm still trying to figure it out myself. We have a beautiful house out in the country and have four wonderful children together... 2 boys, 2 girls. I'm a professional geek, running my own IT consulting business. I also write about...
surprise!... computers and technology, and have been published in quite a few industry/non-industry mags and newspapers. I'm really not quite sure how all that happened either, since I originally set out to teach history. For the record, Michigan is probably the worst place to attempt to find a decent bagel or pizza. Every time I visit FL I am compelled to gorge on bagels, and pizza from Johns. Feel free to shoot me an email...
I'd love to hear from some old classmates.

Claus, Timothy (added 11/11/98)
Denver, CO
I graduated from the University of Colorado with a degree in finance & International Business. Currently going back to get my Masters in finance. Working as a Stock Broker @ Charles Schwab & Co Inc. here in 
Denver. Just having a great time . Would like to here from any one back home, so send me some mail.

Einhorn, Michele (Married Name: Villano) (updated 8/15/05)
Colonia, NJ
Hi All! Update. I recently got married on July 28, 2002. We've bought a house in Colonia, NJ and been fixing it up...just about done...FINALLY! I'm working at HealthSTAR Communication in Woodbridge, NJ as an Executive Assistant and helping with my husband's video business Love to hear from you.

Ent, Jeff (added 8/20/00) or
Bordentown, NJ
Graduated from Trenton State College 1995. Work in the film/video business.
Still cant find a bagel better then from Fair Lawn.

Felice, Dawn (updated 12/28/2002)

Elmwood Park, NJ
I graduated with a degree in Paralegal and am currently working for a law firm in Hawthorne, New Jersey. I am also pursuing an acting career and have been on a cable soap opera, a New York city play and have done various film shorts. Check out my website at I am also very busy keeping physically fit. I would love to hear from old classmates, please e-mail me!

Gougler, Christine (married name: Dooley) (added 9/11/00)
Lewisville, NC
"Hello all! Glad to see everyone is doing well. I graduated with a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Drexel University in 1995. From there, I moved to North Carolina, where I work as a Senior Mechanical Engineer at Tyco Electronics Ltd.. My husband Kevin and I own a house in Lewisville, NC. We love living here but miss our family and friends tremendously. Would love to hear from anyone back send me an email!

Grossman, Jeff (added 8/1/05)
New York, NY
Hello all! After graduating from college at Binghamton, I went to law school at NYU and have been living in New York City ever since. I practice First Amendment/Media Law at the firm of Hogan & Hartson, and live on the Upper East Side with my wife Lisa (we got married in 2000) and our two-year-old daughter Maya.

Herrmann, Lisa (Married Name: Dunneback) (added 10/28/04)
2136 West Monroe Street, Unit 204, Chicago, IL 60612
Hey everyone! Just came across this site and thought I'd check in. After graduating from William Paterson College in 1994, I started working in healthcare..... and have been ever since. I started out with a Nursing Home Company then went to Kessler Rehabilitation Corp. and now work for a Pharmacy. I met my husband 3 years ago and ended up moving to Chicago. We got married August 28th, 2004 and honeymooned in Tahiti, Bora Bora and Moorea.... Everything was wonderful and its nice to finally get started in our new lives as a married couple. Almost 2 months and going strong! :) Hope to hear from you guys and definitely let me know if you ever plan a trip to Chicago.

Kaplan, Matt (updated 6/30/00)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Hello all! I graduated from Rutgers Law in 1998 and clerked for a judge on the New Jersey Superior Court Appellate Division for a year. Following my clerkship, I moved back home and started working for a labor and employment defense firm in Newark. Please drop me a line and tell me how you are!

Loffredo, Dorothy (married name: McManus) (added 9/15/98)
Phoenix, AZ
Hi everyone. I would like to hear from old classmates and friends

Mezzanotte, Paul (added 10/6/00)
Haledon, NJ
Greetings! I Can't believe it's been 10 years already. After attending BCC for Psychology, I went the Navy Seabees. There I worked as a steelworker erecting all kinds of small structures on the West Coast. Other small accomplishments include, my AA in Business Management, licensed as a Massage Therapist, and certification as an EMS For the last 5 years, I have been with a Construction Firm in Franklin Lakes, NJ as a Remodeling Consultant. I am doing GREAT, & love my career. Drop me a line, I would love to hear from you.

Niebuhr, Jean (Married Name: Borne) (added 12/28/04)
Baltimore, MD
I've been a lurker for some time and have finally decided to post. My husband and I moved to Maryland in 1998. I "work for no pay" as a stay at home mom to my two kids, Jessica (7/00) and Christopher (9/02). My husband, Craig, recently finished law school and we are looking ahead to the next phase of our lives. We're in NJ pretty frequently. There's a bagel shop nearby that's decent, but not quite as good as the place on Saddle River Road.

O'Donnell, Christine
New York, NY
I am finishing up my third and final year at Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law and am hoping to pursue a career in media law.

Pagano, Elisa (added 5/16/01)
Collingswood, NJ
I hope this message finds everyone well. After graduating from William Paterson University in 1994, I worked in the financial district of NYC for a few years. When I decided I needed a change, I went back to school. I just finished up my second year at Rutgers University School of Law in Camden. I am also engaged to a wonderful guy and we are planning a wedding for August of 2002. Hope to hear from former classmates and friends...

Pelc, Jonathan (Updated 7/19/07)
76 Horizon View Drive, Farmingville, NY 11738
I am currently a Service Center Manager for UPS Freight on Long Island. I moved up to Rhode Island for several years and finally made my way back closer to home again. I have a wonderful wife Stephanie, to whom I have been married for 10 years now. I have a 9 month old son, Nicholas who is the greatest gift, I could have ever received. Glad to see everyone is doing great. Anyone who wants to reach me can e-mail me at

Pollack, Lisa (Added 5/9/02)
Boston, MA
Hey kids! I graduated from Brandeis University in '94 with a BA in Sociology and Women's Studies - would you like fries with that? After a few years on Dead tour, Phish tour, and in Western MA, I found myself in photo school and wound up doing a five year stint as a photographer, dividing my time between music and politics. I've since taken the plunge to a full time job in politics, as a press liaison in the office of Boston mayor Thomas Menino. Like Jeff Ent, I still haven't found a decent bagel outside FL.

Rock, Samuel
Ridgewood, NJ
Hey everyone! Wow, what a great site! It's great to find out what everyone's been doing. As for me, I now live in Ridgewood. I graduated from Montclair State University in May of 1995 with a B.A. in Psychology. 
I am currently working as a teacher in an after school program at Coleman elementary School in Glen Rock. I am also a substitute teacher for the Ridgewood and Glen Rock school districts and I still work at Grand Union too. I'm hoping to get a full time position teaching either psychology or social studies. I'd love to hear from everyone. Send me some e-mail and let me know what you've been doing! :)

Shafir, Elvira (added 9/29/03)
Little Ferry, NJ

Hi all! I'm glad to here that everyone is doing well. Having lived in Rhode Island & Florida, I moved back to New Jersey in 1998. Currently, I work for Transamerica, the great pyramid in the sky of San Francisco, in the New Jersey location as an Executive Assistant. Recently, I became engaged to my boyfriend of 10 years. We own a house in Little Ferry and an Auto Mechanic shop in Saddle Brook. I would love to hear from old classmates, so please email me.

Smotkin, Joseph (updated 5/15/03)
Fair Lawn, NJ

Unger, Stacy (Married Name: Conroy) (updated 3/30/07)
Fair Lawn, NJ
I was married to Jim from North Arlington on November 10th, 2002 and we had a wonderful honeymoon in Hawaii. I love being a Stay at Home Mommy to our 2 boys. I gave birth to our first son, Justin Tyler on November 21st, 2003 and our second little one, Christopher Joseph arrived on January 8th, 2007. We moved down the street from Milnes School in 2004. Send an email and let me know what the rest of the Class of 90 is up to!!

Reunions Unlimited is currently organizing a class reunion for the class of 1991. For more information you can contact them at: PO Box 150, Englishtown, NJ 07726. 732-617-1000 or FAX 732-617-8930. Their web site is: and e-mail:

Abramsky, Staci (updated 10/28/2002)
Bronx, New York
After graduating from Barnard College in 1995, I completed my master's in public health at Columbia University. While in grad school I worked at Harlem Hospital; next I worked at Albert Einstein College of Medicine, in pediatric asthma research. I'm continuing my tour through the hospitals of NYC, and am currently working at St. Luke's-Roosevelt Hospital in the Cardiac Study Center as a Project Manager. I would be happy to hear from any 1991 alumni, so go ahead and send an email.

Aig, Rebecca
Fair Lawn, NJ
I am living at home after graduating from The University at Stony Brook's Physical Therapy program. I work in Sports Medicine. I also played Division I soccer for 3 years there. 

Alpart, Lisa (updated 11/10/98)
St. Louis, MI
I am currently pursuing my MBA at Wharton at the University of Pennsylvania and would love to hear from High School friends. 

Battifarano, Kelly (added 1/1/01)
Houston, TX
I am currently teaching third grade in Texas.

Bonuso, Nicole (added 2/22/07)
Los Angeles, CA
Long time no see...It is so good to see how well everyone is doing. I didn't make it to the last reunion but in a few sentences here's my update:
After a decade of classes, three universities, and a bunch of student loans, I received my PhD in Paleontology and actually got a job (i.e., professor).
Can you believe someone, that being the tax payers of California, pay me to dig up fossils in remote locations?!?! And to think that someone has entrusted me with the task of shaping the young minds of our future is inconceivable (to quote The Princess Bride). My family (including a husband and baby girl) reside outside of Los Angeles. If you are ever on the West coast, drop me a line. Take care ~Bonu

Cohen, Lauren (married name: Mowrey) (updated 11/8/2004)
I got married to a wonderful man named Bill in 11/95. He is in the military. In 1997 I moved to Italy with him. We lived in Puerto Rico and now reside in Virginia. Would love to hear from anyone that graduated in '91.

