Healing and Empowering Your Space and Your life!

Fast and Permanent Clearance of "Sick" Homes

For thousands of years dowsers, diviners and ancient engineers have known it as "toxic earth." Today it is known as Geopathic Stress. It comes quietly, secretly without home or office owners knowing anything about it. The first signs can be an unexplained aches, sleeplessness, perhaps a headache, a feeling of being dizzy, tripping over an invisible object. In spite of doctors, prescriptions, pain relievers, the condition does not go away. You get depressed and declare "something is wrong with this house: it's sick."

Chances are it’s a geopathic stress zone that has developed often deep in the earth beneath a house, an apartment, an office or store.

Geopathic stress manifests when natural earth energies become distorted. Positive energy turns negative and toxic. Simply explained, water veins, sometimes only a few inches wide, flow over clay, certain minerals or broken rocks. This condition creates a negative energy flow towards the surface. Some people call them "toxic rays".

Prolonged exposure is harmful not only to humans but cats and dogs, other pets, horses and farm animals.The most common signs of Geopathic stress on farms are increased mortality particularly in offspring, dwindling milk production and an upsurge in infectious diseases. Geopathic stress is known to reduce the effectiveness of the immune system in all living creatures including humans.

Even as we write this, scientists in Europe and India are studying geopathic stress zones as responsible for high accident areas on city streets and highways.

Now there is relief in sight – and it’s available for application anywhere in the world.


It is known as Remote Energy Finders and Healers. Robert uses and teaches this ancient and sacred technique to discover hundreds of leylines, geospirals in his studies of beneficial Earth energies and described them in his book “Chasing the Cosmic Principle.” He also found that negative and harmful energies – geopathic stress zones -- can be located and remotely and permanently neutralized anywhere in the world.

If you wish your property to be checked and in the event a geopathic stress zone is found, it will be cleared.

Important: During the process the client must be readily available to some basic questions via email or phone and confirm charts and photographs sent via email. Mine is robert.egby@yahoo.com.


Please email your name and the address you wish checked. Please take a moment to explain why you feel the property is being violated by harmful energies. If it is an apartment, describe which floor and in which side of the building you live.

We will check the building and if no harmful energies such as geopathic stress zones are found you will be informed. If, on the other hand there is a harmful energy zone, we will email you a map of the building showing the zone.

At this point, if you wish to continue we would ask for a free-will donation of $35.00 to be paid to Robert Egby at Paypal or you can mail a check to Robert Egby, 13 Wynwood Drive, Pemberton, NJ 08068. This is appreciated but not mandatory. We will still clear your property FREE with our Blessings.

Incidentally, Donations received for clearings will help in research and publishing our current book project that specifically targets the geopathic stress zones situation, and provide information for the many people who are innocently suffering and indeed dying from this dangerous phenomenon. The book is called: "The Silent Killer Below: Hunting and Healing Geopathic Stress." Click here to buy or see the book. It is loaded with case histories.


Our clearing process does take several hours, identifying the property, asking and answering questions before the clearing takes place. When the property is cleared, normally within a day or perhaps two days, we would ask that you describe differences experienced by yourself and any people afflicted by the zone. Such information may be used anonymously in further books on geopathic stress zones being considered by Robert. The general communication modality is email, although in certain cases the phone may be used. If you do feel more comfortable using the phone call 609-351-5878 in the evening hours.


Once the negative energy in your home has been transmuted into a positive and beneficial state you and your family should notice a distinctly lighter atmosphere – almost as if a “sick presence” has been removed, which it has. It all depends on how long and how much suffering was caused by the presence of geopathic stress.

If such conditions as insomnia, headaches, unexplained aches, tiredness, and general discomforts were caused by geopathic stress zones, they will simply fade away within a few days, sometimes overnight. If your immune system has been weakened to the point that a major affliction has set in, removal of the geopathic stress will ease the pressure and increase chances of making some measure in good health if not complete recovery.

For those who never suffered mentally or physically but simply wished “a presence” to be removed from the home or office, you may or may not notice a difference in the atmosphere. In many cases visitors who drop by will notice the change first. Psychically or intuitively sensitive people will normally notice the change right away.

Although there are no side effects to clearing a geopathic stress zone, as the atmosphere loses its toxicity, household members may experience colorful dreams and a strange sense of Being. It never lasts long. One oddity that may occur if there is a family member suffering a catastrophic disease: they may complain that “something is wrong” or “whatever you’ve done, I don’t like it.” Do whatever you can to relax the person with music, talk or even meditation.

One more thing: Ninety-nine per cent of the people who recognize they might have a "sick home" and get in touch with our program are women. As most men don't like to ask for directions anywhere, it seems the male species does not like to ask for help in dealing with geopathic stress -- this, in spite of the fact it's causing hurt, sleepless nights, frustration and poor health in the family. We are here to help and distance is no problem. Our whole object is healing and raising the energy of your home -- your space to positive and uplifting levels.

Email me now at robertegbydowser@gmail.com

Buying a book or making a donation? Here's the link.

Robert at Paypal

Testimonials from Satisfied Clients


Learn more about the effects of this toxic and harmful energy:Are You Sleeping in a Safe Place?

You wish to learn about dowsing, please check our “Events” page at Workshops and Events Page

Robert’s books on dowsing, self-help spiritual, plus historic novels can be found at Robert's Book Page

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