Doshi, Vishal
Fair Lawn, NJ
Hello Everybody ! I graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison with a B.S. in Chemical Engineering. I am a Manufacturing Supervisor at Fisher Scientific, a chemical company located near Nabisco in the McBride Industrial Park. I am currently living at home with my parents and would love to hear from anybody. 

Gothelf, Yiftach "Jeff" (updated 6/18/01)

Richmond, VA
Playing music and working in web solutions in Richmond, VA. Check out for band info. I am getting married to the lovely Carrie Thompson in December. Drop a line. Always good to hear from high school friends.

Kaushansky, Boris (added 10/5/00)
Wanaque, NJ
Graduated Rutgers in 1995 with dual degrees in Biology and Economics. I worked for Datascope Corp, in Paramus for 5 years in the Cardiac Assist Division. Currently I am employed at Merck-Medco in pharmaceutical contracting. I have been married for 1 year (Oct 16) to a fellow Rutgers graduate. I will be returning to school in the fall of 2001 to pursue an MBA. 

Krulewitz, Andrea Lyn (Married Name: Sutton (temporary))
Houston, Texas
How neat to see all these names! After a marriage and divorce after I graduated from Virginia Tech with a B.A. in Theatre Arts, I wound up here in Houston in 2000. I work for El Paso Production, an oil and gas production/pipeline company in the Land Department. Drop me a line!

Lee, Douglas (added 3/27/01)
1011 W. Grace St,. Richmond VA.23220

Liebmann, Joseph (added 2/25/01)
North Brunswick, NJ
Hello all, can't believe it has been 10 years now! I graduated with a degree in psychology from Rutgers in 1995 and then returned to Rutgers the following year for a master's in social work, which I got in 1998. Within months, I abandoned the field, and now I am working in international banking as a computer programmer in Jersey City and doing a lot of traveling. Feel free to drop me a line!

Lustgarten, Robin
Washington, DC
Hi everyone! Wow, it seems like everyone is doing really interesting things. I am working in DC at the American Federation of Teachers on a national grassroots campaign to raise the standards of conduct and standards of achievement in k-12 schools. Also, I'm finishing up my Master's Degree in Educational Advocacy, which I've been working on part-time. I'd love to hear from you all. :)

Lynn, Stan (added 3/28/01)
Pompton Lakes, NJ
Hi everyone, I graduated from Rutgers College in 96' with a BA in Math and taught high school for one year. After teaching high school, I decided to leave teaching to enter the computer industry. I have been working at Sony in WoodCliff Lake as an Application Analyst for two years. In May 2000, I was married to my wife and bought a condo in Pompton Lakes. Feel free to send an e-mail .... I would like to hear from any high school friends. 

Miller, Keith M.  (updated 5/26/01)

Pottstown, PA
I'm currently living in PA where I am a Chiropractor in private practice. I am getting married on August 19th, 2001 to a wonderful gal I met while living in Atlanta. Hope to see you all at the reunion this fall.

Munczinski, Karen (added 2/25/06)
Hewitt, NJ
I just stumbled on this site. It was nice to read about so many of my past classmates. I graduated from William Paterson College in 1995 and taught Kindergarten for almost 10 years! I was also engaged twice, but never actually married yet. I got a house in Hewitt, NJ in the summer of 2004 with my boyfriend Ron. As of February 2006, we have been going out almost 3 years and are talking about marriage and stay tuned. I am working part-time for a chiropractor in town doing his medical billing as well as receptionist duties. Would love to hear from any old friends!

O'Leary, Brian (updated 8/21/06)
East Windsor, NJ
Graduated Rutgers with an Economics degree which obviously led me to a career as a UNIX admin with IBM on customer accounts. Married my wife Laura in ’99 and we now have 2 kids and 6 cats in a beautiful old farm house in East Windsor, NJ.

Post, Daniel (Updated 10/15/02)
Royal Oak, MI
Hey all. Well, after the WorldCom accounting scandal, I took a few months off and now am working for a small web hosting company in downtown Detroit. Just playing lots of golf in the summer and riding my snowmobile in the winter. Drop me a line if you want.

Pyatetsky, Victoria (Married Name: Lannon) (added 10/21/99)
Centreville, VA
I just discovered this website. Pretty cool to get an update on folks. I graduated American University in 1995 with a degree in International Relations and got a secondary education certificate to teach social studies in high school. I got married to a wonderful man named Greg 6/3/95. Since being a freshman at AU, I accepted Jesus as my Messiah and Savior and have been serving Him with joy ever since. I've worked these past 4 years since college with Jews For Jesus. September 7 of this year I gave birth to Abigail Tenley who is bringing us a lot of joy and many sleepless nights. I am now home, raising her. I would love to hear from any of my classmates.

Scelzo, Chris
Fair Lawn, NJ
Allo all! Im working as a Macintosh field service tech and I'm still trying to make as little sense of things as possible. Still waste my free time strumming the occasional guitar. I would love to hear from you. Please 
check out my web site at Thanx!

Silberstein, Gary (updated 1/21/2000)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Hey everyone! Just saw this site and I figured I'd update all my Fair Lawn buddies. I graduated from William Paterson University in 1995 with a B.A. in Communications. I worked at Z100 for three months then got hired with NBC. Loved the work but hated working for peanuts so decided to go into something more lucrative. Now I own my own Theme Park in Omaha, Nebraska. (lol) Just kidding! Actually, I'm working for the past 3 years in Woodcliff Lake as a marketing/sales consultant. I'm still living at home with mom and dad for another year and will hopefully buy a house somewhere in NJ. Hope everyone is well!

Sonnenberg, Robert (updated 11/5/02)
Brookeville, MD
I graduated from the University of North Florida with a Bachelor's of Science in Health Degree my major was Sports Medicine/Athletic Training and recently received a Master's of Arts degree in Health Care from the University of Alabama. I am currently a Certified Athletic Trainer (ATC) and work for the Detroit Tigers in their Minor League System. I am currently their Single-A Athletic Trainer in Grand Rapids, MI (West Michigan Whitecaps) and was previously with their Short Season team in Oneonta,NY (Oneonta Tigers). Hope all are well and please feel free to contact me. Would love to hear from you!

Tobin, Trisha (added 3/15/01)
Belmar, NJ 
I don't think there is ever enough room on these things for everyone to tell all that's happened over the last 10 years! I guess that's what reunions are for! Anyway, I graduated from Rowan University in 1996 and am now working as a Buyer for Lechters Housewares. I am getting married, to a wonderful guy I met in college, in August and we are moving to West Windsor, where we are building a house. Can't wait to see everyone soon! Please feel free to email me! I'd love to catch up! 

Walker, Karen (Married Name: Wadzinski) (added 4/1/01)
Worcester, MA
Hi everyone! I graduated from Carleton College in MN in 1995 with a BA in music and then went on to Indiana University to do grad work in music librarianship. I married my husband Tom in 1998 and just gave birth to a  baby boy. I'd love to hear from you :)

Reunions Unlimited is currently organizing a class reunion for the class of 1992. For more information you can contact them at: PO Box 150, Englishtown, NJ 07726. 732-617-1000 or FAX 732-617-8930. Their web site is: and e-mail:

Arneson, Heidi (Married Name: Mack) (Added 8/23/01)
Wilmington, MA

Ashkinadze, Rimma (added 2/16/01)
Brooklyn, New York
After graduating from Oberlin College with majors in Sociology, Women's Studies, and History, I moved to San Francisco. While there I worked at a biotech pharmaceutical company doing technical support. Last summer, with the encouragement of my girlfriend, I moved back East. We now live in Park Slope and I am pursuing more geeky endeavors

Baldwin, Deirdre (Married Name: Tolia) (updated 9/22/03) 
Spartanburg, SC 
I had a great time at our 10th year reunion! I was married on 3-22-03 in Tallahassee, FL where my parents now live. I have been teaching preschool for the past year and am planning on leaving SC sometime soon.

Bromberg, Reuven (updated 10/4/01)
Hoboken, NJ
I'm not really sure what I do...I'm currently either a 4th year med student, a 2nd year MPH student, or a web programmer depending on who I am borrowing student loans from.

Buerger, Dana (Married Name: Rowtie) (added 8/13/02)
Naples, Florida
Hi to all. Since graduation I received my AA in early childhood education. Moved to Florida in April 1998 with my family, and just love it. I also got married to the love of my life, Anthony, in May 2000. Life can't be any better. Would love to hear from old classmates. Have a great day =)

Burtt, Mathew (added 5/30/06)

Calendrillo, Marcus (added 5/9/06)
Pompton Lakes, NJ
I can't believe that next year will be 15 years since we graduated FLHS!!! Currently, I am the Manager of Sales Training and Development at Watson Pharmaceuticals in Morristown, NJ and I am happy to say that I love my job. I recently celebrated my 5-year wedding anniversary. I would love to hear from FLHS alumni so please feel free to email me.

Cohen, Lisa (married name: Lottermann) (Updated 6/23/01)
Oakland, NJ
Got married on 11/29/97 to Ron Lottermann ('83).  I graduated Fairleigh Dickinson University with a BSN in nursing. I passed my state nursing boards in June 1998. I am currently working for Leonia High School as the school nurse. My daughter, Emily, was born on 5/2/99.  I love being a mom! We just moved into our new home in Oakland in June 2001. 

Davina, Michael
Fair Lawn, NJ

Dignam, Jennifer (added 2/29/2000)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Hello everyone! As I am sure is the same for all of you I have been busy over the years. I am now working in communications. I work with Internet and wireless Internet groups. I am the proud Aunt of three beautiful boys and they keep me busy too. I am glad we can all have a way to touch base with each other with the reunion coming up. I would love to hear from all of you. E-mail me and let me know how you are.

Edelstein, Leonard (updated 1/19/03)
Boston, MA

Janosz, Dave (updated 1/2/06)
Maywood, NJ
After teaching for 8 years at FLHS, I moved to teach at Northern Valley Regional High School at Old Tappan. I now live in Maywood with my wife Brande and my son Wyatt.

Jason, Jill (Married Name: Davis) (added 10/12/04)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Hi everyone! It was great to see some of you at the reunion. Meanwhile, I am still in Fair Lawn- can't seem to go.... my hubby and I bought a house in the Warren Point section. I finally was tenured in Paterson, NJ. I love teaching 4th grade. I am currently working on my master's degree in school/agency counseling. Please email me.... would love to hear from ya.

Keith, Jessica (added 11/7/00)
New York, NY
...working towards my masters in Counseling Psychology at Columbia, and paying the bills through a consultant job at Pfizer to all!

Kennedy, Dawn M. (Married Name: Kline) (Added 3/10/01) 
Lyndhurst, NJ 

Klein , Allyson (Married Name: Ritger) (updated 12/6/06)
San Francisco, CA
Received my M.A. and M.F.A in Writing and Consciousness. Traveled around the world for two years with my husband Ed, who is a photographer. I currently teach writing as an adjunct faculty member at: New College of California and the Academy of Art University. Recently had a story published in Five Fingers Review. My parents retired on the West Coast so these days I don't have much calling me back to Fair Lawn, but best regards to everyone.

Livneh, Tamar (Married Name: Gerstein) (added 9/6/06)
West Chester, PA
After getting my MBA in Marketing from the University of Maryland in May 2001, I moved to Philadelphia and worked for Campbell Soup for 3.5 years. I met my (now) husband in 2003 and moved to West Chester in 2004. We were married on May 15, 2005 and soon after bought a house in West Chester, which we share with our 2 kitty cats. I now work for Sara Lee (Household & Body Care division) as a Brand Manager for Kiwi Shoe Care and also sell real estate part time. I can't believe it has been almost 15 years since HS graduation! Looking forward to catching up with everyone at our next reunion!

Loranca, Derek
London, England

Magzanian, Alees (5/20/07)
Fair Lawn, NJ

Mahon, Chris (added 12/27/01) 
East Stroudsburg, PA
Just curious as to who was on here, I have recently moved to PA, still in touch with one or two people. I have about a year left to get my degree in Teaching. Played minor league hockey for about 2 years in PA. Became a personal trainer and do that in my spare time. Been engaged twice, never married yet, still a hopeless romantic. Hope to see some of you guys at the reunion. Overall, things are pretty good.

Mamut, Tatyana (updated 5/26/04)
Berkeley, CA
My recent life has been dedicated to traveling around the world and collecting degrees (kind of like a government-sponsored scavenger hunt of sorts). At the moment I'm moving back to the US after a year in Russia in order to finish writing my PhD dissertation in Social/Cultural Anthropology. After that -- who knows? (BTW -- in regard to the bagel question, I did in fact find a bagel as good as if not better than the Fair Lawn bagel -- in Moab, Utah. Sad, but true)

Manius, Lisa
Fair Lawn, NJ

McGoff, Susan (Married Name: Miller) (updated 4/9/07)
Fair Lawn, NJ

It's great to see how some of you are doing! I am living in Fair Lawn with my two kids, who are almost ready to enter the school system themselves! Would love to hear from you!

Naugle, Tricia (Married name, Duca) (added 5/9/01)

Bloomingdale, NJ
Hello all!! Life has been good these past years. I graduated from Lynn U in Boca Raton, Florida in 1995 with a BS, studied in Europe and Japan for a while also. I currently work in Automation for LibGo Travel in Ramsey. I recently got married in September to Mike, and we bought a house in Bloomingdale. Life has been good, would love to hear from old friends...

Nguyen, Huy (updated 5/10/05)
Boston, MA
Yes, I'm back in Beantown with my wife and 14 month-old son, with whom I am happy to spend my free-time entertaining with funny faces and barnyard animal noises. During the day I play with other people's children as a pediatrician. Can't help but to think about FLHS when I am working with teenagers who are trying to define their own high school legacies (whew! glad that's over!) Thanks to everyone for sharing your stories. It seems in spite of all of our best efforts, we are all growing up!

Niebuhr, Roger (added 10/15/02)
Englewood, NJ
Hi everyone!!! 10 years. wow. so the incredibly abbreviated version of the last decade. graduated in 96 with a degree in literature from ramapo college, gave up bowling, work for a large financial institution, bought a townhouse in englewood last year, caught the acting bug about six years ago and now spend most of my evenings in rehearsals. never married, but have a nice collection of psychotic ex's. see you all at the reunion, and feel free to drop a line!!

Pelc, Gail (Married Name:Pedone) (updated 7/3/07)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Wow, so many great things to read here; glad to see a lot has been good for everyone. In short, moved back to Jersey, got married Oct 30, 2005 to a wonderful Italian man, gave birth to my handsome son Robert Jr. on July 13, 2006. I am a stay at home mom, with a wonderful Foundation for children with Cleft Lips/Palates. The foundation is called Little Robbie's Smile, Foundation, Inc. Initially, it was started on my son's behalf, but has expanded into a blooming foundation to help other children in need of getting the best care possible. I think that this Foundation was the most beautiful thing that I could have ever done, it definitely keeps me grounded. I still stay in touch with Suyin Shih, Tracey Campbell, Julie (Cohen) Sakir & Kelli Salemo, who are also doing real well. I guess Ill see most of you at the 20 (did I say 20) year reunion, boy that should be fun. Be Well.

Polidoro, Nicole  (added 10/10/98)
Fair Lawn, NJ

Rosen, Michael
Bloomington, IN

Sinatra, Lori (Married Name: West) (added 5/19/06)
South Windsor, CT

Singer, Dara (Married Name: Vajas) (added 6/17/09)
Sussex, NJ

Hi everyone! I was married October 2001. Matthew and I bought our house in Sussex , January 2003. We had our beautiful daughter, Adrianna Elizabeth, September 2006. I couldn't be happier! Email me.

Szolusha, Lee S (added 3/15/01)
West Milford, NJ
After HS, I lost touch with everybody... would love to hear from people. Got married, started working in NY, Play way too much Paintball, and have no free time for the cast or ferrets :-)

Trabona, Michelle (Married Name: Schwartz) (added 5/17/06)
Fair Lawn, NJ

Tsirulik, Anna (updated 10/24/06)
New York, NY
It's so wonderful to see the updates. My news since the last post (2001) is that I was married last month to great guy from Long Island. What could I do? I fell in love with a guy from Long Island. I beg that you accept us - he is studying to convert to Jerseyism. As to my profession ( 10 years in November of this year) I am still an attorney headhunter. Best of luck to everyone. I have great memories of FLHS.

Unger,Lisa (Married Name: Adamets) (updated 9/2/09)
Lewis Center, Ohio

I live with my husband Dennis and daughter Bethany in Lewis Center, Ohio. I teach third grade in a local school.

Urteaga, Jorge S. (added 4/28/02)
Royal Oak, MI
Hello everyone! Wow 10 year reunion coming up, it went by so fast.
Well here is a little about me after graduation. After high school, i started working for Ford in Edison NJ and went to school part time, I then graduated from Ramapo. I'm a systems/business analyst for Manufacturing. I just recently moved to Michigan, Ford transferred me out here to and now I am also attending the University of Michigan for my MBA. I would love to here from you guys, so send me an Email.


Reunions Unlimited is currently organizing a class reunion for the class of 1993. For more information you can contact them at: PO Box 150, Englishtown, NJ 07726. 732-617-1000 or FAX 732-617-8930. Their web site is: and e-mail:

Brennan, Sheila (added 10/24/02)
River Edge, NJ

Hi everyone! I graduated from Northeastern U with a degree in physical therapy in 1998. After living in Boston for 7 years, I moved to New Zealand with my boyfriend, where we worked and played for a year. After a few months of travelling, we returned to NJ and recently got engaged. I am now working as a pediatric physical therapist for Valley Home Care. Looking forward to getting back in touch with old friends.

Broads, Randi (Married Name: Brown) (added 10/19/02)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Hello fellow classmates! Its so wonderful to read everyone’s accomplishments! I gradated from Ramapo College with a Psychology degree. I have since been working at a Healthcare Marketing company coordinating medical education symposia. I was married in August to Adam Brown, and we bought a house in ………are you ready …….Fair Lawn! Feel free to e-mail me……..hope everyone is well.

Carson, Christine (added 9/24/98)
Oak Ridge, NJ
I am currently working in Hackensack and I just moved from Fair Lawn to Morris County. I graduated from Castleton State College in Vermont with my BSW last year. I hope to meet up with old friends that are still 
in the area. 

Cetnarowicz, Valerie (Married Name: Davis) (Added 11/11/00)
Highland Lakes, NJ

Cramer, Douglas (added 9/14/98)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Hey all. I lost touch with many of my friends after graduation, so I would love to hear from you guys and know what you've been up to. As for me, I'm still currently living in Fair Lawn and work as a sales rep for a local bank. In my spare time (what little there is) I am an active member of HRC (The Human Rights Campaign for those who don't know). I am also in the process of writing several short stories and novels in the fantasy genre based primarily on my own personal experiences with overtones from various different religious beliefs. I hope to hear from some of you soon.

D'Amico, Michael (added 1/7/03)
Greensboro, NC
Well everyone, I have arrived and am excited to get some mail from people
with whom I had lost touch . I recently graduated from Centenary College of New Jersey with two BA's: One in History and the other in Political Science. I am also pursuing a Masters in Holocaust studies. Who would ever have thought that I, Mike D'Amico, would even have one degree, let alone two. But that's what happens when you pay for them on your own. Currently, I work in Greensboro, NC at Greensboro College coaching Men's Lacrosse. I am always traveling back an forth from somewhere in this glorious country of ours....have many friends across the globe actually. But I go home to visit mum every nows and then. Anyway you wanna talk, drop me a line. Also my screen name for AOL is ortleybeachsurfr.

DeRubeis, Carly (Married Name: DiPrenda) (added 9/19/02)
Pompton Lakes, NJ
I am a recovering attorney living in Pompton Lakes with my husband Mike and our dog. Things are good and I look forward to seeing a lot of you at our reunion, which is coming up Thanksgiving weekend 2003. If you have any questions or want any information, please feel free to e-mail me.

Harris, Leslie (updated 4/26/05)
Park Slope-ish, NYC
In August 2003, I got married in England to the long-term boyfriend, Jake, and have moved back to New York to take a marketing job with the skin and haircare company, Kiehl's. Work definitely keeps me busy and out of trouble!! And just as history repeats itself, I live around the corner from Rimma Ashkidnadze. Who would have thought?

Holzman, Randi (Married Name: Bloch) (added 7/20/03)
Washington Twp, NJ
Hi Everyone! I am currently working in Ramsey as a controller. After college, I moved to Arizona for a few years with my fiancee (now my husband)! We have a wonderful little yorkie named Petie. I still can't believe its been 10 years since high school. Feeling very old.....Hope everyone is doing well!

Krause, Karen (added 10/16/05)
Highland Park, NJ
Married and enjoying homeownership (my realtor swears our 93 year old house used to be a hunting lodge). Travelling a bit and alternately learning the art of lawn care. Keeping weird hours thanks to my writing job on a morning show in New York. Still searching for that perfect cup of coffee. My brother Elliott is now a foot taller than me.

Krumpfer, Jorie (added 10/24/02)
New York, NY
Hi everyone -- I graduated from Trenton State College in Accounting. I'm currently the Controller of a publishing company, W.W. Norton in mid-town Manhattan & enjoying living in NYC with my dog Guinness. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the reunion!

LaDuca, John (added 7/8/00)
No Location Given

Lesser, Shari (Married name: McBurney) (added 7/7/02)
Seattle, Washington
Starting to get that reunion stuff in the mail, thought I'd just touch base now-- after graduation, I floated to Delaware, then to Oregon, to Tanzania (East Africa) and back to earn my International Relations degree. Haven't used the degree much, as now I am Chef of a fine dining restaurant 21 floors above the Seattle skyline... Married 11-10-01 to a mid-westerner matching none of my high school "most individual" attitude, a perfect match!

Madden, Stacey (updated 11/7/03)
Belchertown, MA
Hello all, everyone seems to be leading exciting lives. I figured I'd update my info since it's so close to the reunion. Well, I'm currently a Registered Dietitian working in a Long Term Care facility with people who have psychiatric illnesses. I Graduated from Willy P. in 1998, and moved to Boston where I attended Simmons College and got my Master's in Nutrition and Health Promotion. I then moved out to Western MA to do a nutrition internship through UMass Amherst. I also work part time as a fitness specialist and personal trainer at a gym. I live with my partner Kim and our yellow lab pup Charlie. We own a house together and are having a commitment ceremony May 1, 2004. Hope to see you all at the reunion!

Makowka, Jennifer (updated 11/5/03)
Alameda, CA
Since graduation, I've lost track of so many of you. To sum up- went to Syaracuse University and graduated with degrees in English Lit and Public Relations. Then went on to "real world" working in pr, marketing, and advertising. Absolutely hated that and moved to CA. Now I'm a pilot and technician of underwater vehicles and go to sea quite frequently. Think "The Abyss" without the aliens. CA is a strange place and I'm longing for some NJ contact, so drop me a line and say hi.

Marantz, Cory (updated 4/10/01)
Hackensack, NJ
Single. Currently work as a trader on Wall Street. It would be nice to hear from any of my old class-mates.

Marks, David
Fair Lawn, NJ

Muehlbauer, Jen (updated 10/3/03)
Los Angeles, CA
Since the reunion "bio" only cares about what you do for a living, how long you've been married, and whether you've reproduced, I think I'll stubbornly avoid all three topics! Let's see, I like to read, write, walk, waste time on the web, travel, move to a new city every few years, and brew beer in my kitchen. Looking forward to the NEXT ten years.

Peltzer, Stephanie (Married Name: McKenna) (updated 6/6/04)
I did a little medical journalism in NYC after college, and now live the married life out here in Andrew Wyeth country with the man I met in theology class (how's that for romance!) in college. I'm an editor for a nonprofit healthcare research agency in the Philadelphia suburbs.

Rash, Jennifer (Married name: Wetzel) (updated 10/9/05)
Kansas City, Missouri
Moved out to the midwest this past summer and absolutely love it. Married to my husband Brian since 1999. No kids yet. Still working for the internet sales company I've been with since 1999. Not my dream job but it pays the bills. Would love to hear from anyone from high school. It's always so fun catching up.

Rubel, Adam S. (added 8/9/03)
Santa Fe, NM

This is wild. OK, graduated Rutgers, Econ. & Philosophy. Lived in northern NJ/ NY for a couple of years, retired from Volleyball. Met present wife, traveled accross country, settled in New Mexico (3 years ago). Founded a non-profit working with Indigenous in Latin America (travel often). Working for a Foundation comitted to public lands conservation in the West. Out of Volleyball retirement, playing outdoor tournaments here. Married, cats, no kids yet, not back to east coast often, but it happens. No contact with any Fair Lawners, so feel free to drop a line. Glad to see many of you are doing well.

Schoenfeld, Karin (updated 6/29/01)
Glen Rock, NJ 
I graduated from the University of Hartford, and then went on to Columbia University to get my Masters degree. I am currently managing and bartending at my brother's restaurant while starting up my private practice in Psychotherapy. I would love to hear from any fellow 93 graduates to catch feel free to email me. Wishing everyone the best! 

Wieczerzynski, Ursula (added 10/13/02)
Charleston, SC
I hope all is well with everyone- I can't believe that it's almost time for our 10 year reunion! I am living in gorgeous Charleston, SC where I am in residency in radiology, and love living near the beach. Can't wait to see and catch up with friends I've lost touch with- email me just to say "HI" or let me know if you are ever in Charleston!

Zwanger, Samara (added 11/25/03)
Brooklyn, NY
Well, I finally broke down and submitted this on the eve of our reunion. I graduated from Columbia University with a degree in women's and US history (thanks, Mrs. Lorenc). I'm now living in Brooklyn with my boyfriend and working as an editor/reporter for a trade publisher, which has allowed me to travel to London and Amsterdam on someone else's dime (work's, not my boyfriend's). I'm curious to hear from any and all of you and hope to see everyone at reunion.


Boos, Christine (added 5/29/02)
Hackensack, NJ
For the curious: Graduated from Montclair State University in 1998 with a BFA in Fine Art, (Graphic Design). Worked in advertising for a little while before going completely freelance. Returned to Montclair to earn a Master of Arts in Teaching Fine Art, which I completed in 2001. Currently teaching art at Millburn High School and working towards completing a second masters degree from Kean University, (this time with a double concentration in ceramics and photography). Feel free to drop a line.

Capolete, Robert (added 12/6/02)
Bloomfield N.J.
Been awhile since I spoke to anyone from school. Recently married, I am working on a B.S. in Computer Science. Currently working for Horizon Blue Cross And Blue Shield. Feel free to email me--always good to hear from former classmates. Later

Cohen, Peter (updated 5/30/00)
New York, NY
Attending NYU Law School.

Costache, Ligia (Married Name: Westrich) (updated 3/21/05)
Byram, NJ
Year 2000: Graduated with High Honors from Rutgers University, College of Pharmacy. Obtained my pharmacy license and became a registered pharmacist. July 16 - Married John Westrich of Fair Lawn.
Year 2001: Began Ph.D. Program in Neuroscience at the New Jersey Medical School.
Year 2004: January 16 - Matthew James Westrich was born healthy and beautiful. The May issue of the Molecular and Cellular Neuroscience Journal published my first research paper entitled: "Identification and characterization of novel properties of the human D3 dopamine receptor."

Cunningham, Daryl (added 7/3/01)
Kissimmee, Florida

Ehrlich, Todd (updated 6/16/00)
Las Vegas, NV
Its been a long time since I spoke to most of you. Currently I just finished up my bachelors at UNLV and will be going for my masters in spring most likely. I am currently working at a resort here in Vegas, (Mandalay Bay) Where we have nine pools, a beach and over 15 restaurants and 3 night clubs including house of blues, (had to give them some publicity lol) I would love to hear from anyone that I graduated with. Its been a long time and if any of you are in Vegas, email me and maybe we can meet up. 

Freydenson, Elan (updated 9/22/03)
San Francisco, CA
I tried to stick it out in Fair Lawn after the college years, but it didn't stick. I am in San Francisco now. These days I split my time
between working as a software design consultant and acting. Check out what I'm up to and say hi at

Gilgur, Stella (updated 6/29/04)
Brooklyn, NY
I am getting married this October to the man I have been dating since college, and we are very excited about it! I earned my MSW from NYU in 2001 and am now working for an adoption agency, placing international orphans with loving families here in the states. It is the most rewarding job I have ever had! I hope all of you are well and would love to hear about your adventures!

Giresi, Fred (added 3/8/04)
Marine Corps Air Station, Beaufort, South Carolina.
I am in the Marines working on F/A 18 Hornet Jets. I just returned from Operations Iraqi Freedom and Enduring Freedom, deployed aboard the USS Enterprise (cvn65). I look foreward to hearing from ya'll.

Gorn, Michael (added 3/26/99)
Somerset, NJ

Granas, Andrew  (added 1/7/01)
I'm graduating from Med School this spring (2001). Hope all is well. Drop me a line.

Gurevich, Margaret (Married Name: Gelbwasser) (updated 8/20/04)
Fair Lawn
Graduated from The College of New Jersey in 1998 and got my MA in English/writing in 2003. Also got married on July 6, 2003.:-) Taught for 6 years until June 2004 and am now writing full time. I'm currently writing for newspapers and trying to break into magazines. Drop me a line to say hi, and if you're writing too or looking for writers, please let me know

Kim, Hyelee (updated 9/29/03)
Naples, Italy
I'm killing some time in bella Napoli with the Navy Nurse Corps.

Navarro, Michael
Orlando, FL
If you want to know what's up with me, check out my web page @

Palmieri, Krista (added 8/31/01)
Garfield, NJ
Hey all! I graduated from ESU and currently working for the state as a Voc. Rehab. Counselor. I'd love to hear from everyone!

Reilly, Kathryn
Fair Lawn, NJ

Reiter, Matt (updated 11/10/03)
Living in NJ again, teaching college and writing poetry. Love to hear from old friends.

Segall, Dana (updated 1/9/04)
Harrison, NY
After 4 years at SUNY Oswego, 2 years of living in Hoboken, changing jobs a bunch of times, I have managed to stay in the radio business and am now living with my boyfriend in Westchester and working in White Plains. Don't run into as many people in the city anymore, so if anyone wants to get in touch you can email me or IM me at my AOL screen name, which is Scully99x. Would love to hear from people. Hope you are all doing well!!

Shtern, Marina (Married Name: Rojas) (added 5/5/08)
Fair Lawn, NJ
I graduated from Ramapo College in 2000, married in 2003, had my first child in 2004, second child in 2006. I stay home currently raising my girls. My girls are 2 and almost 4 years old. I have a wonderful husband, we have been together for over 10 years. I hope you all are doing great :-) email me if you want to catch up!

Shultz, Jay M. (updated 8/5/05)
New York, NY
Ran with the bulls, volunteered for the Israeli Air-force, been incarcerated in a 3000 year old tomb in the Valley of the Kings, sky-dived, got Dengue Fever in Borneo, was in a jungle of Laos on September 11th, still do art, majored in art history, worked for an archaeological institute in the middle east, graduated law school, passed NYS bar 1st time thank god, sued Yoko Ono Lennon, involved in a high speed car chase in Turkey, collect masks...write me, let's catch up?

Thomas, Tara (Married Name: Bracco) (added 6/9/08)
Oakland NJ
I married in 2000 and bought a house in Oakland in 2001. We have three little boys. We started a kitchen/bath/fine carpetry and custom cabinets company, and are doing well. I worked in medical management and insurance brokerage prior to having the kids, now I'm home to raise my boys and manage the books for our business. We spend most summer weekends boating, skiing, wake boarding, tubing, and swimming at Lake Hopatcong, and would love to find others to join us. I hope all is well with everyone...if you remember me, feel free to give me a shout.

Weiss, Carrie (Married Name: Ferchak) (updated 1/19/04)
Piscataway, NJ
I was married on November 16th 2002 to a wonderful man. I am working for a computer consulting company called BusinessEdge Solutions as a software test engineer manager. I have been on assignment at AT&T in Morristown for 2 years now. We are looking to buy a house in the next 6 months. Life is great! Hope to see you all at the reunion..


Agnello, Alexandra (Married Name: Agnello-Fritzsch) (updated 11/5/05)
New Jersey
Hi! Currently, I'm a freelance Writer/Producer at NBC Universal and A&E Networks. I LOVE IT! Hope everyone is well. Get in touch if you want to say hello! 10 YEARS ...I can't believe it. It feels like yesterday.

Barmash, Jean (updated 9/29/03)
New York, NY
Hey! After 4 years in Austin, TX, I am back on the East Coast, working in NYC as Sr. Software Engineer at VERITAS.

Bozler, Khara (updated 12/16/02)
Boston, MA
Hi everyone! I’m currently working for Thomson Learning as a sales rep in Boston. No immediate plans to move back to the area but I’m sure that I’ll end up there eventually. My parents moved out of FL so the only time I run into ppl is at the Junk Yard over the holidays! Guess I’ll have to wait until the reunion :<) I’m looking to get in touch with Allison Elescu so if anyone talks to her, please tell her I said hello! The email address she provided is not valid any longer.

Capozzi, Kristin (Married Name: Detamore) (added 9/20/02)
Howell, NJ
Graduated Messiah College in 1999 with a Bachelors in Family Studies and currently am at Rutgers University finishing up the MSW program this spring. I was married in June and relocated to Howell, NJ. Hope everyone is doing well.

Citrin, Gabi
College Park, MD
High school was probably the best time of my life, let's always keep in touch. I miss everyone, and hope that all is well. 

Comitini, Mariela (updated 6/3/04)
New York, NY
Email me it would be great to hear from some of you.

Costache, Michael (updated 12/19/01)
Pepperdine University, Malibu, California
1999, Economics (Undergraduate)
2003, Master of Dispute Resolution (School of Law)

Associate (Merchant Banker / Venture Capitalist), Millennium Capital Partners Ltd. (

Chairman, Young Professionals Global Network (YPGN)

Recent News:

Cuneo, Charles (updated 4/28/01)

Jersey City, NJ
I am working for Fox News Channel behind the scenes doing camera. Drop me a line if you want to say hi. 

Denisenko, Julie (Married Name: Morris) (added 11/23/05)
New York, NY
Hi all! After graduating from Penn, I did the dot-com thing for a few years, moved to San Fran, moved back to NYC and landed at Citigroup. I am now pursuing an MBA at the Columbia Business School and will be graduating in 2007. I live in NYC with my hubby and still keep in touch with lots of my best friends from Fair Lawn. Drop me a line if you would like to reconnect!

Eliscu, Allison (Married Name: Goodman) (updated 7/14/06)
New York, NY
I just wanted to update my information. I finished med school at GW and just finished my residency in pediatrics at Columbia. I am starting a fellowship at Mt. Sinai in adolescent medicine. My husband and I live in New York City. Drop me a line sometime, I'd live to hear from you guys!

Fallacaro, Leanne (Married Name: Carmona) (added 7/5/05)
Colorado Springs, CO
Hi everyone! My husband and I are currently living in beautiful Colorado Springs! We just had a baby girl 3 months ago :) I am a teacher and head volleyball coach at a large high school here in CO. Send me an e-mail! Would love to hear how everyone is doing!

Feitelson, Rachel (added 3/21/02)
Fair Lawn, NJ
I moved to Fairfield, CT for 2 years to pursue a career as a graphic designer for Renaissance Magazine after graduating college with a degree in graphic design. Recently moved back to Jersey and am working in the office of Bob's Stores in Paramus (till I find something in my field). Hope all is well with everyone from the class of 95! Keep In Touch!!! (we always say that, but does anyone really?) =)

Gallo, Dana
Marlton, NJ
Write to me if you graduated in 1995. I'm interested in how you're doing.

Greenman, Jonathan  (updated 11/1/99)
Hamden, CT
I graduated from Skidmore College (Saratoga Springs, NY) in May 1999, and I am currently attending Quinnipiac Law School. I hope everyone is doing well. Take care.

Harrison, Darlene M. (Married Name: Flores) (updated 12/16/05) 
Bushkill, PA
Married for four years with a three year old daughter named Carissa. Attending University of Phoenix Online working toward BS in Business / Accounting. Working as an Inventory Cost Analyst for ISG Inc. in Parsippany, New Jersey.

Jordan-Deen, Kevin (added 10/1/04)
San Francisco, CA/New York, NY
Graduated from NYU Business School

Keith, Amy (added 3/21/02)
Geneva, Switzerland
After a couple of years in NYC, I am currently working for the International Rescue Committee in Geneva, Switzerland. Feel free to e-mail me if you are traveling through the region.

Keith, Amy (added 3/21/02)
Geneva, Switzerland
After a couple of years in NYC, I am currently working for the International Rescue Committee in Geneva, Switzerland. Feel free to e-mail me if you are traveling through the region.

Klein, Michelle (added 2/18/10)
Fair Lawn, NJ
After high school, I went to Artistic Academy and got my license in Cosmetology. I have been working in Wyckoff at Total Concept as a hair stylist for 13 years. I got married in 2002 and now have 2 children: Jackson, 6, and Charlotte, 4, and still live in Fair Lawn! 

Leone, Chuck (updated 3/21/05)
Hoboken, NJ
I currently have a job in public relations in Manhattan and I live with my wife Tracy in Hoboken.

Levinson, Aaron (updated 7/10/02)
Las Vegas, NV
Living it up in Sin City working for the Nielsen TV Ratings.

Mandruleanu, Dragos
Williamsburg, VA
Flit! That's all I have to say.

Marusic, Michele (Married Name: Pupacic) (updated 10/16/05)
Palisades Park, NJ
Hello Everyone! I just wanted to update my information. My husband and I still live in NJ. I am currently in my second year at NYU obtaining my MSW. I hope all is well with everyone! Drop me an e-mail! I would love to hear how everyone is doing!

McCloud, Edward (updated 7/28/05)
Denville, NJ
I got married in March 2004. Can you believe it's been 10 years already?

Mirshamsi, Mercedeh (added 8/3/02)

Umea, Sweden
I live in Sweden with my boy friend and would like to hear from old school mates.

Murphy, Howie (added 5/26/02)
Piermont, NY
Got married July-2001 to my Beautiful wife Stacey. Currently working as a New York City police officer in the Bronx. Would love to hear from anyone from class of '94 or '95 that remembers me. Living in Rockland County, NY.

Nass, Jeffrey (updated 9/27/06)
Jersey City, NJ
Hey guys! Just graduated from law school and moved back to the big NJ. I'm currently working as a legal consultant with Ernst & Young in their computer forensics group. I'd love to reconnect with some of you, so drop me a line sometime.

Nussman, Julie (updated 5/19/01)
Boston, MA
Currently living in Boston and working on 2 developmental studies at Boston Medical Center. Drop me a line if you're here. 

Paget, Danielle
Newark, DE

Pelc, Cara (Married Name: Lane) (updated 11/5/05)
Philadelphia, PA
I finished my Masters at NYU in 2001, got married in July of 2003, and am now living in Philly in the middle of my third year at the Veterinary School at the University of Pennsylvania. My husband, Dan is at Drexel U. for a Masters in Library Science. We have 8 4-legged children (dog, cat, bearded dragon, day gecko, tree frog, 2 hamsters, and a fire bellied toad).

Roimisher, Lenore S. (Married Name: Brady) (updated 1/17/07) or
Charlotte, NC.
Working for the NC State Highway Patrol - making my way as a telecommunicator...I get to tell troopers where to go :)

Sandoval, Dave (updated 8/1/00)
New York, NY
I graduated from Cornell U. in May, 1999 and I'm now at NYU Law School, living in the village. Anyone feel free to email me...

Scharf, Avi (Added 6/29/98)
Reut, Israel
Would love to hear from anyone who still remembers....

Schneider, Austin (added 6/12/00)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Not a day goes by without thinking of those wonderful four years. I only hope to have as much fun with the rest of my life as I had back then. Looking forward to hearing from, or seeing many of you soon. 

Thor, Ira (updated 12/6/06)
Old Bridge, NJ
I married Kathryn, my college sweetheart, in 2000, and we are now parents to two wonderful children. Our son, Gavin Andrew, was born in February 2003, and our daughter, Kendra Addison, joined our family in November 2006. We have lived in Old Bridge, NJ for almost four years, and love this part of the state. It’s nice living minutes from the beach.

I have served as the Director of Sports Information (SID) at New Jersey City University in Jersey City, NJ since August 2000. I’m also the SID for the North East College Volleyball Association—the largest conference in the nation in any sport or division. I am a coordinator for the New Jersey Collegiate Baseball Association (NJCBA) and one of 25 voters nationally for the Division III men’s basketball, and men’s and women’s soccer Top 25 Polls. I’ve been fortunate to win several awards in my career. I still do play-by-play announcing for basketball and baseball. I’ve also worked for the NFL and AFL in the past. Working in sports is a dream-come-true, and I still get out on the volleyball court quite a bit against these seasoned 18-year-old college athletes to stay in shape and remind myself why I sat on the bench in high school.

As may of us are pushing (gulp) 30 next year, I hope everyone is living life to the fullest and following your dreams.

Vardy, Elana (Married Name: Conover) (updated 10/24/06)
Hackensack, NJ
Since I haven't submitted anything in three's a quick update! The 10 year reunion was like going back in time, since I don't think anyone has changed much...I guess people don't start aging until they're in their thirties LOL. I finally tied the knot with my long-time love last summer and currently work as a Copywriter for TV Guide Magazine in NYC. Still living in/loving Bergen County. Feel free to send me an email :)

Vemtura, Leonardo Vincente (added 9/14/99)
New York, NY
"Its great what technology can gather people together w/ this type of media communication. I have taken this form of media and made it into a business. I now run a small computer consulting business on the upper east side of NYC (Venutur&laos, Inc). Hey guys can't wait to see you all in the H.S. reunion.

Verrone, Joe (added 3/27/01)
1241 Granville Avenue, Apartment #9, Los Angeles, California 90025 
Hi everyone. Hmmm...I graduated from Boston University almost two years ago with an Operations Management degree. I worked in radio advertising in Boston last year, and moved out to Los Angeles this past September. I'm now looking for a job in non-profit on the way to becoming a non-profit consultant. Pretty sunny out here. Drop me a line if you get a chance. Anyone out here in LA? Bye bye. 

Vovchuk, Dmitry
Fair Lawn, NJ
I can't believe i found this. Don't you people have anything better to do? :)

Williams, Pat (updated 8/6/02)
no location given
I am currently working for Prudential Securities as a manager of their health and wellness programs. I am living with my girlfriend of a year, and am spending many weekends at the jersey shore. I am still very active and enjoy playing golf as much as I can. I see a lot of people on this page that I haven't spoken to in a long time. It would be nice to hear from some of you.

Zerowin, Eric (added 10/16/05)
Denver, Colorado
Owner of Denver Bike Tours. I've made a career in the bicycle industry. Been living in CO since '99. College wasn't for me. Most of you remember me as the slacker who copied your homework before the teacher collected it. I moved back to NJ and started my bike shop career with 3.5 years at Campmor, then moved to CO. Started Denver Bike Tours in 2002. I also work for Campus Cycles, top bike shop 2003. Appointed manager of Colorado's first Urban Transportation Center last year.
If any of you ever want a guided visit of Denver (either by bike or other means) or the CO ski country look me up.
I've now been snowboarding for 15 years (avg. 30+ days/season) since those early days when there were only 2 boarders amongst everyone in ski club.

Zilberman, Irene (Married Last Name: Yurgelonis) (added 4/14/05)
Ridgewood, NJ
Hello Everyone. Just wanted to up-date my info: I still live in Bergen County, Ridgewood, with my husband and daughter. I work at Wyeth in Pearl River, NY in Vaccines Discovery Reserach. Please feel free to contact me. I hope you are all doing well.


Barkin, Shari R. (updated 5/10
Ewing, NJ
Here we are just under 10 years later! Since I last wrote, I've earned my Masters and Educational Specialist degrees and have been a school psychologist for three years now. I work in Ewing, NJ with K-12 kids with a variety of issues and love it about 95% of the time. I'm excited about buying a house this summer and ending years of apartment living. Hope to see you all at the reunion.

Bino, Michael Anthony
I'm currently a double major in History and Latin at Rutgers College aiming at a teacher certification in both subjects on a secondary school level. E-mail me and we'll chat, I'm friendly and won't bite... much!

Bishow, Ron
Univ. of Hartford, CT

Bojanowski, Nick (updated 10/10/02)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Hi everyone, It's been awhile since I've seen or heard from a lot of you. I married Jill Munczinski in May of 2000, and graduated from Fairleigh Dickinson in 2001, with a B.A. in Criminal Justice. After that we bought a house in Fair Lawn in September 2001, and our daughter, Kathryn Emily, was born in November 2001. Hope you are all doing well, and hope to hear from some of you.

Brathwaite, Shanna (updated 2/3/09)
Well hello there former classmates, it's 2009!!!! God the time has flown by, since I last checked in lots has changed I moved to Elizabeth NJ. I graduated from a business school for dentistry and am now going back to school to become a dental hygienist. I don't have any kids but I do want one God willing. You know it's funny I should say this but I miss Fair Lawn the town was soo quiet and peaceful God willing one day I'll move back and settle down. Well that's it, till next time.

Cantor, Jillian B.
University of Maryland, College Park
As the most recent grads of Fair Lawn High, I would like to say that I miss all of you and I hope to hear from you soon.

Cox, Dawn (added 11/13/02)

Watertown, MA
Hello! I just was thinking about high school recently and found out about this web page from a dear friend and fellow alumni. Thought I would say hi to everyone. I am doing great. I am getting married in October 2003 to the most wonderful man who I have been with for the last four years. I am an accountant and have passed the CPA exam waiting to fulfill my work requirements in MA. Although I only keep in contact with two fellow alumni, I would love to hear from anyone who wants to say hi.

Dashevsky, Goldie (Married Name: Rabaev) (added 8/20/02)
Monsey, NY
I married Alex Rabaev in July of 2000 and in February of 2002 we had a baby girl (Rivka Bella). In May I graduated from a masters program in counseling from Fordham. Just recently Alex and I bought a condo in Monsey, NY

Degtyar, Alina (Married Name: Okun) (added 12/19/01)
Cliffside Park, NJ

Ehrlich, Glenn D. (updated 2/6/03)
Las Vegas, NV
Got married July 6, 2002 to my beautiful wife Kirsten. I've been living in Las Vegas for over 5 years now and
would love to see some of you if you're ever in town. Drop me a line and let me know what's new.

Franzmann, Rob
If you got some time, send me some e-mail! 

Geftic, Seth (updated 1/1/03)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Hi! If you feel like saying hello, you know the drill.

Goldberg, Benjamin (added 11/20/03)
Passaic, NJ

Grablow, Michele (Married Name: Kidd) (added 9/17/02)
Raritan, NJ
I am happily married to a wonderful man named Joe. In April, I gave birth to our son Ben, and am happily staying at home and being a mommy. I have my own website,

Granoff, David (added 10/4/01)
Elizabeth, NJ
I got married in December 2000. After graduating Rutgers with a Finance major, I started working at Prudential. I am doing financial reporting.

Janosz, Kevin (added 3/27/01)
Montclair State University

Jeremy, Ron (added 12/3/00)
Fair Lawn, NJ 
Hi guys, I miss you alot. I'm in the entertainment biz now. It is alot of fun. It is very rewarding. So many famous people I get to work with! Well E-mail me to chat. DVDA!

Kilman, Scott (added 10/28/02)
Little Neck, NY
Haven't heard from many people from high school and want to say hello. Just a quick bit of info - I went to school in Rhode Island and Hawaii, I was married in August 2001, work in advertising and expecting my first child this coming April. Drop me a line if you have a moment.

Klein, Jordan
Evanston, IL
Hey guys, drop me a line. 

Kramer, Jaime
Hamden, CT

Krutchkoff, Nicholas I. C. 
(updated 4/9/02) 
Howell Township, NJ
Hello, all! I currently own my own private franchise business on the internet. Anyone that wants to say hello, please do!

Lefkowitz, Shane (added 12/30/02)
Christiansburg, VA
I just wanted to get back in touch with as many people as possible. Send me a message. I am doing very well. I have my own business.

Lizzack, Darren
Ithaca, NY
4:20 is the best time of day.

Mangin, Jenn (Married Name: Seymour) (added 7/13/01)
New Milford, NJ 

Markoff, Shira (updated 3/29/99)
New Brunswick, NJ
I am a junior at Rutgers, majoring in History with a minor in English. I would love to hear from any FLHS alumni (especially history majors or graduates who have any career advice!). Please write to me.

Michael, Neil
Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ

Miller, Christie
University Park, PA

Miller, Steven
Yale University
Hi Fair Lawnites! Although I have lots of work to do, e-mail is always welcome! From anyone, about anything, I just like excuses for not doing all my papers!

Munczinski, Jill (Married Name: Bojanowski) (added 12/22/00)
Saddle Brook, NJ
Married Nick Bojanowski in May 2000. 

Pinkhas, Elvira
Poughkeepsie, NY

Reingewirc, Eva (added 2/23/02) 
Hackensack, NJ
Graduated Rutgers with a BA in Psychology going back to school for my PHD in Industrial Organizational Psychology in September. Gettting Married July 2002

Sable, Heather (updated 11/23/02)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Hey, everyone. Now you know how you can contact me :)

Salka, Julie (added 5/13/04)
Morristown, NJ
Hey fellow alums! I just got this website from one of my friends, so here's my update. I graduated Binghamton University in 2000 and am currently pursuing my Master's in Biology at Rutgers. I am working full time in pharmaceutical research. I have been dating the most wonderful guy for the last 2 years, and live in the wonderful city of Morristown. Feel free to drop me a line, I would love to hear from those of you with whom I have lost touch.

Salant, David (added 6/26/02)
Fair Lawn, NJ
I'm having a wonderful time, but I'd rather be whistling in the dark.

Schultz, Sue

Segal, Sara (update 8/6/00)
Cincinnati, OH 
One more year left to go at the University of Cincinnati--Communications major. 

Shapiro, Ilya (updated 12/19/03)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Back in NJ. Anyone looking to hire a PC Technician?

Shnaidman, Debbie
Fort Lee, NJ

Simonowits, Adina
Fairlawn, NJ
well after high school i joined our local fire department. I'd love to hear from everyone so e-mail me. 

Singer, Adam (added 12/22/00)
232 Mill Street
Belleville, NJ 07109
hello everyone, since i got kicked out of school for being homeless i continued on like that for about 2 years workingh anywhere i can just to make enough for food and to live. i got very very sick and lost so much weight that the doctors at the free hospital thought i wouldn't make it. i quit drinking and tryed to keep myself alive. i lived in and out of homes during that period and went through and saw crazy stuff happen. after i reunited with my father i got my G.E.D. and worked with my father in his computer company (martech computing). i put my self through colledge called Rets institute and studied to be a E.E.T. in electronics, i took and passed my A+, mcse, and many other computer certifide tests. now i have my own pc company called AMSComputing. soon i will be opening a store called HardcoreGamer, it will be a role playing game/ video game store but will still keep up with my clients for my PC repair company! its been a long long time guys! i went through alot trying to get here! just remember being homeless or going through ruff times can only make you stronger! i made it and so can you!

Stadler, Elizabeth (Married Name: Fitzpatrick) (updated 9/11/02)
Atlanta, Ga
I was married in Nov '00, had my son Shaun in April '02. I moved to Atlanta where I am substitute teaching. I miss so many of you. I hope to hear from some of you soon!

Wallach, Keith (updated 4/6/03)
Bloomingdale, NJ
--Hey all! I'm currently working in New York City full-time for Fox News Channel. I graduated William Paterson University in May of 2002. If anyone wants to get in touch, send me an email. I hope everyone is doing well.

White, Mike
Williamsburg, VA

Zelizo, Julianne  (updated 3/24/99)
Harrisonburg, VA
Hey everyone, this is your former pres. speaking!!! I would love to hear  how my class is doing. Please e-mail me if you have the time!

Zukerman, Adi
Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA for Industrial Management.

Zuckerman, Neta (Natalie) (added 2/23/99)
Tel-Aviv, Israel
These days I'm a computer programmer in Tel-Aviv... So, if anyone remembers me, get in touch!


Amaya, Cindy (added 5/27/00)
Muhlenberg College PA

Auerbach, Rebecca S. (added 3/27/01) 
Fair Lawn, NJ 
Can you believe that it's almost four years ago that we graduated? I know for me It's been an interesting ride...How about you? Is school the way you thought it would be? What about being out in the real world???? If your not  in school, how about work? Is it great making money and being out on your own? After spending two years at Ramapo College and deciding that it wasn't for me, I am currently working full time for a wholesale tour operator that sells tours to Europe. Yes it's great but no I can't get you a discount on travel :) Now that you know all about me I want to hear from you! Let me know what's going on in your life. Eventually we will get the chance to catch up in person but until then drop me a line. P.S. Keep in mind that a reunion isn't that far away, let me know if you have a suggestions. Take care :) 

Barmash, Inna (added 7/19/99)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Hey guys! Hard to believe, but I sometimes miss those High School days. Especially Nihen's class our senior year, among many others. I'd love to hear from yo'all!

Bernstein, Ari (added 10/9/07)
Bloomfield, NJ
Emory University/ finished at Montclair w/ B.S. in psychology currently working on a Psy. D in Industrial and Organizational Psych

Borer, Jeremy  (added 11/3/99)
Saratoga Springs, NY
Still singing.

Castaldo, Lisa (added 6/11/02)
Fair Lawn, NJ
I finally graduated Montclair State University a few weeks ago with my BS in Accounting. It took me 5 years to complete because I was involved in a bad car accident last year and lost an entire semester that I had to repeat :( Now that I am done with college, I plan on taking a year off to get my back into shape from my car accident, and then I plan on attending graduate school in a year to get my masters in Management and eventually going for my CMA. If any of you see me driving around town in my red Integra, feel free to honk, or drop me an e-mail any time you want. :) See/Talk to you all soon.

Chen, Lin (added 5/15/02)
Rochelle Park, NJ
Hi guys! Haven't heard from you for a while. Drop me a line whenever whatever.

Choi, Yoon (added 5/27/00)
West Point Military Academy West Point, NY

Cotler, Dan (added 1/26/03)
River Edge, NJ
Well, after graduating from Babson College in 2001 with a triple concentration, I moved back to NJ. Took an involuntary year off because I couldnt find a job, and went to Europe for a month. Came back and did a little bartending, a little scouting, a little temping. Then I found a real job last July. I work as a Competitive Analyst (corporate spy...hehehe) for KPMG. I still keep in touch with a few people (Brauer, Khantsis, Landmann, Lior, Debbie W., Kfir, Igal, Olga...they got married!!!!!!!!!) but have been wondering what the others are up to. So...yeah. That's that. If anyone wants to go skiing, let me know.

Ducoat, Raymond (added 1/26/03)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Graduated Rutgers Engineering in 2001 with a Chemical Engineering degree and now working for Merck Pharmaceuticals in their manufacturing divsion. Ilissa Protomastro and I have been dating for over 5 years and we are getting married in October 2003!

Epelman, Igal (added 4/9/02)
Winooski, VT
Olga and I got married this past August. I graduated from Rutgers last May with an Electrical/Computer Engineering degree and am now working for IBM in Vermont as an Engineer/Scientist. Vermont is AWESOME!!! Feel free to email me. In case you're wondering, the wrx in my email refers to my car. 

Giresi, Jennifer (added 10/24/03)
Clifton, NJ

Goldstein, Scott J.,  Esq.(updated 12/6/06)
Randolph, NJ

Gutman, Inna, M.D. (updated 3/22/06)
Buffalo Grove, IL

Kaller, Eleanor (Married Name: Ostrovsky) (updated 11/19/07)
Paramus, NJ
After graduating Babson College with a Finance and Economics degree, it is great to be back in FL. Would love to hear from many of you...drop me a line! 

Keber, Kim (added 12/6/00)
Fair Lawn, NJ

Kestin, Daniel (updated 8/31/01)
New York, NY
I recently graduated from Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary. I currently work as a consultant with IBM Global Services.

Knipe, Daniel (added 12/8/02)
Fair Lawn, New Jersey
I graduated with a degree in Carpentry. I went to college but found out it wasn't for me. I currently work for the state under a school system and I have been there 5 years as a Maintenance Engineer. I am engaged to be married to a wonderful woman. I can't believe its been 5 years that we all graduated! Write me anyone….

Leibowitz, Michele  (added 2/25/02)
Fair Lawn, NJ
I graduated from Rider University in May 2001 and now I am at Seton Hall University working on my master's degree in Psychology.

Leitman, Eric (added 6/16/07)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Hello everyone. I still live in Fair Lawn working as a Fair Lawn Police Officer. I love being a cop in the town I grew up in. I am married and have two beautiful little girls; two years and eleven months. please drop me a line.

Lerch, John (added 5/27/00)
Princeton University Princeton, NJ

Maccarrone, Patrizia (added 3/21/05) Or
Fair Lawn, NJ
Well, it's almost reunion time. Wow, don't we feel old?! I am a graduate of William Paterson University with a degree in Sociology and Criminal Justice. Now, I plan on going back for my Masters in Psychology. I still live here in Fair Lawn and what can I say, hopefully I'll get to see all of you at the reunion, hope everyone is doing well.

Mozaffarian, Mana DMD (updated 10/24/07)
Burlingame, CA
Finally all done with school!!! I just moved to California and miss the east coast very much. I am very excited to be coming back for the reunion. Can't believe it's been 10 years!

Mykulak, David (added 5/27/00)
Villanova University, PA

Noceti, Laraine (added 5/27/00)
The College of New Jersey Ewing, NJ

Nussman, Jay M. (added 6/3/01)
Fair Lawn, NJ

Owens, Sean M. (added 9/19/04)
Fair Lawn, NJ

Pasuit, Mike (added 5/27/00)
The College of New Jersey Ewing, NJ

Press, Elliot B. (added 3/21/02)
West Point Military Academy
Enlisted in the Army - spent a total of 3 years active duty before being selected to attend West Point. Currently I am at  the United States Military Academy at West Point and a member of the class of 2004.

Protomastro, Ilissa (added 7/14/00)
Fair Lawn, NJ

Rochman, Michael M. (updated 5/22/03)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Well, after deciding that college wasn't for me and floating around for 5 years, I decided I had to get a real job. I am now the catering manager at Panera Bread in Paramus. I hope life is treating you all well. Congratulations to anybody that may have gotten married, had any kids, found a career they really like. Feel free to email me if anybody wants to. Well if I don't see you before then see you in 5 at our reunion.

Schimpf, Amanda  (added 6/23/01) 

Fair Lawn, NJ 
Uh...hi. I just graduated with a degree in English, and now I'm on my way to grad school. I guess I really don't have much to say except...Keep on keepin' on, and somebody drop me a line sometime -- I love getting mail. 

Timpone, Joseph (added 4/9/02)
Fair Lawn, NJ

Vogel, James (updated 5/19/04)
Ewing, NJ
Manager in Retail. Ran in professional circuit for a while, now coaching at Truman High School in PA. Sorry Laps.

Weinraub, Kfir C. (added 4/29/10)
Fair Lawn, NJ
After growing up in Fair Lawn, I'm now raising my family in Fair Lawn.  What a surprising but wonderful circle of life.  I hope all our Alums are doing well - feel free to reach out.

Willis, Kristen (added 4/24/01) 
Fair Lawn, NJ 


Amicucci, Nicole (added 10/3/02)
Cockeysville, MD
I am still at Towson University, but eventually graduate to become a teacher!
I hope that you all are doing well! Miss you! :)

Berkoff, Ross A. (updated 6/24/02)
Fort Knox, KY
I graduated from Tulane University in May '02, with a BA in History and Political Science. I am now a Second Lieutenant in the U.S. Army temporarily stationed at Fort Knox. In December '02, I will move to Fort Drum, NY - the 10th Mountain Division - for a 3 year assignment as a cavalry scout platoon leader. I would love you hear from all of you, so keep me posted.

Berkowitz, Bryan (added 7/24/01)
Rochester Institute of Technology, NY

Carti, Mike (added 6/26/04)
Pine Brook, NJ
Just finished school in December.....and now working for the family business......drop me a line if ya want.....

Cingire, Anthony (updated 7/30/02)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Done with Rider University in May 2002 with my Accounting Degree. I want to get out, but the real world won't be any easier. Feel free to e-mail to talk

Gadot, Ravit (added 6/23/01) 
Fair Lawn,. NJ 
I'm still at Montclair State and I'll be living in California for the summer. If Ross has anything to do with it, we'll be seeing each other in two years!!! Drop me a line if you want. 

Carti, Mike (added 8/7/01)
Bryant College

Herron, Emily (added 5/27/00)
Lehigh University Lehigh, PA

Kagan, Luba (added 9/24/00)
Columbia University: New York, NY

Khan, Amna (added 11/7/99)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Hey guys! Hopefully, if someone I know is reading this dont, hesitate and just email me. Surprisingly I miss those high school days and friends that are no longer in touch. Anyway, take care all and good luck to class of 2000! Happy New Year!

Kourkoumelis, Christian G. (updated 7/31/02)
Fort Collins, CO
I hope everyone's doing well. Those of you who got your commissions, Good Luck and Godspeed. I hope to see you out there. Keep in touch.

Melzer, Marc Aaron (added 10/2/00)
Princeton University, Princeton, NJ

Metzler, Cheryl (added 7/14/00)
College Park, MD
I'm pursuing at BA in Criminology/Criminal Justice at University of Maryland, and will hopefully be out of there in 2002.

Poon, Paul (added 4/4/01)
Hoboken, NJ
I'm at Stevens Institute of Technology and will be graduating with a Computer engineering degree along with a minor in Electrical engineer and Philosophy. I am currently working at BD as a field sales management support analyst. Anyways good luck to you all and feel free to send me an email sometime. 

Reiffe, Mathew (added 7/19/00)
New Brunswick, NJ
Right now I am a finance major, and a music minor at Rutgers. I have just rented my first house and if anybody ever wants to party, let me know.

Shah, Samir (added 2/6/01)
Fair Lawn, NJ
I'm at Rutgers College in New Brunswick. I'm majoring in Molecular Biology & Biochemistry and doubling with Economics. Plans are for medschool, lets see what happens.

Tedeschi, John (added 11/18/98)
New Brunswick, NJ
Just wanted to post something here... just in case I'm not the only person from my class that visits the Fair Lawn webpage. Anyway, if you know me, go ahead and drop me a line whenever. See you all later. 

Thor, Adam (updated 10/28/03)
Fair Lawn, NJ
I am working for the U.S. Department of Defense professionally, after recently receiving an Honorable discharge from the United States Navy in August 2003. When not working, I am studying for my Master's at the University of Maryland. I received my Bachelor's of Science from Maryland in May 2002, while I served in the United States Navy in Washington, DC. With the Navy, I served 2 1/2 years at the Pentagon, then 2 years in Norfolk, VA aboard the USS George Washington. I recently returned home from the Middle East, where I served in the latest Gulf War.

Zino, Chantelle (added 6/27/02)
Fair Lawn, NJ
Recently transferrred from Towson U. to Ramapo College....Literature major....ALMOST DONE!!!


Agate, Amol (added 11/19/02)
Rutgers College, New Brunswick NJ
I'm attending the Rutgers Business School, obtaining my Bachelor of Science in Marketing. I hope everyone is doing well! Best of luck to everyone in their future endeavors. Feel free to drop me a line.

Citrin, Michelle (added 11/18/01)
Douglass College, New Brunswick NJ
I'm studying Political Science/minoring in Psychology and Music at Douglass College and pursuing as a singer/songwriter/musician, touring around NJ/NY Check out my page for latest updates/gigs/downloadable mp3s

Donatacci, Daniel (added 4/21/03)
Purchase, NY
I'm graduating in May of next year with a BA in Creative Writing from SUNY Purchase, and plan to go on to graduate school in either the same thing or in psychology. Anyone who wants to say hey, feel free, I check my email often :-)

Englander, Andrew (added 11/25/02)
Fair Lawn, NJ

Friedman, Lauren (Married Name: Wexler) (added 11/5/05)
Long Island New York
I graduated from Hofstra University in 2003, and I taught seventh grade for two years. In February of 2004 I met my husband. We got engaged August 5, 2004, and just married a year later on August 21,2005. I am currently settling into married life, and teaching third grade. I hope all of you are doing well.

Gonias, Jason (added 11/18/01) 
Edison NJ 
I'm at Rutgers, going for a major in finance and econ minor. Hope everyone's been doing well, and if anyone wants, feel free to drop me a line. 

Marusic, Sandra (added 5/8/03)
Long Island, NY
I'm going to be graduating in Dec 03 with a Bachelor in Marketing at SUNY Old Westbury, in Long Island, New York. I am also getting ready to be married in May 2004 to my boyfriend of 5 years. I hope everyone is doing well. Feel free to contact me if you wish. Take care!

Schwab, Jason (updated 6/6/04)
Los Angeles, CA
To bring you up to speed: Interned in LA for my final semester of Emerson College, went back to Boston to graduate (2003), moved to LA, and now I'm living in LA and working in film as much as I can. I just finished working on my second "official" Hollywood gig, as a production assistant at the editing room for a TV movie called "The Wool Cap," which will be on TNT in November-December. I maybe traveling east this coming August or September, so if anyone wants to catch-up, drop me an email!

Schwimmer, Mike (added 8/8/01)
Fair Lawn, NJ

Tintle, Evan Erin (added 7/20/03)
Weehawken, NJ

Hi everyone! I just graduated from Vassar College with a double-major in Drama and Music. Yes, I'm still acting, singing, and writing...right now I'm teaching ESL in the city part-time while I go on auditions and shop around for Grad schools. BTW, I love work, so if you have some for me, sock it to me: I teach Voice Lessons, sing at churches and weddings, and will act in almost anything. Hope y'all are happy and healthy! Mad props to all Masques, my morning announcement buddy Schwabilus, and the Hippie Grass Circle (it's not what you think.)

Vedder, Scott (added 10/24/02)
Orlando, FL
After a brief stint at Bergen Community College, and an even more brief stint Off-Off-Off Broadway, I decided... I'm going to Disney World. I am now a Front Desk Manager at the world's second largest resort: Disney's All-Star Resort!!! (I know you band people remember it!) Life is great here in sunny Florida, but as a transplanted Southerner, I must admit I do shout out a "y'all" every once in a while. I plan to return to college (On Mickey's Tab) this year. If you're going to be in O-Town, drop me a note, but no, there are no free park tickets in your future!

Verno, Aharon (added 11/21/02)
Boston, MA
Brief Statement I'm currently in my last year at Berklee College of Music in Boston. After that I'm going to probably be living up here in Boston and playing with my band named Everpresent ( Anyone who wants to get in touch with me can call my cell phone. The number is (857)-498-0697.

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